Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 14, 1905, Image 5

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    actional Xocnl
l. C, W'lill wnrtli Ih In town tliU
I'lill Lynch ret timed from Tort land
jijivc Killer wiih over from IiIh
hIiik'i ciunp Monday.
Siimkcu Likcvlew cigar mid .ton
w not deceive your fitrc.
j , . I'jiyin1 hix spent Hi'vcnil days
In i ii r rily, enjoying himself.
j V. ( iildiliiH li'H left Pine i' reck
mill lo.ik up liN alt di in Alt urns.
pi', V, .1. CroHM, rye -mtIiIImI , of
I'.illliiinl. Im In Lakevlew thin week.
MIhm Anna Nehlngel ntiirled to
Port Wi ml bint week, to visit tho fair.
J!eiid the adv. of tin Stcriiu Laun
dry at Klamath Falls. V. Neve,
Pure cldar vinegar, applet and to
matoes always on band at Patch'
Vegetable Htoro.
W. G. Spencer has rented the Wll
lard Duncan bouse, east of the school
house, for the winter.
Eagle cigars are made In Lakevlew
and are a hetter cigar for the money
tliun any other brand. ,
Yiiu Have time, as well iih money,
by Imj lug goods at Halley & Massin
rIU'h: every article Ih a choice.
Treat yourself right und you will
always have a friend in yourself.
Press up.ut linilcy & Masslnglirs.
Humpies of the lennlHon shipping
tnj,'N nt The Kxumlner oflice. All
k1-h and iialltleH, from Manila to
linen. tf
J. T. Flook and wife and Mr. and
Mm. Joiich came In from Kock Creek
Tuesday. Mr. Flook Bays feed ou
the range Ih drying up.
MIhh Mne Snider haH received Tall
anil VIni4-r samples of Ladies' suits,
Bklrt. Jackets, rain coat" and Khlrt
wnlHt suits. Suits from $18.50 to
73. 37-1 m
In our announcement last week of
the mile of the photograph gullery to
Miss Cora Fluley, we forgot to add
that MIhh Finley would take charge
the first of October.
Every man owes it to himself and his
family to mnrter a trade or profession.
Road the display advertisement of the
lix Morse Schools of Telegraphy, in this
issue and learn how easily a young man
or lady may learn telegraphy and be
isauretl a position. augU-4ai
The Klamath Republican says
Zluck ItuHsIll baa been In Klamath
county and bought up 400 bead of
feeders and drove them to his Shasta
alley stock ranch, where he will put
them on alfalfa bay lor a while be
fore shipping them to Sacramento.
W. P. Vernon and Fred Tatro
started for Portland Tuesday to see
the Fair. They went by prlvatecon
veyance as far aa Ashland, and ex
pect to bring back a light load of
fruit. They will be gone about a
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
'-juiets tickling throats, hack
ing coughs, pain in the lungs,
t relieves congestion, sub-
dues inflammation. It heals,
strengthens. Your doctor will
explain thisto you. Me knows
al about this cough medicine.
n.!"."'t CUnlty I'crtnral I"
r "'"'iy l'ir :S v.w.r. Inr lhiu;ii uml "'"j;
"uiililu. ,ii Hull,),,!, no iiiimIiiiii i
'"'..S()n..g.oo. J '. YKH
J'"imi. , ,, ! M..
Weak Throats
yer fi( greatiyiticrecovery.
ruriy vMMtablw, Kntly laxative
. Mi
Absolutely Pure
Warren Laird and family came
over from lllne Joint last week.
FOK SALE. Pure-bred Poland
China bigs. Inquire of ( has. Oliver
of New Pine Creek, Oregon. 24 tf.
John Tucker will move Into his
new dwelling thin week, and Geo.
Ayres and family will move to their
new home.
Hoard and lodging nt the Oregon
Feed Yard, $4 per week. Meals 25
cents. Also men's laundry work.
Miih. i. W. Wise, Proprietor. 32-tf
FOK KALE. I Inline and lot, one
block north of the School house, to
gether with household goods and a
good typewriter. Reasonable terms.
C. E. Mooiik. 31-tf
Parties wlsliing lumlier can tlnd it
at tlie Norln, Jnqulsh & Harris plan
ing mill. A team is hauling steady,
and can give you whatever you may
want, from the Camus sawmill. 20-tf
Mr. S. O. Pease of Summer Lake
has been in Lakevlew for a week
past to have some dental work done.
Mr. Pease is au old miner, and be
came excited over the new strike.
He will spend a few days in the gold
district thin week.
Modoc county, Calif., has two high
schools, one nt Cedarvllle, the Union
High school, and the County High
school, at Alturas. Thfe Fnlon High
school is erecting an $000 building.
Both Hthools opened last week, ttie
ouelnAlturoH with 45 pupils, and the
one at Cedarvllle with 40.
Thus. Alford was in town Mouduy,
making preparation to start to the
railroad at Gazelle, with oue bunch
of the Shampalgu sheep, about 3000
head. He expects to start about
the 25th. Mr. Alford will visit his
brother at Talent before returning
Farmers, have yor butter wrap
pers printed at The Examine office,
Instead of sending away for them.
You keep your money at home, and
patronize them that patronise you,
besides, you see what you are get
ting and don't have to pay for it If
It doesn't suit you. tf
Fred McKendree was over from
his Bly farm last week and went to
Pine Creek after some mill feed. Mr.
McKeudree called at The Examiner
office and had a lot of butter wrap
pers printed, so he could put his
butter on the market according to
law. The label his butter will bear
Is: "Oregon S. B. No. 150, Fred Mc
Keudree. Ply, Oregon. Oregon Cr'y
butter, 32 ounces.
The supper given by the Ladies'
Aid Society of the M. E. Church In
thlspluce last Wednesday evening,
was a success in every way. The ta
bles, finely decorated, were spread
at 5 o'clock In tho Masonic Banquet
Hall. The supper consisted of chick
ens, cake, fruits aud Ice cream. The
supper was well patronised by the
citizens of the place, about $55 was
netted for the parsonage fuud. The
Society takes this opportunity toex-
prcss their thanks to all who lu any
wav contributed toward the suc
cess of the enterprise, especially to
Im mil .Ushers of our local papers,
for favors granted, and to the Ma
sonic fraternity who kindly gave the
use of Its hall without charge.
BANFOKD BNYDEK, for the com.
W. A. Wilshire and family will
start for Portland to-morrow.
V. L. Knelling returned from Port
land Tuesday, w here he spent a week
taking in the fair.
LOST. a double-breast, gold
watch chain, with gold ball charm,
somewhere on the streets of Lake
view. Finder will please return the
articles to Homar Pollard.
A steam Laundry will shortly op
en nt Klamath Falls, Oregon. All
kinds of Laundry work will be taken
and finished in a first-class manner.
Pr W. It. Boyd wishes to announce
that he has purchased the . dental
outfit of Dr. O. F. Demorest and will
be located In the office formerly oc
cupied by Dr. Demorest. He will be
ready for appointments as soon as
he returns from a business trip to
Klamath Falls. 34-2
E. Burke. F. T. Gunther and
Homar Pollard, the automeblllsts,
will soon have their auto ready for
business. Frank has sent for a pair
of chauffeur's goggles. They will
make regular annual trips to the
bath bouse with the machine and
will charge a one and a half fair for
the round trip. No rebaties allowed
to passengers for walking on ahead.
Geo. Heed of Paisley, was down to
the county seat last week to ask for
the guardianship of bis wife. Mr.
Keed Informed us that Mrs. Reed waa
getting better and that he had great
hopes for her recovery. Mr. Keed
has sold his residence property In
Paisley to Mrs. Dolly Withers for
$1000. He also thought he would
sell his cabinet shop to Gib Gaylord.
Mr. Keed will go to the Willamette
valley as soon as be sells out.
Hon. H'm T. Cressler of Cedarvllle,
oue of the delegates sent from Modoc
county to Portland, Oregon, to at
tend the Trans-Mlsslsslppi Commer.
clal Congress and the National Irri
gation Congress, made one of the
best speeches that was delivered be
fore the Irrigation congress. Mr.
Cressler Las been In Modoc county
for close onto 40 years, and the past
20 years has made Irrigation a deep
study. Ho is oue of the best posted
men in California on irrigation mat-
tors. Mr. Cressler. as well as being
a large property owuer of our neigh
bor county, also ownea considerable
luud and cattle in Big valley, and Is
one of the stockholders and a dlroc
tor of the First National Bank of
Summer Voiles, Kiholincs, Grenadines, Silk Lawns,
Dotted Swiss Muslins, just a few small pieces left,
will close out for one-half price.
Ladies' white and colored Summer Shirt Waists for
cost Crash and Straw Hats while they last for one-half
Also several other lines will be closed' out to make
room for our large fall stock which will begin, to arrive
next month.
Here is a new puzzle which has
been going the rounds of the press.
Try it yourself Put down the year
you were born, to which add 4, then
add the age your next birthday will
lie provided it comes before January
1, otherwise, your age at your last
birthday. Multiply result by 1000
and deduct from this 694,423, substi
tute for the corresponding letters of
the alphabet. A for 1, B for 2, C for
3, and so on. The result will give
you the name by which you are pop-
ularly known.
A little effort on the part of the
people of Lakevlew who are Inter
ested in the welfare of the town and
its moral standing right at this time
might secure for this place the re
turn of Rev. Kanford Snyder to this
charge. Rev. Snyder has done good
work In Lakevlew the past year,
and when you have something that
is good enough, better make an effort
to beep It. He is entitled to the
place again If he Is wanted, and all
that Is necessary to acquaint the
presiding Elder of the fact that he Is
wanted Is to manifest to him a de
slreito return Rev. Snyder to Lake
view. Lakevlew has never had a
better,, more earnest and sincere
worker than Rev. Snyder on this
charge. He has put bis whole soul
In the work and devoted all his ener
gies to the moral upbuilding of the
country. We believe the presiding
Elder could confer no greater favor
than to return him.
The Return of
This latest and best work of
Dr. Doyle is now running ser
ially in the Lake County Ex
The Most Progressive
and up-to-date Newspaper in
Eastern Oregon.
ONLY $2.00
V. A. Masslngill will go to Bly to
day to meet his wife and bring he
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Got off Cheap.
He may well think, he has got off
cheap, who, after having contracted'
constipation or indigestion, is still abla
to perfectly restore his health. Noth
ing will do this but Dr. King's New
Life Pills. A quick, pleasant and cer
tain cure for headache, constipation ,
etc. 25c at Lee Bead's drug store ; guaranteed.
Would you accept a possitlon thatt
will pay you a straight salary olfc
$3.50 per day (21-00 per week) fot
whole or spare time? IV so write u
at once. This is no book cavasslnft
scheme, but a straight forward busi
ness proposition, which will be as
permanent as you may be able to
make It, and will afford excellent
change for promotion. No bond,,
red tape nor unreasonable require
ments. Act quiokly aa we wish, to
employ some one in your local I tj
without deluy. Sprague- Wbolcaak
Co., Wabash Ave., Chicago. 23-34
To Cure a cold In One Day
Tablets. All druggets refund tho
money if it fails to care. E. W. Grove's
signature ia on each box. 25c.