Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 09, 1905, Image 6

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    The AJvtnturc of Hie Mx
i (' n ' iini-i i
A I'.usli or color sprang to iioinu pan
chocks, and In IkiwciI to u llki tin
ina-dor dramatist who receives the
homage of liis uudieuiv. It was nt
mtch moments that f r nn Instant In
ccasisl t be a reason ill!? machine and
betrayed his human love for admiration
and siiilHUii'. Tin samo slnirulaily
proud and reserved nature which turn
td away with disdain frinn inu!;ir no
toni ty was capable of bcins: moved to
its depths ly spontaneous wonder and
praise from a friend.
"Yes. gvntlemon." said he, "It Is tlt
most fuaious pearl now existing ill tlu
world, and it has boon my khI for
tune, by a conmctcd chain of induc
tive re.i.-onin::. to tract It from tin
Prince of t'olouua'.s bedroom at the
Daere hotel, when it was lost. U the
Interior of this, the last of the nix
busts of Napoleon which were manu
fact tired by tickler & t'o. of Stepney.
You will remetnUT. U'strade. the sen
sation caused by the disappearance of
this valuable Jewel aud the vain efforts
of the Loiiilou Hliii to recover It. I
was myself consulted upou the case,
but I was unable to throw any light
upon It Suspicion fell ujmju the maid
of the princess, who was an Italian,
and it was proved that she had a
brother in London, but we failed to
trace any connection between them.
The maid's name was Lucretla Veuue
cl, and there is no doubt In my mind
that this rietro who was murdered
two nights ago was the brother. I
have been looking up the dates in the
old files of the parT. aud I find that
the disappearance of the pearl was
exactly two days before the arrest of
Beppo for some crime of violence an
event which took place in the factory
of Gelder & Co. at the very moment
when these busts were being made.
Now you clearly see the sequence of
events, though you see them, of
course, in the Inverse order to the way
in which they presented themselves
to me. I'.eppo had the pearl iu his
possession. He may have stolen it from ,
rietro. he may have been Pietro's con- j
federate, he may have been the g- i
between of Pleura and his sister. It is
of no consequence to us which Is the
correct solution. '
"The main fact is that he had the j
pearl, ami at that moment, when It was ;
on his persou, he was pursued by the j
police. He made for the factory in
which he worked, and he knew that be j
had only a few minutes In which to
conceal this normously valuable prize,
which would otherwise be found on
him when be was searched. Six plas
ter casts of Napoleon were drying In
the passage. One of them was still
soft In an instant Beppo, a skillful
workman, made a small bole In the
wet plaster, dropped In the pearl and
wltn a rew toucnes covered over tne
aperture once more. It was an ad
mirable hiding place. No one could
possibly find It. But Beppo was con
demned to a year's imprisonment, and
In the meanwhile his six busts were
scattered over London. He could not
tell which contained his treasure. Only
hr hrenkin them could he see. Lven
Bhakinir would tell him nothing, for as
the plaster was wet It was probable j
that the pearl would adhere to it, as, in .
fact. It has don. P.epi-o did not de-
gpair. and he conducted his search with i
considerable Ingenuity and iierscxer-1
Through a cousin who works ,
Colder he found out the retail
firms who had bought the busts. lie
managed to find employment with I
Mor-e Hudson and iu tluit way track
ed down three of them. The pearl was
li-it there. Then, with the help of some
Italian employee, he succeeded iu find
ing out where tin? other three bust had
gone. '1 he first was at llarker's. There
In? was dogged by hi-i confederate, who
held lleppo responsible for the loss of
tin: pearl, and In? slabbed him in the
fs.-uM!.- whieh followed."
"If he was bis confederate, why
fchouH he curry his photograph? I ask
ed. "As a iiic.'iiH of tracing hirn if he
wl-hed to inquire about him from any
third person. That was the obvious
reason. Well, after U.e murder I cal
culated that Ueppo would probably
hurry rather than delay his move
ments. He would fear that the police
would read his secret, and so he has-
tetie-l ou before they should get ahead !
of him. Of course I could not say that
he had not found the pearl In Harker'a I
bust. I had not even concluded for j
certain mat 11 was tne pean, out 11
wiis eviuei.i 10 me mat, lie was jook
lng for something, since he carried
the bust past the other bouses In
miler to break it In the crarden which
Lad a lamp overlooking It. Since ',HF'er 'Ujli''ed. in Lake County, Ore
Ilarker's bust was one In three, the ! t?on, and chosen for that purpose by said
chances were exactly as I told you
two to one against the pearl being in
side It. ITi ere remained two busts,
and It way obvious that be would go
for the Loudon one first I warned the j
luuiatea 01 nit? uuuse, nu an lo avuiu a
hv.'cond tragedy, and we went down
with thb happiest results. By that
time, of course, I knew for certain
that It was the Porgia pearl that we 'or the county of Lake, with the seal of
were ufter. The name of the murder- snid Court aflixed, this IJKth day of Octo
ed 1111' a linked the one event with the j her, A. I). I'JO.'i. , .
other. There only remained a single I -J hkal
bu:-.t, Uie Reading one, and the pearl j '
mast ha Uiere. I bumrht it In your I Attkbt: A. V. Maniuno, Clerk.
pivM'l c fro. thv ov, 1:1 v, and there It
We i.r.t In vKciice l'r a moment.
"Wed," s.i'd I ct.ade, "I've seen you
liaiii'.l a K i I many cues, Mr. II. hues,
but I Jon t know that I ever knew a
more one than thai.
We're not Jealous of you nt
Yard. No, sir: we tire very proud of
von. a .1.1 If you conic ihiMi loum Tow
there's not a man, front the oldest In
spector to the youngest constable, who
wouldn't be glad to shake you by the
"Thank you," said Holmes. "Thank
you." And lis he turned away It seem
ed to mo that he was more nearly
moved by the softer human emotions
than 1 had over seen hint. A moment
later he was the cold nnd practical
thinker ouce more. "Put the pearl In
the safe, Watson." said he. "and get
out the papers of the t'ouk Singletou
forgery case, 'ioodby. J.estrado. If
any little problem wines your way I
Khali b- happy, if 1 can. to give you a
hint or two as to Its solution."
T'-i ;
W1I.ii I
i..ver r I rk I t !n
;.t " lo : i :i - m.m ns
it she i mi ll tiie v.nrk
and let aim
hunt, tliii- iuro
v-a be "'in; ' i
- . r lit r . nir
u'WV that' wan t
' '. V V5 great remedy lor
' i YjjA female weak-
t'l. I H lir U 3
the same Mut
rallcd ltlu t'o
hh In his" Fa
vorite Prescrip
tion skillfully
combined Willi
other asenls
. v"' 5 ,iwC7'y. mure etlctfve
v" and protert tlio
v,- stomach from
functional clitiirhanre.
Is no; nor ever was a "patent nu diclm'."
tint it is the carefully wrmielit out and
thoroughly tested roil 'rci-iitiin of a
rrnl pi'xiWmi iu a mil imivtht.
Ir. Pierce's u'lparalleinl success with
t!ds remedy was such that mure wanted
to iim it than any one doctor could attend
to in a private "practice. This induced
him to manufacture It on a siifliciently scale to meet the demand.
l'.v his own sH-cial priK-es-es, ho ex
tract", eiituliiiies nnd pre-erves the niedi
ciual qualities of the several inirrediciil
wit hunt the uvi .f ali'ohnl ui-ing chem
ically pure it! iierine Instead), thus ren
dering it absolutely safe fur any woman
of any ace and in anv condition to use
freely'. Tlienamesof the ingredients are:
Lady's Slipier nKit. Black t'ohosh nnit.
I ' 1 1 ii-i irn riMit. llliie Cohosh riMit and
Golden Seal root.
Miss May Rohrhack. No. 73 Amsterdam
Avenue. New Y'ork Citv, Treasurer ot the
Woman's Progressive Cnion, writes :
"I had headache, tiackai'lie. and was very
nervous : scarcely able to hlccp more than
two hours at a time. I was aiivlst-d to try
lr. Pierce' Favorite Prescription, and was
delighted with the result. Within a week I
was sleeplna splendidly. Continued uslnir
the ' Favorite Prescription ' for eiirht weeks,
and then stopped, for I was perfectly rtlL
Ever since then your medicine bas been my
'Favorite PreM-riptloo,' too. I recomnietid
It to every one."
Constipation although a little III, be
fets big ones If neglected. Dr. Ptercn'a
'leasant Pellets cure constipation.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Lake.
In the matter of the Estate
of K. II. (iitibiriH, ilevHeed:
and alno of the partnerrl.ip ol
Hartiog & Gibluna.
To nattje Oihbini., Uohc llrilen, J. V.
, ;il)1)il(J( Kya iib,linH ,, Mili.
f iiMA deceased,
. ...
fea-e l, ( Jreet.n.
Jn H'e name ot the Mate nt Oregon,
you. are hereby cited and rc.pi.ed to ap
pear in the ( oiinty Court of the Slate of
Oregi.', for the County of Lake, at the
Court room theieof, at Lakeview, in the
County of Luke, on Saturday, the 1'ith
day of January, Plini. at in i,c
forcm-iiu of that day, then 'here In
Hhoiv cau.-e, if any exists, why i-i, older
ol i-aie i.ftl.e real property Li-loii.-iiig to
t ie I'.u Uier-liip of HART1 (i ,v i;i;;.
LIN-, played for in the Peutioii of l',d
w in Hiirt.og, the Administrator of said
Li-tate, and al-o of sai l Part nershi
heretofore, filed herein, rhould in.t be
inade, haid real property benu descrili
ei us followH, to-wit: (,'oinnienciiig .'!()
feet List of the South-west corner of
Lot Four, of Section Nineteen, in T. 41
S., R '.'1 -:. of Willamette Meridian, in
Lake County, Oregon, and thence run-
-N"rlt' Seventy feet; theme Kant
One Hundred Ninety-two feet and Nine
inchcH ; thence South Seventy feet;
thence Went One Hundred Ninety-two
ft.el an,i siue inches to the place of be-
This Citation is published in the
Administrator), for four successive
week., by order of Hon. 11. Duly, Judge
of the County Court of Oregon, for Lake
County, duly made and entered on Octo-
,Jfcr mhf 1905f a1(J the daUj of lhe fir8l
publication hereof is November 2nd 1905.
Witkksh, the Hon. II. Daly, Judge of
the County Court of the State of Oregon,
Nothing lias ever equalled it.
.Nothing cm ever turpuss it.
Or. King's
r f
r Discovery
varMPTIII! 9.U.
oils and Mr A II M
l.l SBC !.
A Perfect lor All Throat nnd
Cure: I. ung Troubles.
Mon. bach If It (!. Trial Bottlai fr-.
oi l it i i. in itn ion
',, ,1,1,1,1 1 llisxlnre K"''eU
. in- I r. -nt' ill
Vrrelsr y ot stale
secietarv id Trenrjr . .
Sii-n-lar)- ol W ar . . .
Atlnnny liiiursl
l'Mnattr liencral
Sei-relarjr el N '
sis retary Interior
Soeretary of Aurleultiire
Si-creiary ot t'oitimcrce
'.'ISO . I- Hi rl-Htl k
John May
Ij l'e M Misw
. . . . Win. M. Tall
. . Win. II M.uMy
iis. II. l orti'l on
. . I'm n I Morion
.. K. A. Illti'licis k
. . .Uini-a W Uiii
V. f. Men all
U.u.-rni.r lien. It. I haniN rUln
s Jii.Um- r. A. M.Hire
secretary of State ... .
Uloriu jt lieneral
supt. public Inniriii'lliin
K. I. iMinliar
'. H. MiMiru
, . A. 14.1'rawlonl
. J. II . Arkrrinaii
.... J. R. W hitney
. J, W. Hal'-y
I J. H Mtlehell
I'. W. Kul ion
I MiliK r llrrmaii
jj. N.W IIIUiiixiii
Dairy anil KixhI IVm
f. S. St-na'nri
roiigreaninen .
ju,lKt. . H.I.. Beimiin
Joint Senator Jhn A. Urine a
! K.K.I. Stellier
J,.nn 8. Mimik
Atiormy ..W.J. Mix.ri-
Ju.Ihh ""iy
rii-rk A- w- Manrliik
siu-rin K. K. klneharl
rnaaiirer ' ' Ani.irom
hisil Siiit
sur !) ir
W. I. ,.i
j. q. w linn
r. K. MiHre
I v A i iirrli r
( f. W. iHIll
Sim k limiieetur.
J. K. riarkwui lor lii hi I prool, Ih-nert pfool-,
tiiulier land final proofs and blmik iilli
davits for Mppli-'atioiis for read vert i
nieiits, 1-1. ink witness' atliilnvils, etc nt
The Kx.innncr olli e. tf
lei-rl l.uiid Mnal I'm I.
! I'nited Male Land Oflice. I.akeieu,
Orevioii, October 'J5, 'J0.V Notice is
i hereby given that Johanna C. Crump
of Adel, Lake County. Oregon, has tiled
notice of intention to make proof on bin
desert-land claim No. 441, for the lob
lowing dencribed unnurveyed lands, to
w it : Commercing t'.ln'2rtt.' cMt
corner of the XVV 'of W 1 4 Jjf Sect ion
34TTowimliip35 S.i. '4 K.Ttf M.'and
running thence jnorthne-ljalfiiiilT;
them e' eaiil one-fourth mile; thence
north 53 chains to the water's edge ol
ChristmaB Lake to the north-east comer
of the NW'-4 of ail Section 34 ; thence
West to the place of eginning, which
when nurveyed, will lie, presumably,
the Ka' NV,4' anil Lots 1, '2, 3 and 4,
Section 27 and It 8 of Section '22, in T
38 S., K 24 K., W M., in Jke Coiiniy,
Oregon, lie'ore llegister and Receiver at
Lakeview, Oregon, on Monday, the 1 1th
day of Ilecemlier, P.HI'i. j
He name! the following witnet-Hes to j
prove the complete irrigation and rccla- 1
ination .f said land: Oakley (lark,
Michael Lane, Win. Lane and .J.diii ;
Harry all of Adel, Oregon.
II -IS J. N. Watson. Kcgirn-r.
I I l It Kit I, I II I I ( K.
I'niled States Land Office, Lukcvicv,
On-got., O.-t. IU, l'.IO-l. Not ice i hereby
uiven that in compliance with lhe pro
vi-intix of t he act of Cmigre-H of June .'I,
1 S7S, ent it led "A II act for t lie ha I e of I i oi
lier lands in the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Ter
ritoiv," us extended to all the I'ii'-Ih
Land Stales by a t of August I, Is'.iJ.
Marshall W. Rowen, of O-hkosh, count)
of Winnebago, Slate of Wis., ha tins
day filed in thisolliee his sworn state
merit No ,'f(llli, for tie purchase of 1 1. e
SVV4 of Section No. 3 in Township No.
35 s', R No. 17 II., W. M., ami will oli. r
proof to show tli-.t the land sought i
more valuable for its timber or stone
than fur agricultural purposes, and to
establish Lis claim to said land before
Register and Receiver at Lakeview, Ore.
011 Friday, the l'-d day of December,
l',)05. He names as witnesses :
Jensu C. Cravens, of Klamatli Kails,
Ore., James II. Loyd atnl Irvin Ander
son of Llvi Oregon and CIiiih. W. Km
body of Portland, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are request
ed to file their claims in this oflice on
or before said 2'.'d day of Dec. 1905.
42-51 J. N. WatHon, Regiuter.
final I'roof.
Land Oflice at Lakeview, Oregon,
Dec. 1st, 1905. Notice is hereby given
that the following named settler has
tiled notice of his intention to make
final proof Iu support of his claim, ami
that said proof will lie made before
Register and Receiver at Lakeview Ore
gon, on October 'JO, 1!05. vizi Ri"hanl
K. Lee, lid. Kntry No. 2205, for the Wj
Ntt Hi N W HWli NK4, Bee. 32,
T 38 S., It. 2 K W. M. He names the
following witnesses to prove his contin
uous resilience upon and cultivation of
said land, viz: Montz Curry, Taylor
Metzker, of Lakeview, Oregon.
43-47 ;f'.r C. U. Snider, Receiver.
0 A. WIIIPM, M. I.
I llHM I t Mill Ml lll.tll (S
Paisley, irrgon.
l it' f j J i t i . ' f .
lilt T V II I I.
Ih Klrlan mid aui a in
OKt H'K - New I'nlV lllllhtlllK.
I . r t
lllllllil) Ml l
l.llki Vlett. Uri'lHI
Hi Ml I - lull lliiiltliiiii
I. II r'. Tlt
IjohI Mallrra wprlaltj
OKMi K Paly lliiltitliiii.
rai-h lii ililli Iu .Mbmmiii- llsll. bi . m. t
K HUM Y. I inmiil I iiiiiliiainl. r. (
V. N. Uvil taii, rlerk.
I.O. O. t. meets thv Ul ami :l.l Thnra- ?
day rvpnliiKS of pai-h In.mlh 111 llihl Kfl- )y
lows' Hall. UkPVlew. H. K. AlllTMoM. V
f. P., W. J. Mix . UK. KrrllH-. J
TUIC OIDCD U kri.ton flleal K.r fuaa'i
llllo rArLn rll.lii A.-iii- l.'l Han
aomr Hi reel, Han Kranrlx-o, (al.. where
roiiirai-ls for a.lverlliiliiK ran b uiadf tor II
O ul.arrltx'ra to lhe Kiaiiiln. r who r.-movr
Iniin nn liM-allty 10 auoihrr. ur haui
Iheir alortl.-i. a..r-aa Inmiil r. m.-lnlM-r in
itrnp thl i.ltlrr a i-ar.l an Hi.-lr ai.r ran b a. I
drraaeit to Itie rlkhl mati.ttll-v.
4 nlrl ollrr.
Depnrtiuent of the Interior, l'nite.1
Stales I.Hlid Ollu e lit Lakeview, Oregon,
October M, llr!l5.
A sutticicnt contest afli.hivit hiiviug
Is-en filed in thit ollice by Jeae C.
Cravens, coiitestaut against lloineatead
Lntry Nu. '2755, made September 12,
PMC,' f..r SKU Nwt,, L', Sn'i Swt, Sw',.
Sii'tion 1.1, Tow lislnp 31 S., Range 17 K.
by (iustiive AiiderHon. conleti-e, iu
wliich it is alleged that Oustave Ander
son bus wholly abandoned the Hid
bouiestcMd, mid has not resided on, cul
tivated, or improved the since as re
quired by law ; that said Oustave An
demon did not establish a residence on
said land within six months from date
cl entry , and all the default herein set
forth continue to this date, and that
raid alleged absence from the ftaid land
was not due to his employment in the
army, Navy or Marine Corps of the
United States as a private soldier, officer,
seaman, or marina, daring the war with
Spain, or during any other war in which
the United Slates may tw engaged.
Said parties are hereby notified to a
ear, resrxind and offer evidence touch
ing said allegation at 10 oclock a. in. on
Novemlier 25, 1905, In-fore lhe Register
and Receiver at the United Slates Land
Office in Lakeview, Oregon.
The said contestant having, in a prop
er affidavit, tiled October 7, 1905, set
forth lads, which show thai after due
diligence personal service of this notice
can not be made, it is hereby ordered
and direeted thai such noli -e be given
bv due and proper publication.
1 v n- i... I
If You arc not Particular
don't travel over the 1 lliuois Cent ral,
as anv old road w ill do you nnd we dont
want lour patronage; but if you are
particular no. 1 want 1 he best aud mean
to have it. ask the ticket agent to route
you via the ILLINOIS ( 'KNTRA I., the
road t hat runs: through solid vestibule
I rains Let ween St . I 'mil , Oinalia, Chicago,
St.Loiii-., Memphis, and New Orleans.
No iiddil ional charge is made for a scat
in our reclining chair cum which are
fitted with lavatories and smocking
rooms, and have ft porter in attendance.
are the lowest and we will be glad to
iuote them in connection with any
transcontinental line
I!. II. Trumbull, Commercial Agent,
142 Third Street, Portland Ore.
J. C. Lindsey, T. 1'. it P. A., 142
Third Street, Portland, Ore.
Paul 11. Thompson. Krt. A Passenger
Agent, Column J'.lilg., Seattle, Wash.
IIcm-iI IjiuiI f inal I'rtMif.
United Stales Land Oflice, Lakeview,
Oregon. Octoler 23, 1905.
NOTICK is hereby givi n that J'rank
Howard of Lakeview, Oregon, lias filed
notice of intention to make proof on his
desert-land claim No 432, for the H
Nh wJi HK and 8 Eft HK1, sec. 32, tp.
3H K., R. 17 K., w. m., before Register
and Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on
Monday, the 4th day of December, 1905.
lie names the following witnesses to
prove the complete irrigation and recla
mation of said land :
VV. R. I Iamersley, of Lakovieiv Ore
gon; william Palton.of Ply, Oregon, aud
william- Dykeman aud waller Howard,
of Lakeview, Oregon. J. N. watson,
43 47 Register.
Ban tl. ,h9 Kind Yuu Have Always Bought
fToODIfll OF Th7wOR?D -sTl
Misla on Dip M ami 4th Wi-ilnrwlav of "
l o lake eflei t ,
Tin nlny, A .r I .IWI"
Nn. I
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in L'.ain.l.v . I'lnmaa A .4 on m am
II Jo a ni l.v.. Vllilun Aril l.'l niS lni
IJ -e,inll.v.B.t k uh.Arlj '-ir ,7 Man
IJ..anil l.v lalrvlllrAr I .m 7 00 am
Trrmo,- lor I akrvli-w, Calali r ami I Inah. firi.
ami Kl. 111. to 1-11. l akr I lly J i.larvlllr, Ailln
Alluraa ami HI.-Iht. I'alll.
Iim si.Yiiiia. - lor siamllah ami Siiaanvlll
Ihtvlr. - fur Mill.. r.l, lani-avllle ami lluntln
vllle, Calif.
Vlntoii.- lor Uralioii. pow nlrvlllr and f'atad-lH-ll'a
Hut Hrltia, l alll.
Bi-ckwlth.-lnr lirnrai. 1 vlorvlllr ami lirorn
vlllr. I'alll.
I'lalrvlllf.-M.ihawk ami '1 Inrjr. Calif.
Rrim,- eiuin.-riliif with M-.. far. Co. lor all
ixuma Ka.l ,V Wrai: V. A T. H. H. lor all j-ilnia
In Effect May 1st, 1905.
l.v. Thrall .. A. M l.v. I'.iki nama l 4'. A V ...' Ar. Pun- m..v.
si. el Hr'K i 4i ' K I'h S.V It 4n "
I-all Cr'k 7 u' 1-alM n-rk II 41
" K I'h Si'k 7 10 " " Slt-t-l llr'ni-U' ii "
I Ui ..a. n Il.-Klia iu Ju I' M
" I'liki-Kaiiia S..H Ihrall .. I.M.'i "
Klamath Springs Special.
l.v. Thrall 1 V. Ml v. Kl'h SpVaj 4'. I'. M
Ar. lingua ... I V. Ar. tall Cr.ekJ .fill "
sie.-l Hr'K-'J.l- mi-el Hr'gi-S ii "
Kali l ri-.-k J.V. " " Itngiia l.til "
kl'h Hp'ga .4i I'hrall .... S.i-'i "
II. K. Bimti, I'rnp'r.
Office In Uicbcr'5 5torc
t-itage leaves lakeview daily, ei
cept Sunday at Ha. m. Arrives
at Aliuras at 0 p. m.
Ieavea Altnras for Lakeview at
ti o'clock a. in., or on the arrival
of the stage from Madeline. Ar
rives in Lakeview iu 12 hours af
ter leaving Alturiis.
Freijjrit . Matter - (iiven
Strict - Attention
lirst - C'ss - Accomodations.
Western . Stage . Line
J. I.. VAIIN, Proprietor.
Office in tinkville Ifotel
klamuth I alia.
Daily from Pokc.'cuiii by Ki no, K lam
ath halls, Dairy, llonaii.a, nnd I'.ly to
Daily from I. like view by l'.ly, I'.onan.a
Dairy, Klamath Kails, Keno, to Pu
kegema. I'rom Klamath I'iiIIh to Keno by
steamer and from Keno to Pokcgema
over the Sunset Kour-l lorse Stage Line.
Good Stock
Easy Coaches
S. L. McNadohton, Prop.
Office at Mercantile Store
Stage leaves Lakeview Mondays, Wed
nestlays and Fridays at 0 a. m., arrives
at Plush at 0 p. in. Leaves Plush Tues
days, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 6
a. in., arrives at Lakeview at 0 p. m.
Passenger fare 3 one way or 5 for
round trip. Freight rales from May
1st to Nov. 1st f . 75; per hundred ; from
Nov. 1st to May M 1.00 per hundred
n ii i
tl ;
t .11