Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 09, 1905, Image 5

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HtMtlonnl local
All purlieu knowing thcmHclvcH
Indebted III 1110 Will pIcilMO cull and
mule tit turn: Lick IIhai.i..
Geo. IVrkliiM, tln IMnc Creek gnrd
ncr and orehardUt, disponed of a
tllg llUtd of flpplcH to J. WfUllcll IflMt
Miiliinliiy. We uti'lrrHiaiiil that Mr.
IVrklnx will go to Chlco till- winter.
SU iiiimi were convicted ami m-nt
to the penitentiary from 'rook coun
ty at the recent term of circuit
court. NotMug but a Mudy of the
whole- Nltuatloii would warrant
F. M. Miller returned TucMilay
from Merrill and Mwnte.guc, where
lie- went to ncll the 7T lncf cattle.
HwniiHon bought WW ulirrn at Merrill
ami Mr. Miller noIiI about :t(M) dry
cown at Montague to Mitchell
Geo. HtttvenHiiud Win. Kuiock utart
eil Monday morning for Kan Fran
cIhco, where they nlIU-hartcrnHpwIal
for MlwMoiirl. George will visit rela
tive In Iowa and Hill will visit In
MUMouri. They exMrt to las k
moMt of the winter.
"Undo Jim" Fottter. John Fontcr
aud Lloyd Hunter came down from
Summer l,aWe Monday. "Uncle Jim"
ciime to prove up on his UiiiImt
claim and the hitter gentleman were
lilt wll iichhch. They Ktarled home
Tueitda.v nfteruooii.
(ieo. Parker, the "bull puncher"
from the Hawkins and Illnehart
muwiiiIH, who Iiiim wielded the "gad"
at thai place for L'U jchi'h and wore
nut ni'ViTiI o trams, caliic tu town
lllft f 111" Wlllv to llMM' II good
t line fur II few I;IT.
( 'lark Ji ii 1 Clifford Johnson, nf
I'aUIiV, who have been pn ispect lug
In the I'.I1 will iiniuiitalii, piiNMcd
through I.akcvlcw Tuesday on their
way home, ( lark believes the iiiIiich
art) Km nl and that Home rich dig
gings will lie Ntrtick there la the
C. S. LovcIchh ha bought the Itey.
noliU warehouse adjoining Ms livery
Htable and leaned the ground on
which It htnudrt and the stable for
three- yearn. Ho will make a barn
out of the warehoiiBO and will have
about twice art much room an he ban
formerly had-
J. D. Venator and L. Vanderpool
returned from 1'rlnevllle TucMilay,
where Venator wiim In attendance
upon t he circuit court and Mr. Vim-
d. i I went to arrange Home IhimI-
iicms mutters before locating here
pi iiiniiM'htlv. He will probably run
the Yenntoi- ranch next year.
Geo. ('nun the Paisley merchant,
piihseil thi'oimh l.aUevlew last week
mi his ret urn to Paisley from San
Fram-lsco, w lu re be went a few
weeks ago to buy guilds. The idgllt
ride frmii M i. I. line tu Alturas was a
disagreeably cnld one, and Mr. Conn
was neatly laid up with a cold when
he as lu re.
What art' your friends s: in ;
about you? Tint your ray
hair makes you look old i
And yet, you '' ,u,t 'or,V pi
Postpone this looking old. g
Hatr Vigor
Use Aver's Hair Vigor and
restore to vnur gray liair all
the deep, dark, rich color of
early life. Then be satisfied.
" kjM't lUIr Vltfnr rratn'i"! Hi nnliirKl
folor to my limy Italr. mul I mil MiwiUy
tilt-Hani. II la nil ymi i'IiiImi fin II
Wild. K. J. VaMiKi All, Mocliunliavllle. .
f I 00 III. Mill.
All III !!
,t. r. A v it n cn
1 iiwhII Mi
is made of Grape
Cream of Tartar
Absolutely Pare.
Makes the food
more Wholesome
and Delicious.
J. (', Oliver m ,i tnoiiM-K . . ute
and winter at fl per month, 40-tf
A. I j. IXckH wiih down from CrooU
ed Creek nevera! ila.v the pant week.
W are now premicl Kit nn'l several
traetM Ihii'I hi priee tliHt ill utartle
you, es-(iBllv If you are niiiuiiileil
with ih? liM'atinii. V Imvh land nil tho
way Iroin f 1 WJ s-r m rf up to flA; tin
improve! or Im ore veil. In nut the
Itiircliaiwr. Ijtke ( 'i.uniy Kxuniincr.t
Tom Welch Informed iim while In
l.nkevlew liixt Siiiidny, that If he
could Hell a bunch of Mtock cattle he
Iiiim lie would take a trip to San
I'raiii lsco to hcc the bit; city, and
remain neveral wis-kn.
Kvery man hhc il In liiinsi-K mid bin
liiiinly In linl-ler i Innle or .C.i(i i-iun.
lb-mi tlm ili-pliiy B.lvi-rl in-iiienl nf the
fix M'.r-r Si I.iihIm n 1 i-!l(.' I H i. V . ill tlllH
i--'le mid burn lm en-llv II vmnii; Until
or Imly iiiiiv Ii-iiiii lele.-r.ijliv Hi.d bo
ll-'IIM 'l II 1'iii-ltinll. Iinj'l (ill
Tin- Wall Hlreet line of i-nuraved
cert Ilieali-- nf .V.n v and I'.. .lei blanks
at the Pxalnlner olliie, .New sample
bonk received Monday evening. If
you want Mock cerilllcateH we our
HiimpleH and net our prices. tf
C. S. I.ovcIchk InvllcH the public to
Nhare their patronatse with him at
the South f.akcvlew Peed and I.I very
Stable, lie K''irantvH jrood treat
ment to all Htock left In IiIh care, and
propow-H to feed (food hay and plenty
of It. :-
V. A. Currier and Hon Manly start
ed to Hanford, Calif., hint Thurmlay
with KMI head of horw-H. Mr. Currier
lias Hold about flMHH) worth of ntink
from IiIh Summer Lake stock ranch
thin HUtnmer, benldcH t li In last drive
of burses, which he will no doubt
dispose of at good prices.
Mrs. Walter ItobliiHoii of 'rooked
Creek one day last week had the
mlsfi irt inn- to run a largv sliver Into
the palm of her hand so deep I hat it
c mid not be extracte i without the
Hiiruenn's kldl'e, and she as brought
t town Sunday to have a doctor
p rforiu the operation.
We understand t In t Mrs. M. Suit
of Sum laer I .like has i iielied a lintel
at t be Suit farm. Tra vclcrs ca n get
a good Jacent meal there :iud a bed
f n- i'."i cents. This will be miile a
convenience to the traveler, since
tin Harris lioyn have cloned the old
Sumuier I .like hotel.
I .i is'r. l'.ay horse, saddle marked,
branded .IS oil left st Hie, also round
black spot i.n the back of left, stlile
about three IucIii-h across. White
Htrlp from forclop to end of nose.
Lost between north fork of Sprague
liver and Slcan October 1 1, wearing
hobbles, and halter and wan tracked
toward the KeHervatlon. Itangea In
LnngellM Valley. Tinder of nald
Iioi'ho will pleano notify me and re
ceive pay for trouble.
l.'btf Jot: Amuiiohi:.
For Infant and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Signature of CCa
Our I'all and Winter Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hoots and Shoes is
now complete and we are in a position to furnish you with these goods cheap
er than you can buy any place in town.
Pull Line of Ladies' Jackets and Coats just arrived. Also Walking Skirts,
Wrappers, Kimonas, Tennis Flannel Gowns, Wool Gloves Mittens, etc.
We have not enough space to tell you all the new things wc have, and the
Special Hargains we are offering, so come to our Store and see for yourself and
compare our prices, not only in these lines, but in Groceries and everything
else carried in a General Store.
Lakeview Mercantile Company
1) in Malloy Ik about laid up with
the grippe.
Hoard and lodging at the Oregon
Feed Yard, ? 1 per week. Mcalrt iT.
cents. Also iiii'h'h laundry work, j
Mits. (i. W. Wisi:, Proprietor. iSL'-tf j
The F.xniiilucr has received a new;
sample book of the Wall Street line
nf engraved certificate of stock and
bond blanks, the nmst up-to-date on
the market. I'sed and endorsed by
the leading llnancierrt of America.'
Copyrighted. Call and we them if
vnn need anything In thin Hue. tf
Quarterly Conference.
PrcHldlng Klder K. K. Duulap will
hold the Una Quarterly meeting for
the M. K. Church of Lakeview Sun
day, Nov. 12. Quarterly Conference
on Saturday, the 11th, at 2, p. in.
The Hicks Almanac for I9O6.
The Kev. Irl It. lllcks Almanac
will not tie publlnhed for 190fi, but
hU monthly Journal, Word and
Workn, hat U-en cnanged Into a
large and cimtly Magarlne, and It
will contain hln Htorm and weather
fnrecastH and other astronomical
featurcM complete. The November
number, now ready, contain the
fnrecastH from January to June, 1 ; K it
Tlie January, number, ready Decem
ber Juth, will contain the forecimtH
from .1 uly to December. 1:km;. The
j price of this splendid Magazine is one
! dollar a year. See it and you will
1 have It. The November and .Intiu
j ary numbers containing the Kev. Irl
j K. I licks forecasts for the w hole year,
ami more complete than ever, can be
had by sending at once U'."i cents to
Word and Works Publishing Com
pany, 2Jil Locust SI !-i.i' t. Nt. Louis,
We Wish to Announce to the
That he can be as well accommodated
Lakeview as he can at any stable in the
State. It is our intention to always have
on hand a good supply of the best hay and
grain to be bought in the market. We
also keep a force of experienced hostlers
and careful drivers, who will always be
ready to wait on our customers.
Sheepmen Take Notice
One of the finest 1.100 acre sheep
ranchcH In Northern California. Sit
uated on the lest range for feed and
water ia the stare. Hood improve
ments, will be sold for half its value.
See or write. Frrcit & Si'km kk,
Merrill, Ore.
A Guaranteed Cure for Piles.
Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles DnitfiristH refund money if
PAZO OINTMENT tails to cure any
case, no matter nf ln luiiii standing, in
to 14 days. Firt :i n plication gives
ease and rest, 50o. If your druiiist
hadn't it send .rXlc in Kiamps and it will
I be forwarded po-t paid by Paris Meu
i icine Co., St Ixiuis, Mo.
An Editor's Opinion of the Royal
(lorire. I
l'dyth Toier Weatherred, In de
scribing a recent trip over the Denver
& KloOrande Kailroad, says in "The
"At last the goal of the ambition
of yeai'H ban been reached marve
lous, wonderful, grand and Inspiring
Koyal Gorge in on either hand. The
only diHiippolntlng thing la you only
have one pair of eyes, while the train
ilartu In and out of the tremendous
chasm. If any who have never seen
It are wouderlng how It looks Just
go and Nct Thousands have tried
to dcHi rlbo It, yet every attempt falls
short of giving the subject Justice."
If you contemplate a trip 1'ast,
write V. V. Mcllrlde, 14 Third ettvet
rortland, Oregon, for booklets pic
turing Colorado's famous nccnery,
and any other Information you may
desire. !Mf
Man's Unreasonableness.
i often as l as wcir.en's. I'.tit T5i !.
S. Austin, Mr. of the lb-iublican," of
I.t-.iveii"i lb, lad., w as not unreason
able, when In- tebiM'.l to allow the due
tm s to operate on bis wile, for female
trouble, "Instead," be hays, "we con
eluded to try F.ieet rio Hitters. My wife
was then hi sick, she could hardly leave
her bed, aud life physicians bad failed
to relieve tier. Alter taking Klectrre
Hitlers, (die was perfectly cured, and
'can now peifotm all her household
duties." Guaranteed by Heall,
i di nudist, price ."'0c
Final I'iooI
Land (Ulice ai l..iKeiiew, Orctfon.
Oct. -1st, lilil"). Not ice is hereby riven
that the folloAinj 11,111 -.1 settler has
tiled notice 01 his onenuou to nnike
tinal pro il ia mini mi oi b's claim, and
that said proof will b- male before
Register and lb- t iver at Lakeview tire
fun, on December 1 Vo viz : KHiard
K. Lee. lid. Fiu.-v No y,:. for the WA
X W 4', SH ,' X W i, S W '4 X K.'4', Sec. 82',
T 3H S.. K. ll K., W. M. He names the
following witnessei to prove his contin
uous re-iileace 110 n and cultivation of
said land, viz: M niiz Curry, Taylor
Metzker. oi Lakeview , Oregon.
37 f-r C". F . s..ider, lfeoeiver.
isn't a pleasant fellow to
meet on a dark night but,
is the favorite at all clubs
and homes on , -y night.
r'TTTiff 'HfiHT "