Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 05, 1905, Image 1

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NO. 40.
The willliiniHon-inggH-Oesiier cose
u$ lm,n iH-r.iri! the Federal Court
A(( t . tli" J'"-''-" t the first
wo trhilx not being able to reach a
rrttllCt. Tl' ,lrMt tr,U' ,M'KW" " I
The Dulles, In order to educate hi
daughter. He .till retain hi real
denee at Prluevllle, however. Mr.
Williamson began IiIh career In Crook
County hh a shcephcrder, and ha
worked IiIm way up tin til lie In now
one of the largest sheep-owner In
the state. In Mr. Williamson
wii elected Sheriff of Crook County,
m 1 .....1 l..k lllllHKItt U'latl '
Krlilay. JUiy " " i anil In 1S wn sent to the lower
jKfii t the Jury on 'July IS. Th )10use of Oie State legislature from
.11 ...I... 1 1 I L .1 I Wll Fit I HI I . .
jury wiih ui k t :ronk County. Me wiih again sent
ll.w I ul.v -U j to the Hoiimc of Jtcprcseu tut Ives In
TIk-w- 1 1 rliil ltcgau on Frldny. ,!(S( , 1WM, WH H,.t , tla.j
julvil.iui'l '' eiiH,. "MMtate Senate, lie was Heeled to.
the Jury on Tuesday. August 1. The j 0,,1IKIVMH ,,,, VM).. ,, 1,4,1.11,,
that ofllee, though he has not np-j
M'ured upon the floor of the IloiiMe'
since his Indictment, j
Dr. Van Gcsucr w us lioru in talent I
In lH.-,i', and studied medicine In Wll- j
lamette I nlverslty, and later In
Philadelphia In 1HSJ. He went to
bWll. the nine for a couple j VrwA (, ,
of day, the Jury Is-lug completed on j ,t, prHCl.(.,, ,,, prf,.-Hlon s
trptmilwr 7. T "e wan given to , ,,,,. of e ,
.belnryatnilloehMkon Septemlier . .. ... . .
I HauiHon, Wakefield & Gcsucr In the
TholmiK mid tiresome third trl"1 fa of llXil.
ufthfciwc Iium piiMMed Into hlHtory,
ut unlike the llrst and Hecond. It Iiiih
a productive of a derisive result.
uVilrcrHlnn of the t wel ve men drawn
n .1 ...1 tin. ..iii.i-
jurj' WIIH UlxnilUK'-M " j
Hhmit an agreement on I hnrsflny,
Thf trial Jnnt ended wan commcne-
rtloD TiifHiIn.v. Septcmlier .". Judge
- - . l.ll ft A t
Hunt, of .Montana, presmiug. i
4 nutwt. M. IS. I!IB was Hick, !
if 1
Copyright Vy Cullin t MnUy.
tub ni'KK axi nis kcuktaisy.
iiifclilc llion tie K'lilt or liinoceUHc
the iHemlaiitH wiih not ewdlyj
fhl, Tli'1 Jury wn-xtled with the
wi-liMi for li Iioiii'm before dually
The full report of the race wan
Marlon It. HIjckm, the third defend-
Itlt tt-IIU 1 i ktM If ItlL'lft f .lllltt- rriu
not Riven In the hint pattern, hence
Mourl, In JHU. and m iid led law hit . . " ...
we cannot jjlve them corrctly, how-
lllllt MtlltM tl, U'ltfllt t.fc ItltfllU I I ft i- I
' I ever. It U Mulcl the riweM were good.
my County, In the 'NO, and In Ksi)4 j
moved to I'rlnevllle, where he Iiiih
and the hall anieH. though not mo
treat In number, furuUhed coiiHider-
Hlnee rcHidcd. I le iiualified a t 'lilted ' , , . ,
1 : abl amuriemcut for vlwltor. The
niMiii,'. It wiih hiiIii that the lirt
'luillntM Hliind II for eoiivh'tlou I
ii'l I fur unpilUiiI. The verdict of J
be jury nw
1 state CouiuiUHloiier on June l!iir',
Vacant. Lands in Northwests
A magnificent banquet and recep
tion waa tfven to J. J. lllll.prealdent
of tlis Oreat Northern, and Howard
Klllott, prenhlent of the Northern Pa
c!e rallroadii, Iy the Lew-la and
Clark KxiniUono!Rc1hiat Portland
on Monday evening, lat, when Mr.
Hill officially announcetl that hi rail
road would be extended to iiVegon.
I'reHldent tioode of the Iewl and
Clark KxiKMdtlon. Inrltwl many rep
re4entntlve men of the ttate to meet
Mr. Hill, In order that the railroad
ueceKHitk'8 of the different section of
Oregon might le preentel. He went
the following telegram Inviting Dr.
Duly to be present, but the dltip&tcb
wh received too late'for blm to at
tend: ' Portland. Ore., Sept. 28
I)k. B. Daly, Lakevlew, Ore.
You are cordially Invited to dinner
to Janie J. HU1, president Great
Northern ralroad and Howard El
liott, president Northern Pacific rail
road, in honor of building of those
road In Oregon, at American Inn.
World" Fair ground, next Monday
evening. Please wire if you can come.
II. W. Uooi.k, President
L. and C. Exposition.
In reply to this invitation Dr. Ialy .
Minister AMigned Pastorates.
The animal Oregon Methodlnt ("011-
Tullcd State if j fi renee. made the follow iugpilHtorlal
viiwrka V. .1. .N. WIIIIiiiiihoii. Vim itMMlgniuent lu the Kugt district:
iwikt mill Marlon I'.lgg. Presiding elder, M. T. Wire; Ash-
"H' the Jury In t he above-entitled j laud. I:. F. Zimmerman; ltrownsville,
uw, I1111I the il-f-iiduntH J. N. Wll-a. .1. llolllugMWorth; Canyonvllle.
4m)ii. Van ii. Hii.-r and Marlon U". M, Jlryaut; Central Point, !. I..
i Biillty li charged In the In- Hurbauk; Cobur and Weiidling, V. !
exhibits were good, and take the af
fair as a whole, Moloc county should
be proud of her achievement; some j
counties don't even try to have fairs
because they d n't pay big dividends
to the protnotor.
A table recently compiled by Com- ,
mlssloner Illcbards of the general
land office show that there are IX,
Kil.Sr.T acres of vacant land in the; wired President tJoode the following
northwest namely, Washington, ! message:
Oregon, Idaho and Montana and j Lakevlew, Ore.. Sept. 2U.
S'l,K72,:;r7 acre if unappropriated! 11 ox. H. W. Goojje,
and unreserved laud In the country ! I'resident Lewi and Clark Ex
position, Portland, Oregou:
Thank for Invitation, but owing
iflimiit, inn! r.-i .muni. 11, 1 them lo, jj, MyerH; tloipillle 11 ml Handon, W.
I k'lilt'iii-y ol 1 he court 011 account ;. . I'.rovvue; Collage IJrove circuit
tWr pn-vloiiH good character.
.1111 N ItAlX, Foreinau.
JuV lioimctt, counsel for the"di
oddllU nslied to 1k allowed to
ke a motion for a new trial.
- Hunt stated that he would
wtlwmludii.vH in which to pre-
wetury Hitchcock, when Inforin
'Mbat the Jury in the Oregon Fed
f'cnirt I111.I convicted WilllatiiHou,
ner mid lllggs, MHmed'well pleim
Uut mi couinientlng upon the
'foumiuiiihitl.m of leniency by the
'ry. be i(cl the defendant wen' not
rv,,,K of leniency. He said they
-bonld UeKlvcn theextreuieseutence.
?llflKocklmHnosyini.athv for anv
"Mrli-miuntH la any of the land
'!ctuethc west.
IbeJ"'-ritter trial will prop
yl the next flal. and after that.
ftoJNrtrlei Alturucy Heney ay
ktnottocoiihunie more than a
f.'w coniH lllnger Hermann'
Tl OtVRoillnii of Kent. !'8. null.
the following brief history of
defendant In the eaue Jut
dcfiiulant In tlie WHIIamon-
11 Luil ft ivt .....ill
" sime, iue, me
ntmiveof the State lu Con
J"1" a United Stat.. Comml
ftle(i0nerul Land Ottlee, the
e of the hest-known physl-
lent ml Oregon, where he
auu j.iactlsed for year.
, "Nwt Vllllull8l)l,WUHl)0iU
County, Novt.llll((.,. 8 ,8r,-(
tlu' ':tl' " ,V,'nr'' iM Ut
HehuH resided therw since
; "w. until uiiout live year uho.'
wwovwl with ill family to
to le supplied; Crawfordsvllle, to Ik'1
supplied; Creswell, J. L. Stafford;!
Drain. E. 11. Lock hart, Elkton, W.
11. Petter; Eugeue, L. E. Hockwell;
tiardluer, W. S. Uorden; Grunts
Pus, C. O, lieckuiau; (lulscy and
llarrlsburg, J. II. Hkldmore; Jack
sonville, Arl J. Armstrong; Junction
City, 11. J. llarblt: Marshlleld, J. L.
Iteiitty; Metlford, C. F. Mcl'herson;
MonriM', E. C. Alford; Myrtle Point,
W. F. llogers; Ntd th llend, Amos P.
I'.oyd; Jtoseliurg, W. C. Keuter:
Shedds, 1. L. Fields; Springfield, W.
M. I'.rsklne'Teu-inlle, J. M. Sweney;
Tiller circuit to be supplied; M'llbur,
It. A. Prlstol; Wlldervllle and Alt
housc, George Clark.
There were also these assignments'
Klamath Mission district It. E.
Imulap, presiding elder and pastor
at Klamath Fall; Lakevlew, San
ford Snyder; Fort Klamath to lie
supplied; Paisley, P. L. Kuroude;
llouuuxa to be supplied.
Missionary to Nevada, A. 8. Mulli
gan; uportntendent to Alaska Mis
sion, John J'arsous; missionary, to
Alaska, L. H.Petersou; auperlutend
wut of Ttab Mission, II. T. Talbot;
secretary of Jupanese City Mission
on Pacific Coot, A.' N. Flshor; agent
of Oregon Autl-Saloou League, Quo.
L. Tuft; uperluteudunt of KallsKl,
Montana Mission, C. E. Cllue.
May Send for Hunters' License.
j Attorney-General Crawford of
Siilem, In an opinion rendered on re-i
; quest of County Clerk Smith, of
Crook County, says thnt it 1 not
1 necessary for a person to appear In
I persou Is'fore tlie clerk to obtain
huutera' license. The law say the
clerk shall give description of license
holder lu license. Many clerk bare
insisted on applicant appeariug In
persou. This work hardship In '
lurge interior counties.
Tlie Attorney General say the
manlier of obtaining descriptions I
optional with the clerk, and suggest
that clerk have printed blank cov
ering requirement which appllcauts
can fill out aud forward to the coun
ty sent. Telegram.
Modoc County Fair.
F1-6111 all reports the Modoc couuty
Fair wo a grand meeting, uud one
that w'a deserving of a much larger
attendance from neighboring conn
ties, although It was well 11 1 tended
by those In easy leach. The New
Era Issued a dally during Fair week,
giving tho program for euch duy'
event and the result of thecon tent.
at large. j
There are more public land in
Montana tiian in any other state or
territory in the union, with the ex
ception of A lak u and Nevada,' there
U'lug .Vl,jr5,4:ij acre of uch unap-
propr.acea lan.i. in tm. total from livestock alone, of more
1 jrjij.j acre uave oeen surveyed. 1 than ;W0 is-r i ailtn.. I.nt. -Mil 1o,
Idaho ha the next largest area, 1 j mile from the nearest railroad, send
unappropriated aud unreservt'd' j K'tlnS to Messrs. Hill aud Elliott,
lands. Thi state 1 recorded wlth ! on ne evening, and commend
3S,(i8,aij acres, of wbleh ltf,SJ8,g49
to the great distance from a railroad,
it will be impossible to reach Port
land Monday evening. However,
Lake county with five million acrea
of splendid timber, grazinand nlfal-
ifa lands; with an income for thi
Stock News.
Mr. Johnson, the horse buyer, baa
bought several hutches of good
horse and luulu lu thi county the
past week. S. T. Col via sold blm ten
head of flue mules, and W. z. Moss
Co bead of horse and 40 bead of fine
mule. The 7T company traded blm
25 bead of horse tor a fine stallion.
8. T. Colvlu expect to start for
California Boon wltb about two car
load of horses.
Walter Sherlock bought 2000 bead
of sheep from Geo. Hanking this
week. He will drive them to Monta
gue where they will be shipped to
Willows and tod this winter.
W. '.. Moss bus bought the J. A.
Morris horse brand, about 100 to 150
Horsebuyers this week bought 13
bead of horses from Harry Ulggs.
They went up to the Currier ranch
after more.
C. W. Withers bought 2800 head, of
slurp from I Ate Thomas lust week..
It I said that the regular seml-au-miul
round of the grippe lu the East
and middle states, i taking a very
peculiar and severe form.
acre have been surveyed. '
Oregou ranks third among tlie
western state In this respect, wltb
20,174,254 acres of vacant land. Of
this, 14.027,289 acre have been sur
veyed. It will be seen from the fore
going figures that Oregon ha the
greatest per cent of surveyed land.
Washington, a close second, 1
credited with 6.S62.932 acres of unap
propriated land, of wblcb total 4,
00S,'J54 acre, or about u half, have
been subjected to survey.
Norther Stock News.
from lh 8. JL Orf oniao.
Cburles Horton drove bis cattle,
about 160 bead, from Klamath marsh
to bis ranch on Lost river, last week.
Alex Pavls, Zed Harris, Horace
Dunlap aud Frank Harris will start
900 bead of beeves to Klamath Falls
Cattlemen on Klamatb marsb have
finished riding and will soon start
all the beef lu that country on Ihe
road to market.
Jas. Hayes will start with bis beef
cattle in a tew days to Scotts valley,
Cal., where they will be ted this win
ter. , Jack Parti n and Emll Egli sold
something over 300 bead ot beef cat
tie to W. O. Suiltb, of Dly, and an
other man, whose name could not
be learned.
Mors. Ward turned the Lane sheep
over to Claud McCall this week, who
will drive them to Horsefly for Lewis
the extension of their railroads to
, P.. D.U.V.
It was unfortunate that 110 repre
sentative from this place was at the
meeting, but while Dr. 'Daly's tele
gram contained less than one -bund-red
words, It was a magnificent ad
vertisement tor Ike county. It told
a much as could possibly be stated
lathe same number of words, and
must have produced a favorable im
pression, when read, upon the gen
tlemen assembled at the banquet
board. "Lake county with five mil.
lion acres of splendid timber, graxing
and alfalfa land, with an Income for
this year, from livestock alone, of
more than f.100 per capita," 1 ,
wonderful record One that cannot
be surpassed by any county on the
Pacific Coast.
A county with such vast resources
as Lake, cannot remain long Isolat
ed from railroads.
&ttsr Frotsctioa from Firs.
An agreement has been made and
entered Into between the City Dads
of Lakevlew and the Xak$view Wa
ter Co., by which tbe City Is to have
the use of the water in case of fire for
"y part of town, with aguaranteed
pressure by paying the Water Co.
112.50 per month and allowing the
company tlie use of tbe big tank on
the bill for storage, purposes. The
agreement baa several details, but
the main points are set out In this
article. It Is stipulated that at auy
time when the warning of Are Is g1v
en liv a mimiu.. r.i t, ....
- vn vups 01 i lie nro
bell, all hydrous mm. 1-. ).... ..n
Joe Howard bought a bunch of over town. In or.w u,. ..... .....
-ee from U alter uud Wm. Kittrldgo rwur. and supply to Co to . ho , ro
last Sunday. . . Acting apuratus.