Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 28, 1905, Image 1

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vol. xxvi.
NO. IV.l
I T,t. follow illti l-tl.T WH.H IVCelVOll
Win Harvey while she
v ;t friend in Lake-
-mil Mr.
,11111 Iri'l'"
, III! !
i! 1 1 - (
:l ,'i i- s
i 1 1 ' i : i c
i 1 1 ;-
I I i I , I w.
Alter earehil n mlysis and experiments with the water supplies of the Klamath irri
Ration project, the -owrnnient officials liavi
a i
i 1 i
loniiu that tr.e watert)!
( j r i rria Li ,: 'par.iy cs.
ai )
lilwrl 1
h:i vm, mir
a ;
:ale i
.v v. !. ;;. : i !!-,.
ill i lie La !-.e aew clia iy,'c, v.
ii;cc in :-e?sio!i i.i Albany, and dieha rvd fro-.n ilij Methodist; ministry,
peal the ease. lie claims he was rail, j'iven a chance to defend himself.
rea wiuie
; at thj co'iicr-
He m:
t lii ! I'U'e WU
.in a 1 i . 1 1 r. i eii.iie, asL.ivena 111:11 1 iea a k 1 cu i.vii 100 1 .
1 -al nil I ll" l llli l lll
in c.i r in'M r'.y 11 I da v
ijri'l tin' I"'' l''i"'lit 01 'ni' 1 ra vols.
He Hiiiyril In New York several
IVH.HIhI lll'l'ivnl ill Llllldoll-llolTy
Miuritiiv morning, ami Mn.teii mere
llil.'.v. hind .1 i nun indent' ami rode
.1 fill" tuwl lll'ii:! ir 'it-iil x . 1 1 1 ni:i b 1 u m llii.'Mi'ii t . l-i'ik."ftl 4 ll fi-i.f--il'i.i n Miimn f innnf
! HUT tin' I I ' V , V I'm I Oil till 1.1 moils i"t j " .-'liiiii.ilv 1 1 11 nit ii 111 11. -.v. 111.1 iiiiiav.uv lii iuili. 11 liiv ' 'i (u iii.i.rujij;iij''wiiiiiiit.iii.f
if the matter is pressed upon him.
Senator Fulton departed for Washington. 1). C, last Saturday. lie aims to hast
en the opening ol the Kosehury land olhee, and may make a recommendation or two
.1 11 .. 1 1 .
i.ii.iT iiiiiiiiiin'lil aim tin' " nun.
Vt dii.v werniuo loOmugh. whore
iv (iiiliiil Mr. Harvey's folks wjiil ing
nri'ivc lis. wo iiKf mem very,
' l 1 1 , 1 1 f 1 . . V j 1 1 1 1 1 T 1 ' '
null ami Hn-.v nmki- uh promise ti lnnamueca last weeu, wnen two ireint trams came to.LTetnei in a neao-enu collision,
ifit tlicin again wit li in t wo years, :il
Wcwfiti n. iii-if.'iHi hikI were m-. ; vent it from running onto the two wrecked trains, the second section came tearing along
iiiiimiiii'tl ii.v Mr. llnrvr.v w nephew f r m 1 mi ..i.i n 4 ilt. f.rs4 S(.(.tion. ! our trains were all in hear). One
,111 Witv. r.eiiast is 11 great, cny. . . .
,vr went ..11 ii.r.mui. the it. -tuuie man was killed outright and about thirty other persons badly injured.
One of the worst wrecks in the history of the Southern Pacific Co. occurred near
nnamucca last week, w hen two freight trains came together in a head-end collision,
and as the first section of a passenger train was flagged and stopped just in time to prc-
arihiiK. ;ih jiretiy :i juirk an yuu
1111M any whei'e in the world.
fill'' luive nilid HtoreH 1 here, ton,
mil v tin ili in the theater there.
Surprise Valley News.
From the Ueconl:
So far an the crops have been har
vested yooil yields have been obtain
ed, and we are Informed that the
grain will probably be more thau an
average crop this year.
Miss Nellie Snelling arrived here
last week from Shu Frniieieo, where
she has been for the past three years.
'She will visit her parents for a few
Chance for Cold Brick Man. j as he ever saw anywhere, and he
The following is from the Alturas . niyn, and he has the word of others,
I'laindealer, and if "a. man" and L, t , . m.m.ilt.K. tui in fact, all
ni we went to Imbliti ti at tend tu. liiriitiiiij-preai lier want to knock i ,
iu iiiiin. j ntliep fruits, are of as hue flavor as
l' Imrhf hluiw. I never seen such : anv teeth out they must call on Mr. j
, , . 1 , tne Jtolie Jiier lruu. nen, 11 mey
Tanilinv. It iHi oiiHiilered t he n ratid-; Thompson Hon t net scared now
' ..1 i 1..... 11.....
Uliw in the world. The horses n,l ,,,l ,ii,oloKi.e for what you '"i'. ""W are uir aueuo, oecuu t ,.-.,
iii'xliiliiiion I'limber into Ihelhotis-' lV. Kiii-I. St and your n'ronnd like are absolutely free from worms or
"!-. The jiiinpiiiK pi'ii'i H um 111 w us I 'i ,(. I.xn miner does. any other fruit pest, and keep every
liiiinwl wonderful tiling I rxersaw, ! u,.,v U I lie article: year till new fruit takes their place in
mvliii'li ;,ihi horses look pari. 'I n "There are 1 wo counties of thisup- ceiar and are crisp uud irood
li- rllic it is loo hm lo write. IM.,. loiiiitr.v, Lake anil .Modoc, that wi,t.a thrown out to make room for I wwks-
riivr.' were llll.liull people on 1 1"' j offer rare opport unit ies lor t lie work- Li10 Ilew ir.i. Mr. Loft us says the; Itword also says that liedney
iTuiiml, ami the Krai.l-st dresse.l , of ,. ,,1,1 brick scheme. 1"''-- H,ring frosts never touched his or- H uKhes, one of the prosperous farm-
ailio-i, iiiiml of them in pure w hiU j aU,rs need not fear t hat theirscheme 1,,, , his tress are loaded with of the valley, hw u crop of I,ea-
.11,1, i.,.i,.t.i 1. .i.i. 1 1 t ...... ..., 1 i,..r uvvimlliiiir . .. .... . ... 1. !..... ... nuts and a crop of sweet-potatoes
i" ii 1 , iiini.-i.nv n win iuii, ini .-i.i. v..... iruit. lie also raises an iviiiun ui i
ll;itt('iil,iM dresses, such as we j Hl..,m. known to smooth-tongued Btuff that can't lie beut for
vnulilhi-e worn by the actresses on j Heoimilrels has been worked with (J ui1it.v anywhere. He planted 5
iK'UHK". The recepi Ion of I he Lord ' j,,,,,, results. Only last week a jjoiu j,oujH uf I'.ayo beans last sprlny, !
! Ii.ii ... 1 .. 1 ... 1 . . . ..1 .... 1 1 1,1 uiirii . . . , . ... .. .
mi in iieniiiii iih a irein in ; 1,1'icK operaior n in iv-u mi auu nas tiirasneii w pounns 01 fruit crop in Surprise valley this
toll. 'I'lie etiiiil of k never was wit-! ul,t f.ike, Kublier ;o'ls," on l itiz-i jjne beans as he ever saw. There Is : year Is almost a failure. Some ap
"'il in n country where Koyaliy ' of Lake county, ami doubtless Hilnpy price too hili for such a j pies and pears were raised In the
!""'t cxisi. I'ir-il appe.ired t he 1 will lind abuinlaul victims In Moiioc. ; vicinity of Lake t'ity.
""ini lil'd a brigade of Irish lilies. ! -j'he l-akeview Examiner tells of his
C. Swanson has bought the 7T
1 beef steers, numbering "I"'.
! C. W. Withers Is uilti in this sec
tion of country to buy sheep.
; Owen Mi-Ken. live and Ira MeCall
were over from I. uvlln lirst of the
week nfier tin' J'r-o li.'ip Mr. Mi'.
K"i'ilreo ! )i 1 t i ! 1 ' i 1 1 ; ! few weeks
a :'
.1. U". a . "Mi, of t lie . i. t 'o , ret 11 i'II
e I l'.'onM in, 'lie, w li 1-.' In- si ib I -l'5 of
tin X I. I.tvf 1 o IMson, aii'! shipped
IN head of i'.i to Nan Francisco.
J i in ex pec ts to start about :!.! more
cattle and aboui (ill or ."SO horses for
(Jazello in a lew days. These too
will be shipped, lie met a band of
about 400 beef between here and
Klamath Falls that Mr. F.dson had
bought in Lake county, mostly up
! north. The roads to the railroad
j are so dusty that they are almost
I impassable, owing to the great num
ber of stock having beeu driven oVer
and the long spell without rain.
The Bieber Gazette reports that
Win. Woods is in that section buy
ing beef to be shipped to Chico. The
price paid was $18 for cows and from
?20 to $2T for steers.
A. X. Willey. the cattle buyer, in
forms us that lie has purchased COO
head of cattle in this vicinity. The
prices given us by Mr. Willey were
for cows $ 18 and $19. Alturas Plain
dealer. A big band of fine beef cattle pe
louging to Wm. T. Cressler was
brought in from Guano last week.
They are in Hue condition for the
George Mapes, of Reno, drove l.'iOO
head of good beef cattle thru town
last week on their way to the railroad.
nearly ready to harvest.
Homer Page was up from Hed
i liluff lust week with a load of conned
j fruits, which lie readily sold, as the
ri"'J' tiiiil, tlieirpohilion opposite t lie j operations. It says:" ;
.'Wml Niimil. which sealed I ."..(Mini -; (Mob's The Kxaiiiiner article 0111
Next 011 I he scene w as an ml- "liubberlioods." ,
''.''il uiimiiI ,,f .1,.. 1.1, ,1.1.; in-.i- 1 "Now in all seriousness, when men ;
'"iu,valry. Thou came three! will "bite" at bait of that character.
'HiwiTiaes. eacli drawn by four j any old fake, gold brick anil all,, will j
"tll'.il lila.-k horses, uilh police- tin. 1 plenty of sin kers' swarming j
' mid footmen, dressed in gold-'around (lie hook. Common sense
a' uniforms ,,d 1,0 w.lere.l wigs. I would tell one that a sc. icii.e p. . ,
mine several companies of cav-ilng such abundant returns would
llinl among the million of WW i'"I
Ital In the great .money centers sub
scriptions In plenty. If the scheme
"elected from the liuest regl-
'"'"tulu Ireland. They drovearound
r1"' truck till Ihev eaiue to the
I f t ...... 1 .1 1 ..
mlHtHiMl. where the Royalty .Hh- were honest. The stock won... u,
"""UtiMlai.,1 I....L- H...M u... i,,l. e'obliled up many times oxei, mm
provided for t hnni on 1 ho urand
"""l, then t helrescorts disappeared
1111,11 "Iter the performance.
'""too long to describe in detail,
'"" tl' ",v t lie least, It was the
ifiuik'Nt HighL 1 ever bo.'ii. I hope
"" will Home Units got to see the I
' a eit.v hero called lieleck. !
'''"thus u factorv where the famous I
h'i'liinaware Is made, the only!
..1.1 ....1 Imivh to travel
promoiers woum
over remote tllstrlcts to dispose of
their stock.
"flll.ens had better lei all these
fakes schemes alone. If you l've
money to 'throw at the birds,' you
will liu'l that there are too many
1 j 1.
!nt which to tlrt-ow, aim ""-"
! birds will only remain while your
money lasts.
.-,rw V ... , r.- " ' I ""S
i'lace in
tlie world where t his kind of 1
iii.... 1
"""Wlliv kiiin.l.i 11 lu 1 1 it'. I ! ... . .., ,1... ,.....!;.
- ' 1 lllbl in 1."' "" "'
Never-Foiling FruiC Farm.
J. W. Loftus cunie over from' Adel
Mr. Loftus mane
:ii..i ..
'""'.V expensive,
11 Is all made j T. .;x,., minor ollice a visit ami wu"
!,.d out on 1 lie subject of farming in
Informed us llialiienau
"ie thinks Ireland is a poor, , Warner.
this year.
"'l'ul'l'.'coiiu!rc. 1. 1 i . . w 1111th- ahuiidaiit fruit crop
' .1
apples, liarllelt ll''"'ri
fH v i B 1
I -
Jury List..
Following is the list of jurors
drawn to serve the coming term of
Circuit Court, which convenes Octo
ber i::
Loren liailey
Albert Dent
K. X. Jaiuish
(i. W. Garrett
J. V.. Hernard
Clias. Tonulngsen
Thos. Hastings
Joe Arzner
S. F. A hist rum
Joe Kingery
Geo. liankins.
ll. Itandom I'. J. Urattain
J. M. Martiu
S. J. Dutton L. C. Meyer
A. II. Mamtnersley Fred Snyder
Isaac Deter Flint Vernon
It. IF, Vernon D. 11. Ilartzog
Geo. Fitzgerald J. W. Iteeder
C. C. I'ru tt.
Raymond liallard L. A. Carrlker
Ira Moshier J. F. Snyder
George Stevens
S. E. Sloan
"'H Unit
e Hot seen .1 woe-bit I J'oaclies,
1 i'a.nn'JT i.magin:: HOW I C
vrl!.l l.y I'ullii'i'n Wtcl.If
to 1::: vi:.K.
one would 1.0I admire." plums g.-w la I.U orchard as huge.
The Baptist. Social.
A very pleasant entertainment anil
supper wus given last Friday even
ing, Sept. L'l, by the young ladies of
Lakeview, for tlie purpose offurnlsh
lug the liaptlst parsonage.
The supper consisted of oyster
soup, ice cream anil cake, it was well
I attended and everyone enjoyed it
I good time.
i The Past or and his family wishes
I to thank the people of Lakeview for
j their liberal patronage.
I The amount taken in was $i:i.0D.