Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 09, 1905, Image 1

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Mm m. m
1 1 r
ft. ,
NO. Ah.
Govcrnot Chumtn'rlaln nnd n crowd
lf lllHtlngUlnhcd geUtll'IIICD vlnlted
Klamath Pulls hint week fir tln'pnr-
pom of taking part In thccclcbrutlon
of tlu Wglnnlngof government work
tii. the Klamath Irrigation project.
Never has there Imvii ii day In Khun
Fulls that will Im more memorable,
tii- make n more Importimt chapter
In the hUtory of tlwit town and
t-ounty t hun the one which dawned
upon Hint august body of state mid
government olticlnln on tlwit ocean-
Ion. Nodoubt these Kent lemeii ex-
Mrleuced a sensation never In-fore j
felt ly them when they arrived at
their destination and view the vimt I
territory lying compnrat Ively Idle,
mooii to become n wi irknh ip uf huntl
Iiik. bustling enemy. Nodoubt they
looked oast, mirth. south, and Imng
Ined themselves on the peninsula of
civilisation extending far out lutnuii
unexplored world, Inhabited only by
wild beasts and savages. Instinct
f their geographical Mlfuatlon nnd
the knowledge after rcalizut Ion, that
the caMtein boundary of the Kreat
State of Oregon wan yet a Ioiik way
off over that desolate, desrt lookliiK
expaiiHe, yet an Nature made It. and
that, though HparMely nettled, t here j
wa habitation further on. could J
hardly Hiitllee to repulne their lonely
fiflillgM Hit they Htooil on the verge
of flldleHM llotlllllKlleMrt. " Look!" j
they miiNt have hi. "all tliU to be I
made to blotHiiiii iim the rone, nnd ,
inly through a little energy."
Klamath county In on the very' city election Tnenday that only a
brink of a boom. Why? The nun-( hiiiiiII portion of t he vote came out.
wcr will naturally be, why Ini-aune It wan not known until late Mon
the government han hivii lit to Irrl-! day night that more than one ticket
gate and make homen where hun al
waya lMeti the Hiigebrunli liauntn of
the coyote and bunch grann paradlm
of the range home and the hunting
ground of the navnge. Alno In-catine
a railroad company hun neen 111 to
build a road Into that territory, wan the nucleun of the govern
incut' determination to Irrigate the
laudn. Y'ery well. I'.ut back of all
thin, what'.' There taunt have been,
juid wan the energy of a few Imitated
denlxenn who hud grown tired of
their initiation, that never falln to
rttart the ball to rolling. It wan the
;uergy of the eople that laid the
egg that ban hatched Into a boom
for Klamath county.
Now where In the energy that In to
do an much for Lake county? That
thin county ban eiual poHnlbllitlen
eaiinot be denied. We have land, an
good HHcver lay out -doom, plenty of
water and natural ntorage rener
yolrH; the topography of thecouutry
In hucIi that a natural railroad route
it open from one end of the county
to the other. The timber In here, the
mountain are a liordi of mineral
wealth and the agricultural renourc
H are uiiHurpunned In any country.
Am good fruit, of nil the variolic ad
apted to upland, niich an applen,
peH lich. Hprlcotri, peurn, (iIuiiih,
4iruneH and all the nmall fruitn, grow
dierc tin can be found any where, then,
loo, the vnnt bedn of Halt, producing
Jiundrcdn of tonu of good milt that In
.never refined becuune of prohibitive
coHt of hhlpiiieiit to market, and
which In only lined forntock purponcn
flu Un crude Htite, uml what little In
i ceded for home connumptlon only
4m refined. Alno the large bodlen of
water containing an unlimited
wealth in Imrax, potunh and Hoda,
that have not bc;ii developed Into n
ren ou roe bee a u no of the ubaenco of
triiiiHportiitloii facilities. To go In
to details and enumerate tlif pur
suits In which lies tho possibility of
vast wealth, miturul to Luke coun
ty, would lYtjuIre more space than
we have to devote tii tliU matter In
ono w'k, If one were to undertake
mR., H tusk, the mutter of alfalfa
growlng would suggest Itself along
toward tin In-glnnlng of tlx compil
ation of facts. Alfalfa, both liny and
the need, Im a commodity, wlmmt de
mand will Ik cotiHtant and Increas
ing ho long ns the matter of the de- j
vclopmctit of the Ureal Went s In
progress, and that means a decade,
or more. Alfalfa growing In Lake,
,.,,iinty Ih no mere experiment. Ill
mM Im-cu tried to the natlxfuctlon of
the monl fabulous expectations,
( ,. (l,r,. producing at the very leant
II ve toiiH of hay. Hold at the nominal ;
pilre of fil per ton, will pay b per
cent. IntereHt on ?.'.'.u and 1 r ton '
for harvesting the crop, leaving In j
paHture to pay the taxen, which It j
would easily do. Wo will not take
tho chances of being accused of gross t
exaggeration by llgurlng out the In-
come from an acre of hiicIi applet an
are grown here If they could be mar
keted, but will leave that for tln In
ventor In Lake county lamU totlgure.
Itack now to the heart of all iIiIh ar
gument, the energy to start the ball
rolling. That In the germ, the egg.
(, very embryo of the development 1
of Lake county, and the necret that
Iiim brought renown to our nlnter )
cull lit V
Tb City Election.
So little Interent wan taken In the
would In; out. The ticket wan made
up and printed on Monday with Y.
L. Siiclllng for Mayor, Harry Italley,
.1. II'. Tucker. I. I. Malloy and l. J.
Wilcox for coiiiicllinen, W. It. Snldi r
for rei:ordcr and A. Itle'n'r for trean
urer. Thin ticket wa thought to In
Hiitlnfactory to all until late Monday
night wheal Geo. Whorton wan nam
ed an a candidate for councilman.
When Dick ll'llcox heard thin he re
timed to go on the ticketamlHcraU ti
ed hln name off the hullotH. It wan
then (Uncovered that a muddle had j
bii'ii Htlred up, ho thonu who putj
(ieo. Whorton up withdrew hln'
name and put J. S. Lane ou the
Ninety-three voten were cant and
the following ticket wan elected:
Tor Mayor, V. L. Suelllng; for
Council men, Harry Italley, J. W. i
Tucker, I. I'. Malloy and J. S. Lane;
for ICeeorder, W. 15. Snider; forTrean
urer, A. Jilelier.
Miu Currier to Wed. ,
It U underntood that Minn Adaj
Currier, daughter of CommUnloncr j
and Mm. Currier of Summer Lake In.
to lie married about ChrlHtmun at
the Currier home lu llanfonl, Calif.
Minn Currier departed for their Cali
fornia home hint week. i
C. V. H'i t hern, who ban been up
in the northern count len ou a tdiec p
buying trip, returned without mak
ing any purchuHCH. Mr. Wit hern
came to Lakevlew flrnt of the week j
to strike tip a trade with J. It. Illalr
for Home of the McKlhluuey band.
Jack McDonald and T. (,'. Welch
camo down from Pnlnlcy Saturday
and returned Tuonday. Jack ban
been brcuklng homen on the Harvey
ranch In Summer Lake.
' .".'v,:vJ ,y:trW.':
j - ;: ,.
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younger, street railway promoter.
1'nlf Vuiuiger. tin ex bioullt. lit now n mnrl ri.llwny priiuxite- tu MlnHimrl.
nnd mie uf IiIh llmineliil tuiekcr In mild to l Seuiiinr Klklmt, wlmne life lie
unci miivisI Yeiim n:i Vuunuer wim u uieinlier of tiuiiiilreH'M Imnd uml mi
nil rounil tmU inilll." lint lie lum refurinetl fie wlwl lenl llv yeiim iu
prlniiii for one o' hlx erluiin uml wim releiiM-,1 nevenil yeiirn iign.
Schmlu Elected.
NAN IK A MM O, Nov. 7, l!Ni.i
Schmllz uml enlbv labor ticket elect
ed, Scliuill and Lunttiloii win by
over tell t Iiiiiih.iii I. Ilcuint plubab
ly elected ll,l..r of New Yolk.
Wcmir il id'il in or of Philadel
phia b iiVit.'hiIMI, ll.-inm-rat elecl
cd max or of e r mm nt'i.
i pfiriiKliiii coiiinieiii. I'i the aiepn of progrcHnlve neWHioKMH. The tna
Wllllain It 11 a ml. who won prob I Hie Tribune hul.dliig lie hoiinilcd tliree terlal to make The Kxaminer a hIx
t,lv. lee.e.i i,. orofN w Y..rk....a ,tepn ,.t ., time un I dUuppeaml It Cl,,unm K'-page paper In nov on the
municipal owiiemhlp pint form, liaa long) un Willlniii It. Hearst. Itcmllng hln
advocated la 111 different newapapera "u newnpiiper on the way Ii from road, and our Hypenettlng machine
ine public owncrtdiip of public utilities.
Mr. I learnt una had retuarkablo aac
cenn iia a Jourunllat, la a uiuuiher of
Miigrena and la 1U04 waa a leading
candidate for the Democratic nomina
tion for president of the L'ulted Htatea.
He wim born In Man Franclnco lu 1H413
nnd la a Hon of the late United Htaten
Senator ('corgi1 l Ilearnt. Ilia moth
er, Mra. l'heho A. Heantt, In widely
known nnd cNtcemed for her net of
hcneuccnce. Mr. Heamt nttendeil the
public hcIiooU of Kan Franclnco and
went to I lurvurd college. In ltwtj he be
came proprietor of the Hun Franclnco
Kxatulner, and in 181HI he Invaded the
Held of eiinteru JournallMiii nnd ncipiir
ed control of the New York Journal.
now called the American. Tho follow
ing year ho entubllHbod the New York
Livening Journal. In 1000 he founded
the Chicago American.
He ban nIiico ucimlred other newspa
per properties so that the chain of
Journal owned by him extends from
Huston to Lou Angeles. Mr. Hearst
represent iu congress the Eleventh
New York district, ..having beeu flrtt
I : ' j
eteeted lit I'.NKI nud re.eleeteil lunt year.
A lieWNpuper liiuu of Mr. lleurHt'ii
iMpml,,tancerelu.ed lnlli.rp..r nW eek-
ly an uuecdoie which llhiHirnteii th
eiieicy mid enterprlae ctm-n'-srlMlc of
ih,' Ahout 1 o'clock on one of tlif
hoi text nlditi of the Mlininer of IS'.HI
u "touiiK man rim with re I, leu npeed
dow n Ihe uilcid'e of !'rk row.
He eiirrlitl n mniw h it l;i out
i il ud mi open uewnpipi-r In the other
i HUil VV:i Nceialle'lv ottlltiotls of illn
tlie oillce, he Iniil found . g he will m here an hoou an traunportiw
illd l, t like. Thong , . ..Ion- . ton tncmUm w, IH.rmlt. An t.x.
ulre. he hud no tune to wmie u.i ntreet
ear or culm. He 'got to the oillce an tcrt from San Kranclnco will be here
fun! an hln own legi could carry hlui to Inntall the machine and give In
and atoppisl the pietne until the error , MtrU(.tloIIH t() our prtem HUfllclent
could be corrected.
; to enable them to operate the lim
ro. vhn Jacob AtCor.
Colonel John Jacob Aator U unlike un Invitation to all thorn' In reach to
his cou-ln. William YVaklorf ' Ator, In anJ , W()rk ftut, publul ft
being a atnnch American. It wna re
cently announced that ho hud abun- ta doHcrlptlon of tho machine nnd
doned his plan to hnvo bin only Hon, Itn worklngn for thom) who cannot
Vincent, educated . lit Ktoii. where the ,m, , It. Of coume hundred
boy was placed Innt Hprliig. nnd had
renolved to have him enter an Amerl of readern of The Examiner have a
can Hchool ho iih to grow to iniuihood chance to nee thene maclilne work,
wholly under the Inllnence of An.erlcnn our , scattered all over
Ideim. Thin young hcIoii of the finnous
Aator house will therefore Htudy hence the world, In nearly every Htato In
forth In Hurrouudlngn which bin fnther the I'tilon, und qultea uuiiiIht acronn
hopen will aid him in becoinlng a mho- , b ,)f thl.,n w,,(,
ful and putrlolle citizen of the I tilted ' '
Htatea. , live In Lake county have never saw
Colonel AMor U hluiMcif u graduate a typenettlng machine, an oum will
of an American col
lege, Harvard, nnd
ho evinced hln pntrl
otlHtn In the lute
war with Spain by
entering the nrmy.
He Herved under
tlenerul Shitfter nt
Santiago and equip
ped nnd preHented
a mountain battery
to the government.
Ho linn a manly fig
ure, being over nix
feet In height, nnd
rill.ONtL JOII.V JA-
i on as i on.
married a Philadelphia benuty, MUs
Avu Willing.
Mr. Astor was once, called upon for
a snewh at a dinner nnd talked about
Niagara. "Every ono who goes to Nl-
A guru.," he said, "hears somo nbHurd,
ridiculous and Inapt remark there. TU
flay I first saw Niagara n man touched
my nrm as I looked up nt those white
waters. I turned to the man. He had
the Billy nnd vacuous smile of the con-
Armed Joker.
nil this going to waste.
"'What are you?' said I, 'on elee
trlcal engineer?'
" 'No,' he nnswered; 'a milkman.'
.The Kxamlncr ban pro mined every
ponlblu advancement that could In
atiy way add to the ctllcleticy of the
paper and thereby enhanre Km value
to the reader, giving readew more
new, lntter tiewn. nnd later new.
Wo lu'lleve we have kept our prom
ise, mid now to cap the climax, wc
have mi-ii It within our reach to put
In a "ypewtt lug mu hlne, and con
Heijuently ordered one hint week nnd
i made the flrnt payment on It. Thene
iiiiicIiIiich nre very expensive, celling
for JlT.Vt at the factory where they
are made In New Jerney. We are not
boimtliig that that amount of mon
ey wan paid out by n to m-cure the
machine, but. the tcllan Me secured,
we nre conlldeut with thenupporl of
the readern of The ICxamluer, we can
in. ike the paymciitn an they come
il in. The t'oimtant demand for more
and later tiewH urged iim on to take
thin ntep in the lute renin of our read
em ami advertlnern. I'eople may ad
vert Ine In a country paper for a
while Junl to keep It going, whether
' It linn a Hiillleleut Hiibncrlptlon lint
to make Itn npace of value or not,
but they noon get tired of them'
charitable donationn. The goodn
we buy from the ntorcn munt In, of
value to tin or we get tired otbuviug,
' hence we reanon that unlenn we can
doHouiethlng to make our npace
valuable to the ad vertlmT. they, too,
,UUb1 t.n, u mU OI, u.elr liberality,
"ooner or later. (Mir rapidly grow-
lug niibnerlptlou lint In bringing un
new patronn every month, patronn
; who do not fall to apprlne them-
-i ten of the net vice of the tn-nt ad-
vertlnlng medluinn, uml the mont
chine. U'hen It In up we will extend
Ih the flmt In thin uectlon of country.
A Serious Accident.
It wan reported here last Satur
day that Dr. Wltham of I'alnlcy met
with a Hrrloun accident lant Thum
day night while on the way to visit
J. Trader, who wan Hick at Summer
Lake. Ono of the tugs came un
hooked and the team started to run
and upnet tho buggy, tin-owing the
Dr. out aud BinaHhing the rig. The
doctor wau stunned and laid by the
roUj Hl(lu for (lt,out an hour before
, . . . ,
camo to. '1 he buggy had one
wheel broken.
Keller was up from Pino Creek
, . , ,
'ortned us that L.
Lauer & Sous of Alturas had told
llort Wudo that they thought tho
"dnlng people would make the boc-
e t r
oml payment on tho inlues. Mr.
i Keller says some of the mines at
I Pine Creek aro being worked.