Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 21, 1905, Image 1

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ft 11
NO. 38,
The out look for the woolgrowers
,i tlilK Ktiili" is better today than
iprlK,fnri'. prices of wool arc pon-
nllvnilvaiiciiiK. ini'l th largely
Nan Patterson, who was tried in New York twice for the murder of Caesar Vonug,
e.mHmnpiion of mutton , the well-known California bookmaker, was remnrried to her former 1i.ish-.nnr1. I.cnn H.
al the decrease In t lie wool pro. j .
K.,i r .MiHiraiia and foreign ; M'U"t, in ashington, I). C, on Septcml)cr 10. She was married to Martin six years
,llltrN will c.t.tin.... to keep thfjao at the age of 17, and separated from him three years ago.
Irkrto tile prt "i ma" uai ii, n noi
Jut, for several years to conic."
in ii iMiivfnllv nrenared miner read i
I ..1 f ,.- I.' ,,),!., . a tj ' ..1 .. .1 a 1 a . 1 1 1 . r. 1 -v 1
j. lore tin' convent ion or tiic Oregon ,vl1 """i imiuh.uo u o u eiutK tins morning. At t o ciock last evening uenerai uvansivy
Moe,v Association in Port-j,m(1 (Jcmral Pukashi signed an armistice ordinance in the open plain near Shakhedze,
111 IllHl (tk, rn.i n u- i i-H'K i fiui, .
ii.iiwiim, secretary oftlu'Natlon- 'lcr negotiations had been conducted for nine consecutive hours.
UvcHtcx'k AHMoclfitlon, and former
(iiwsur Pass (Manchuria), Sept. 14. Major-Gcneral Ovansky and his suit return-
crlaiuly to lie congratu-
triliiiiiiii tin" tone of tlie Industry
and will drive t hem lielow, starting
this week.
iyeur, for never in the history of! Al Henderson has bought .'!00 dry
! top.
I in' vim realized such magnificent Co
uiniH for your sheep and wool, i Madeline
n'tiiry of the orcufon Association, ; M-nator l latt, ol Aew lork, and has wile are in ban rrancisco. Ihe aged senator
1, thin op.imlH.le statement of ;s yt.rv ooks tf) )c n)()ut mfln Qn carh U) be flc . from a breach of
..oiiiililion of I lie wool market. "
iir. iiwinii fun hr .said: "You promise suit, but such is charged. Miss Mae Wood is trying to locate him.
iin lire engaged in the mining of .
out as they go down as it does on point of fin ugly looking gun to tic-
I company his former comrad to the
I county jail where lie was thrust into
; the presence of four others of the
I gang, two of them his sons. Five iu
j all were captured and put In jail, but
one escaped from the i'rineville jail
and the other Arch McKay, from the
Fossil jail. Mr. Selkirk used a little
flirtation In his strategic work. He
won the heart of old mau Edmond
son's daughter, whose love for hlui
was suddenly turned to hatred when
she discovered bis treason.
The three Edmondsons, father and
two sons, as was stated in The Ex
aminer last week, were sent to the
penitentiary for three years. - .
ajtcuu we reasonably expect such
wxiiH we have received this year
r both wool and mutton'."
"1 wish to make this statement,
mt in ho fur as the stock Industry
iquentlon In concerned, I am still of
opinion that the law of supply
lad ilemiiud still governs, and It is
toluw that governs the prices of
hcep and wool today. We have
via diminished supply of both and
a ever-increasing demand which
w completely outstripped the sup
X We must, take luto cousldera
in Ingoing Into the phases of the
wp Industry almost the entire
orld's production."
Romance on The Desert.
The detection anil capture of the
sheep shooters in ll'lieeler county
reads like a romance. About In
tlon has not started any steers yet. 1 ,
I months ae, when a large reward
Mapes last week st arted 1000 j offt.r1( f((r U)t, conv,ctluIi of
ftvnt many of you In the business cows from the Warner Valley Stock
The cattle were driven south to
last week. The Corpora-
L lite likely one of t he doubts tippcr-
st In your minds today Is 'How
(i. W
Stock New.
Felix Green weut to the Slcan
'"g Inst week to make prepara
om fur the beef drive. He will
'art Iimmi head of 70 beef about the
thof tins month, from Klcan, tak
etliiMii thidugh to Merrill.
lcx Fitzpatrick has the 7,X beef
I eutliered and will soon start
head of ttcef steers from the JJ ranch
at Plush for Honey Luke valley. The
cattle were driven down through
Surprise Valley.
C. E. Sherlock this week bought J.
S. Plelds' liand of sheep, numbering
900 head. He paid $3 for the ewes,
and 1.!K) for the 1!00 lambs.
Latest. Mining Newt.
The Eastern compuny that bought
the Plummer interest in the Wade
mines a couple of weeks ago, closed
a deal Tuesday with Keed and Wade
for the other two thirds on the same
terms, which means if 100 0(H) to the
boys if the mine holds out good as it
is developed. They get $!00 each,
down, f 400 each iu :I0 days and the
rest of the $100,000 In a year.
An expert miner told us yesterday
that every Indication Is good.
A writer for an ICasteru mining
Journal arrived at mines last week.
1 le Is said to lie the best authority
on mines In the Fulted States, and
his report will be of great Interest.
George Ayres brought down a lot i
those guilty of sheepshooting was
offered, one Jesse Selkirk, a San
Francisco detective, arrived In Wheel
er county, and beeame a very popu
lar man among the stockmen as a
vaquero. He was just a common
vaquero, rode the worst horses with
ease and roped the wildest steer with
a dexterity that soon gained for him
the admiration of all who could le
lieve In his expertness. air, Selkirk
even associated with those whom he
suspected, aud finally went to live
with the very gaug he was after.
Little did any on suspect his real
mission, aud not until the last oneof
On a Hog in Portland.
We received a post card from
Portland Tuesday morning, bearing
the photographs of two of Paisley's
sports. Chet Withers and Jack Mc
Donald are iu Portland doing the
the gang was in jail did the full Fair. The boys are represented in
truth dawn upon the citizens. He the picture as either taking part in
captured his victims one at a time, some of the amusement houses, or
after he had secured absolute proof else they have a novel amusement for
of their guilt. The father of the Ed- I themselves. They are photograph
moudson boys was the last to fall a ej going down the street, pell mell
victim to the bhrewd detective. The j ridlug a hog. Under the picture
fact leaked out to the old man when ' reads: "We're on the hog in Port
lie was confronted by Selkirk at his 1 laud." Frank Light says the boys
own cabin door aud forced at the ve made no mistake.
In the August number of the Pa
cific Northwest, published in Tort
land by Philip S. Bates, Is a general
wrlto-up of some of the inland coun
ties of the eastern part of the state,
also a map showing the "Heart of
Oregon" without a rvllroad. In
i this "Heart of Oregon" there Is
, 6hown 5C.000 square miles of terri
tory absolutely without railroad fa
cilities, and comprising some, of the
richest soil to be found under the
sun. Mr. Bates recently made a trip
through Lake aud other Eastern
Oregon counties and knows what he
is talking about. He scores the
Portland wholesaler for allowing
the trade of this vast inland empire
to go to San Francisco, when the
conditions could be made more favor
able for it to go to Portland, where
it belongs. Mr. Ba tes' article is to
voluminous for us to undertake to
republish, but some of his language
can be given:
"Throughout the vast interior sec
tion of Oregon comprising the south
ern part of Crook aud all of Lake
and Klamath Counties, a condition
in trade affairs exists unheard of in
auy other section of the United
States. Vast in its rea, full tooveri
flowing in all the resources of which
our State abounds, aud settled with
a class of people with ambition
that the future will see realized in
the shape of the wealthiest popula
tion in any like area la Oregon, yet
their Interests are allowed to foster
themselves, as far as any help or in'-
ducements from the wholesale trade;
of Portland are couccrned. Thc peo
ple In this great sectlou of Oregon
state that they pay taxes In Oregon'
but live in California. Everywhere
you go you find the California trav 1
eliug man, California products stare,
you in the face on every band." '
Then again he says: "California
has the same vicissitudes and trials
to overcome that Portland would
have in going after the business.
California overcomes them where
Oregon dealers sit complacently by
and sleeps the sleep of the truly great
and satisfied."
mfor Montague, where they will
snipped to Statan Island. Calif.. ,.f -....l- fr,.m bis mines this week. He
of the l (iV ug ranches. j assnyed It aud says it weut f l."0 to
llii' Silver Lake Oi-eironhin savs I the ton.
at the full feed in the Slcan coun
'J'Imn been ihstroyed by grasshop-
(ieo. Maupin stated to an Examiu-
er reporter Tuesday that he had a
f. ! f......n ii.ferest In a 2 foot ledge in the
K. MeUon.mck has bought Mod j '.inin district on the Bidwell side of
wlofhturk sheep from J. '.. Mc
'W'lif I'uisley.
'W. Ilouwnl, the stockman, is
'J'liiKbeef iu Klamath and North-
. A
the mountain. They have run a tun
nel In the hill below where the ledge j
crops out and strtiel; the ledge at a j
distance of .10 feet. 'Ihe leiiao una
! dippeil back .1 feet. They had not op-
It he ledge yet when lie le.t ine
Mr. Maupin has a great deal
in ner t,f Summer Luke re-
utlvhi.M i i camp
" "i inrrii ini (uiu nun m-ni , ,. , 1(
of mi.h ill Hie mines, ami n.u..,.. -
iVll'.i'llll) .
HI' iwo oeii'ii- i in,.
to Sha.sta
'(ilUI''" II. ii. 1 inula i
''' W'H take (he cat III
5ls- A. Blair lias sold her entire
ma v be a year
he thinks they
! eel much out of It,
, have a good mine.
! ti... ivnf.nli.r bovs have about tvvo
'p to lleiio of Nevada. . ,,. necked aud ready for
" was staled here a few days ago ! shipment, and Sey forth and Mini roe
';,t LI 1-vy on Statan Island, ' have racked about X sacksund pack
I'll 11 (lllie II UIBUUIll v...
"in, laid broken and let the. . , w .,,.,1 llH soon as a road
iu l I" II ' "l-i
' u'r hi on ,,ik of the llniii-'lii Cat lie ,. i,, t,, ti,,. ramus this also wil
lUl1 UIU . .. 1 J I . i , I . . . I
"nil unit the accident w ouui iK. shippei
A subscription was taken up aud
.-,00 was raised to build a road to
the camps, and eight men are work-
'iii.snn last week bought the j ou Ult) ruad.
The ten best claims win uv v oi k.
ed thU fall aud the ore shipped, mid
it is expected that a mill will bo put
iu there iu the prlK, if the ore pans
Several claims were loeuted yester
duy ou tho hill about 300 yards above
uw'' wilding the ZX iJl(l.f there for
UliuaL loon l,,.,,,! '... ...iltle
re to he delivered to M. Ill IheLMth
' "'Ih month
'h- Vest, the California horse
".bought 45 head of mules aud
of horses from the 'IK Co.
AfV. : "'!:; ,. 4 Svx v
3, t?ft
Copyrittlit by CulUer'l Wtekly.
Struck Water at 90 Feet.
Mr. W. E. Burke, manager of the
Portland Co., which tiled upon a
large tract of desert laud In Harney
county under the Carey act, has,
after a series of unsuccessful attempts
to put water on the land by means
of an immense pumping plant, been
rewarded. lie lias one well 00 feet
deep that lie estimates will furnish
1000 gallons a minute for his big
pumping plant. The water, when
undist urbed, comes wit hill eight
feet of the top of the ground. Ho
estimates that the pumps will lower
the water about '20 to 2.1 feet, whero
it will remain. Tills amount of
water Is suflicicnt to irrigate a large
tract of land. Mr. Burke has met,
up to now, discouragement on till
sides, lie Is located on one of the
best tracts of land In the .sagebrush
district of the state.
Western Pacific Building.
Ground was broken ou tho rev
1 Testem Pacific railroad last week
at Beck with Pass, in Plumascounty.
i Two hundred men were put to wokr
i clearing and making ready for grade
! work. Other crews will be pub on
; as rapidiy as men can be had, at
i several points along the proposed
! route, till au army of railroad
builders are at work. It is intended
to bave the new road completed la
two years.