Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 28, 1905, Image 4

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    gtifcif QU-tmUu P?xit-Miner
",iMlbf J Pverv Th"f'1r
c. (. au:i"Zki:k.
MunnU HnlMlne
, .'. i if. . I rT-'v:
.:-,,.. :..!-. ..." ! '
One car.
TP'v- ' Six iMonilts. .
' Three Mmitiis,
Out of Debt With Boch Eyes Shut,, j
!l,.ntim County eorrewpoiiileiit
t,, the roill.iu.I IVI.'iS'im. with hi
ei.s :.n.l em- i-Imuu. cI up. tllllkl'K I III'
I, ,. ; , ( i , i f .I-,' .,M'rnnn I lint Hcnton
,.,.; v i- , ll OIlU .011111.1 in (III'
sl.,,. ih.Ml i- oil! of 'I''l" I pIl.V
f,.r it- warrant ;is fast a. Is--oj!
su.-.i i lu- f.-i.-l tl'-H I-'- "''(
' -5(l ,i,.'.t si 1 1 1 . ! 1 1 ! 1 1- : 1 ii J 1 1 1 I
i on
R.t'1-o.ic Impost Con'.cro More.
Went "I!, i
,. ! ti. - .1 nil
. ,.. r. .; . , .If' ! i L-. 1 1 l'lir '
i i,. I. h : '!'' '. "t in '"I
, i, ,.-,,1,1.111. tun . I ''!' l''
1 ,;, ! , - l ,-U'- V I -1 I .I'll
.1 1 . . . i ' I . . - -
, . w "" I
"'." i i ii i.' i - 1 ' u,x..;,.;- I li.'.r -. : I i t of
'' ! '"1' lli " i. n. ! M-.- i'..i!'.!t. Im-
, I. i- i
:u t '.
:l rr. u
I ,; I..' pm-p"i'i! i f 1 'ii1' ' "int
I . r.iire'.:i.
'''1- X '-"" 1 ..,.,,.., .,,.. ,!... I.l. Mi. mid
,.-IM' ' ' 1 1 ! 1 1 . ' :: 1 I. ''I'' ''T "I. ".'.
.... i i, , i i h.. in! :l I '.' w ill
II. T ' i- III- I . i. i M.' ! - :
.-"r P.ivi- li!i.-jut i''i'i!
a -i-stu-ii: roll f'1" "ii'"" t'.niii-
j j ;. . ,;. .-.-Il-ii t i. .11 ill'! I li if
1 ,1 ....... 1 1 -("-. I i I -1 1 1
. I-.. ...ill "' I
..Ill In ' W I II. I ' ' I"- 1 I' 1
build ji .- hi -t liii- I''' ' . ' I'ti: . 1-..I t"
A-t.i:i.i. "ill. i'-'.'inrl. ;inc loitni'orl
, , ; ,, u ,.t . i". i ii ..
111 ' ""'I i ""- ' ........ i 1 1.. i h.. I,, In! v ii I n a-
I I ' 1 i ' . II'
U-..H. 1 1 . t t-1 1 1 1 -1 u i- in a whirlwind,
iin.l lii- li.ii'.l- 'ul' tr.vinu' t.. .f.-t,..-t
i M-.-.i!i tr.'i'l". I ! i- ti" f.-U-ii
..I! .'l'.'. side-. 'I'll- f..l..wi;iii w us... .11
taiur.i in tli" i'.iftl.iii.l TvI"l;t.-iui. i.f
tff ii n.'ii.T.'il fi'vit'w of tli" railroad
Hit u;' t i. ui i" ' "'. hi :
I ; U said t lia t ("a r t lia r t lie Santa
I . ... w i t i. ; .. I ' .i" '. . n. : .
tin!' of all pr. 'pi'i'tv in tin' county In
. lie S i.'.Ci i. v.o. r.i'iuou l'..IUll.V Ill'.UC
of all count i." in i l.c -tatc is iM.t I rely
of d"!.' . and pay- cash t.r t.ll
w arrants a la-l a- dra vn."
t ;
V. I. row n wa- called as a v
in Ik- W illianisoii 'rial t" pr.
, . 1 1 !.: ;.(. ! 'fin.- .!.: n !;. ;
Our Fall and Winter
clothing has commenced
to arrive. We are now
unpacking and marking
our new stock, call and
see what we have to keep
you warm this Fall.
Stockmenfs wants have
been especially looked
after. tt i t: t$
We also have a fine
stock of Hats. si t
Come and sec and be
"' '! " ",! ,!- .Mr. I'.n.ttK and ti..- .ludu" liad a
tli-co-i-t. and tli.'ii" "ti its , (, v ,, ,,,,(.
V.'.-.V " .:',:. !'"'il- ''';''i ;. . v . , i,; , ,:, j..n
1; '" - in'"!:'! !" No-ii.-.-n . y ,
Pioneer Store
'(' iiv-cs strcngtli to men, wo men and cliiJUrcr.."' Ur.!:.: -.-.e's.
'. :
11 -tL
! All. n:
; ; 1 ,
!. .Mr.
lii- la
. imal.a
rrit 11 all lia
- in ; h" ).!(
:: 1:'
I in-
In .' i.
the stale will, his cast and w.
!i on. Natron to Mitaric"'
rl, ht
si I'm.
in. ' a
-.lid H'
l.aki'vi"v lias alwayi- taUen 11
jnstiliahl" pride in its i-diools and
this hlionlil lie 110 exception.
The lioiinl of directors Ii.-ik entciiiied
11 corps of aide and ami experienced
teachers and while all directly con
nected with the institution n' l.'tirii-, Fr.i:a'-'ed in.le shniild rciiienihcr,
''l'.',. ..' l. i- I l.el "I.V IVel
a j-i: . 11,1 11. 1-
Ill- ill 1 1 :"li I ' ' Illlike II I ' 11 .
-11 1 . i . . 1 t ! 1 . 1 1,1- i' . a III: . lllld lil.ll
will ! ! 11,, i. ! I ict' .1 e lalli -aei
ai,.i k.-'-.-iv... :i' , ili.V'ii.. on
1 1 I '.i.i. vi : U'il'.uiin r. i;..i
, a,. !l. II. N . . -.''.'.l. I.-.k.-vii-'.v. I Ir.-ii'iii.
1.11 lie- ' W ; .-v-r. a. 'I . ;;t i.. -i i ...
t! . V. . lie 1, nine- the t'.lii.Ml:' wit-
1 IK -c- tn pr'.'.e hi- i nllt lllllnll.- residence
I iipi.n iind ciiltivii'ii.11 i.i sunl I.111.I. viz:
I ( '. S. i .lVele--. ,S'. I', (i:lll(l!..'f. I'. ('
I Wil-nii and Win. S k, all at I.tiWe-
j view, ireann.
j IIS-1' (.'. t . Milder, Ueceiver.
Are You Engaged?
Too Fjr TronA Anywhere.
.1 . ( '. Tiirnei , ui Sil ei-, while
i-ii mir t h" I ' n't land I 'air, had t he
I. dii . iiiL; c. in ers.i t ion wit h a Tele
gram reporter:
"Silver Lake is un mil"- from no
where.' said .1.''. Turiie.v. a Lake
( oiintv citizen, to-day, "111111 forthal
reason we did not y to the troiilile
of ehiliit ill", our resources at t lie ex
position.'' 1 .Mr. Tiirney, howi'vcr, said t lie Tcl
' ee;rain. has iiiite a nniiue exliiliit of
I fruits, vcnetiilileH. rniiiH anil t;nissi'H
I at his temporary iUartei-H, rooiu (Hi,
i l.alilie linlldiim.
., ,,5000 311
Called Homt
1 11 1 :n A t edarviil". 1 nl., M'
.1 ol: 11 1;. 1 ner ( '1 .ok . imi'il yea i s.
The Illl.iVe simple Wolds lell lie
passim; ( if a not her ph .1 r re I I l.-r of e, hy K.uii uad nndTciei:i:i.l. I '.'iiituiii''?
Surpris" alley. we warn YOl.'MJ MUN 11ml LADIES
In early dais he nniulii I ndia 11s I In.l.its, tn
Aniiiiiilly, tn fill the new pn itimis rri-it
II Hi I prenehe ( I as te iceii - j. ii. rei ; ti ir
ei! ami for veers he was the only e
polielit of the gospel in the valley,
and w as well Known all oxer t he
county ns"l'iirson l iiiik."
John Kilmers Cook was liorn in Ire
land "-.M'ars u kh last I'eliriiary, and
came to the 1 nited States while a
lioy. I le came to Surprise valley in
anil has resided here almost
ciilltlnuolisly ever since. In ls7.", he
was married to Miss ,lnne
'We have jili-nty of water to irrl- 1 lolmaii, w ho preceded him to the
i learn Telegraphy
j And R. K. Accmintinjc
I V.. fiirlli-ll 7". i(T celll . (ii Hie I IpiTHIOf" III
i Sialii.ii Ak"'i.l ill AiinTini. Our ix w'lii)l
III.' litrK' .it exclusive' Ti'lrHrill'll S'l.i.'.li In""
WurlJ l.sUil.lUli. l 'in y.'M mill I'lulutwd b;
all li-mliiiK llHiluny (ntieinii.
Wr i'i em.' h ii II I 111 I'v. ry ni'lenl 1
liirnlNl. Ii i in or her a m.iitliin .ayiiw If"""
liiKi h 1111111II1 In nliili K uiihI ill tin- IliKiky Slow
liini", nr from IT.'i to llmi n 111011II1 In iuirtt
o( tin' Kiiekii'D, ImmcillilU'ly iinon (triJulli
Stu.l.iiil.s inn enter nl miy (linf. No
tloiii. I or lull liiirliciiliirn reunnlinx 1
our Kei ih, wrlle (lirect t r i'Xi'C.illvuoHit-
itm are dtsplaviu- that spirit of sin- ! ilfl,'r "'-rriiiif.-, many i.n.rrel, can
1 h; avoided, hv keeping their ilicHtions
UCie llllt:i'.-SL tllclL liss.lies i. mmeess- . . .. . i-i . 11;., ... . ... . i : i i
1 in (jnotl coi.'litlan with I.lei'tnc Jiltters. jtte with werr we to decide oil arti-
ful term this name spirit of sincerely 1 pmui. i.f l!ein.ettnville S () ' . . . . e 1 1 1 11
' IS. A. l.rown, hi iii nut umiiii , . . 1 ., . ilt.n watering of our lields, lienaid,
interest Hhoiild extend hevoiul thei,avH: "Tor vears, mv wife Buffered in- , , . . .. . .
' . , ."11111 we do not need it jiint now.
school-room and enter the homes of 1 teiiH.dy from dyspepsia, complicated,
! uitl, u t,.. liver until ulie lost l.r 1 W llHW lutM of rnolll for IlfW M-ipli;
the parents, who should manifest it 1 AlUt a to''"'1 "tr' "nl" IOHt '" r I , , . , . .,. ,
! HtreiiL'th and vinor, and l.etaine a mere ! and the lack of railroad lacllltli.'H Is
I iv freuucnt vimiih during nchool , , . . ,( , , ,
I wreck of her former pelf. J hen nhe I ,mr only drawback,
l"""''4' ! tried Klectric Hitter, which helped lier j ,uk,. t.uiit.V Ih hh uh hoiiiu of
at once, anil finally made her entirely ... . . . , ,, , ,
r,.. ..I ........ ' J ! t he l.aHtern Htates. a id it Is 1U0 inlleH
1 ae i.",,,,, mean convention in .an we , Sin: in now stroni and hualthv.' 1.. " i. .. ,.1 . , . . f .1 . 1... 1 ,.,l Olliee t
t ... I 1 ,., .it, s:llvnr i, .,1 ,, 1 11 iiii- nil' f Ito I j ' ii.ivi. ! --''lip ii. .-.ilil, Bill.' lliruui, Ol I'llllllieilv III lliu I II im i'ii 1
Iraiicfsco could lordly lie callled u Lee Ifeall, .lniKiHt, h-IIh and Kuanm- "-r '- u I'HMMi.w. t"'- ,.1(.Ht irt.ilaliolli ht,Mt.r a,.t lM)ll);iUy J , U v U.-, o,.,,,,,, SeplcniU'r l.
"love feast." teeHthe.n. atooca nottle. ; ikc . 1 ., 01 Miniiy M'vel, a. i,....,,.., tlllt the lolM
LUilVUi "1 liuil ft lui-ri 1 .... ...ul l, . .. ' .
........... ...... .. ... . , f 11. ,. 11,-n 1. 1.1 iiii hut
'I'lvi'iuily 11 few Hliort weekn ano
No children resulied from the union. Lt (iiieiiiniui. oiiiu. otuioituo I'f-'i'
lie repr-Hi nled this district in fliejTkp Mnrop Vphnnl nf TeleRraDK
Assen.lil.v one term, anil was also' 1 llB ITIU'blJ Ul ,C,0 H
' tnd tax collector of .Modoc Co,,.,- ::M-
ty for one term. ( eillirville lCecoril. Ilcrkini Tx. n l;rnnclKi. W
L.iki F'indin"; Money.
I'ilidiii2 health is like lindiii iinmev
-ho think tliose w ho are Hick. hen
NOTICK I'OK IM T.lilt'ATIoN:-!11
Will shortly open at
Colonist Kates to the West via . canned by Hiaoke and coal diiHt, on my in,: named HOttlerH have lui,(1
the Southern Pacific ilnnu"; '""t. Hller lindinc no relief in their intention to niilke I'uml V"31 11
. , . ' , . !(:H',,r, r,'.,,";,l1",H' 1 ,',lr'-,l ' lr. Hiipport of their cliun.H, ami llial ";
t.oiiiniunciiiSeptemhcr 1,1th aniluniU , Iviiii;'h .New JhHCiivery for CoiiHtiiiiiition. , .,, . . . ... i..,.,itpr lliJ
in., illi (lelolier !!U folioim raleM will (.'(.HtillH and tjollls." (irM..le. Kill.. V'1 " ' ,I,U 10 n..
a 1 1. ...,i.ff,.liu.i.. ..n ,.,.,.. ! y coiiKti r lunvf medicine in the t.fcuivor, at Uikiwiew, ri'Bn,
flto main line fevada and California !
on Oct
Timber l.nnl IVullee.
l.'nited StiiteH Land Olliee. Lakeview.
)reon, AiiKUHt 1 1 ll)l),". Notice is here. I
All kinds of Laundry work will
be taken and finished in a first
class manner.
land 1 .00 : o-llitninloed
points. Kates from important eaHturn i free.
pn ! citiun are. an follows : j
57 ItoHton, Mans.
m Ituffalo, X. Y.
IK AuiiHta, (ia.
i-ss ; Colorado HpriiiKH, Col.
Mj Kt. Worth, Tex.
KaimaH City, Mo.
'it ( MemphiH, Tenn.
j Milwaukee, Win.
lit. Louis, Mo.
f .S'ioiix City, Ia.
3 New York, N. Y.
JJSJ New Orleans, La.
h ChiuaKo, 111.
jJ ' St. I'aul, Minn.
ijS Cincinnati, Ohio
I Council Muffs, Ia.
iS ; Houston, Tex.
Mi Minneapolis, Minn.
wf,L ' Leavenworth, Kan.
J Halt Lake City, I'tali
i St. Joseph, Mo.
ijS Cheyenne, Wyo.
For further informutiun call on rail
road representative or uddress,
A. II. Rihino,
ActiiiK V. & V. A., So. l'ac. Co.,
SU'OctSi llono.Nov.
Trial hottle
DO. 00
25 00
Albert It. Tu 11, U.K. No. 22711,
i' rvvvi.' xi'.i.' sV.'. NK.'i W ,
N V ?4 KK.'4', sec. J, Tp. .! - 14 t"
W. M. (Vistillis, Orenoii.)
Irene M. Tull, ILK. No. 2-7H, '"r ''"
by Kiyt'ii thai in compliance with the ' 'n' ''-'.i. ' L M'Ji set:' "' j
proviiinH ol the act of CouKreHH ol 30 K., It. 14, and Iot I, hcc. 7, ' !' 0
K. 5 i: W.M. (ViHtillis, Ori'Kon-'
They name the following witnui"
prove their continuouH ruHiloue upoB
and cultivation of said Ininl, v'z:
W. D. ;aui.bell, of Lorello, Or
Mine .1, 18(H, entitled "An act for fl...
sale of timber lands in the iS'lules ol
California, Oregon, Nevada and H ash
intston Territory, " as extended to all
the Public Land Stales by act of Autr
list4, 1802, llell.-'ii Miller, of Luke City,
county of Modoc, .State of California, has
tins day filed in this office Iuh hworn
statement No. 2071, fur thii purchase of
? ,, '? '.V1.'"" No- ' 'luwiiHhip 40
h. It i-1 h. M, and will offor ,,ro0 t()
show that the land noiiKlit is more valu
able for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, ami to establish
Ins claim to said land before Holster
and Receiver at Lakeview, OreKon, on
1 hursday. the 23 day of November, 7005.
He names as witnesses: JamuH Uodson.
nf Adel, OreKon, Kl.lon H'oodcock,
ieore llankius and P. M. Curry, of
Lakeview, Oregon.
Any and all persons claimiui; adversu
ly th above-descrilajd lands are ro
(pieHted to lile their claims in this office
on or before said .'.'Id day of November
:W-47 j. N', Watson, leister.
C. II. McKendree, of llmiaiiWi
C. L. iiocraft, and A. N. LbpIi"".
YistilliH, OreKon. J. N. Wntwn.
38-4 L l-gUter.
Notice to Taxpayer
The litHt liiHtalliimnt of tux
tin.' year 1001, Ih now due, ld "
bfcoiim delllKillont lifti" tl10
Mond.iv la Octolii'r. 1005.
Alter that (lute u penalty of 1" P''
i 1..1 ..i ..f the ruU' ol
. . .....uiiiv o'
imr cent from the llrnt
April, 1005, will Im added.
E. K. JtlNBI'"'
SherifT of Lake county, On'b""1,