General Information want a bnteer, Ret Home. If jmi .. , in 11 bracer. At I'oNt IIIII1H ' KIhw'h. " s.M.F,.--i,re-bred r'i"'i Clilna pit:-- 1 ii.ii! r-- of Chiw. Oliver Nev Fine frock, Oregon. 2l-tf. w,.M,i.h-M i.f tin- Miiippitijr tUH nt Tim Examiner hIo-mmiiiI iinlltloH. r"" lliii'ii. ..fllce. All M nulla to If AHifinii Laundry will nhortly op riiul Miniiiitli Fall. Oregon. All kinds of Laundry work will Im- taken nllll finished " Ill-HtTlllMH MllllllllT. w. neve, rrdjirU'tor. A Chance tor 5peeulators. KCIIOcI-I.ANH. 2" acre if level nnimprovwl aifriciiltntal land for sal flii-al. Inscription: KWV. nl NF', rhiI NW'i-4 of KEl4'. Keel Ion 10. TP..W. U. 1 K- W. M. This I a ilt-inilil'- ii'' nf land, located In Goose Lake valley a:d hl make nme man fiiml r n 1 1 1 I To Cure a Cold In One Day Take LAXATIVE P-KOMO QFIS1NK Trtl'li'H. All ilruuiii-it rotund the nmiit-y il it hills I" cure, !' W. Grove's fivimitiir i" on vnrli l"ix. 2.V.. Are You Engaged? KniMljcd poopl.- should reim-nilicr, that, nflcr iiiiirimue. Imiliv tpliirreN can ) avoided, I'V leeilik' tlieir diiifHliiiim in (i"iiil riindidiiii with Kleetric iMtet-B, (. A. Ilmwti. of Iteiinettaville, S. (t.. wv ' lor veurH, tnv m if.-ftiffered i. ! PA' 'I N IM KN 1 (iiiIh to core any , " . ... , ' CUM-, no inntler of how lonir ftiuulintr, in : u dy.i-p-m.j-oiiiplicBi.Ml;,,,,, ,., ,,HVB ,(t a ppiicnt ion k.vcn h 1 turpi. 1 liver, until idie lout lierl(..NP i,! fet. 5uc. If vonr druittfiHt Dri'iin'li nud, and iM-d.uica mere i rr.'k 11' lier former a.-lf. Then nh.1 tridl r.icctric r.ittctf, hich li.dp.-d her at iiikc, anil lii.uUv iiiu.l.. her entirely m-II. She in now Mr-inc nud henlthy." I.- Hi-all, ilruni:iMt. .-a- imd tiuarnii te tlielli. lit Jith- H hottle. Reclamation Law a Iktriment. Tin- iiirnn TluicK-Herald hii.vm. In ciiiiinieiitlui; upon the action 'of the Koveriuuent lieclitinntlou Service In nlmiidimiuK the Mulheur Irrigation dii-inc in Malheur county and the HIIvIhh project In Harney county, tlmt ho fur, liiMtead of Ix-lntf a U-netlt to tin-He two count lea, the Kccln Illa tion law haa liecu 11 iletrlliieiit. Then.) to project have la-en favor ably recommended to tlio acrvlce all aliiiiu, hy every eiiitluwr that liaa tinlted them and after n.'iirly two yvara of aiiapeiiHo the 1kiich of the pwiplo nf tin-no two count Ich are ilintti-red. It U hinted that tho or gituiiatioii of the ChrlHtluu I'ttdera tluti, imd St m known deal re toacijulre otiic valiialdo tracta of land In Kaatern Oregon, liaa lioott hiHtru nientitl In caiiHliiK the aliandouiiieut of tlu-ae two iiroleetM. The I'Vd.irn- tli.,.11 . ., tlimlaU nveutly took an option on j tlie Kn-iicli-(ileun property In liar-1 county, for which thj-y wore to P.v fl.MHi.wili, the ftrat paymout of lArtiiO to he made the flrat of Sep U'Ixt. it la now ladle veil by Home tlmt tlie deal will not bo nmde, and tl FederatlonlHta will undertake to ! ly the hind oinbracod In the two ' "iKHtlon project, a lurice portlou which Ih In tlm ownership of the lvKon Itoad Co. If tills Ih done, uo Sunlit time will wo tho rich Miitfe 1 "utli land rrlKatod by thl com ' y. and whether an beneficial ro '"'t will f(ih,w reinaliiH to be aeon. (ET WEATHER. WISDOM! .V.irJW. Trie ORIGINAL SLICKER fs .N hai 6LAC. oa villoiv M t WILL KEEP YOU DRY J&TfcZ'WWQ EL5E WILL yT TAKt M 4UMTITUTM ImowiJA Ttua rats 7j ""U tmi al"Ta AND HAT. J?ia'o? co-to. ........ HO1H TMINOS TO INTEREST ALL OUR RBADERS We print township plat. tf Tlie Examiner print township plain, HMil make them into book loordcr. if Font King have tlii'' btft grade of llquora and clara to lie found In Oregon. If Wo Iwvo 11 full net ff MyMoll-HoIlIn & Fo'h., Maniple of Stock fort Wcntc 11 nd bond, with price liHt. If yon j II If oFKHiiiniliM l Sf"t COT!.' J' Wt our price on xtin k cert Ideate, tf See h n tuple of tlm 1'iirlllc inoiitly 11 1 t hi office, and you will not heal tnt to pny 9'2M for n year' ut aolptlon to Tho Examiner mid Hint valuable Miiynxlno published In l'ort Intnl. tf We are now prepared to sell several tracts of Imul at prices tlmt m ill startle yon, especially if yon are acquainted with 1 he location. We have laml all the way from f 1.60 ier acre tip to 16; tin. Improved or Improved, to suit tin purchaser, take County Examiner. t Farmer, luivo yor butter wrnp mtm printed nt The Examine otllco, liiHtcnd ofB sending nwiiy for Ihem. You keep your niuiicy at home, and put rottlxe theni Hint pntrotil.e you, beside, yon hin whnt you lire get ting ntiil ln't have to pny for It If It (I.N-Nll't milt you. tf j A Guaranteed Cure for Pilea. j Itching, I'llind, lUcedini; or l'rotrud ' uiir Pile. limiiuiHta refund uioucv if haMi't it neiid AOc in atnmpH and it will h..or.l.-d post paid hy Pari, Med- icineCn., St Loiiin. Mo. Attacked by a Mob. nnd lienten, in a luhoi riot, until cover ed w ith mirea, a t'lii -ago atret-t car con ilnctur applie'l P.uckien'a Arnica Salve, nnd waa aiain aoiiud and well. "I uae it in my family, rt write (i. J. Welch, of Tckumdia, Mich., ' and find it perfect.' Simply (treat for cut and hiiru. Only at I'C IteaU'a driiu etore. $2.(HKI Reward. (I'.IMM) reward offered hy the Lake County Wool Growers Amtociatiun for the arrvat and conviction of any person or pernoim guilty of killing or manning any ahuep lielcmnlinf to any member of thin aNHiM-iation hy order of the F.xcutive t'Jinniittee. S. li. ClIAKDLEK. PKKH. 1, N. Wathon, c-kc. Llki Finding Money. Finding health ifl like finding money no think thoae who are aick. When you have a coukIi, cold, sore throat, or cheat irritation, letter act promptly like W. 0. Harlwr, of Sandy Level, Va. He any : "1 had a terrihlecheat trouble canned hy amoke and coal duat on my In UK" i but, after (hiding no relief in other remediea, I waa cured by Dr. King' New Jliaoovery for Conauaiption, (.V.ugliH and Oolda." Urealw-t al of anv coiiuti or coiiuti or lunir meuiuine in me world. Al JHiau a uruir iore; owe B,(, fl (KJ. KUarHI,toeJ. Trial bottle free. The Illinois Central maintain unexcelled aervice from the Weat to the Kaat and South. Making cloae connections with traina of all transcontinental linen, pengura are kiven their choice of routes to Qkicaito li'vllle, Memphis and New Orleans, and through these point to the far east. Prospective travelers deciring infor mation as to the lowest rates and best routes are invited to correspond with the following representatives. II. H. Trumbull, Commercial Agent, 1 42 Third St., Portland, Ore. J. C. Lindsey, Trav Passenger Agent, 142 Third at., Portland, Ore. Paul H.Thompson Passenger Agent Column Huilding VBttle H ash. Naaal Cuiarrh qulokljr yioltla to trea. meat by JilJi Creaui Halm, wUioU is agree ably aromatic It i woeivad turpugU Ui noatriU, oleausaa and heals Uia whola aur. laoa orer which it dilrosas itaeif. liruggiaU soil tha 60o. si Trial aim by mail, 10 oenU. Taat it and you are sure to ooutmua the treatment Announcement. To aooomuiouate those who are partial to the use of atoiuuers in applying liquida into tha nasal jaaut!es tor cttmrM trou. iUl, tha ioprio; prenara CreaioUalin la liquid form, which -ill bo kuowa as My a Liquid Cream Balm, l'riue iuoludiug tha apruying tulia is 75 oeuU. UruggiaU or bT mail. Tha liquid form embodio the mad. loiual propertiw of tha iulid jireoaration. g II rri'Xilent -crrarr lk-vl, Or. .fcn-lrw.Oi. LAKE COUNTY B' SIMSS MINS' OtVflOPMtNT ItAOlE If yon wiHt Information aboti Luke County, Oregon mMreM nth er of lh Uive gi-nllenifn, who will lie plcr.Hixl to reply. n. C. CHURCH DIRHCTORY. 1'lan of wivieeH of Pni-tor of th M. K (ihurch, Ijikeviow. 1ft snd 3nl lon daj'H of each month. ftolhol at II . m . and rin Creek at 7 p. ni., 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month. fokeview at 11 a. m., and 7 p. ni. Prayer inoelinu Thurday 7 p. rn. 6ih Huiidny ITnion Ndw1 House at 11 a. m. Ijikcview at 7 p. m. Yon are cordially invited to all the pervicca. Hakpokd SwvnrB, Pai-tor. Our Offer. With tho June n 11 in Ur will Iw-irln The Piu lflc Monthly' wrh-a of Kpf-c-ial edit Ion for the year VMT. They will coinpriwH nutnlier for Portland, for Seiitt!. 'or Soutlr-rn California, for San rranelwo and the nouvenlr nunitx-rof the I-w1h ami (lark F.x poaltlon, alao a H'( lal itutoinohlle n'Jinber The iirllcle of Ir. Wolf von Schlerliratul, nix In tiutiit-er on "The ('otnlnn Hiiprcmncy of the Pa cillc" are iilw promlMt-d, mid tho platiMi-oiitonipliited by the publlhcre will, without (UCHllin, place The Pacific Monthly fur In ad v unco, not only of prt-Hcnt cnupetltorK, hut n1i Into the unrenchalile cIjlmm if iK-rlod-Ical literature on the Piwiftc Count. The Pad lie Monthly in wold to n-jru-Inr aulmcrilit-r at Ihe extremely low tirlei- it 1 11 rear. We have tniule , aTntl neut ,vit h t ho puldiahera bv which we are aide to offer It In connection with Tho Lnko County Examiner, (both Publication), to new HuliHcril-erH. and old ouea who pny up any back miliKcrlptlou they may owe and a year In advance, for tho very low price of $2.50 a year, tf Popular and Picturesque. The only thing necesKHry to make the Denver and Hio Grande the most pop ular, as it has ever been known the most pleasant and must picturesque way to croM the continent, has come about. This is the establishment of through sleeping car service. In connection with the O. ft. & N. a through 1'ullmau Staudard Sleeper is now run from l'ort land to Denver, leav ing Portland at S.l'i p. m., arriving at Bait Lake at 8 40 a. m. the second morning, leaving Salt Lake at 3.50 p. m. and arriving at Denver 4. 20 p. m. the following day. This schedule givoa pas sengers seven hours stop-over in Salt Lake, affording an opportunity to visit the Mormon Capital as well as e day light ride through the grandest scenery in the world. For reservation In this car and for il lustrated booklets picturing the scenery contiguous to the Denver &RioGrande, proving it to be the '-Scenic Line of the World," wiitetoW. C. MeBride, Gen eral Agent, 124 Third street, Portland. An Editor's Opinion of the Royal Gorge. Kdyth Toiler Woathorred, lu de acrlblnjj; a recent trip over t,he Denver & Klo Grande Kallroad, aya in "The Exposition": "At laat the goal of the ambition of yeara haa boon reached tuarve Iouh, wouderful, graud and luaplrlng Koyal Gorge Is on either hand. The only disappointing thing la you only have one pair of eyes, while the train darta In aud out of the tremendous chasm. If any who have never seen It are wouderlug how It looks ut go and see. Thousauds hare tried to describe It, yet every attemptfaJls short of giving the subject Justice." If you contemplate a trip East, write W. C. McBrlde, 124 Third street Portland, Oregon, for booklets pic turing Colorado's famous scenery, and auy other Information you may desire. 8-ti Got off Cheap. He may well thiuk, he has got off cheap, who, after having contracted constipation or iudigestion, it atill able to perfectly restore bis health. Noth ing will do this but Dr. King's New Life Pills. A quick, pleasant and cer lain mlrA f.ip tiaa.laeliA rAii.lln.l.. etc. 25o at Lee Boall'sdrug atorej guar- anteou. R. V.. 1. Mtflnrr . z lam:v 1 tz w t SADDLERY s. r. A.U.STROM. Proprietor t , The best Vafucrosad- J tile on the market. j & AIho a roinpletollno of wa?on ami titiirjty harneaa, whip, rola-a rlntaa, , ldta, pur. qnlrta, roue t tea. In fact every thing In the lino of carriage ami horse furrilohlnK. Ro palling hy competent men. mm ERECTED IN 1900 MODERN THROUGHOUT FIRST-CLASS ACCOfinODATIONS SAlPLE ROOn For COnnERClAL TRAVELERS COURTEOUS TREAT MENT F P il Sow LIGHT & HARROW, Proprietors CEO V F. E. HARRIS. HARRIS LAKEVIEW FURNITURE CO, ? W raa a. run ana complete siock 01 Everything in the line of FURNITURE. JUST OPENED. OOOD5 AR RIVING ALL THE TIME. ...LAKEVIEW, OREGON... CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK AND GET OUR PRICES ' w max v U JL VXVla J UP.B BEAU.. PraprUUr We have conatantljr on hand a Fine and Complete Stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, Fancy Notions, Cigars, Etc., Etc. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded a BEEP. MUTTON. PORK, SAUSAQE, E1C., ' ALWAYS ON HAND AT TUB ..Lakeview Meat Market.. JOHN WJBNDELL, Proirietor - AT PRESENT LOCATED BUILDINQ NORTH AyerSFillsS "flit your moustache C," a beautiful brown or rich bla:- ? fsc 1 ! ill; H.s J mm-- t " E." N. JAQUISH . & JAQUISH m Snider Building on Water St. LAKBVIBW. OREQON. OF HOTEL LAKEVidVV 111,1.. I rcai rule of health 1 ine bowels regular, the Prcaf milin. Ayer's Pills. f B.MCKIHGHAM'S DYE 3 1