I i 14 1 I ltj-turn .ti l?y A. CON AN DOYI.i:. Author of "The Ailvfimii-n ! Sht-r:.K i i l,.!ni..-.." "The llouiul it" tl:? H.i..'i- .!!. " Ill- inn of the l nur." "A Sludx In Sojrli't ." 1 U-. ihe Adventure el No. 4 i: wv.- :nes li-- 11: l . i! li : ..-'::r: I'll ' 111'-'.' -Il" is." V. mi't tin' 1'. .. . 1 : i I w as 11. ,.. V.'- ,:. i ." '. '.1 h.'! tiio i-..::t 1 . I I..r..'i. u ' ! I-".: V ; '. (!ii ;" iTii il t!:c - .'..:!- " : ai. f (!-! air. """ -'.v'vf sr : ii"-' '''' ' ii.. WcHn'Iry :::: ! !' r virs ::. i'oim'-. man. im . :f y.ti . "i'y in-.- I I':-: :. .. :": i:. ! ; .-'.:-! v ':' -.".vi" hi":4, if I have in lr;:- 11 y 1 ir. a--:n ( 'l:::rliiif:ri)ii wu.nl." F!" rati distractedly. Lis pistol in li.s oaml. t iwar '. a siii in t!..- ! l-.ri-1 1 .111" - ,.:! '-..! 1:::. . :;i:.l I. I. av.i..; 111." I. .rs." ' .: i 1- '. :!.! r . 1 . 1 . f ' : .w.., lioi:...-s. T!.!- is w! (": tlii'.v i-atii.' tiir. uir!i." s;ii"l i ". -.oil!' t tli.' marl: of sv Ti':l '."i t up-".1 t!:o n'.u.i.iy patl.. "il-'lio: st'ij. a tiiiLiiii'! WIik's tliis in tl'" 1 !:o;: u-oii. iirossi'ii ;;;o a ln.si'.'i.-. with li-ail. 1 'r I' i.s an. I ;:-. II.- lay up in -::n.'!., his kii' .-s ilrawu up. a t.'rri'.!'.' . -lit ' I. a: hi- II.. wa- h:-.':i:'il". I t'.t alive. A jriaia-e at his wm;:. ' 1.. 1110 that it h:nl Iiot p-ii' Urate ', the lian That's I'eter. the jjrooti.!" crH 1 t!.-' -tl':.!:i'i'. "He lr..'.e l.-r. Tl : - . iiave pulled him o:T an.', . lul.l e ! hiin ' I.et him lie; we ein 'l (io him any 1 .l. hut v. may s-..,- I. 1 .". mi IV- :' fate that .mi he 'all a won::,!. " ; '.'e ran frantiea'ly down ihe aih. v.Ui'.-Ji wound si -11 in--' the t; s. y 1 ;!, reHehe.l the shr'. ! .i ,e"y v hi, !i -'ir" "la i il '!e h.mse v, hen Ilnllin s pi.e.-l 1: ,. They didn't to the !n.! lie-.- 1 'Their mark on tin- lef; I '.e,:de ! the laurel lnishes. 1 s;li,i s.,; ' , s he sioi;e a wonian's shrill serein, ! n sf.vim -IPi h H.r:iteil with 11 fr.-n- 1 vy of horror - hur-t from the thii-k irreen eliinip of husln-s In fr.in: of u . If faded suihienly on It- l::aoe - n '. Willi a elio!e mi l a p:r-:, . "'! !es v.'V.v! Th: - v;r: are i H .l lip'i ".h. lh . . 1 1 : 1 : .i.ll'.' )'." I! . I i ! .U . , I !;. ; -ide o." .' .' v 1, ah. . ' . lh.' " , ..: ,-!..-;,; ii,i.."l'.ilie!' her stood : . . : ; -1 .1. he.l p.ll'O'll U." I v, !..;; a!:.' 1 1 . . . .:. Mr . :: T.e.l II, !, :. I , . V..' 1' Iv :'.n 1 )iei ! l.'-i-a le ,1 i fail. I 1. V. li-' )!. . Illl' 1 1:''... '. il;;' .live 1. " 1 . f IV"" '1 !' J11.1 1' w. . : ' . If?!, I I'Olnplell :l die V IMC le'led h,., j : lietneil and t-lapi riHiin up, .ii I 1 I .. litllde . r ., 1; ... :-.-.ii-i.-i : e over a :e.i;!y Just . e e. for he j a wi' ne I 1 . ,:. tie 4!er hride ! !. ii. j .-.1 eon-;r:il I illnt:on. j "They're mai i-iei' :" I jm spoil. " oiiic 1111!" C"ied ia:r -uide. "Collie; 011"' He radiol ie ro-s the glade, j iloimes and I ft lii lieeis. d we u-1 ir-i.telied the lady ftii!,'"ereil iiKailiHt Mi- trunk of tin; tree Cor mipport. Wll- j liHinsoii, the .i c!eri.'yiiiaii, bowed toj dm with moek )ollli'in'. ami the bully, V dley, udvauced with n tihout of j lir'iial and esultant laushler. "Vou an tahe jour heani off, liob," wild lif. "I Know you rijTtit euoiiKli. Well, jou Mnl your l l'vi' jum i-ona; In time for ine to he hle to In trriilueit you to Mrs. WoodW-y." Our Kiilde'H uiiHVi'i' wan a KliiK'uhtr one. He Hiiatclied off the dark Uard wlii'-'li bad UiHgulsed liim and tirew It on tho feTJiuid, dlselosinB a Jonjf. Hal low, elcail tibavcii fa.;.; below It. Then lie raixed Ilia revolver and covered the vomit? rufflaii, wbo was advan.-in- up OJ, ; v;ltU ld &Ui8"rou8 ritlm:? crop MWilli-ill'.' lU JlU ''"''' oj II I l S 1 UA1 I l r. 1. n. st 1 1' i.e Vi s." s.tiil mir allv, "1 am Hob t'ar ni!l'.i':. Mini I'll sec 1 1 1 : - woman rijrlil i'il if 1 liai I" swiiiK t'.ir It. I t"lil vi xxl.at I'd t! if ym niiili'sit'il lier. and. i' u:. wnii! -I "Nil 1 1 .. I I'll 1 an my sl'S IIIX ;..v " . U- !. an I 1 .! W 1,1 Ml -M'lll I' '! h:s 1..1, "i 'I'll. I'. l,:i - 111! Willi a his M.I t.iy I . a i.M num. nun sin li ...ah il 011; . li.' . 1 x c li.'Vcr ilvrr of his raise it lio i 1, -.11. U I'ex H'.M W.I - 1 U ,"." 1:111 .ol.'.lj . 11 in.: 11U lI'.XYll .:ll'ii"l of Holmes' rui: of this." said, my friend "i '. 11 that pistol! Watson, piek u to his head! Thank you. V..11. 1 '.1 r"i: 1 Itei-s, (jive me that revolver. V e'P ha' e in, more violenee. Come; hand it '. or"' "Win. are "My nami "i hi. i.l Km hi:, tin li';'" is Sliorloi'U Ilolmoi il- "V hi have heard of tne. 1 see. I will represent the ntlieial poliee until their arrival. Here, you!" he shouted to a frightened crooni wh ) had appeared at the edt;e of the f;!ade. "I'ome here. Tak" this note as hard as you can ride to Faruhani." He serihhled a few words upon a leaf from his notebook, "live It to the superintendent at tin' poliee station. I'ntil lie ennies I must detain you all under my personal cus tody." The strong, masterful personality of Holmes dominated the tragic scene, ami all wen.' equally puppets In bis hands. Williamson and ( 'arruttiers found themselves carrying the wound ed WiHsdiey into the liou.se. ami I Knvc my u rm to the frinhtened irl. The in- : jured man was laid on bis bed, and at ' Holmes' reipiest I examined bini. I j carried my report to where be sat in : the old tapestry hum; dining room with I his two prisoners before him. "He will live." said 1. ! "What!" cried ( 'arrutliers, spriiiKiiiK I r,u; of his ehair. "I'll tro upstairs and finish him tirst. l)o you tell me that ; that Kill, that anel, is to be tied to ; IioariiiK .la, 1; Wood ley Cor life';" "Vou need not concern yourself aboiil that.' said Holmes "There nre two very good reasons why she should under 1 110 circumstances be bis wife. In the 1 tirst place, we are very safe in ipics 1 tionin;, Mr. Williamson's riht to sol j emnUe a marriage." "I have been ordained," cried tbe old , rascal. "And also unfrocked." j "Onee a clertfyman, always a clergy man " 1 "I think not How about the li cense";" "We had a license for tile marriage. 1 I have it here in my pocket." "Then 011 got it by a trick. Hut In any cis a forced marriage is 110 mar- ! liae, hut it ii a very serious felony. ! us you will discover before you have ' iiui.iln d. You'll have time to think the I point out duriiitt the next ten years or J so. miles- I am mistaken. As to you. 'arrtitlier-. ymi would liave done hel !! to keep 1 ,;iii- pistol in your pucliei." "I hcai to think so, .Mr. Holmes, hut 1 when 1 thought of all the precaution I j lar! taken io shield this girl -for 1 I c . .I h"i'. Mr. Holmes, mid It is the : only lime thai ever I knew whit live uas -ii fairly drove me mad to think I that 'he was in the power of the j.':e,i c-l l.rute mnl iiiui.v 111 uiiui Airica a man whose name is a holy terror from Kiinherley to .loliaiuieshurt.'. Why, Mr. Holmes, you'll hardly believe It, but ever shce that girl has been in un employment. I never onee let her p i l-a.st Uil.s liou.se, where I knew the ras- ! cais were lurking, without following b?r on my bicycle Just to nee that t.he ' t. l...p I i,v ,llul ,1 ...Ill,: IV ,,, a n f. ,,, uimui. from her, nnd I wore a beard ho that, hhe Hboilld not recognize me, for hIio Is 11 K'xwl and hiK'h Hpirited girl, and Hhe wouldn't have Htayed in my employ ment Iouk' If Hhe had thotiKht that I was following her about the country roads." "Why didn't you tell her of her dale K'-r';" "ItecaiiiM! tlien, aain, she would have left me, and I couldn't bear to face that. i;ven il' she couldn't love Ine il was 11 Kivil deal lo me Just to nee her il.liiil.v Colin about the bouse Mild to In ..r the sound of her voice." "Well," h.iid I, "you call that love, Mr. r.ii rulii. r ', bin I Khould call it cell : hie w." "May he tin- I wo tl.inr.--i 1:0 I Any how, I 1 oiil.lii't ha her ; sides, with I ids crowd about well Ihjt lhe should U'- . He it wa- neiir lo l.xik after Her. I Hen. when tin cable came. 1 knew they were hound lo make a move." "What cable";" I arrutliers look a telegram from bis pin Let. "That's II." said lie. II wis short and concise; The old man U dead."" "liitm!" said Holmes. "1 think 1 sei how liiini.'s v. 01 i.e.!. and 1 can under si ;pd li. .u- Ibis me. a:;.' would, as j.u: s:.. Iii iu;; lliem lo a heaii. Hal whih you wait ou mihi tell me what you ran." 'Ihe old r.'pi'.ii.al,' with the surplice burs iiil,, a M.liey of had humuaue. "I'.y heaven," said be. "if you siilcal 011 us, I'.el. ('arrutliers, I'll serve you in you served .lack Woodley! You can hieat ahoiil the 'h'1 lo your heart's content, for that's your own affair, but if you round 011 j our pals lo this plain 1 lollies copper il Will be the worst day's w o k that ever you did." "Your leveielice need not be excll id." said Holmes, hir'ililu a c:: 1 ret I e. 'The ea-e i- rlear rii , a ; 1 :n: . n I you. . ,! :.l! I :e-k i- a f,'v, .h :.n: - I .: n... p, 1 , ll . f ili:. ' e . i I I ' . f. if I 'l! '.'C ; d . iie ui: ia ; hi : Ir'.! 1 . .- I'd ' -1 .;. -ir... 1 ,.:' ii "i x ;;i h e.v x , I.. .. a . of I, ,!-::::, i ...-U .;. .-1 :.;-. In I lil -1 pie.-. 1i1.ee 1,; ymi t :!; Ir .i.i .'-.mill A.ri'ii mi h;.i "..ine yen. , .iia.lii 01 . X a. I'.iirlllh ei -. and '. oo.li '.x ." "Lie 1111. ill'. T ..lie." said the 11!. I loan. "1 11. ver saxv caller of them until two uionihs auo. and I liaxe ncx . r he. 11 in Africa In my l.fc. so you can pul lliat in your pipe and smoke it. .Mr. Itilsy- body llo.llie.-:" "What be : ax - I- true," said '11 r rut li"rs. "Xeil. well, txvo of you came over. Hi- rever. nee i our own b iii"inade article. Y'Mi had ku wn Kalph Suiitli in South Ai'ri. a. oil had reason lo lieliio e lie xxould 11. It live lolltj. Yotl loand mi, that his niece xxould inherit his fortune. How's that eh 7" 'arrutliers nodded and Williamson swore. "She was next of kill, 11 1 doubt, and you were aware that the old fellow would make 110 will.'" "t'ouldn't read or write." said Car ruthri's. "S you came over, the txvo of you, and bullied up the rjirl. The idea was that one of you was t marry her and the other have a share of the plunder, l or some reason Woodley was chosen a- !!: husband. Why was that';" "We played cards for her on the voya;.'o. lie won." "1 see. You got the y ami;,' lady into your service, and there Woodley was I do tli urtine;. She recognized the drunken brute that lie xvas ami would have nothing to do with him. Mean while your arraiiKenient was rather up set by the fact that you bad yourself fallen in love with Ihe lady. You could no longer bear the idea of this rullian owuiic' her 7" "No. by lleorue, 1 couldn't'." There xx as a ipiarrel between you. lie iefi yoo lii a rajje and beuaii to I..::!..- In - .,'U plans in ''pemient !y of vol;." "11 sirile-- lue. Williams. in, iliere i-11'1 very iiiu.il that we can led this u'e . ! !.' .:;: 1 i 'arrtitherr., xvilh a biii.'l' 1 iiia'a. "Yes, v. e eUarre!ed, mid lie k'i)"kel uie d )XX ll. I mil lex e XX Itll I. i..i 0.1 taal. anyhow. The.i 1 1 n: si-bi of il l.;. That xvas when In- picked up xvilh this cast padre here. 1 found I hat they had set up liousekecpim,' to :,'o!hi r at Ibis place on the line that she had to pass Cor the station. I kept my eye on her nCier that, Cor I knew there xvas some devilry in the wind. I saxv them from time to time, Cor I xvas anxious to know what they xx ere after. "Txvo days aj.' Woodley came up to my bouse xxitli Ibis cable, which shoxv eil that Kalph Smith xvas dead. He ask ed ine If I would stand by the han;ain. I said I would not. lie asked me if I would marry the ejil myself and tfivc him a share. I said 1 would willingly do so, but that she would not have ine. He said, 'I.et im fet her married lirst, anil after a week or txvo she may we things a bit different. ' 1 said I would have nolhiuK to do xx itli violence, ho he went off cursing, like the foul mouthed blackKiiard that he xvas, and HweariliK that he xxould have her yet. She was leaving me this week end, and I had j?ut a trap to take her to the station, but I xvas ho uneasy in my mind that 1 followed her on my bicycle. She had j;ot a Hlarl, however, aud before I could catch her the mischief wuh done. The lirst thing I knew about it watt when I Hit x' you txvo gentlemen drlvlni; back in her duj?cnrt." Holmes rose and tossed the end of his cigarette Into tbe jfrute. "I have been very obtuse, YVatson," Bald he. "When in your report you mild that you hud Hceu thecycIlHt, us you thought, urrange his necktie In the shrubbery that ulonn Hhould have told mo all. However, we limy congratulate ourselves upon a cu rious nnd In Homo respects 11 unique ease. I perceive three of the county constabulary In the drive, aud I am Kind to see that the little hostler Is able to keep pace with them, ho It Is likely that neither ho nor the Interesting bridegroom -will bu permanently ditto uged by their morning's adventures. I think, Watson, that In your medical capacity you might wait upon Mis Smith nnd tell her that If k!i Is miff!- (Com inueil on next pllKC.) TUG ODARANTRLI) COMPOUND Interest Gold Bond of The Mutual Life Insur ance Company of New York . . . kICII Ak'D A. iM. Cl'KDV, I'rcshli nt V. I.. HATHAWAY, Ore. Alniiager. Thioh! bond ilil'leis Iroin any policy written by this or nny other life insur iini'c company in tbe followiiig essential particulars : 1st The pi d icy is by its terms, pay able in (told Coin. This refers 10 both tbe principal Hum ami tbe interest : 'J.I. It ejiariiiitoes annually, for a spei ilieil term of years, I! per cent ill xt I.l on all premiums previously paid Thee credits mux' lie draxxii at the 1 im e t hev are made 01 at a 11 v ot her t inie , but a- leiiL' as thev are allowed pi tciiiinii i h I he t ', im pan . I hex- will be lucre. H ill I'V :i'; pel cent iii'eie.-i, com pi ,11 111 lid an una 1 1 x , 11 11 ' ll ! he end 1 l I lie said ler 111 , and, in I he event oi I he deal h o t he III silted, any such n.TUinulalalcd riedils i ill be paid xx illi the sum insure. I "il. At the end of the period dining which premium payments arc reipiireil (10, b"i or "it years, as the case may In'), the Company, if rcipnred, xx ill cxcbimye this lioiid for a 1 exx one a stipulated amount, payable at tlie death of the in sured mid, in the meantime, draw in" .", per cent simple interest annually on it iar value, I'lUM'ii'Ai. .x.Mi im'i:iiit cav ami. k in aii.li cms. The aci'iiiiiulaled surplus or dividend xx ill at the same tunc be paiil in cash, or it may be applied to increase the amount of the nexx per I cent lioiul, xvbicb will also thereafle ; participate aiiiiuallv in the .li vi. lends of . the Company. 1 lu addition to these feat arcs which 1 are peculiar to the (iohl I'.ond, it nisi. 1 combines all the ad vantage" of the Dis tribution l'lilicies of The M"tnal Life Insurance Coinpany ol New York, such as full participation in the surplus earn iiigHiifthe Coinpany, Cash Surrender laud Loan Values, g'ace in payment of 1 premiums, Automatic 1'aid up lusur ' ance. etc. j l''u!l imf'.'nnalion regarding this : ceeilingly popular and attractive cinn biiiationof Investment ami Protection li The Return SHERLOCK HOLMES j This latest and best work of Dr. Doyle is now running ser- ially in the Lake County Ex- aminer. & g The Most Progressive and up-to-date Newspaper in Eastern Oregon. ONLY $2.00 THE YEAR: EXCURSIONS TO PORTLAND for Lewis & Clark Exposition $30 FROM RENO Above rule is for 10-day tickotH, good going (in Train No. 5 from Reno, coiuiectine fit Roneville or Sacramento with Special Ex cursion Train letiving San I'VanciHco every Saturday. Return from Portland on any regular train; or tickets may be exchanged for return by Htcaiu.tr to San Fratic'iHco for $2 extra. 21 -Day and Special Tour Tickets with Htop-overs, at Hpecial rate. Aak local ngt nt for rate from your town and full in formation regarding tiekctH, trains and Special Tour Ticket via Ogden. A. 11. RISING, Acting I). P. and P. A. Reno, Nevada- SOUTHERN PACIFIC for any particular nKe or ninmn.l nm benbtaineil by npplxing to , nnyV nearest agenl, (J. inilits Lakevii'w , ()re Till lllll I.1M 14. 1'liited iS'iatcs I .il ml Office, Liikevic. Oicgon, Aneiisl ,Stb, 1 ( ir, . N,,,.(l j' bereby g'xen Unit in compli:,,,,-,, l be prox jsjoiis of ihe Act ol , m,,. ; - ciililled "An act tor the siilc ,,( ',in',r hinds in I he Suites o! :( 'iiliforiiin, ( ir,.,,,,,, Nevada ami ash itiettiii Ten ilory," Hl! extended to all the Public Land s'tm,,, by act of August -I, IHd'J, . f, persons have tb day tiled in this (,ffi their Hxxorn 11 talemeiits to-wit : Kan- It.iriy, of l.ukcview, comity I ike, snue of Oregon. Sxvnra mw. ment No ItlMH, for Ihe purchase of ln SW4 NL'1.,' SKJ, NKi'and Lnts 1 nn, Sec. ll.Tp in S., I! L'2 L W M. Nellie llarrv, ol l.nUeview, ioiintv rf Lake, Hlale i f Oregon. Sworn mule- 11 1 No- IM 111", for the piirchiim. ,,f 1B Nxx '., M:'4 S',. si:;; r.ml Swi-. M-c See. ii. Tp 111 s., I; L2 K W M. " Thai I hey ill oiler proof lo shun llint the hind sniuhl is ncir vn 1 Halite lnr i!h limber or siin.e than for agiji'iiltural pin po.e- nnd P, rsi:i!,i,h their claim in -aid land b.'iore l.'i'i.istrr ,v Lereiver nt I.iI.cvich, Or , on Muhikiv ihr day ..I I let. .bet Mill. 1 They Inline lis xvitliesss : Thomas l.tnch, I'.enj imin liiilyuinl lieiiin-. Sullivan of l.iikeview, (lnnn, and .IhIiIi ll.u rv nt Adel. Oregon. A 11 v nnd all peisiins ehilmiiig inlvcrmv Iv the above ilescribcil In 1 1 1 1 1 11 re rtMllt'at ed lo lile their .'hiillis in this office on or bi'ioic Mini L01I (lav of October 1!H)5. ,"t v" N. Vatson, lleginter. Notice of Appointmcnnit of Administrator. To WIloM IT MAY COM LliN :-N(). TICK is hereby given Hint, by an nrlt!r ol I he ' 111 nl V Court of Lake Coiuitv, State of iri-Ltoii, dulv made and cntfreil on the t!ml day of September, l!H),"i, the undersigned was duly appointed Admin Istiator of the i:s I ATK of WILLIAM I'.AHN'K A, deieii-ed. All persons having chums iigiiinst eaiil L-nalc are hereby required to present the Hiitne. will) the proper volli'liors, xxithiusix moiitliH from the date of this lioll"e, lotbe undersigned A tl lit iiiistrn tor, at the Tirst National Hunk of Like vieiv, in Lakeview, Lake County, Htatc of I Iregon I lated this 7lb day of September, l!HK. iiCK .). WILCOX, Adiniuistrator of the I'.STATK of ll'II. Ll A M I1AHNKA, Heceased. ."tii-40 of II