Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 28, 1905, Image 5

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J,,,. mill rubber lit Ahlsl iuiii
I'l-lllli M ll'sliall CI'll llilWII f!,i!l
ln--y Tucday.
;V yn'ir ll'VI I i II 'J si o e lllcl J 1 i n
l Ahl-iniiii I'.ms.
I ;,,,;, . i- ii I 1 1 1 it I tr 1 1 . i - lire what
v , ,t1 1 1 c ., f i them at A hlsl rom I'.ros.
Sj ;, In -s. iii'm family moved in
(n,Mi i he Mi-Id's ra nHi Sal urday In
;. i !.-- a nil ii' .tones are here
(pun l!i'' .lones ranch ill Paisley
l,,.r a l.i'i.l nf grain.
Will Alfol'd WIIK expected here yes-
,..;H fl'nlll Plllsll, tl l.lUe Hill II
UiiiiTiade license to wed Miss Clara
lit'i-i'l. Iil-o oi IMllsll.
jhss Mac Snider has received Fall
anil Winier samples ol l.adies' suits,
skirls, j.-n-l.rls. I'M i m coats and shirt
wni-l sails. Suit h f rt tin Sis. ."ill till
$7."i. 117-1 in
pr. I'iiiwI. t lie new ih'lil Nt , Ih now j
n'riiuiip'iii ly located in i he dental j
jiiirliif-i 1 1 vi -I' t In- First Nil t i una I I n nk. j
Hliil i- li.l'.v prepared In attend to'
(111- In . p; '!"'" IH'ells ill J'l'l ll'l'Ssii III.
'"i'.l and lodging at t1(. o,.(.K.,(n
'' 1 V'"'1'. I'l-P week. Meals
''nlH. Also nun's laiinilr.v work.
Mim. i. W. Wis,;, ,.,,.,,. .,L,.,f
Now Line Children's I'nderwtnr
received at
A. SA-
ut In'ili nwes :l t'i lUlle-ell lllel hi
l.uniiv I i 1 1 1 a -1 - a I null' or pl'nlcsf inn.
;,.;,,: 'i-alnv mlei ii-t im-iit "I the
j; .. ,,- ,,i ' i-li-tri II . in 1 1.'.
j..'r;iil i I' .I'll In r.l -l.'V II Vi.llllL' lllllll
.., I.." I'i. I"I!I !".' I I"'' V lOI'l III'
,i..i, . . ' ..:.. " a-
Ni v- i i. iv i.l Yiwunn Wr.'ippsr
Ira Mi-Call was in M,keview Tucs
'lay from tl.. M-K .-,,.1 si,,.,.,, ,,,,
i" Klainall, county, mIm-iv . ,.liS
"'n for n year or two. Ira H ,,uk.
I":g I'm,- ,,w, having fully regained
I" ln'nlili. 1 , Vl.,,rs w;(s
hardly a!,!.' I,, walk nrross I hesl , i
1,111 "mv "i'iKlis hiu , nails ami is,',s
stout as an on, (. U i. ii" ,,f .
Iliiv.' Mi'i'all linys tliat 1 1 1 -;i . i , r - l!l
-me itiiiuii' news.
ills Srhl.'lgcl wi'lit 1o liisalicll
Swinii tins wi.,'1; In lui-ati. a num
ber of mining claims. Allot herfairly
good sllil.e Was 1 1 , , . 1 , ;is week ill
llial t';i iiiji. The ore goes something
over , I In II,,. tun III Ki.lil.
'. I'. Snide!' w ill ,i, souie ,1'osptrt
ln ill the vicinity of Willow Kanch.
'I'lie run, I crew at work on t lie road
from I'.idwell to the mining ;iiiiih,
illiiiil work last week. An effort
will lie liuiile to 1 1 on (mother crew
and ci.'iuiilele the load. It is ili (li
en It to ti t iii.'I, t o w oi k on t he road;
I li".v i.',' I I lie Kold fever an.) -ii jiros
pert in-.
There iil in. I he nr.irh of an effort
In open np any of the amirs very ,-.-t
in- i vrly i his fa II. I hi i in the sprinv.'
For one week only we will sell the following
combination for
$10 CASH.-
1 00 lbs Flour, Kc-ular 2.7. Special $2.(50
L" Ihs ,'cnns, Kcular VS"1 ..If? SjKrial 1.00
i) 7'ars Santa Claus Soap Kcular .5T Special .50
2 '2 lbs G . G. 7,'ak. Powder Kc. $1.1 0 Special .93
14 lhs Good Kice Regular $1.15 Special 1.00
5 lhs Kost Coffee Regular $1.25 Special 1.00
10 oz. Paper Tea Regular .50 Special 50
:rilb pa. Soda Regular 30 Special 25
1 Gal. Tea Gar. Syrup Regular $1.25 Special.. 1.20
50 lbs Wellington Salt Regular $1.20 Special 1.00
Lakevfew Mercantile Company
.r.M-d :.t
i' i ii 1 ' - ii i m unr i in 'i u l a n l vvorl
'i. !. i'i I'!i.i;!iI i:p
. I-. i'li..l i . i
I ii:r. !'a In i M iii i'. I. air
! . lain;
. I
had thr
.a, I,, r i " ,
ii j, I'i' Vi ;.:iii!i-
, ; .. i , j M, . I .11. T ; l.
I , !.. i'.eii-.iii. of U la mat U
I i oi, 1 ! .-ii ry I i. A id.'-i; , n'
ml l In- 1 1 on. I'.. I mi it h of
"I . - I i '. press.
. Iiali.v of Mr. and Mrs. .!.
. I'in. . irp.irn d seriously ill in last
Week's I !n miner, died lasl Sunday
niulu. The ehihl was taken siek in
U iini"!' a ad was ln-oimiit to l.ake
vii' I i a week. Mr. hikI Mrs. I'ine
tiiiii; the ri'iiniilis of their hah.v to
I'iusli for Inirial. Tltehahy wnsonly
a few weeks old. Tie' h.-reaved par
I'litM have the sy input liy of many
Irii'inls in tlie loss of their rhild.
New Line of Ladies' Underwear
i U I i i W 1 1
I'i d; S. I .!:. I'lM'e-lireil I'liiaad
I :,;':a pi-. I a.jl'ilv i .)' I 'Vi-. iSve!'
of New 1 iae ( 'reek, ( livpill. 1'1-tf.
A steam I. a nil dry vviil shortly op
en at Klamath Falls, Oregon. All
kinds of Laundry work will he taken,
and i'.tiishe.l in a lirst-class m;i;iiier.
"i V . -N 1 V i i ,
l'ropriel or.
New Line of Ladies' Dress Suit-
Co.ik; wi:: ":i Co
i 'r an sen: I ii. ' :.v I he railr. md
I.' a !;: .;.!' a 1." i I.., . e- i a, j ,e p.-, ii i if
I he N' . ? -( hern I ','i"i!i,' a in I t he I i a rri-
ni.'ii lines or iissoeiates. the at ten-; ijigs received at
I i. iil of ( ll'i'e.illialis ill I I'esti'd i.l tile.
railroad development of the North-1 Accident, to Pokegama Stoge.
west has I u diverted to the West-j .'sihe sta
era raeilie oiii'c more tlirotiu'h thei
eeipt of private advin
oiiie; to I'oUe'ama 1
ai.nroaelied the hridire over the
that YAw in I i;ianiath river yesterday uioniinir !
... .... i i
. . .1 i .... . I ...... .1 i : i I f .i.i.i.i i ... . . i. - i. . t . I .'I' I ..... i .. . .
, i oil 1 1 1, a 1 1: . in i "i " ".-a . ... .....i, i uoi hi i ,i i) fines i ue u rase si a a iirunc,
has written ton friend that he will. ''he horses ran down the jjraiU' to
visit t he Coast in a few weeks in eon-, ,,f the hridn'e niid in inakinj;
receive nt
C. S. Loveless Iiiih leased tilt" Feed
ami Livery St a hie on Muln and Can
yiin Htreet, opposite the eoiirt Iioiihc,
mill will open It tip forliUHiiieHsOrto
lx.T first. Charley ouuht to do well,
lit' raises no,,,! hay on hin rnneli
north of low n and Im a isunl btislnesH
man and has hml conHlderahlt' i'
lUTieiire areouiniodiitiue,- the public
mi the raneh. where he has kept n
itathui for several yeai'M. Al Sloan
Iiuh iin epted a job uh hostler. Mr.
Loveless will move hU family to
town nt onee and put hU ehlhlivn in
Paisley Cutting Scrape.
1-HHt Sunday ,1. 1). Furni propri
etor of tl. livery ntablo at I'aiHley,
anl J. Y, I level, who owiih a wood
"meli above the town, had u. inlx-np
"Wii wood eoutraet that ended in
1 Wu helnu eut a knife In Mev
' il lilnrcH and lievel reeelvliiK u
1 'line about thefaee. Dr. Inl.v wiw
' 'Iwl to J'alnley to drenH larrd'H
v,iiiik1h hut found them not HeriotiH.
"vi'l rauie to J,nkevlev Monday
aml wive his evidenee before the dU
tr'(.t attorney and Farru came down
I'ut'mlny to jirenent hln ldo of the
ca'. He found out that llevll lmd
t'elenHod, and swore out a wur
riiitfor his ruurreMt.
th, Ihe Kind You Haw Always BwfiM
hiw iff '1J ,
Bun tU -1 im K mil Vim llawi ilwaVS EiWl
nerlioti with the work on the West-
esn I'arilir.
! Mr. Could will lirst fro to San
I'rimcifro and probably spend some
time in Southern California, an the
Western I'aellie has filed through Its
iittorneyH, nrlii'les of inrorporatiou
In Fresno County, allowing that it in
(he intention to build n branch line
lir, inilee lotitf through the Sun Joa
ipiin Valley, eonnee(in Fresno with
ThlH Ih not the only feeder that is
to be started from the niaiti line nor
the most Important, for the original
project to tap Oregon Is being eared
for. The recent taking over of the
Nevada, California & Oregon Is re
garded as one of the most promising
moves In the luteiest of this state.
Persons in touch with plans of the
management say the Western I'aellie
will immediately cause the lie no
road to be standardized, and after
the main H" completed to the
Hay C ity the chief engineer. V. .
liogue, will probably direct his ener
gies the J.iikeview extension, aud
from there the road will have au
easventrauee through the Willamette
Valley and to Portland.
When the Western I'aellie is iu
Bight of the ocean it will mean that
..u,(iould system has terminals on
both the Atlantic and J'acinc sea-
boards, though to gain these ttao
.. .....r terminals strenuous efforts
have been Involved. The light with
the Pennsylvania ltallroad to enter
Pittsburg and proceed from there to
tlie Atlantic, has long beeu a factor
,iistrhanee In the Hunt. These
obstacles have not stopped the
lioulds, aud they .ire continuing
Fastward. Jt Is expected that
both ends of the system will reach
tide-water about the same time.
the short turn onto the bridge the
stage turned completely over, throw
ing the driver, T. V. Keyuolds, and
Miss I'.ussy, of J-orclla, who were
riding on top, about 30 feet aud in
juring both severely. The inside
passengers were not seriously injur
ed. The horses broke loose from the
wreck and ruu away.
Ir. JIargus was summoned from
here to attend the injured passengers
at Silencer's. The doctor stated,
upon his return last evening, that
Miss liussy's forehead aud lips were
cut and she had vomited blood. He
did not think her condition serious
although she had sustained a severe
nervous shock. Although the driv
er's skull was fractured he will prob
ably recover.
Frederick S. Strattou collector of
port at .San 1'Yaueisco, Is said to
have been one of the passengers.
Strattou had a dog with him and
wlieu the accident occurred the dog
struck for tall timber. Strattou,
It Is alleged, instead of responding to
the appeals of the injured, some of
whom were pinioned under thecoach,
rati after his dog. Commeutsareuu
necessary. Kxpress.
A Farewell Party.
A pretty little farewell purty was
giveu Miss Auua Touulngsen last
Saturday afternoon by Eva Clark.
Fifteen of Anna's little chums gath
ered together for an afternoon of
farewell greetiugs aud they were
giveu full sway In the Metzker home.
Auua Touulngsen Is a favorite with
all the girls aud her departure for
Outario with Mr. aud Mrs. Whit-
worth, where she will make her
home brought tears to the eyes of
many of her little friends. They fear
site will not be the same sweet little
We Wish to Announce to the
Tliat lie can be as well accommodated
Lakeview as he can at any stnble in the
State. It is our intention to always have
on hand a good supply of the best hay and
grain to be bought in the market. We
also keep a force of experienced hostlers
and careful drivers, who will always be
ready to wait on our customers.
Anna when tliev next see her.
Those present were: Dorothy
Iiieber, Hazel Heryford, J5erniceMas
singill, Marjory Bernard, Mildred
Itehart, Katie ltehnrt, Laura Chand
ler, Gladys Chandler, Jessie Tou
ulngsen, Marie McShaue, Imuii Mc
Shane, lx'na McKee and Millie Bey-nolds.
W. 11. Shirk returned from Klam
ath county last Sunday evening,
where he has been for a month past.
Mr. Kelley, member of the firm of
Booth-Kelley Co., was also there
from F.ugeue, ond the two jvere look
ing over the l.T.'.OOO acres of Boad
land that the government had allot
ted to the Indians, which land be
longed to the original Boad Co., re
cently purchased by the Booth- Kel-
ley Co. Since the decision of the
! courts gave the land to the Booth-
Kelley Co., it became obligant on the
lart of the government to eltlierpay
the Booth Ke'iev p. oplo for the land
or give them in lieu an equalaniouut
of laud iu some other locality. Air.
Shirk and Mr. Kelley were accom
panied over the Und by ugents of
the govern me nt, and the land was
appraised and the timber cruised.
Mr. Shirk states tliat there Is quite a
good deal of timber on the laud.
The matter will have to bo settled
in cougress, when, if the government
concludes to buy the laud the Booth
Kelley Co. will be asked to name
their price.
a little nip ol pure
whiskey will add
many days to the
calendar of life;
is the embodiment of purity
11 ' ii I i .mm n J
00 W M
1 (I'll 1