Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 14, 1905, Image 6

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    The Adventrre orf the
Dancing Men.
(Continued )
MI wrote It to brlntr you Iwre."
"You wrote It? There wm no o
on earth outside the Joint "Who knfw
the secret of the daucliiK men. How
came you to write It?"
"What one man enn Invent nnotner
can discover." salil Holmes. "There is I
a cab coming to convey you to Nor-1
wlch. Mr. Slanev. lint nieanwhlle you I
have time to make some small repara
tion for the Injury yon have wrought.
Are you aware that Mrs. Hilton Cubttt
has herseir lain under grave suirlelon
of the murder of her hu-dmnd it ml that
It was only my presence here and the (
knowledge which I happened to J,ios- j
pes wlilrti lias saved her from the a
ensationy The least that you owe ue
Is to make it clear to the whole wurl"
tliat she wa In no way. ditvH-tly or
Indirectly. ret-oiisihle for his iraw
,-I a-k nothing lo'tter." said the Amer
ican. "I guess the very best
can make for ui..setf is the absolute
naked truth."
"It i my dutj ?w warn you that It
will be used a-:i:nst you." cried the
jn -i tor. with the magnificent fair j
p..;y iif (lie lirili-dj criminal law.
f l.iney shrugged hi slinul.'.evs. j
M'il chance that." uiid lie. "First of;
nil. I want you gentlemen to under- j
UV.:i that 1 nave Known 1111 lau;
.n: t she was a child. There were sev
en of us i:i a gtug in 'hiag.i. and 11
ie's father was the bi of the Joint,
lie was j clever man. was oi I rntrick.
ll was he who invented thai writimr.
vli:, !. would pass as a chilli's serawl
mile-ts you just happened t hf the
key t it. Vic!!. V.UU' learned so:u ;!'
our ways, bet she couldn't stand the
brs::irs. an l slie had a bit of honest
in mey of her own. si she cave us all
the slip and g ! away t Loudon. She
had 1 n eug.igod t tni and s!ie would
have married me. I believe, if 1 had
taken over another profession, but she
would have imihiiig to do with any
thing on the cross. It was only after
her marriage to this l'uglih!unu that I
W;:S able to tlllll out where flic was. I
wr iic t.i her. but git no answer, After
tb .r I came over. mid. as letters were
n i r.y, 1 put my messages where she
con! ! read then:.
"Weil, I have been here n mouth
now. I ii' Pd on that farm, where I had
n room d iwn below, and coul 1 get in
mi i mt every nitfht and mi one the
vi I triisl all 1 i ould t) coax I'lsie
nway. I knew that she rend the pies
Iwges. for once she wrote an answer
Under one of them. Then my temper
p'A. til, better 'Jf me, and I began to
threaten her. She sent me n lett-r then.
irv.p! iring me to go away
t!:nt it would break her
scandal should
come upon her husl.nmi. -
erne sain tuai sue muiiu ruuii: uow n ,
vhen lier husband was asleep at 3 In '
tl.e morning nnd speak with me !
through the end window, If I would ro j
awav afterward and leave her In peace. I
S?he came down and brought nionev
with her, trj'ii'K to bribe me to go.
This made ine mad, and I caught her
arm and tried to pull her through the
window. At that moment in rushed
the husband with his revolver in his
baud. Klsie had sunk down upon the
Coor, and we were face to face. I was
heeled also, and I held up my gun to
scare him off and let me get away. lie
fired and missed me. I pulled off al
most at the aanie instant, and down be
dropped. I made away across the par
den, and ns 1 went I heard the window
shut behind me. That's Cod's truth,
gentlemen, every word of it; and I
beard no more about It until that lad
came riding; up with n note which made
me walk in hero like a Jay and give
myself Into your bands."
A cab bad driven up while the Amer
ican bad been talking;. Two uniformed
policemen sat Inside. Inspector Mar
tin rose and touched bis prisoner on the
"It Is time for us to go."
"Can I see ber first?"
"Xo, she Is not conscious. Sherlock
Holmes, I only hope that If ever again
I have an Important case I shall liave
the good fortune to have you by my
We stood at the window and watched
the cab drive away. As I turned back
my eye caught the pellet of paper
which the prisoner bad tossed upon the
table. It was the note with which
Holmes bad decoyed him.
"See If you can read It, Wataon." said
be, with a smile.
It contalnedl no word, but this little
line of dancing men:
"It you use tb code which I have ex
plained," said ;IIolmes, "you will find
that it simply means 'Come hero at
I was convinced that It was an 1
Invitation which bo would not refuse.
since be could never Imagine that It
could come from any one but the lady, i ly the above-described lands arere(iiest
And so, my dear Watson, we have em!- ed to file their claims in this olli e on or
ed by turning the dancing men to (rood before said Pith day of Sept., 1905.
iwben they have so often been the
agents of evil, and I think that I have
fulfilled my promlso of giving you
something unusual for your notebook,
hree-forty Is our train, and I fancy
Ave should b back In Baker street for
epII-e-tlU'. I lie
, w i c i:ido:ii!ieii
' a s'7p i a' .'oi
",T. el 1 'T" I
il ' II I i.l o ' Hill . :
i ;.i.:n i .; ...i.e. a:al 111.' ce:a:i- '
i ty that Iliito.i ( r.' lt. had lived llru
shi:. t'f Mrs. Hilton ( uhltt I only ,
know that I have neard she nvovcreti
entirely an! that she s!lll reuiaiuii a i
wIiIom-. devo 'ii r In r whole life to the 1
cure of the p ir and to the admlnhrrra- '
tloli of her hiwbanil's estsi.-? i
X.i woman can hxik heautlful without
ItisNl healih. A woman's jrood heitlth
iiepjiiN on those organ ieculiarly temi
nin'. and which so ofU'n become disor
tiereU. causiij: misery and ilranaimnlowii
pain. Nature's laws are Hrlect. health
eniliire if vou oIm'v them, but disease
follows ttio'iliedience. The distressing
romplaiKts of women are often brought
almiit bv catching cold at a critical
ixTiixl. brvathiiig foul Imlisirs' air and
long hours of work and nervous tension.
I in straight to N;ituro (or the cure to
the forest. Ur. I'lerce's l avorlle Pre
scription i Aufiirr' riirr for the dis
tressing complaints of women. lrof.
King. M. D.. in his American Dispensa
torv. savs of IJIack Cohosh or Illack
Snake-rout - "our early American In
dians si-t a hiL'h value on this root in
disca-ies of woiin'U. It i.v uriittl hu
tin uther lirwj. in ooiiicuffrc timtiitiiHix
of the irtx irhrre tltcrt (ire tlnvjiiinij
jxibis timl tfiuLrrne."
Lady's Slipper root is a "nerve stimulant
ami tonic. Improving both circuhiiiiin and
nutrition of the nerve centers favoring
deep and cheerful condition of the mind;
of service in mental ileprcMinu. nervous
headache. Irregularities of wonien with
desismdency." 'in', villi;, liesides the
aliove ingredients there an tioltlen Seal,
I'niconi and Itliie Cnhosh risit in l)r.
l'iero-'s I'avoriU' I'Tescription.
Dr. I'lerce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser will tie sent free. p;ticr-lsiuud. for
-1 one-cent stainn-. or cl- 'li-liounil for :il
stamps. ivi-r I"'1 pages and Illustrated.
Addr. -s Ur. U. V, Pierce, liuflaio. N. V.
!)r. I'ierce's T'lci-ant I'elleis should Ihi
used itli " l a vorlle 're-eriitiuu " when
t' rr a l.ixatr.u is reiiuml,
Gxeursinn Rates to Lewis and .
Clark Exposition via uth- t
ern I'acific.
Koiind trip rule between Ueno and
I'urtUiid fit). Tickets are limited to
ten !a iii mnke round trip w ith cop
tinous' p:l"Sge '. each direction, and
onlv good un train No 5. allowing pas-
" ul one .
.I. e.' e.':i. Vbe
a a: h
vii ii. lir I :
en "I ser ti
! ill1 &.4t X Un ' '
'lllil swill" in coiuie1 t Willi special Irani ill
.1" ' ' Sacramento every Sa'urdav. (oninienc
I'art ir an , , h-,.. .;,. .)..,. ri,,i
,rlp lil,k,!. wil, ,m ,)aVn,ent of
. , on , ex.-egs id above rates, going trip
under same romlitions with stopovers
allowed returning.
Kleven days extension will be niadeon
tickets at l'ortlaml mi payment of f.ViM)
and twenty (lavs 011 payment of I1P.0O
Kxc.uri.iiiiii.sts can avail tbemseives of
steamer tide Cortland to San Krancisco
011 payment of fl'.IXl at l'ortlaml.
Sixty day round trip tickets will lie
sold from June 1st to Seott mlier liOtb,
inclusive, going via Sacramento and
returning via Salt Lake Cit, I'tah, al-,
lowing stopovers, at rate of f 50.00.
Kor further information apply to,
A. 11. KiHiM.,
Acting, D. F. & 1. A., So. 1'ae. Co..
Iieno, Nevada.
United Slates Laud Office Lakeview,
Oregon, Julv "th 1905. Notice is liert
by given that 111 compliance with the
provisions of the Act of June a. 1H78,
entitled - An act for the sale of timber
lands in the States of California, Oregon
evaua Him n asiungion lerrnory, as
extended to all the Public I-and States
by act of August 4, 1802, the following
persons have this day,. filed in thmollice
their sworn statement to-wit:
Fay II. Damon, of Spencer, county of
Marathon, state of Wis. Sworn state
ment No. 20H'J, for the purchase of the
Nli NKKSWtfNKV.' and SKI; NWt
Sei:. 10, Tp 37 K., It 10 K W M.
(iilbert W. Allen, of Loyal, county of
('lark, state of Wis. Sworn statement
No. 2100, for the purchase of the H
, SW'X SKft Sw and SH' NF.i
Sec. S2, Tp :1 S. K 10 K ll' M.
Freeman (i. Allen, of Oakland,
county f Douglas, state of Oregon.
Sworn statement No. 2091. for the pnr-
cnaseoitne mvv, rvf.K M-.K Si;j and
S'.i SKJi .Sec 32. Tp 3ii S., K 19 K ll' M.
That they will offer proof to show
that the laud sought is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for agricul
tural purposes and to establish their
claim to said land before Geo. Cbastain
Clerk of Klamath Co. Ore., at his ollice
at Klamath Fails, Ore., on Saturday
the Pith day of September, 1905.
They name as witnesses:
Herbert P. Cramer of lily, Oregon,
Gilbert W. Allen of Loyal, Wis., Free
man i. Allen of Oakland, Oregon,
1 1.... 1 I f ..f. 1 . 1 - 1 . .1
'" ,',, ,TTi iviamaui
spencer, is.
Any and all persons claiming adversu-
-H 'M J. N. Wataon, Kegister
Bun tba 1 118 Kind Vou Haw Always Boud
Tbroduru Rwwpvolt
( hu.W. Fairbanks
John Hay
lPo M. Hhaw
Wm. H. Tft
...Wm. II. Moody
llniler ("IHTI
fVtMvlaryot Navy
, H. Cnrti'lyou
. I'aul Morion
A. Illtrheoek
Jump W llnoii
V. t:. Molcalf
Sw-remry Interior
rtwn-tary of Airti'iilluri'..
Secretary of ('omnn-rre. .
lio. K. Chsmbxrlsln
K. A. MiMire
K. I. I'linhur
( H. MiMire
. A. M. I'rswfonl
J . II . Ai'lo-rnian
J. K. Whilnvy
J. W. Bsl'-y
I J. II Mllehi-ll
i W. Kiilion
I HomiT llcrmsii
'" jj. N.W HllMllllMlll
. .siiirtnte Jintite
, Ms'relsry ol Kule
Atiornev ieiTl .
snpi. Viilillc limtrurllon
Pulry ami KiskI Cum
('. 8. teniir
Illilfi' II. t.. HelllUIII
Joiiil Heimuir John A. Ityi'is'lt
S U K. I.. Niflner
K,'.rM ) Join. S. Hliook
Atliwey . .
...W.J. Moore
H. Ily
.A. W. MHiirliiK
K. K. Kiiii'hsri
K. (I. Ahlmriim
.... W. i. W.-m
... J. U. Wllllm
. :. K. Mnore
W A Ciirrltr
AMMSMlor Kut
stiH-k Imii-iH-tr.
C. W. IM-Ilt !
J. K. ( lurk mm ;
I'niied Stals Land (itli M" I.akeview,
Oregon. Aug 11, imlft. Notice is hereby
given that in eoinpliance with the ir
visioiis of the Act of .1 one 3, 17S, entitl
ed "An Act for the salof liniln'r lands in
the Stales of ( idii.iriiiii , Oregon, Nevada
and U'asliington Terrilorv," as eMenil
eil to all the lnhlic I.hiiiI States by act
of Augii"t 4. lKtrJ t(. (iillow iug ersons
have this diiv tiled in this office their
sworn statements, to wil : L'lnier K.
lliuehiirt, of I.akeview, county of Luke,
stste of ( tregoii Sworn statement No.
IT! for tbi niircluise of tin S V. Nec. 1
IM. Tp :17 S .. ll 111 L V M
Addie Kinehart. of Lakeview, ciiuntv
111 I.IIKe, ,-si ii i e oi f ri-i ill . .-swoin piiiii - -
toeiit No. lll'ii1-for the purchase of the
ni s sec. i'o. Tp :r. s.. k i i: v M
I inn Iliev in niier prooi in hiiii inai
the lard sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purpose" and to establish their claim to
said land before IJegister and Keceiver
at I.akeview, Oregon, on Friday the Until
ihiv of I Iclober, ltlO.'i.
Thev name as witnesses :
II. It. Jluiilap. W. A. Massingill, V.
K. Ilernaril and tieo. 11. Lynch all of
I.akeview , Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the iihove-ilem rilied lauds arc request
ed to hie their claims in this office on or
before said Ullth day of October, I'.lu.'i.
.1. N. Watson, Kegister. l, 4ITI4 K. '
t'niled Mates Land Office, Lakeview, !
Oregon, July 18. lHllo. Notice is hereby
given that in compliance with the pro-
vi-ions of the act of Congress of June ,1, !
IS7S, entitled "An act for the sale of tini- .
her lands in the Slates of California, I
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Ter-
rttorv, as extended to an tne i ihuicj
Land States by a t of August 4, 1"4. 1
Tihlen OiUliij, ni ltivfsr, c.tfltt' (if j
Oregon, fiiin tlilii day tiled in this office
hia sworn statement No. L'.'IST, for the !
purchase of theS;... Na.' nnd !a Swl
oi Section '.'H in Township Ilo S., ll Vt V,
M. and will i.ffer nrnof to show tlnit
dwrnarr of Stair
VCM'tarr of Trcaiirjr
trretry of War. . .
Mtorm'V Hi-neral
the land sought is more valuable lor its j Ten day round trip rate between Iieno
timber or stone than for agricultural a-ul Portland, Or.g ., ih f:!().Ull, continu
pnrposes and to e-tuhlisb bis claim to ,IH aage rc(tiired in both directions,
pat d laud before Kegister and Keceiver .... , . ...,
at Lakeview, Oregon, on Monday, -the 1 ":1"'H K'H"1 "" lrul" N" "'' ''
2d day Ol October. lHDo. He iiameH J ' 12:0 A.M., allowing paHHtingers to
as witnesses: q. N. Anderson, O-car connect with train No. 12 at Havis, Cal.,
Aiiuerson aim irving Aiiuerson 01 lily,
Onffon, and ('. w. Kmboily of I'ortland
Ore. Anv and all nersons claimim ml.
versely the above deserilied lauds are
requested lo file their claims in this
office on or before said 2nd day of Oct.
J. N. Watson, Kegister.
Timber l.nml Koliee.
United States Land Office, Lakeview,
I, juiy 0111, jinjo. iMiuce is nere
by jjiyen that in compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress ol
.j,lne ,'), 187H, entitled "An act for the
Bau of timber lands in the Mates ol
California, Oregon. Nevada and Uaiih-
ington Tlrnlorv," as extended to all
the Public Land States by act of Aug
ust 4, 1892, Kiehard lirown. of l'ortlaml.
county of Multnomah State of Oregon,
has this day tiled in this otlice bis sworn
statement No 2081, for the purchase ol
the NwJ4 SKi NW and Nwi
SwW of Section 22 To 35. S. ft 17 R w M
and will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricu tural
purposes, and to establish bis claim to
said land before Geo. T. Paid win Judge
of Klamath Co. at bis office at Klamath
Falls, Ore., on Friday, the 15th day oi
Sept. , 1905. lie names as witnesses :
James lJoyd oi lily, Oregon, Martin
Uyan, Margarete Kyan and C. W. Km
body of Portland, Oregon.
Any arid all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are re
quested to file their claims in this office
n or before said 15th dav of September
28-.-I7 J. X. Watson, Kegister.
KILLthb couch
and CURE th LUNC8
Dr. King's
Nov; Discovery
FOR i;
0UGHS and
60c 4. $1.00
Free Trial.
Buxeat and Uuickeat (Jure for all
Wrtrt' tt'r'jrr-r't rjr'jeMZA.
Via LL'ITM t M M U
.Tlllll If 1 1 III v.
R. B. L. BTHNItll, M. ll.
PhyMleliinii anal Xuraeoim.
l.akrvtrM, 1r.
OKKH'K- Ihtll'i PriiK
promptly tUy or mikIii.
Hura. CIU unind
fhynlrlan and aurreii
(IKFICK-NfW Imly llullillnn.
Attamry al Ijiw
Ijikrvlrw, Orf(H
OKKU'K-ltely IliilMinv.
Attornr) -al-ljiw
IjiikI M altera MMrlitlt
OKKH'K--Italy HullillliB
i v unnnarw nr Tilt wnnin ikeview
nuuuHin ur mc numu c
amp No. AW
Mfi'ln on the Kil anil 4th Wriliiemlay nf
vai'h ni'Milh In Maminli' Hall, al N p. m.
K K riiKNt.Y. CiitiHid Coiiiuiaiider.
K. N. lAgl'Isii,
' ,
I. (I. l. K. niei't" I he lt anil :id Ttiiira- Q
day eventllK! of each liiiinth Inlldil Fel- S
lows' Hall, I-aWcvli'w. h. K. Aiiixtkoh. y
(.'.P., W. J. Mimihr. Hit1Ih. P.
' 1 c,
f t
In kepi on flic at K. ('. Iiakk'
AiIvit!iiiik Ak'-ik v 1 Sim-
Mine-Street, San Kraiu im o. Cab. whuri'
contracts fur advertlmiiif ran Is- made for It
uliierliiera to The Ktamlncr who rcninvo
from inn- locality to another, ur rhani:c
incir Matnmct aiiiiresH Mtimiiii rcfin-niticr in
ilrnp this nrttce a cant mi thctr pajier can he ad
drciaeit In the rlvht sM(iiltlin.
First Class
Jlnilding Has I tee 11 Lnlarged
To Accomodate a Large Trade
Dining Service
- tUf.(i()N
Excursion Kates to Lewis and
Clark Exposition via
Southern Pacific.
1 1 enty one (lay round trip tickets will
1 be sold at rate oi fllo. 00, going trip under
j same conditions with stopovers allowed
' ,,,. trip wjt)ill f tMt
Kleven days extension will la! made on
tickets at Portland on payment oi $..0o,
land twenty days on payment of f 10.00.
Sixty dey round trip tickets allowing
stopover will be sold up to Neptumlatr
30th, going via Sacramento and return
ing via Salt Lake City, Utah, or vice
versa, at rate of f 50.00.
Fur further information apply to,
A. 11, Lisinii,
Acting U. P. A., Ho. Pau. Co.,
Leuo, Nev.
I ,
I don
If You are not Particular
t travel over the Illinois (inlral
as any old road will do you and we (lout
want your patronage; but if you are
particular and want the best and mean
to have it, ask the ticket agent to route
you via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL, the
road that runs through solid vestibule
trains between Ht.Paul, Omaha, Chicago,
St. Louis, Memphis, and New Orleans.
No additional charge is made for a seat
in our reclining chair earn which are
fitted with lavatories and smocking
rooms, and have ajmrtor in attendance.
are the lowest and we will b. Kud to
quote them in connectinn with anv
transcontinental line. 1
1..oV,I.JLu"lbul,. Commercial Agent,
H2 Third Street, Portland Ore.
-.1.1 1 .-Ml . . . '
J. j Llndsev. T. V. A,
A., 112
Third Street, Portland, Ore.
J aui is. lhompson. Krt. A Passenger
Agent, Column ISIdg., Seattle, Wash.
A X3.
kmts tia iw Kino bin Haw mm
I Hind Vim Haw Always Boutfil
To take nfftH't, Tuerilay, Ar. 1 jjq.
No. t
9:00 a. ni.
11:47 a. m.
liiawv a. in.
in :i a. m.
II :1ft a. in.
11 M a. in.
1'.':iih p, in,
l'2:is p. ni.
l'-':Hs p. in.
Vl:K p. ni.
1 : 1 f n. m.
I : p. ni.
i:sn t p.m.
8:nii ( p.m.
1:2ft p. ni.
X:fi7 p. in.
4:W p. m.
A:iA p. m.
t:f p. m.
rc.'fli p. m.
7:C a. in.
7:4(1 p. m.
I.V..,.Knn Al
lA....Hummlt Ar
j.v... cc ar Ar
l.v Krani'U Ar
l.....l'nrily Ar
l.v I'lninm Ar
b :iial Ar
l.. . . . I ameroli . . . , Al
l.v. ..Ked Hm-k....Ar
l.v... Ciilimalilla ..Ar
l.v... Iinvln ,Ar
l.v. .. I.levan Ar
l.v. . . . AiniMleii Ar
l.v A nii'itcc ar
l.v... HiUHprliic..Ar
l.v Murray Ar
p. i
W: i. t
1(1:47 1 1
10:90 p. a
:m p. a
:K p. a
aario ar
llorm- Ijikc.Ar
Waverly Ar
Ternio Ar
l.v. .
I Ar...
bv 7:i.a
6.m pm I to :i am l.v . . I'l ii m aa . A r .4.011 pm ! ao
A.4Apm lI.gitHiti l.v.. Vliiiiin, aartaT pniiVJ.O'iaiiii.v.Hi'kwiih.Ar i.Miini7 Uu
piiilu.Viam l.v.l'lalrvllli.Ar1 1.4opm 7.0Uia
Termo.- for l akeview, I'a laley ami Hob Off
and Kt. Hldwell. lake Clijr. J (urlll. Adln
Altiiranaiid lllelier. Calif.
Hut siirniKn. for Hiandtah and HumbtUu
Iiuvle - fur Mllford, laneavlllc and Huntli
villi-, Cslil.
Vlntiin,- for l-ovalton, Pownli'vllli' and V.tmi.
hell's lint HprltiKu, Calif. '
Mcekwlth.- fur (omeaeu, 1 vUirvllli' andlimii,
villi. Calif.
Clalrvillc Mnliawk and ( liiey. Calif,
lie an,--roliliei'lliiK Willi H... I nr. Co. for til
polina Kast A Went: V.4T. R. h. fur all poiou
. . . TIME TABLE . . .
In L'ffect Mav 1st, 1IH).1.
Tlirall .. r, A.
lliiKim. . ll. 'ft
Steel llr'g 4A
Kail Cr'k 7 Oft
Kl'il h'K-7 in
PiXle . ..H.lll
1'iikegania s.Jn
M.I.v. I'uki-KamaW 4.5 A at
" Ar. Hlxle . lu.,Y,
" " K I'll Hi'f 11.49
' " Kail Cri-ck ll.i'i
1 ' Hteel llr'Ki' 12 m
' " lingua l-.'.ai P K
" " Thrall ....1J.I4
Klamath Sprlnga Special.
l.v. Thrall l.So I'.
A r, Hiiimim ... . 1 w 1
' Steel Nr'HCMA '
" Kali Creek 'J.ilA '
" Kl'il Hp'K i.MI '
' Ar.
Kl'h HpV!.iP.Hl
Fall Crs-k.fU '
Hieel lir'in-a ui -
II. E. IUrkkh. I'rrrfi'f
Office In Bieber' .Store
Stage leaves Lakeview daily, ei--ept
Sunday at (1 a. in. Amvw
at Aluiras at 0 p. m.
leaves Alturas for Lakeview at
lio'uliHik a. in. or on the arrival
of the stage from Madeline. Al'
rives in Lakeview in 12 hours al
ter leaving Alturas.
Freight - Matters - (liven
Strict - Attention
Class - Accomodations.
Western . Stage . Line
J. L. VAUIN, Proprietor.
Office in Llnkvllle Hotel
Klanath Fall.
Daily from Pokegema by Keno, KUm
ath Falls, Dairy, llonanra, and Wy
Daily from Lakeview by lily. BonanM
Dairy, Klamath Falls, Keno, to r
From Klamath Falls to Keno bj
steamer and from Keno to Pokwen
over the Sunset Four-Horse Stage bin-
Good Stock
Easy Coaches
S. L. McNadoiiton, Prop.
Office at Mercantile Store
ritaKo leaves Lakeview Mondays
nnsdays and Fridays at 6 a. in., "ive
at Plush at 0 p, in. Leaves Plush Tuei
dya, Thursdays nnd Baturdayfl. ' "
a. m., arrives at Lakeview at 0 p.
Passenger fare 3 ona way or 5 fr
round trip. Freight rates from MT
1st to Nov. 1st $.76.per hundred ;
No?.lst to May 1st 11.00 per liundw