a. t J m General Information nonn tmino in inti uvsr A I.I. OIK Iff! A III'. HA W'c rinl dm nclii) iIhIk. MitiifiK lilrtiiko nt tlm If Kxnrniiii-r I'imlly 1 li i ii t m n t I'imt A KIiik. If If you want it ItrnciT. K't hoiiic tlilnu lluit in tt linifiT. At I 'nut A " ; Tim KxmiiiIiiit prints tiw nxtii plat, "". " "" ""'- -'I.H'K ,,,,. ,, ,, ,H(f,h. ,oor(Jl.r. tf (HUM fit 'I'lii- I'xfMiilniT ollli'i. All hIwh fiml (uitllll(M, font Manila to linen. f A xtciiiu l.fuiiiilry will flmrlly op flint Klnnmtli I'ulK On-Ron. All KIihIh of l.nuiiilr.v work lll 1m tuVfii nll nillMlllMl III 11 Itrnt-flflHN tlHllllllT. w. NKvr., Proprietor. 1 o Cure a Cold In One Day Tako LAXATIVE IlHOMO QUININE Tablets. All ilruiwlst reluwl the moiify If It fail t cnrn. E. V. (Jrove's signal ore ia on fach lite. A Chance tor Speculators. WIIOOI LAND. 2H0 scrvs of levl unimprovml aitrirnlttnal land fur sale cheap, inscription: HWtf, ol NFAV ami NW(' of 8E'4'. hertion 10. Tp.. 39 H.. It. ltt K. W. M. Thla i a ttirall piece of land. ix-at In (loose IjkVft valley ami mill make some man a KOl ranrl A (iuaranteed Cure for PI lea. Itching, Jtliml, Weeding r Protrud ing Pile. Druggists reditu! money if 1'AZO lUNTMKNT laiU to cure any chm , no mattfr of how long statnling, in lo H days. Kimt application Rives esse hikI rent. TU II your druggist hasn't it send M)c in stamps nml it will le forwarlil xi-t paid hy I'Hrin Med icine Co., Hi Iouin. Mo. f KM! Keward, f Hk. The readers of thin pupcr will he pleHed to learn llutt Iheie in tit leant one ilii ii'h'il iliHeHxe that si iem e hit heen aide to cute in all its s'lige hii.I that in Catarrh. .IhII'h I'nliirrh Cure i the in I v Mhitivv I'll re now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh leing a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutions! trealuient. Haifa Catarrh Cure in taken internally, a- lii diroclly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby deal roving the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in do ing ita work. The proprietors hav ao much faith in ita cnra'lve power, that they otter one Hundred Dollara for any cae that It faila to cure, hend (or liat of testimonial Address. V. J. CHKNKV A (., Toledo, O. Hold by Druggists. "! Takellall'a Family I'illa for constipation. I'oal A Kln; hive the ft Kriolc of ll(iiorM mid clu'irN to lie foiiml In Oregon, tf Wf have ii lull net of M vwll-Hollliit A ('(('a., HUlllpll'M of Stock Cf rtlflcntfH ami lioinla, with price Hat. If you tint orunnl.hitf n stock company wl our prlcfM on stock certificate, tf Ket' ii sample of the I'lU'inc inoutly at thla olllrv. mi'l yu will not IicmI tat to pay $'2.M for a year'a atili Hclptloii trfTlie Kxamlner ami that valuable Mayaxlne publUhiMl In Port land, tr KarinerM, liav yor butter wrap-IK-ra printed at Th Kxatnlne oltlce, luatead of aemlliiK away for them. You keep y"r money at home, and patronlxe them that patronize you, la-HldeH, you ne what yon are jfft tlnj and don't have to pay for It If It doean't Mtilt you. tf A I)lastrous Calamity. It ia a diantroua calamity, when you lone your health, becaune Indication and constipation liave aapped it away. Prompt relief can m had in Dr. King' New Life I'illa. They build up your digestive organ, and cure headache, dir.zineia, colic, constipation, etc. fi.iarantecd at I.ee lieaU'e drug atore; The Illinois Central maintaina unexcelled aervice from the West to the Kast and South. Making close connections with trains of all transcontinental fines, passengers are given their choice of routes to Chicago Ixiuisville, Memphis and New Orleans, ami through these points to the far east. Prospective travelers desiring infor mation as to the lowest rates and best routes are invited to correspond with the following representatives. It. II. Trumbull, Commercisl Agent, 142 Third Ht., Portland, Ore. J. C. Llndaey, Trav Passenger Agent, 142 Third at., Portland, Ore. Paul It. Thompson Passenger Agent Colm s n Duilding .Seattle H ash. An Editor's Opinion of the Royal Gorge. Kdyth Toiler Weatherred, In de Hcrllilnj; a itrent trip over the Denver A Itlo (irande Kullroud, aaya In "The Kxpoaltlon' i'r'i'l-iii 4 II ti.nr l.akrtlrM, re. I nk !', Orr. LAKE COlNjy R SiNtSS MLNS' DIVUOPMINT tUOLE IT you uiali Iiilorniiition iitioii liiike (Joimty, Oregon nllrefn eilli er of til'- filmv gi'titleiiieri, who will in; pli'iiaeil to reply. " n. H. CUURCtl IJIWIX I OKY. Plan of seivicen of Paxlor of thfi M. F, Church, !.akfview. It and 3rd Hon dayu of each month. Itethel at 11 a. in. and New Pine Creek at 7 p. m., 2nd and 4th Sundays of each uiofith. ,, ' -, I.akeview at 11a. ni., and 7 p. ri. Prayer meeting Thursday 7 n. m.,.6lh Hiindny Union hchool House at 11 a. m. Ijikeview at 7 p. m. You are cordially invited to all the services. Hanpohd Hkvoicn, Pastor. Popular and Picturesque. The only thing neeernary to make the Denver and Uio (irande the most pop ular, as it has ever been known the most plessawt and most picturesque way to cross the eontinsnt. has coma about. This is (he establishment of through sleeping car service. In connection with the O. H. A N. a through Pullman Standard Hleeper is now run from Portland to Denver, leav ing Portland at 8..'i p. m.. arriving at Halt Lake at 8 40 a. in. the second morning, leaving Halt Lake at 3. .00 p. m. and arriving at I Denver 4 20 p. m. the following day. This schedule gives pas sengers aeven hours atop-over in Salt Lake, affording an opportunity to visit the Mormon Capital as well as a day light ride through the grandest scenery in the world. For reservation in this car and for il lustrated booklets picturing the scenery contiguous to the Denver & Kio Grande, proving it to be the 'Scenic Line of the World," wiiietoW. C. Mdlride, Oen- eral Agent, 124 Third street, Portland. I Thank the Lord!" cried Hannah Plant, of Little Hock, Ark., "for the relief I got from Buck ten's Arnica Halve. It cured my fearful running sores, which nothing else wauld heal, and from which I had suffered for 5 years." It is a niarveloua bealer for cuts, burns and wounds. Guaranteed at Lee lleall'sdrug store; 2."c. Our Offer. With the June iiuiiiImt will bejjln The Pacific Monthly's) Hcriot of ec Inl editions for the year l!).".. They will coinprlHea number for Portland, a 111.. t..mm L,..lilli.,HII S tt 1 1 1 1 .ft t I II nir nciiuir, ii'i -"" .."' mo 1 l ,.,l.ltl...i for Sun FriinclHco mid the aonvenlr j )f y,nrH ,)(W ,KH.U reached marve nuinberof the I-wIh nml Chirk I-x- j t,iiH. wonderful, Krand and tiiNplrintf poHltloii, alalia fH'clal automobile ; lloyal tiorjte In on either hand. The i.uiulM.r. The artl. lcH of Dr. Wolf ' "'.v dlnappoli.tlnK tliliijs Ih you only ... . . . . ,,, , , ,. have one pair of eyen, while t lie train ' idartHliiai.dout .f the tremendoUH 'The Coming supicnmcy or the i chiiKiu. If any who have never wen cllic" are iiImo proinlHi-il, anil the (t V wondering how It lookrt jimt nlaiiHeouleiiiiiliiteil lv the iiubllHherH 1 tfo ami nee. ThouHandu have tried will will. out mieHtioh. 1, lace The " d.Hcribe It, yet every at tempt full , H un t of h - v n the HtlliJiH t jiiHtiee. Pne lie Mttut lil.v fur in advance, not , . 1 . ,,,, .. ' If von coiiteinplate a trip l.nst, only of prcs. nl eompeilt ora. but iil-n wl.,t;. w (. Mcljr,(,ti V2l Third Htrft lulu I he iiiircni luililc cIii-ih of period- Portland, Oregon, for booklet plc- Ical literal me 01. I he Pacific Count. ! t m lntf Colorado" (iiiiidiik ncener.v, The Pacllle Moiilhly ImkoMIo lenu- moi any 01 .1,1 111101 u.o . .. .0 .... lar HiibHciibei'M at t he ex t reiin-ly low nrlce of SI a vear. We have made mi arraiiKi'iiient with the publUherH by which we are able to offer It In connection with The Luke County Kxamlner, (both Publlcatlonx), to new HiihMc rlbf I'm, and old ouch who pay up any back taihxcrlptloii they may owe and a year In advance, for the very low price of f2.."0a year, tf ilc Hire, :i-tf 1 Don't Get Wet! TOWER'S SLICKERS will keep you dry as notliingel.se will, because they are the product of the best materials and seventy years experi ence in manufacturing. vOWEK$ 'fcfBRAi A. J. TOWER CO. Boston, U.S.A. TOWS CANADIAN 00., Ltd. Toronto. Ota. w Ely's Cream Balm This Remedy Is a Spoclflc, Sure to Give Satisfaction. OIVIS RKLICP AT ONCK. It cloansea, soot htm, heals, and protects the diaeiiHed lueiiibriiiio. It enrea Oubirrh and driven awny a Cold iu tin Hniid piieklv. Itoatorea tiio Hoiikph of Ta.tt and Smell. Kiiay to use. Cont.iins no ii.jiuiinia drua. Api'iliud into the n.wtrila uud iibsorhoiL 1 !'.rgn Si. i, r.O centH ut DruiHta or by m.m j Trial Ki.e, 10 touts by uiuil. . ELY OKOTHERS, 66 Warren St.. New York. Ths Leading Paper of th Padflc Coast Th San Francisco Chronicle The Weekly Chronicle Ths very beat weekly Newspaper published tn the entire West. $1.50 a Year larluriina pooUir to any a -I of the Lulled autUM, I anada aud Maiico It is best because, besides printing all the news of the world eaci wek In an Interesting way and, tully Illustrating many artie'e'.. it has sjecial depart mLnts cevcted to AGRICULTURE H W11CULTUKB F-CULTKY LIV STOCK M MNG LITFRATURB FA5.;-10NS and 5 CKTS Thse am presided over by e;i tors having a thorough knowl edge ol tlii r spec. iit.es. The i ;rr Vvoted ti Agr culture. Hoi t'.cu lur-, Poultry ana Live cc r wi'.i l.luiirated and ii rd w.th matter ot the Rreatest tnt-rr st ;o all eifagad In these in.!usw!e5, every line being writfn by those who are In close tjtc.i y- conditions prevailing cn tl.ii U .l. SEND FOR SAMPLE COPY. It will be sent ires. Do you wart the Chronicle Reversible Map? Showing the United States. Do mi rn on of Canada and Northern Mexico on one side. MAP Or THE WORLD, presenting to view in imo continuous map, with all areas tn true proportion, the ant tiro surfaoe of the Earth an the other aids. Send $2 aad gt tha Map aad "Weekly Chronicle" for osi jrsar. postage prepaid aa lias aai Paper. The Dally tnd Map t sasA smiss aaU Only $8.75 a Year Aidraaa U. R sa TOUNOt , -Baa TrJLilZcCearisH Saa PnuMtaoa, CaU CXBCUIATXOM WIXTHXXT t LAKBVIEW 1 SADDLERY x S. V. AHLSTROM. Proprietor. J tr. Tlic hest Vt'ttjucrosad- t tile on the market. t & Alao n complete line of wa?on and )KKy hnrneaa, whlpa, robea rlatu. blta, apunt, qulrla, rone t ten. In fact every. 4 thlnir In the lln of eftrrlnirp and liorHe furnlahlngn. He pairing by competent men. tM WWW 4 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 l 3 3 it 1 r'1 ' A " mm 1 HOTEL ERECTED IN 1900 MODERN THROUGHOUT FIRST-CLASS ACCOfinODATIONS SAflPLE ROOn For COnrtERCIAL TRAVELERS COURTEOUS TREATMENT SeohaKow LIGHT & HARROW, Proprietors 4fa.srAsAae P.E.HARRIS. E. N. JAQUISH O 4 HARRIS & JAQUISH LAKEVIEW FURNITURE CO, A Full and complete stock of Everything In the line of FURNITURE. JUST OPENED. OOODS AR RIVING ALL THE TIME. Snider Building on Water St. ...LAKEVIEW, OREGON... f . tun crn r Tr ctVW A Kjr tTTT C TO DDIfP t.ef,t.4af 1 t-'.'t'L 'iSZs'ZZSZS, J-gS. m& BEALUS DRUG STORE LFE BEALL, Proprietor 1SL LAKPVIPW, OPROON. Wo have constantly on hund a Fine and Complete Stock of Drug, Chemicals, Terfumeries, Toilei Articles, Fancy Notions, Cigars, Etc., Etc. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded eee BEEF, MUTTON. PORK, SAUSAGE, ETC., ALWAYS ON HAND AT THE ..Lakeview Meat Market.. JOHN WENDELL, Proprietor AT PRESENT LOCATED BUILDING NORTH OF HOTEL LAKEVidW 0oosooosonft'essoeeeseoevessessN MA T7 TT VEOETADLE SICILIAN! LriLo) Hair Renewer A splendid tonic for the hair, makes the h?.tr crc - long and heavy. Always restores color to pray hair, all iha' r:.,i coLr cf youth. Stonsfa nehT.r' S ' J f:-r vmv vn"r - 1 iiii iiwiTir - T"iir"-- -:.sk : i rnt mm 1