z i I M AKl&G-FiQQMi . ii-ivi- lu-i-ii :it it lor sniiH' tiilK' sutliciont iomn to taeilitnto tin- liamlliiiii .'uul stoi io ,f our immense stock of IWI.k AND WINTKR r.OODS which is now arriving. Tlic continuous incmisc i:i our trade m-ivs.-itnu-s more space. The prices we are makin- tor ilic I'.KAlMi (i(H)I'S we .ire r. o.s-iiv earning to laKi Tt Lakevicw And Vicinity 5 I Cnni'dy li(ii,irHiil I'ost iV Kings, tf ?! II. L. Chandler and family hnve re- i turiu'd from the I'air. A I Furrow ttml i'rof I'aul were down from Paisley lust week. Mrs A. W. Miinrlng. who wuh scr- to make aiu ai. o !iuo makes this Imsiness crow, S are learning l take advant- a e I V. i i ca.iiH'u 4 ( .J ' $ I lonsly sick last v'k. U better. . t .1 ll'lllmm . if PtiitileV ihuvc gone to I'ortlanil to see the ; I ail. Mr anil Mrs. A. T. Cllppcnger to Ashland on n vi-it. New Line of Ladies' Wivol I lose ha ve lict'ii over i eceived at i it .1. I!, lllgby arrived In Lakevicw ! TncHila.V. Henry Teal was liere f'-om I'ort l.i inl Monday. John Callahan was here from Lake City this week. Ins, I lines returned here from the City yesterday. .lack Harry came over from War ner first of t he week. m tieo. Stevens came down from Aliert Lake this week. A line rain commenced Tuesday night and was hi ill falling when we went to press. New Line of Umbrellas received at 7 ''i i' wr-RkLY WEATHER REPORT. Ilnlnw we five h report of tlu w(Rtier ns recorded liy the i,vcriiincnt tvciitlier liiircim Ntiilian at The l'-XHiiiincr ( lj,.n This report is dumped ciich week, mill if our renders w ish to keep n yearly record of weather conditimiH for future refr enrc, cut (tut the report hIomk the biitck line iind piiHte it in n nernp hook one week after nnot1n.r. This reord will m taken on Tuesdii" to end each week and hcejn on Wednesday for the next week, tioveriiinent Weather Iliiremi Kta. tion at I.likeview , Oregon, ('. (). Mktzki:k, Cooperative Olmervvr, Week endiiiK Tuesday, Sept. mi, v.m;, liny nmx 'nilii. ! wed. s- i t imr. j n i :;s j fi-el'v i aN ; .-..a A v. II . iiri'i'l. n'v I'lmm.-iiT lUIIIIIII full nl ,ny II. on a mi ii. no ii ,' n. u i mi ii. i liu i clear Li Sliver Kenv,. upon a M!ic. or ci i iar m. w r OUT! fhc DsaLsf Who Cannot Supply "You With i- v-"'- rS. I1 4 -rA:?;-, s i r i Mr A v ; i.i i r 11 a : n u . i i a U n liiiie sick last l'liursday. II. i- f -pi ivii-il coiisidcra lily !! tcr, I'.. I'. I'lieic'V shipped several line saddles to M out ai; lie last week to I I. i .' 'ST. I'-- . I. . .I. ! Sr!"-'i .'I l.l I --I-. Si lllli-U IliTe 1 1) t Ween IiiWII and I lie .luiili lieor-e r.inrl.. 1 I week. Kinder Will d"iisc h';i e Willi I). .1. Wilcox. The linesl lot of plu-h lni;;y rohes ami winter horse lilankels ever ill l.akevlew now on sale at Cheney's All desiijiiH. ' h A I r ;an, l.llt! 1 II 1 1 . Ill Ver.ll l! eastern ntar- tlie liiieearoos of that country. Ll-veti head of horses have arrived ' Harness V Saddle shop, from Keiio to nart ieii in te in t lie races Call and see I hem. ; New Line of Blankets! .ias. por:.-r. cott.-.-e i;,-.ve. rrfivfH rtt ,'si',!i t his week lioiiuhl from TIkuiiiik a i! I .1 . i!iii I . i ' ' 1 1 , a . e i.i III'1 i ie V 11 I In. pine a i i if s.-y. Il:'a I . .1 I.i u 'i .. I iT III ! ket. i W. A. Currier sold Inn head of liar. i 1 Hi'f, to Mr. I ,co n a rd of S prim lie KiVtT I and a Mr. Sievens, of Kone Ulvcr 'valley. The hofse were nidirakeii land Iii-oiilmii ' per 1 1 - -; 1 1 1 at Mr. ! ( 'urrier's ra iieli in Summer Luke. ah-1 1 l:et week. Allliras I'la .:..-s Iielia SncUiu". has moved Irom .Moiiinolltli. Here sue lias l.-cll IS .laekson l."..l head of cuttle. Tile cut for more than a year, to 1 iid-pcnd- ! Sl.luul ,,,.,.,! Mmelay wii h a j I le su in merei 1 on Klamath MarHli. ance. I imiiI atteiidanee ami the proiuisi- of ! I'i'i.'e paid Is a secret. ! Mrs. .loe Stickel left for Komie !(It iiiuch larger a I lendaui e w hen t l.e The W. Itolton, Co. is one of tile Liver valley last week for a six Hummer's work on the farms ill j ire",, uiian's most lil.eral iidvcrtiserit. months' Htay, where she will keep permit of farmers moviim In town, illoiiie tiierchaiits don'l lielieve In : her children in school. Han McClune, a yout h ne,cd iiliout printer's ink. ' . : r- . . i "- 1 . i v t i .. ., . , .i .. . i , , , l new Line ivuuucr uuuus i ,o n"M ," ,,,n- "" .ii. -Man McClane, who resides on Ash received at 6 home of the Creek aliout ten miles from Adin, ! coininitted siihdde this week liy tak ! lay; carholic acid. j Lecciver C. I'. Snider of the lai d olliec has none on his annual vnen i tion. Mr. Snider armed himself wit h lient pins, lish liueh, a L'-mi:i, pick, sliovei and a iioeuet mil of immiiir many an item the past few m. u.t lis ; )luiiU an(1 .. ,lim.lf , j,.,, Married: At tin hride's parents, Sept. ITtli, liy Hon. John L. Kuker, Wheel l'epp"rdilie and Nettie 1'orter. Alturas I'lain- deah'r. Wi regret tlmt the slllijeel f, ir will soon have vauinlieil, the uoiny; and lanniim of this one und that one to the I'ortlaud I'nir." Win. Taylor, the Lakev iew-l'aisley Be-mnd The Brand! Creek, to lie none nlioiit a week. The Keno ( ia.el ie says: The (' O. Company is l n kitm iniieh inlerei-t in the new eold District, of Modoc !stii";e driver, wus spinnin-,' around .ouuty and in the event shipping ore last Sunday with a liu-y, as though j ,. M' found in lare ijtiantities it is Tiie iieriock yearling, it is report ed, hrounlit .i;.7.", delivered at .Mut tic's Unite, Sycau. Martin Wriiiht started their luff from Klamath Marsh to Kluniatli l ulls Wednesday. Win. Iloimh sold the last of bin cattle to Horace luiidap, this wwk. Ilaiijel Cfaf and I'hlllde Ah'Cllll cniiie down from lh" iimuntuitiH mi .Nil iii'lny. Sol. Chandler is up ii oiii Lukeview. He has Hold the dry sheep of tilt) li. 1'. Lane hand to Louis (ierher. Alturas News. (New Km.) ircen Siuilh, one of the solid uiul ispected citi.ens of the Willow FEED AND LIVERY STABLE SOUTH LAKEVIEW. LOVELCi PROPRIZTOR. I pvopo.-ii.' t ' of.-r t!. 1. will J.e h '1 an I i liolin:. 1 '11 the placi Wulllll lie I Mil lor he was thinking of Hoiuethiue; more j n.Uiirded as certain that the line will important, than (Irivint: stage. I ,, ,.xtei,ded north from Madeline. ! We learn that unite a number of The man v children who sla rted loiLanch countr.v, is here this wwk. - I'aisley people liave the lyphoid ' school Monday morning went wii h Nome time ago lie was "liiiiii:ni'(l' fever, among them, Mrs. II. Landoni, apparently as glad hearts ns theyjoulofa fine stallion hy the Imr 'Mrs.C. I; ampliell, Mr. M. C. ur- laiine a way from i ehool on lie last ma n. Leggel l , and he Is here iryins , tier a ml M r. and M rs. ieo. !rumm's day of lasl term. AI! were glad in' I" ha ve somet long done lufnre tin' i child. get lnutk to the school room again, j grand jury. Mr. Smith surely law u : just grieva nce, and we hope to six him get miiiii hii t inflict it ai. The town is full of Lakevli'w w(l1 learns every night. Soiaeli stlioiv I. S. Loveless llivilew I lie plililie to 1 ire l lesl.ro veil I he hiio W sheds on j share their pa tronage with him at I he .Soul hern I 'aeilie raes near Kie.o iiieMHllii i.akevicw i I a an i a very i.isi ween. .Mr. I. . (olvla. who lis I" I lf. He guarantees good trea'- ineiit to all stock left, in his care, and propose lo feed good ha. a ml plenty of it. :::i-tf eame up nuid t ,e 1, I.I. shortly after his train pass, n and the next train was delayed. We have not heard the extent of the loss. I will also keep a team and rig to hire. 'l T. W. ( oh in and wife, old pioneei )! ' of ioose Lake valley who have re i-'inut Trout. Liiliii )t!ic at I.ake.'iew, Drean, el,t. II. lilll'). Notiee s ,ei '-I .V "i ;n Ceo. Lei d. the former I'aisley cab inet maker, lias sold all his property sided at Lincoln, Calif., the past few . in that town, und will look for a lo- -- years, arrived here last Friday even- cation in the Coos Lay count ry. He ' ing on a visit with relatives and old I was here and left yesterday by priv- J lime friends. Mr. Colviu has been in ! ate conveyance for the valley where l'o my ' very poor health for several years, ; lie will spend the winter. New Line Outing Flan- At, the Old Stand i .. i 1 1,. v,,, a : Hat the (ollowma ii.nn.-d M-tller ha; iaaliy friends as well as my old and oie iui lew mou, ns ne mis re-; hied notice of his iiiiiriui iii '"dl"' i.ew cimtomers 1 am ulad to advise gained his health wonderfully, and he looks ready to Have you money, as I have j 'pine wen. tin-muiagenieiit of this store, ami Com nlete Stock of fini- lia. rmrf iill I ...a.l'e h'eliaejyou that I am again at the old stand, l"spiU- his advanced agi Ki 'ifclur ami ium-ivi-i- :n i.;iki-vii.w wm 'uii. on Octi.lier 'JO, l'"i'i. viz: Iti -h.trd L. Lee, lid. l-.atrv Nn. -S' i. mi the j W4, M'.3-4 N VV. M-:'4' N '-'4 "'-. T lis S., 11. '21 K., SV. M. lh- inline the following witneMse.H to prove his colilin uoiis residence upon and cultivation of mid land, viz: Mont. Cu'iv, Taylor Metzkiir. .Joliu I)ilier nd James .Vetz ler. all of Lukeview, Oi-jjon. ;;; II C. I'. Snider, I.'eceivcr. nels received at a re as ma ay as ten here. Larry Hall, w ho was s.A' ivly flit about the neck and shoulders liMt week by Julills Joseph, is getting along all right. Y ood. We will deliver you a load of wood of any length, any day, at any 1ICU in Lakeview you ik'Hlre it. (ur price is per cord, with iH- i count of ten per tent If teu ura or more are taken und paid for. Loom: Mi I 'r:v' Mr. iniigliehl is entirely out of this busiuens. If you want bargains now is your time, terms striekly cash. and no one can meet my prices. II. Li: v.noi.iis, ::it-l Manager. ceries received at CASTOR! A Tor Infants and Children. Ths Kind You Hava Always Dcught buy ihepriji'-l'a'i'l I'tlii i' hI-vIii in ; Work on the new telephone line from Lakeview to U'nriier is urn. 'uresHlny rapidly, in a few more I days the line will be completed, and "Grandma" I lainnierHley. mother ', H'u long felt want will be Hiippllcd. of the lliiinmersley boys ami Mrs. I '' I'" wire Is strung from town and Is Sherlock and Mrs. Ilatchelder, is ly- '1' operation lo the construction ing very low at Andy I lannnersley'H ' erew'H cam p. " home on the west side of the slash. C. L. C'ou verse wiih up from the t r. .ir... ..I,.. 1, . .j I , 1 1 i..i ! I i ii,, i ! j . .1, 1 . .... UI...1....1 , r -e i . ,,,,r, ...... , ... ,, ,,r, 1 1 1 1 joenua.v. .Mr. i.onverse hiib-l , iy the editor of a local new spaper, i failing for several months, am! it 'scribed for Hie Lxauiiuer to be sent' Upplied to a lawyer . o (.now now lo s eias mat sac will noi ne auie to lo a Il'lemi In (lie L.ihI. If n i iireai; up i ne paper. 1 1- w a.- toni in : : ur ive hue a longer, ii i.-i pleasant wonm setui a. copy ,,f t'is. t'll iam thnl she does i:ol suffer a naner to fi'lnds In il... i-.. ;,i'-al deal, bill i.leeps mosi. all I lie eoualy would suon be knowu ail i NyHSu News. lime. oyer the world. if Kb hers Ini'lil I !dn ... t -.' ? , 'h si r,:-: V ' M mu ,m M ... t TO Toil .'3 toe v