Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 14, 1905, Image 8

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They have just arrived, some excellent
new Fall Suits at 12,50. borne as low
! as 8.50, others as high as 20.00. They
! are ood suitsf well made and good ma-
terialuptc-date in style and finish. Fit
j is perfect and they will hold their srppe.
1 We sell them to you at the s:m: low rate
of profit we do everything else.
Let's show you the value a store
when it's working for reputation.
ill iih III Jl II, mi' -U'.Mi-iH
Tj -: P. P- 1 i 1 ,-r.t
f m a- i ; y
-Bsmasiii f ha Brand i!
1 We Wish to Announce to the
That he can be as well accommodated
Lakeview as he can at any stable in the
State. It is our intention to always have
on hand a jood supply of the best hay and
'irrain to be bournt in
aLo k ep a force of experienced hostlers
and careful drivers, who will always be
ready to wait on our customers.
il:'l .:
A JverllJ l-elter l.isl
i.n.. i in in . ,,. , .
. i iumii mj ...riis .... ,
in - noli, ""
":t J 'it.' jTic.'. Mr. Ihairy I'rin .
., ... u . I Mr
K.:..x, h'. Linen.
jn. i.iwi..'.t.. '' '-' '.." .., '....'
tii'r.diii) , Ji.1', .
Mf Anton h buU, SI
hi I' AlllOll ri'UUlai I '.:
wrll Jfr. W. H'-liln, Mr. Mii riii,in
(.iorgc-Hclit-, 2, lr. Jack lluiiier. !
Mr.Frl Hunter. r- "
rcK J. WlUji. I', i
j,... or enal Proofs mn pi,. j
timber land final proof na Diaait aui
A.:t for aDDlicationa tor reaaveruiw
i uh wltneaa' affldait3, etc. at
nga. blank mneaa a.uu
J 1
) i n
the market. We H
S !
l iniil I'kxiI
, T- v MrUm'
s,.,,t. il, 1'Mi.,. Notice im hrhy feivn -
I i ,,i . i ;
"'K liiiineil Kutlhir him
lo,,;,. f ,is iatention to Illlike '
linn iirool in f ii nnort of ii'H claim, ami
o.iil iirooi will I made hofor..
-i - -
lu-iHttTHiid Ueceiver Ht Lakeview Ore
K,, Oru.lior '.'(), 1H0.V viz: ltichard
! N W'.', N W K. hKW N' KJi, Kec. V
? V, V wl-i " v lm" Z...
' T W I.. P. H., V. M. lie names the
rH 'a.ul tivS 'Ci
said i,nd, via : MonU Curry, Taylor
MeUker, John miner ana James MuU
Uker. allot Ikevtew, Oregon,
C. U. HnMM, Bweiver.
Lakeview And Vicinity
Pancc S;il iiV'In.v niulil.
Family Illinois :it Pot V KlniTM. tf
(ieo. Fitnucrnhl w as In town Moll
(ln v.
I.. (ierher is In l.iikeview OU II
-'- '
art mini wax ii visum- in
the city Tuesday.
S. I. Picks wn In town Monday
frnin Crooked Creek.
John Odoin was in town In wt week
from t lit' sheep camp.
(). F,. Heard w'iih registered from
Kliimnt h Falls Tuesday.
Joi' Mm Hi' returtiiul from Klamath
l ulls iiml Ashland Monday.
I'.OK.V At Silvi-r Luke. iivon. :
- pt. till, to tin' wlfi- of '.. i. Ilnrris. j
i;irl. i
.lolin F.i id s wiik up town Monday j
with n Ion, I of tomatoes from Ha vis
r i'k.
If you want n bracer, yet some
I liiim I h.'i t is a livneer. At Post iV
Kind's. tf
.!.('. Ny-waner started to Minlo
hii' Monday nfi"i" another loiul oi
J I 'run
froui S;iu
returned to l.ukeview I
rnncNco lust Saturday
den. I Iiuikins iiiinlc liniil proof on
the Mrs. I'.iihmI Iioiii -Hteitd first of
; the week.
! A. W. f.rytm mid fnniily of Clover
j I'lnt, left Inst week for Portland to
i Hee t he Ftilr.
H. I', nnd I.. U. i:ii(iiiMt returned
Saturday from Portluud, wherethey
took in the fair.
Itev. Snnford Sn d"f stlirted Moll- j
day for AHuuiy to iittend the annual j
M. I., couferi'lic . j
I'tvd Wei ley was down from Puis.
ley last week after n load of stuff for.
W . K. Me' i irinnck. :
Yes. mid there is to lie u social at
the hull Saturday cveninsr: cune uud
lirint;- your part ner. 1
W. K. Mei ', i-1 1 1 : 1 1 - U . I lie Summer'
l.ul.e sh"''piiian, was in I .a !.ev ie w
las; v.,
ii ;
nil I ill -l I.ei-S.
. .... I,..,-., .,
e Ml ' r. I ' ' e", U , I - 1.1 1 . I ! ' V t " v t i -I
ii:-. i:,;. ; I --'llll: . .
A . I '..!. i-i- 1 1 a w in ! 1m ,. . ,f
li'-v. ale! j.'Mi-i v -1 -' i . i- a- Ins
nil vert is'-lii'-l:' s. last v.'ir1,.
We, . "Keiiilree and wife were;
over from Illy last Saturday and)
registered a I Motel Lakeview.
.1. Ii. Lolin. ilie X teamster, was!
iu Lakeview last week after a load of I
jruiu for t he 'liewiiucaii ranch. j
.1. F. Mclioii.dd haw returned to'
Paisley from a trip over in the valley (
w h"i" lie went to visit his father and j
sisters. I
Walter Il"ed, w ho recently leased
his hotel and ranch at lily to Mr.
liamaker, will soon start for Port
laud with his family.
A nood joli of cleanliinlip the street
hetweeii A hist roofs harness whop
and The Lxmuiiicr ollice, and tilling
in the deep wiishoitt aluii the Hume
wiih done ,l oiiduy .
Prof. .1. Illounh, who Is employed
to teach the liih uraiies iu the Lake-
view scho il this winter, arrived here
.Monday. I le cuiue iu from Klamath
Pulls w illi Joe Moore.
CA. W. Mauriii- has purclmsed the
Mrs. Whitworth residence nronei'lv
at t In- iu mi i h of l.ullard canyon. 1 1
is one of ll rulllesl rcsi ices l
Lakeview. The price paid w-uh 20110.
VVoweretoldafew,.yHaoby a
. ., . , ,
man who known, that there had
"""'e ''''iKllt Hhlpped into Lake-
view this Hiiniuier than there had
I , i u i i.i i
-jOi.h in win; niiiuim I ill in: iiminij wi
(.i .
l"L ' "U"UJ'
J. 15. lillilf, WllO I'otUrnt.'d froill Sll
ver J.ake recently, Informed us that
Silver Luke Oreguuluo, would noon
Hturt for Madran, In Crook county,
where lu is promWmd jiotiltion.
Ni'w hI n tit AIiImIchii I'.roH.
I I,.. mlnlmr excitement keeps up.
Hi, k . rti.ti was up tow ii Monday.
Miss l.crtl inlc Vernon was li
tow n M i 1 1 1 1 1 .v .
T. A. Wisdom wn In from rump
lirHt of I lie week.
More nii'ii lire iroliiK to tin iniiiiii",
district every day.
P.allcy iV MiihhIuk'HI Iiiivi-ii lino lot
of liootH nnd dlOOS,
ticorni' mid Trunk Held are taklii".
In tin I'ortliinil Fair
Andy Nfiloii has Ih'i-ii In town this
wci'k from the sheep ramp.
Chns. Arthur, t lie Hlii'i'pinnn Ih in
town this wi'i'k on business.
TTiii'. Wlilt worth wiin in town nfter
supplies for t lie camp Turn, lay.
'To morrow we will liiive pint nnd
ipuifl fruit jars. Aldsirom I'.ros.
e t ie i ild pn pers u p in rolls nnd
j si ll t lie rolls fur ."i. in, l.'i. L'n mid '."i
cents .
' Tlic niilitlnl M. i;. t oiU'erelice meet s
ill Alliany next 'cd ucsdn . Septem
lier I'm It.
lKlK.N III l.llkexiew, Oregon.
Sept. M, I'.ll."., to til" Wile of .1. V.
"'Ve.V. a filli
Miss Jessie Smids writes ton friend
in Lakeview thai she will tea-Ii in
Astoria this w inter.
The Snider liulldiue; Is lieiim put in ,
shape for Nciloii A' llooiie's Ladles
Kiirnlshiii"; est alilishmeut . ,
Mr. A. I'.ielier lins his cellar coin -
pleted under the store, mid now Iiiih
ll nice place to store ooils.
.Ins. MeShmie was in tow n a few
days iik'ii, Ills fuiiilU w ill live in
I.ukeview this winter to lie near
hcIioi il.
I rank i. Sn.iili and lainilv return-
eil from Medford last Thursday,
wherethey spent a mouth visit inn
M r. Sin i I li s fi iUh.
I'.il I Kaoli and wile, who have
lieell ill this Valley S"ITIll Weeks re
tuni'-d to I'.iiuaiia. their former
1. illie. 1 ii i-i w -eel, .
i i.
i l aid
Ill'Oe.l I', .
I HI ild ill'.' .
t:.. pMv-
Ii I in-"
i He
iii' ; .ye. id. : .." nil :-...i : t,,..s, . .:
Pllisi'll . i :- I I 'I '-hey e i ,,' : i : w ii- i-e
ll" ha ,i - , i i -! i ii,' linr-"-. ;,. j.,
there w ill. a view l . selh nx ,.u; ! I,e
We received a l -tler i'l o'.u ( iuy
l.owiuan a few days ii-j.ii. Mr, I'.kw -man
w rites (rota Ilerkciev. a!if.,and
says le-is oin",-to join Ihe print i 's
n n i i u.
.1. P. Lluir returned from Silxer
I. like lirst of this week, wll-'le he
went si-xernl diis au to liriim Mrs.
L. X. Kelsny to I 'a isle on a visit
with her mother.
J 111 to 11 II 11 III I iff (if Paisley people, I Wood.
ho we understand, huv Woue to We w ill dell ver J iMl a loud of wood
Portland to see the fair; .lack Mc- i of ny leimth, any tiny, at any IIW
Donald and wife and hei W ithers in Lakeview you donlre it.
and wife anioiiK them. (,,- p,-;,.,. iH ;,-, M.r Vltrit witl ill-
Ilev. S. Snyder took up a collec- count of ten por cent If ten (rdH
tlon one day last week to pay oft the or more arc taken und puid f'""
debt on the parsonage and finish' & Mi i.kky.
payiou for the new oruiin, liouht !
or me m. i.. cnurcli some inoiit hs
I u uceount of . uon-uppeii ra m-e
of hot h county ( (iinmlssioners I here
was no term of count v -i
l Id
i w J w iu pi oualily
l .i i i ...i ... i ,.,
' "lU " h,,,, lul f"r 1 '"' 1 ' " ' i""
.f u I.....! ,
.'..siu.-ss sin i y .
OrviH SlepheiiMon, w ho has held a
position In the Smith harder shop
for several mouths, ,.ft for Koyue
Hi ver valley last Friday. Orvis ex
icctH to see the Fair. K, M. Mellon,
uld accepted tlic place left l.v OrvU.
We learn (hat Mr. and MrH. W. M.
MiUHteru tif Palnley are to take
cliare ot the Paisley lintel to-nior-row,
the loth. Mr. and Mr. Mura
tera are well liked ly everyb(dy and
bave aorue kirowledge of the hotel
liuHlneHH, couHerruntly they will
make n atrcreiia of thrtr Tentur.
j "'"' Wvn report f the ...lPr
! lis ri'cirliil by the iovemnicnt wendicr
,,.,,nl, Nt.iti .11 n The Fxiwniner tili.-o
! report in climated Ii week, ,un if
our rondels m-imIi lu kci-p h yearly rcnird
of u cat her condil inns fur future refer
ence, i'iit nut tlm report hIoiik t li IiIhi'1
line Riid piiHti' it in a Acrap hunk ne
week nfii'r iinotlior. Thin roonl will )
taken tin Tiiemlii" to ml each week hikI
lieyin (in Wednesday for the next wnnk,
(iovernnient U'tmilier liiucitu Sta.
tinn lit l.iikfView, Oregon, ,
C. (., Cnnpcrntivi ( iIihitvit.
Week endlliK TueHilny, Sept. 'M)o
I wed. s.i l H.i
ii. -in mi cii.,ir
tlmr. 1 s:. '"iL'
fi.oVi i no ! pt ciMv"
n'.uii . no
u.iiii mi j -
u.nii j on -
" '
II. Oil I llll ! " "
fi'id'yi l tin
snt'v j vj
M ! Ii
77 -in
tilt ! ".7
t lies.
, Praises Our People.
Kc . Mivder's IMl'eW'i ll Sl'l lliull lint
J lindii v evcliiui; w as a n n I ,c n il.ircHH,
ami clearly proved the hlrenutli of
the man. I le Mpi ike several inihiih'K
ii: yli i -. ii ieiins uf l.ikcvieu ami
its people. lie did Hot (-online IiIh
plaildils to l.nkeview, however, hut
grouped the people on t IiIh charnc,
Willi few eci pi ii ins. In one hi iily (if
e;, i, it 1 ie, iple.
Ilelmv we ptililisli the report (if the
work duriuu t he pusi year iim reuil
from the pulpit lust Siindny evening
liy the pastor. The report In our
; ,1)lt our peopli-hImmiI.I be prouu to
, lllllUl. vlmw li to other loenlitlrw:
i liLPoitT.
Kepoi l of t he work and condition
j of t lie chuicli on t he ,nkevle charge
lor I lie ear lieu Inniiia -Sept . l!Mi I anil
, elulilie, Sept. lilil.'i:
Miles driM'ii in com eel ion with the
w oi k 1S.MI
Sermons pleached L"
Paid for Improvements 1-00
Paid for le-w oi ".an ."i OH
I 'aid fi if I lisura nee 17 I'
Paid on l'al soaae ileht ... LTi H)
'i i. mi iisuiiove i'i;:i IHI
Paid i liiiliili", expenses f. i, the
el. .1. the year s-
P.-'.-l in' . i a I ie i i hi; unit.
i .- 1 ..: ;. '. : ei"'- ll'- M
h"V'U' e -" "
!'!. I I '. : in i ! 'Mini--1 ra I i '
..r .... n; mi
K-" -; ... - sai.u-y 7(W ('"
T, - : I paid I' ii' a II purpi iscs
during t le ear lift W
I lisui is-.ei from t he i-hurch hyCert.l"
H'it lid ra w ii
Pied "
lleceixed hy ( ert . and ot hcrw-HC....ll
I liuerals n t tended .' '
Weddings soleiniii.ed
(alls made as past or not reconlrd
Pespectfully Sul. milted,
Kankokii Snvii:k.
Pawtor M. K. Chiinli.
.. . .... .. i llw.
W e iiiideistand that Mr. an
; i ,. v,i1Worth will leave in a '''
. w,.,.ks for N vhmii, or Ontario, In M1'' county , to look for a lociiti""
' for a hotel.
kj mm j lulu, nrcnlp mi'w i'hr, ir
ilHllllll IhII u y
jay -
A? tho