Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 19, 1905, Image 8

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Lakeview And Vicinity
Court reporter Calklna arrived here
i !
t ' Saturday
View Me'ftl
ley Nun-lay. i
l.ntirnnii'ilowntrtim Silver i
the iiimiKi t.
. t In-
A liar. I r.iriii . i k
jHTienc d lief.- I.IXI
, .1 ... 1,1 ,
Win. Bradford was In lakeview ;
f. w dayslnt week. l .
J. C. IWson wnK la Lakeview Inst ductm Jewdi., ''" Aiuita,
53D "l Wa rooster for two thin-s-for his j ,!.i:.i....n..M..h
1 crow ami for Lis spurs to back it tip with."
Yes, sonK-loily has let the secret out: tohl their j Monday.
fyioTi.U nlont our facilities for stvunnir the newest and J im M.whter is in town this week (
best of merdiamlise ami how reasonaMy it is pricctl J atTendm comt
and now our business has assumed enormous propor-
Possibh you have womlereil why we have been
j so careful to thoroughly please you anil why we have
J insistctl that everything Ik just right before it leaves
the store but come and see the way our store is
crowded and you can easily guess the answer.
nt U-rnnsc our business has largely increased
don't think wc have laid aside our "spurs" for we
haven't. No matter whether you come only to look
or to buy you will receive the samecarcandattention.
The new tall stock is now opened, the newest and
smartest things are on show now.
At- pti sr n r-icir fVnm vnn srrn''
, . . j - . - - - - - -
lamS t.i.. -hi WEEKLY WEATHER Drtv,
WmIKImu krt : i.k.. M.r.' Mow iv "Prt the w,,
aa mw,W by the Government m,iW
bureau Mali at The Kamiiw, n
; Tide rort l changed arh -,.k . . '
" I - - 1 ..r reader, a-i.h to knp a ,MrJy "
the ,, tu-l ..u i"' ,'" condition. fr (uur.,(
week from a isvf drive,
Bluest on i for ale
T. It. Wakefield weut to Merrill
tli In wn'k with h beef.
Duke Ilennett was a Lakeview vis
Itortrom Warner thin week.
E. C, Ahlstrom and wife mured In
to tlielr new home Monday.
Thoa. Aoderaon, the sape of War
ner valley In In Lakeview thin week.
A. W. Lou:, of Curletiuaa Late I
lu Lakeview thU week attending
Cbaa. Moore cf Baket
City, la In Lakeview attending Cir
cuit Court.
rXK SALK. Pure-bred Poland
China ides. Inquire of Chaa. Oliver
J j of New Cine Creek, Oregon. 24-tf.
J I W. H. Shirk madeau Inspection of
) t lie electric liue from I'iue Creek to
With The
Brers of
Surjiri-'e valley first of he week.
Owen McKtudree lat week receiv
ed the 2iHKt flh-ep he reeently iur
clmed triu-44te HolWrook rotlera.
Iituac IUibuvtt, the Willow HhikIi
fanner aud KtiM'kman, wait In iake
view Monday. Hccompauied ly hli
It yon are thinking of organizing a
toes company nee our new aumplea
of Wall Street engraved stock certifl
catea. . ti
Bernard it Son have been moving
their large nclen Irtmi the corner of
their store to the front, and rejialr
ititt tbeui. ...
tolled Barley for . Z,,
ensand TTiB'BranJ! 2S
sale at
Ole Sunatrom, a former LakeCoun
ty ttheepuMiii. U at jirewut entraKel
in the poultry liunineuM near Santa
Uona, California.
Mr. L. A Dlalr left for Sun Krau
cirico lat Thursday, where nhe will
upend the winter. Her addreiut wlil
be I41C California Street.
svne's Trbntc Vermifuffi?,. L. 1 I'll Srm
"tiigui iu men, women ana cnnaren.-' dmpgist
I Iiuh left lli'tt 1.1C- f'i.- iiiHUtel.Clif,
While are l.i liKeVh-w court.
in:" Utti-r iiK.e i o.mI iluar.
(iettheiiint .srsr.i i' Cm ir lie
try. Mr. C J. Turner, vho luia leen
employetl iu n' p lamp if tlie
Arthur Unn., Ihk K"t"- to the rail
road with a build ol nHvp.
A great tunuy nple areitunpluiu
iiifj of bad cold. No MTloua k'k
ian prevail" iu Liikevlew, however,
which every one U very tliaukful for.
M. W. llowen and J. U. Craven
were In Lakeview Hrol 4 the wtvk,
Mr. Itoweu to die on a timU-r claim
and Mr. Crav, u to lile u couiet ut-tk-e.
Frank U.iuer, rain b liivinaii on
the 7i rai-ch In liwtr Ctien aui aii,
tu tlnA'ii lal Saturday audrv
turned sui'dii. with a but 1 of up
plie. FrauK Ki i h. r m a viit to
hiMinotlMT. Tint ih hi nr-t trip to
IturuH for 1 a id t..n i l l time
frleudnre iil id in we iniii. Iturm
QuiteakUl of Kinir fell Sunday
Ul'H. but dimiplwiir. d iiMii allerthe
Muucaiueup. Til.- weather I a lit
tle cold und iu. i ken a fellow thluk of
hi wood pile.
Nally Willie recently urcuael M)
head of cattle from the Lake Shore
Cattle Company. We understand
that the price paid wu lor cowa
aud 5o for teer. Nrw Kra.
tieo. Youut, w ho liui lieeii drfvlnj;
ftae lu Surprise vully passed
through lakevivw first of the week
ret liming lit Surprise valley from a
visit with his parent lu Jackson
lr. I'atterson and family anived
lu J -like view last week to make his
home with us. The Hr. and his little
c hild t-u made The Kxaminer otftee a
pleusaut call Saturday to see the
presses work.
The new orchestra, composed ol
Miss laura Swlilny, violinist: Miss
Josie Harvey, pianist ami Mr.
tieore Hum, coruetist Is something
Lakeview liould Is- proud of. Th"
you n: people in, ike eicelleiit music.
Win. IlollrHik was a Lakeview
visitor last Kut unlay and lmk a
loud of supplies out to AU-rt Lake
. rnre, cot oat t) rennrt iU. ,k. , .
I line and p.-ta it in a arr.p l
k h as es- ! rek after anofhat. Thii mm! in
,.l . aisnit ( taken on Tueada" to end each Mk ,ai
! sin oa Wednesday for the nn
. . ... ..
jTOTrmmnn earner Baraa St.
lion at Lakaview. Oreoa,
C. O. Mrrtaaa, Coopnrali 01xwr
Wei k ending Tuetslay, Oct, 17, Bjg
r aijla. tml eh-T
ilaiioa UU flTjy
eir sJ X. O.iwuPSaiT
t hu'rT 7tfJ T u.'m "ool m
frid'y 72 gft o.(ii) oo"
sat'y j U o5 M
sun. tA "25 O.twl qo -
tuea. j .'aTj.'sJ j 0.00 "chiiKir
Th Ladies' OtUfitUra,
Anna M. Nailoa A Co., will auk, j
yoa any f armaal for aomea or cbildraa,
and will rnaka it a wall aa it caa W
made. Will maka it to pleas To d
every particular. We will V tba mrk
promptly, and Barer allow yoa to bsd
sstiaSed aith any baaineaayoa may it
iih oa. Keery f arment ahali fit, kwk
aril on the wearer, and prndin a mm
of comfort.
(tjod tioodv, and pricea not in aay is.
taiuv, more than a would he willitif
to par if yon aere aclling and aa m
tmyiOfC, are the priociplet npua aliick
we t-X'iecl to auoceed,
i.tur irood aie a ell aorlh lite moo
ey se ak for then, a gixU yoa kr
Iroiu any catalogue hsie in Sa Fria
cico are. We are rrsdy tu prove I ha,
and anxinoa to meet you fur thi purpbte.
We aeie a immih buying uor slock.
We M-arched the city to if el exactly a bit
ae wanted and would take ootliinf euc
Tlte price bad to b right, aod at (ta
the full benefit of caab paymeata. W
can, and sill treat yon ataellaiyoaaa
be treated ia buying ANY WIIEEE. tf
U'. A. Salisbury, who owaa tar
(Jranp r sawmill, met with a fright
ful accident yesterday evening. Be
waa runulni; the edcer-aaw acd by
some accident let the aaw catch hit
haud, which waa cut entirely off Jnrt
alcove the flujjers. He waa hroofiW
to town and Dr. Meredith, assisted
by lr. Kiatk'r, amputated the l
in Hinder of the haul at the wrk4
joint. Mr. Salisbury waa removed
to the roffmun Hotel about ntid-
niKht. and is rest Injj easily tblarooro
Intt. (Vdarvllle Ilecord.
CoM Watch FchbW.
Found: Shortly after the fire ex
citement .l ersterday mornliig. aeold
watch with braided k-nther chain,
on the sidewalk on the nonb side of
the Italy building, by Loren Uallry
Owner iiinv have same by calling at
. air
Xi . m k as. s.M w ''
aiialal. as ansa tas gtmmt sictsla ts
eaiEa coujcgb or wrtuxd.
Tm s-holsrsti)vs wsrs aslsetsd aJimr
ensarwc ntacjr eeUcs. ssd wars ss
iset4 tsv-suM Th T.arsin SsUtss
ttsit ttts BtrtJis-WIksr l"o: on
i r m
tbs bMt ojportur.lty ts scurs s kmstiksss : j m
4ur&rlOD of SOT rrV,rr of tts k'.Dl In th I I f. K 0
W cL Tbsss thoUcsi,lK r trstwfsr- j if If M A !
eoM to ens In T"r 4 mr.. J! U H JTJ V
AlX. THE PRIZi-4 n"ry-ZZJ A-FJ3 muut. w w
Tbe above waa clipped bodily from a
two-column announcement by The Evening
Telegram of a $5000 prize contest it baa just
instituted to obtain new aubacribera.
This sw ,m; tribute waa absolutely un
solicited. .LL the business colleges of
Portland . - Jvertiing columns of The
Teler. T " ' ?-V a'ker Co!!ec beH j
by tio i . 4geU advertisers Lue
Wrlta Ursct to Ceartmeat is. Bbnse-Walker Buslnsss College, FortlaAd. Or, tat Calalbg.
twt?-i"Z i.iture of this indorsement came cs
a tt ii.rphse.
! 1 wu in no sense a paid advertisement, but
war the verdict cf tixat great evening daily - its
fair and in rU'J judgzaent after bnvuij in"
vcutcttcd Lest business colleges in the west.
Gwe to fortland take advantage of this
"L. c. eppor -.unity to secure a business eclucj
vf i.ay cb!icc of ils LlaJ ia ihz
We u ill deliver you a load of wood
of any leugth, any day, at auy pia
iu lakeview you desire It.
Our price la f3 r conJ. a ith
count of ten er cent if ten cord
or more are taken and paid fur.
llev. Kanford Snyder pastor of the
Metbodlat Kplacopal Cburcb i
Iikevlew Las rented the Xellon
dence and will move loto the
it tur liaa aalll r kfi rtniit f , .e u 1i.f
. : this otlli-e au.l pay Itiif for tbl a'lr
ue on t lie h'M-rt when lie takes, hn.
sheep out.
Mr. llone has received a telegram
from the department nV U ntiliiuton
Kivlutf him authority to let stock ruu
on the Modoc Keserve until the 1st
of DecemU-r, ami oil th? ITaruer He
serve until the 1.1 ih of Nov iiiIht.
New Kra.
Jreen Iofris started ilii head of
horses to Oak dale yesterday. The
horses will tie put ou goo) pasture
until they are In saleable condition.
Carlos I'ayue will start another
band of ?50 to the same .l:ice tie it
Saturday. New V.'u,
lave IMIer came In from tlie sheep
camp first of the week. )ave fell
from a wagon and lit on his nose,
badly peeling that tueuilier. He had
his nose In a sllti Moudny. Jiave
says be will look the other way next 1
time he falls.
J. W. Maxwell and wife spent sev
eral days In Warner the past week,
returulutf home Monday. Mr. Max
well waa aellliitf plxnos uud collect
ing a few bills that I'ave been placed
In bis bauds for collection. He
speaks very highly of the H'jrmr
this week. All friends are reqaeal
touotk-e tbla change of residence.
all over
thej weir