Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 28, 1905, Image 7

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The Adventure of the
Solitary Cyclist.
1 1 'dntiiiiii'ii. i
f;,'iii:.v r"",v'''
,,,,-t i 11
,; ll'l' MllII II III' 1 Ml ' l'
T U I 1 1 1 I-M liollll'. 1 f Hill'
llVilll'Srl'lll .Villi Will 1 E 1 1 I
V I' Well' illiillll tl Icle
..;inir I'liM'lrlcliin lii ilii'
,i:lMy I'lllPi; h'ti' t in-
win. Mr. ( 'niTiillii'iw,
i I ; -i I- il'iiic whnt ,vuii
inni'inN f ir your Kluiri'
i, int m'ii"' ;
II lih' l!
ji.i;.!!!'!-1 i
run-. I"
ii, :ni. 'I-1' v
evil 1 1 1 j 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 i m,v i . i r i , Kir.
c icli m i' '''III M help In
... . . ..I ... 1 1 l . - .
..ii In vmir inin ii fiiini in i'iiii
In mi
inJ If "'.v
u ir whirl "I
t l:m ul'lrli I" '
,l. iv.uIit Im-
r. iiii1 "IT "
Id lui-il i'1
Hill' llH'I'MSIIIlt nciivil.v
i ll ilillirlill f ir tin-, :i
ii'iilni lil.v nlisen l'i
narr.i 1 1', iv-i mill In givr
,;ils which tin- ciiriini-
I'M SI' ll.'t-l lilM'll I'm
,'i..i . our.
I I ..(,. :
I'm I. Ii .r.vrviv,
i . lit;: nu
"i 'i', i.i w 1 1 i !i
,: i!,. ..i ."I'.'.ir I Hi. il .Mi :.
;. ili,'.'il lu!i"ril n hi;;
I 1h;il kIh' l mow the wife i:
I in. I In' Mi'iiinr iiirlnrr nl
l.i'hiii'il v. Ilii' l':i niiill-t Vvi'-it
Hull. II:ill:uii
r.;iiinr, Wnlrs.
, 1ST:.'; chief ni'c
Wi'll. ivi'll. Hits
Of tllP gl'I'lltPHt
i ml i
:l..' i
I'll. I
!i II
1 I..:..' I'
V.v-i !;
tltt'tllllc i.l
Oi'il M"
J. :-i n e.
Bi ;i.h'i- -! -1 nciaii.-i. Williimiiiin ii t 1
Wi'l '' "i li- iinlli tried f ir nliiliii'l inn
mil iiiiM II. 'In' I' ' I' K"ll!n seven
rears mill tin' hitter It'll. Of the full-nl
carnilliiT-; I huve im reeon!. I nit I inn
ur' Hi. it liis iittinili " us nut viewed
vrrv cr:ivi' liy tin- court, hIiici- Wood
ley Iwil tin' ri'iiitiiliiili of being a tuiiHt
tlnii;'i'ruiis rnllhiu. nnd 1 think (hut n
few nmiiiii v.iT" siilllcI'Mit to HiitlMfy
thcili'iniinils uf jnsl li'i-.
The Adventure of
the Priory School
No. 5 of the Series
(Ctrlfh!, Vill, it J. t.itntm timilt mnd Cttlltr'i
l'C.rrfl. WJ. b, MtUurm, PlUllf! O Cm.)
F. luive hud sonic dramatic
t'litniiiri'M mid xits iiiin
imr Hiimll stage tit linker
street, lint I cannot re-col-Ifft
anything more siul
ilt'ii innl HlurtliuK tliiin the
llrst iiiiiiriiniin'o of 1 r.
Ttiijrin'jvrtift Iltixtnlili', ,M. A., I'll. I
C. His (Mini, Which HCI'llll'll to IKIIIIllI to
iffy die weight of Ills uciidcmlc (lis
tioclloiis. preceded 1 1 i in y a fi'v sec
mfcls, uml tlii'ii In- entered liliiiHcIf, no
law, so ioiiihiuh uml no (UgnUicd Unit
l w:is till' very I'liilioilimi'lit of Hi'lf
poswwluii uml Holiiltty. Anil yt-t Ills
trut Hi'tiiin win. n n. dour had i-Iomi'iI
Wiiml Iiiim was In tniKKcr n pi I list thi'
a Mi', vlii'liri' lir slipped (Idwii upon thi'
H'ir. uml thi'iv vim tlmt inuji'stii' lg
rc ir,wii'nii. nn, Iuni'iihIIiIi- upmi mir
'"'iN.iii -t It rue.
WcIm.i mh iiiii; t ,,ur fi-i't, mid for n
'" urn ni'ins in. Hturi'il In Hili'nt
inui'iii.'iit nt this piiiuli'nins iiii-cf uf
Mhli'h tiild uf Home Niiddt'ti
tl'irm fur nut on tlx uri-im
IIiiIiiii'm hurried with n
with linindy
"nl f:ilal
"I life Tin. i,
''Miiin I'.ir his hi'iid and
WIi.ii hps 'H. white fai-o w:ih
"""'il with Ini.'s f ti',,,11,1,.; the hiiiiu
"t; I'"' Ins iiikI,. i- . ,-loscd eves were
inli'ii in , ,,i,ii'; ti. I,,,,,,,. mouth droop
"I ihl.KMii.sly nl tin- rornci'M; tin- roll
ii! cli ni.s w,.',. iiiiNhiivi'ii. Collar uml
irt .i,ii. t. Krltni. f a lone Journey,
lll:,' ,.,,. hi istl..,! IliiUeinpt ft the
"H Sll;l,., I,.,M. W,H M;,.,.v
-tri,-k.-ii n. a i, -, .ly .fOM, ,1H.
''tisil. WalMonV nsUeil lluliiiex.
Alisnliii,. i-xliaii.stiiiii. posHihly mere
'r mi. I f.i!KM,.." said I. Willi ni.v
""I'T mi II. ,. IIii'....,-i.v pulse, where the
'liiinf I::',. t;', u,;,i thin and niiinll.
"t'liirii li,t,. from Miu'lileton. In
iMrili f i;i,K;li iii,.s,
"iK il from the wuli li poi Ket. "It
I-' u'cloi'k r ,.(. ,s ,.,.'(ainly
"""an early startor."
IV liuckeri'd evelids hlld begun to
wvr, ami uuw a pair of vacant gray
' looked up at im. An limtaut later
WUlUI, I. .1,1 . . ........ M ..L
luuioii'ii on io iiih ieei.
-'''.Tll!,M, vrttli HlllUIH'.
Wlv this WeaftneHH, Mr.
lu,lv b i I, in m
.1. A
- ii u mint overv rooKiu
yUU. If I int. ,1.1 l.u .. ,.lu. f
""Mud u UUeult I lmvo no doubt that
uid be,.r. ,.lllUe jiersonally,
""lines, u order to liinuro tliat you
l ti'iiirn with .. i f,.uml that
li. I Kr"1" w""1'' ''onvluett you of the
' "iein y nt Hi,, ciioe,"
"fii ymi nr.. P,.Htored"
1 't' unite w uKUln. I eauiiot
. K'uitliuw l ,.,,. i bo ho weak. 1
Mr. lIiili.n.H, toeome to Mac
"" win, ,0 ,,v tll( mxt trulli'.
'j 'fifiid Nh,,k ,h himd.
m l t'Jlk'ilKI"'- Wutaon, could tell
1 , 1,1 Wl' ie very busy at present,
fen 1r,"l,lwl ' thin enso of tlio IVr
Jiuiil U""'"lH' a,,a 11,0 Aborguvenny
"r ' eiminK up for trial. Ouly a
J imiiort.iiit HNU(, 0(m)() me fr(
)U,lu'')lt.l'eN(i.t "
""I'-iiaiii:" (., vlllof threw up
f.."1"1"' "Have you heard notliiiiK
'I' 11)1 ii 1 1 ii. ,.nle uml ,,r I II
rumor in thi fllohe lm ,,iKi.7. llhoiiKhf
It iiil),'ht have reached yim. ours"
IIolniPH Hhot out nui:, ,1,'m nPm
nnd pleked out volumo "II" In on.
eyelopaedlii of reference.
"Mlolilcrnen!,, ttlxtli duke, K. G.,
P. f'.' half the nlplniliei! 'liarnn V.ev
erley, enrl of Cnrsl,,,,'-.,,... ,,. w,,nt
"nl! Lord ltciit.ii.iin of llallamshlre
Hinee 1!KK. Married ) li,,. dmiRhipr of
Sir Charles Apple lorc, -sss. Heir nnd
only child, Lord Sallire. owns about
.VMHin neres. Minerals l l.ancasliire
and Wales. .Address. Carlton II ,Se
lerniee; 1 lolilerncssi
Hhlre; CnrMlon ensile.
Lord of the admiralty
retary of unite for' -'
inmi Is ei'i'talulv one
KiibJeelH of the crown:
"The ereatest mid perhaps the wealth
let. I am aware, Mr, Holmes, that
you take n very IurIi U,,0 profes
sional mm (.rs ,, t,.,t j.,,,, p.(l.
pared to v.ork for the work's nnke. I
limy tell you, however, that his uraee
has already Inlimalcd that a check Tot'
i.'.liiKl will be handed over to the per
son vim can tell him where his son is
nnd aii'ilher thousand to him v. I , . can
name 1 1 io man or men who have taken
"It i; a princely oiTer." said II,, hues.
"Wittson, 1 think that we shall accom
pany lr. Ilu.Ualile back to the north
of lliiKlainl. And now. I ir. HuMable,
when you have consumed Ilia I milk
you will kindly tell what has hap
pened, when It happened, how il hap
pened nnd, finally, what 1 r. Thorney
croft lliixlable of the Priory school,
near Maeklclon, has to do with the
matter mid why he comes three days
after an eveiit-ihe Htate of your chin
plves the date-to ask for my humble
Our visitor had consumed his milk
and biscuits. The lljjtit had come back
to Ids eyes and the color t i his cheeks
as lie net himself with preat visor and
lucidity to explain the situation.
"I must Inform you, peiillemen. that
the Priory Is u preparatory school ol
which I am the founder ami principal
'Iluxtable's Side Lights on Horace'
may possibly recall my name to your
memories. The Priory Is without excep
tion the best Mid most select prepara
tory school In KiiKkiinl. Lord Lever
Ntoke, the Karl of P.lnckwater, Sir
Cathcart Soamen they all have intrust
ed their mms to me. P.ut 1 felt that my
school had reached its zenith when,
three weeks UK", (he I Hike of Ilolder
liesse Held Mr. James Wilder, his sec
retary, with the Intimation that young
Lord Sal tire, ten years old. his only
son and heir, was about to be com
mitted to my charge. Little did I think
that '.his would be the prelude to the
most crushing misfortune of my life.
"On Mav 1 the boy arrived, that be
ing tlie beginning of the summer term.
He whs a charming youth, and he boou
fell into our ways. I may tell you 1
trust that I am not Indiscreet, but half
conlldeiices are absurd In Hiicli a cime
that in- wan not entirely happy at
home. It in an open secret that the
duke's married life had not been u
peaceful one, and the matter had end
ed In a depuration by mutual consent,
tht' clucht'HH taking up her residence in
Hie south of 1'rnncfi. This had occurred
very shortly before, aud the boy's sym
pathies are known to have been strong
ly Willi ids mother. He moped after
lier departure from Holdernesse Hall,
and it was for this reason that the
duke desired to send li I ill to my estab
lishment. In a fortnight the boy was
quite at home witli us mid was appar
ently absolutely happy.
II. i tens Ins! seen (111 till' night of
May i:t that is. the night of last Mon
day. His room was on the second floor
anil was approached through another
larger room, I" which two boys were
Hleeping. These boys saw and heard
nothing, so that it Is certain that young
Sallire did not pass nut that way. His
win, low was open, and there is a stout
Ivy . ii I leading I" "if ground. We
could trace no font inn below, but it
Is sure that this is the only possible
"His absence was discovered at i
o'cl ick on Tuesday morning, "is bed
laid been slept in. II" had dressed him
self filllv before going off '" b's
school suit of blin k lOlon Jacket and
dark gray trousers. There were no
signs that any one had entered the
room, and it Is unite certain that any
thing In the nature of cries or a strug
gle would have been heard, since Ciiun
ler, the elder boy In the Inner room, is
a verv Ht,'ht sleeper.
"When Lord Saltlre's dlsappearauee
was discovered. I nt once called 0 roll
of the whole establishment-boys, mau
lers and servants. It was then that we
ascertained that Lord Saltlre had not
been alone In his flight. Heidegger, ti e
(Jer.nan master, was missing. His
room was on the wwond floor at the
farther end of the bulldli.K. '' ? the
same way as Lord Saltlre's. His bed
had also been nlcpt in. but he had ap
parently gone away partly r
since Ids shirt and socks were lying
on the floor- liml ''l'lt,!ll,.v 1
himself down by the Ivy. for we could
eo the marks of his f''t where he had
hindeil on the lawn. His bicycle was
k" ,lt In a small shed beside this lawn,
and It was also gone.
had been Willi me
and canic with the best refer-
r ffml " m s'i,,t T" jj J ROCU H E 0(A N 0 0 1 END JE S.'.i'Jl'g
Kff t J V 1 FST fc 6 V r Kroe mfrloe, how to obtain jiHU-nt, tnvlft mark. H
VA I J A Vl S? J 1 I . I 11 LI I At ''-I copyright, i-to.. IN ALL COUNTHIE8. H
1 IV J "f 3 j r R"in dirrrt vitk Waxiiwgton lave ,W,H
Tlio ICiiid Yon liavc Always Bouslit, .ami which has been
in use for over iiO jerrs, has boron Iho filnatiire of
mtf nl lias Ixcn lnudo miller his pcr-
Ui''i'y snal supervision sinoo its infancy.
-"T7r. S-UCUV. Allowno one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-prood" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanprer the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. lis aj?e is its fniarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays lYvcriNhiicss. It cures Diarrlnea and AVrinl
Colic. It relieves Teething' Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panaeea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
Land Notice.
Attorney and Counselor at Law.
i3io Conneticut Avenue
Washington, l. C.
j All pernon n ho bne herptofnr- miuJr I'lNAL
; PKOlip In en; klntt of t ikuI. Mlnrrnl or 11m
j bt-r Knlrits. wlich ha tx m.ttpti d by the
j Register or fc-c-civer uf l. . I nml Office,
can have the isuame r.t tbeir . S. Prttent for
me their OupHciitr Vi-ci irt., or Crrtifknles of
bntrv. nj nn agreement to pay rue $10 when
ever suld Patents Ahull tsiie.
and Nevada
5tate A Kent
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
nm, Tt m ur rat mitiT, new vsrr errv.
- v..
Sff i ' , Vi,i V , ! iv . R-fliiasMwrAviif ,
Kt i Ii i KV :
liHsisA ti fill t) is ti v i Whrs. 1
Trade Marks
I' Copyrights Ac
Anyonft ,nrtlnu n aketch nnd description may
qulcklf nscerlaln our opinion free whether an
Invention In probablT patentable. Cominunlra
tlnnsKirlctlvenntldentlal. Handbook on l-ateu:i
tent free. Oldest agency fur securliiff patents.
Patent taken through Munn ft Co. recelva
tptritU notice, without charge, in the
Scientific Jlmcrlcnn.
A handsomely lllnstrnted weekly. I.srgest cir
culation of any seientlUo journal. Terms. 93
year: f our months, $L bold by all newsdealers.
MUNN gCo.36,BrMi-a New York
Broach office. C26 F 8U Wastilugtou. D. C
$l,25fl Reward.
Thaough Salt Lake City, Cilenwood Springs, Leadville, Pueblo,
Colorado Springs and Denver.
Ride Through Nature's Art Gallery
Castle Gate, Canyon of The Orande, Tennessee Pass,
Marshall Pass and the Royal (Jorge
For Detailed Information Address
rV. C. ricBRlDE, General Agent
124 Third Strest PORTLAND, OREQON
Louk at the dei:riptioii8 uf the land
listed with The Examiner this week for
Hale, and select your piece liefore it has
heen sold to onie one e'se. tf
Ollk-e at tin" Mercantile Company's i
Store Lake view, Oregon.
' 1 v'-1
Uood Stock -
Easy Coaches
The HarneyCounty
Live block Associa
tion, of which I am
a ineinber, pays 1760
reward for evident'
leaililiK to the con
v i-1 1 011 of parlies
utealliiK Klock be-
tiiirli. tf 1 lu mom.
x "s-
Home brand horso-
shoe bar on either
or both lawn. Re
corded In 8 counties
Range, Harnev. Lake and ( rook ('(unities,
llorws vented when sold Horses sold to past
through this section will be reported in toil
paper. If not so reiorted, ;itease write or tele
phone The Times Herald, Vain itM, Bums, Ore
gon W W Bkowk, Fife, Ore.
X OR Su&.XaX3.
Kioe Nlicep Kum h In Moilae County
The Examiner has for sale one of th
sheep ranches ill Modoc- county, which
trots the best range In California It consists
of 560 acres all under fence. It Ilea along Pitt
river for 2 miles. Besides other buildings
there are two houses 1'2 miles apart. It ia an
Ideal aheep ranch. If taken quick It will be
old for ttiUOO.
lamp" Rarrv HnirlB wllh 8wttlow F,jrk ln
J 111 CO Dulljf right ear for eweg; reverse
for wethers. Some ewes fijuare Crop and Slit
In right ear. Tar Brand 111. Range, Gran
Lake. Postoffice address, Lakevie.w, Oregon
Brands with Crop off left
ear, Half Uuderurop off
right for ewes; reverse for wethers Tar Brand
W. Range, Fish Creek. Postoltiee address
Lake view, Oregon
Zac Whitworth
)ui!y from Lakeview to Bly, eonnect
inK witli Iai!y Stage to the railroad.
Office at
the Bly
Hotel, Bly.
E. CASEBEER, - - Proprietor
Bly, Oregon.
? y.-u TV'-h.. '. 0:liar Write
:h Ha:c;'ew-o mmi company
CKMtiilL, 1.1
W ;v ?win.T Mac! ir.':'; are to tell regard
lessti ua:.:y. tvn t 9 " "..' l.uuit " is made
.c wear. Cur z. Jt. .y i.LV..'r runs out
We make Sewing , ic' irf.s to suit a!! condilionl
ofthetrada. t::a I'ouio" stands at tht
hertd of all Hls--'trl' family Sewing machine
ferolU hy autlioi'1.f'l aculert ouly,
The net O ymti Sewing Machine Co.
Administrator's Notice,
In the matter of the Eetate of JOHN
HOLLAND. Deceased.
Notice io hereby given that the under
signed has filed in the County Court of
Lake County, Oregon, the final account
of his administration of said estate, and
thatMonday, the second day of October '
190"), at the hour of 10 oclock A. M , at i
the County Judge's office in Lakeview, j
Oregon, lias been appointed by the
Court as the time and place for hearing
objections to said report and to the set
tlniiKiiitof said estate thereon.
F. M. C1IUISMAN, Administrator.
Dated August 17th, 180o.
Lakeview Cigar Factory
A. Stokkman, Prop.
Maker of
Havana and
Domestic Cigars
Give uo a trial. Ktore in the brick
building next door to Tost & King sa
loon, Lakeview. Oregon.
Beart tie - t,a,e mn
Northern Stage Line.
A. W. BRYAN. Proprietor.
Leaves Lakeview at G a. m.
every day but Sunday.
Beturning, leaves Paisley
at 6 :30 a. in every day but
Pasngert' arc $j. Round trip fa
OFFICE- Reynolds & Wingfleld'a. Lakeview
ll ' -e kite ( iM'ici luliilsler':"
;'''-v' We Innl tried ( keep II
"" 1 '' I.C I U i 'US Hi! 111'.!
be was a f,.lt''t'.. luiuo-v
olllce. .
blanks at the Kxiuiiiner
(Conlliiueil on last page