0"tl TMINOS TO General Information t" AIL M RfiAORRS If ii v.ni Willi n l-riicer. uK mil lie- : ., ',i..itl ii briieer. At 1'iwt & t i If linn (iiiimil'i' i ,,f the lrlllilll liliiHK ,H lit The I'.XH iuIihT ofttec. All riband f i n i ' . from Manila ti llm'n. " A men in t.numlry will utmrtlj o ,B8t Kin""'"' , H,N' t,r,',"- A" kln.Uor l.iiii.tr.v work mill llnki-n i0j finMm) In flrM-cUm manner. W. NKVK. Proprietor. lo.ture a cold Owe Day Ike LAX ATI VK P.KOMO QUIXINr. T,Mi. All druggl-t refund the .... if ii (uilf t cure. K. W . rov wntiire l on each 1hx 2.V.. Don't !Wrrow Trouble. Jt U I IwJ babj1 to t"'rf anything, dot the iri '''"' "" tit'ly borr i trouble. When ick, aore, kftry, aesry and 'ni-it by (tie pain wd poin. ' I flyiwi, hilicmiinc. Brlit't (llw's and iHHar interr.nl Jixinlem.d .ii'l fit down nd brood over yoar symptom, l.ut fly for relief to ElfCtric letters. Here ju will And mf snd permanent fornetfulneas of all four irf.tii.leo. and your body ilt not ht burdened by a load of d-tl di eae. it Le lV-all's drug lre. Price 'k: GMnnitfrd. Buty Life in a Big City. An-onllm: to the I Milo Wnli' Jour- oa!, there U oinettiiti UuIiik" 1 1 ClliraBo, The Joiirnul enya thut a ' , (V.io neMM" f -ul.lmlie the fo'.-! lunMiii; ititen'htllitf eatitlojrue of Hi-iit triiitwplritit; Pi the city ty tin tike: A diiitli evrrv rmei-ii minuted. 1 A h'.rlli evi-rv el;ht inlliiite and taviity-w'teii iwi-oihN. A murder every Mcvctity hour. A mjii'lde every eighteen hour. A aerloua aeciileut, lieeehiiitMtlnK onna-'a or pliyolciiin'ii enre, every four uilnutea. Afulul accident every fire hour. A rime of ii ui It nttd tint tery vvvry tweuty-alx uilliule. A liurhiry every threv hour. A liolil-np every fix hour. A illnturliiiiiee of the eare, to at tract attention, every lx MM.-oiidi. A lurtvtiy every twenty liiluuteN. Au urre.t every Heveii uilnutea und thirty aeeiindM. A fire every hour. An arrest for (IrutiUeiieHM every llf twn niliuit. A uiurrlii(;e every twenty lulnule. A Cttw for the coroner every three kounj. A new hulldlna: completed every m hour and fifteen tnluute. A railroad piumenKer trala arrive ner7 fifty- Mix woud. 8'tjr piumenger, suburban and through, arrive every noeond at rati fy itatioua. MtTenteeuthouiaaDiJsallonauf water minute paa tbrouffb tbe 1.000 llwofclty water malna. CATARRH hrs Cream Balm mdy la a Spaclflc, ""f to Civ Satisfaction. It. i. Clvi "tLUP AT OMCf. iJr,m """Ih., heala, and prutwta th 7rl luuiiihrniin. It enr. a Outurrh ud k., '"7 Cold iu th Head ijuiekly. : Uy'l, ,U K,,"' tif 'i'HHl ud rlU.-lt. ! li ,:"iit.dii no iiijurioiia drui. W,'i-uto "", ftrila aud alwM.rhod. uM , '" r'! eei.U at DruKUU or bj i . 1U ouU by luail. I w 80THCR. 66 Warraa $U H,m Yark. Wi firini t nhip ,lHt(, if The Examiner i.r,,,t inl,ip plat, nd li.Hkc. Uu-iii Into I,,,,,!,, ,0or,.ri ,f """ Mii llive tin. t Kr,1(, of ll(iii.m iii,l iiur t(, )m. tu1, ,n Oreif'.ll. Xf We huvcH Jnllw-t of M.vw ll-Kolllnf. A CnV, MiuupN-H ,,f si.K h Cert Men to Hid bond, with prli-o lmt. tr you nre oruHiilxlng a l k ronipuny'get nur price oti Htneli r.rttfU-Aies. ' tf Si n rmn.ple of the PwlnV tn..titly fttthiaotllce. Mid you will not hcxi. titeto.n.vfJ.:.(i f,,r year's miti. aelpth.n to The Examiner and Hint valuable MitynxliH puhllhhed In port- land. f We are now prepared u. sell -veral trarta of land at prii-ea that m ill startle yon. penally if yon are acquainted with the location. We have land all the way from fl .00 per arre op to 15; on Iroprovel or hnpn.ved, to it the fnrrhaer Lake County Kxaminer.t Farmer. hve yor turner wrflp- eni printed n't The Kxamlne oltloe, I Inxtend of m-iKlliiK nwny for them, xou ke p jour money t home, and In tron I xe them t tint pntronlxe you, iMnldtt, yon mi wlmt you are tret tltijr and don't tmve to piiy for It If It doeMi't tult you. tf A Ouaranteed Curt for Piles. Itrhin, I'.lind, Weeding or Trotrud iti(t Pilii. !rtiiri.'iNta refund money if PAZO niNTMK.NT fail to core any eae, no mailer of how long rtandinit. in Ml In 14 fluva Plriil arrilif-1u,n irivu ee and ri-t. .Vie. If vonr dnik-k-iM J'e't it "end in lampa and it will it nirw ai'ieti iHi-itaiu nv i aril .ilea- u.lnv iJ(ui,, Ml(. . ! l ull of I rag ic ileanintr. are then linen from . I II. SimmotiH, rf ; I awv, la. Itiink lial intent iiave re- ? I hulled frein hi terrihle couth if he had not taken the medicine ahout which he write: "I had a fearful rough, that diotnrhed my niitht'a reht. I triei every thing) hut ncthing would lelieve it, until 1 look I'r. King'a New Pim-ov-ery for Conaumptiun, Coukha ami Cold, which completely cured tne." Inatant ly relieve and permanently cure all throat and lung diwafeg; pieveut grip and pneumonia. At lce Keall'i, drug gil; guaranteed; c and fl.00. Trial hot tie free. Ho ox Thlf We offer one Hundred iKillara lle naid for any cae Cntarrh that can not tJ cured bv llall'a Catarrh Cure, K. J. CI'IEXKY & Co., Toleito, (. We the utelemitfiied, have knuMii K. J. t heiiey lor the lant 15 yearn, and be lieve him erfec!ly honorahle in all huKinena tranoactiona and financially able to carry out any obligations made bv their linn Wwr & TafAX, Wholefale Druggmta, Toledo. l. Wauhso, Kins A Mahvik, hole aale I'ruggifts, Toledo, t. Hall' Crtarrh Cure ii taken inter nally, acting directly opou the blood and niucoua furfacea of ttie ayatem. Teatiuioniala aent free. I'rice 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Pruggi-i. llall'a Family 1'illi are. the beet. The Illinois Central maintain unexcelled aervice from the Weatto the I'.aat and Soulh. Making clote connection with train of all tranaconliueuUl linea, paaenger are given their choice ot route to Chicago lou'wville, Meniphi and New Orlean. and through theae pointt to the far ""pro-pet-live traveler deairing Infor nation a to the loweut rate and beet route are invited to correapond with th following representative. D. H. Trumbull, Commercial Agent, 142 Third St., Portland, Ore. J. C. Lindaey. Trav Pa-aenger Agent, 142 Third at.. Portland, Ore. Paul 11. Thompson Penger Agent Ci'lman Huilding .Seattle l'b. BEST BY TEST -I Uv 4 " I"" wwcrpf0c clotliing and hv new found anything at any prio to coenpir with r' fcVand for prowenon from all k"x HiirBwA lord Uorlii'n lair. 1901. TOWER CANADIAN Toronto. Cm " Hakv. ,f Wr0f W WW J. W HaxAflt I.Mkt'Vlrw, lee. LAKE C01MY B SlNtSS MtNS' niVLIOPMJM lt0tt If yonwim IntortiiMtion nl.ou Luke County, Oregon hiI-Ipoh eilti T of the nhove p ntli ini-n, who will Ik; )1ihmmI to reply. H. K.CIILPCH DIRl.CVORY. Plan i.f fii',irc of Pmtr of tlic M. K Church, Iikevii-w. IhI hik) .lid Sun, daya of each month. Kethel at II a. m, and New Pine Creek at 7 p. ni., 2nd and 4th Sitndiiy of rnrli tiioiith. , Iikeview al tl a. m., and 7 p. m. Pmyer meeting Thursday " p.m. 6th Siir.dny I'lunn N Ium.I lloune at II a. ni. tjikeview at 7 p. m. You are rordinlly invitetl to all the aervieea. Sanfohd SsvnitR, Pastor. Our Offer. With the June ntnulHT wilt teln The Pnelllc Mont lily h wrle of hhv Inl edition for the year 100.1. Tliev will romprlwa numlier for Portland, for Seattle, for Southern California, for Sun Pruiiclxco and the Hourenlr I nuinUT of tlie Iwln and (lark Kx- pimltton, alno a npe-lal autoniot.lle numlier. The article of Dr. Wolf von Schlerhrand, nix in numlier on "The Coinini; Supremacy of the Pa cific" are nlno promiMed, ami the pinna conteinplntcd by the publisher will, without quest Ion, place The Pm-lfic Monthly far In advance, not only of prt'itent comM'tltor, hut nlno Into the unreachnhle cla of .erlod leni literature on the Pacific Count. The Pm lfie Monthly U Hold to n-u- , , . . , " HubhrriU'W ut the extremely low price of 1 a year. We have made nn arrangement with the publlMher by which we are able to offer It in connection with The Lnke County Kxtimlner, (both Publication!), to new nubMcribern. and ild one who pay up any back KiiliHcrlptlon they may owe and a year In ndvunce, for the very low price of 12.50 a year, tf Popular and Picturesque. The only thing iieceetuiry to make the Iienver and Kio (irande the moct pop ular, a it ha ever been known the in out pIcaHant and uioct picturesque aay to cr the continent, has come alK.ut. This is the entahliihment of througl. leepin car service. In connection with the . It. & X. a through Pullman Standard Sleeper is now run from Portland to Ienver, leav ing Portland at 8.i"i p. m., arriving at Sail Lake at 8 40 a. m, the second morning, leaving Bait Lake at 3.50 p. 111. and arriving at Denver 4 20 p. m. the following day. This schedule give pas senger seven hours stop-over in Salt Lake, affording an opportunity to vUit the Mormon Capital as well as a day light ride through the grandest scenery in ttie world. For reservation in this car and for il lustrated booklet picturing the scenery contiguous to the Denver St liio Grande, proving it to be the ''Scenic Line of tbe World," wiite to W. C. Mi-Bride, Gen eral Agent, 124 Third street, Portland. An Editor's Opinion of the Royal Oorgre. Edyth Toxter Weatberml, In de crlblng a recent trip over tbe Denver k IMo Grande Itallroad, aaya In "Tbe Exposition": "At last the goal of the ambition of year baa been reached marve loua, wonderful, grand and luaplrlng Koyal Gorge la on either hand. Tbe only dUappolntlng thing ia you only have one pair of eye, while the train darta in and out of the tremendous chaam. If any who have never seen it are wondering how It looks Juat go and aee. Thouaunda have tried to describe It, yet every atU'iuptfall ahort of giving the subject Justice." If you contemplate a trip Kant, write W. C. McDrlde, 124 Third street Portland, Oregon, for booklets pic turing Colorado's famous scenery, and any other information you may deulre. 8-tf $2,000 Reward. 2,000 reward offered by the Lake County WahiI Grower Association for the arrest and conviction of any person or persons guilty of killing or maiming any sheep belonging to any member of j this association by order ot tne j-.xcuuve Committee.' 8. B. Chandlkb, Paita. I, N. WiTaoa, fejtc. . R. I.. Ml'lDlf iToliloril lhe Um , On-. 5 LAKBVI E VV t SADDLERY J , ; ? S. F. AMLSTROM. Proprietor. r : i.j f Tlic licst W'lqucro sad dle on the market. i . & AIho n complete line of wagon t nml Iniffjry hnriieei, whtpn. roticH rlntiiH, bits. xpurH, qulrtx, rotetteH, In fact every 4 thlnjr tn the line of carriage nml horn' fiirnlnhlnpH. fie pairing by comjietent men. ERECTED IN 1900 MODERN THROUGHOUT FIRST-CLASS ACCOnnODATIONS SAHPLE ROOn For COrinERCIAL TRAVELERS COURTEOUS TREATMENT P P LIOHT OEO HARKOW LIGHT & F. E. HARRIS. HARRIS LAKEVIEW FURNITURE CO, Full and complete stock of Everything in the line of FURNITURE JUST OPENED. OOOD5 AR RIVING ALL THE TIME. f WW m m s mm -m y w W V CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK AND GET OUR PRICES iVf LEE BEALL, PreprUter LAKBVIBW, OXbOON. We have constantly on band a Fine and Complete Stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, Fancy Notions', Cigars, Etc., Etc. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded MIIIMIIMIIIMM IIMIMIMMIIIIMMIIMMMIMMIIIMIIMII BEEF, MUTTON. ALWAYS ON ..Lakevlew Meat Market.. JOHN WENDELL, Proprietor -- AT PRESENT LOCATED -. BUILDING NORTH OP HOTEL LAKEViriW A IT II RisJLtlLn wny not stop tnis railing or your iiairr At this rate you will soon be without anv hair' Just rtinemht-r tliir Hnll's lli An...,. stops falling hair, and rrrkes V h ility iff I, , n.i-nn.-iiiWTMi HARROW, Proprietors E. N. JAQU1SH & JAQU1SH Snider Bui ding on Water St. T . 1 AitPvinw. nppnnisi ' 5i PORK, SAUSAGE, E'lC, HAND AT TUB 1 1 II rill I. H mi 1 1 HIlJ H'i"" 5,C"-,AN Hair Renewer hair prow. " '""fVTs " .rf rt1' 2 3 3 3 : i 4 4 2 3 3 a '