Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 14, 1905, Image 4

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    ahe Ci.imnlB (T:xn ttiticr
PnMIhi1 f'V Thnrvl
,Vamic Kullilln
Uovrrnoi- Polk of Mi-s.n'ii hi
t:iff of Presidentinl boomer lv
t 1 ... 1 f . .
VV (M til If '0 1" ' '''"'.
I . t V. Ill IV
tl- I 'air. 1 (,K " ''
Ent.-rf.ln: tlif Iw oiB.vat l.afcev.v. Or.-.
H St'.ui.M 'l MhM.T.
i.ivi..iili;it m p.i iu !i
v, tli.' .'' i'f 1 ''" H-raf:
u ill he l.'ium h-
lOne Year. $2.00
fERMS: t Six Month
Three Months," 50
It i-. now IH-Iiovc.l Hint '. K. L.vtlo,
builder f lie '..hnniiia Southern
1.00 riir,.ji.l. mi. I president sime Ilnril-
ni.-m bought lit.' f.ui.1. " ill invent in
the i i rent Southern iin.l undertake ,
I,, extend tin- ron.l smith fnun hufer. I
- i
llez.-lii.ili I'.iitterw nrlli. tin- i
..I' many lin.iki mi. I of tli''
Youth' r.iiii;i.' i i - - I -'it !l,s
li.mii-.-it Warren. Kli.i'li' Maud T'l'- ,
.l.-i v.
WhyJTime Is Opportune.
Tli.' I;it few v. H-ks The Pxaiuiner
lia .i.l-.-ior.-.l to point out why
tin- tin).' v,-i .!.;. .:-!ii;i.- for l.:iko
i-oiintv to cn.I.-t-T.-t I..- t.'i secure n i'.ul
of tin- fv.Tin-.i-i't : l.i nut t i.m mon
ey i:i t l.i-i rolinn . W e showed tll.Mt
t he chance re f;i ornlile for n re
thictioll to lie made ill the expelidi
tureoiithe Klamath l'-asin project
and the inoiiev expended some place .
in Oregon wltere conditions showed It is H.Hi. I I hat Lux mid Miller have
to -lie favorable, also that tlx- Mhi- disposed o( all t heir land in
hour project was hanjiiiiK tire. Roth j to the Pacific Live Stock Co. of San
these items furnished a liasis for j Franciweo.
Lake county to work on. Now to j Verv lIt n.HIK.,t ,orKra.v
show that we were not wrotij;: sir.
The l'.iiuene lolal'd tawes abilll
the same iew of the r.-i ilr.m.l situa
tion in Eastern Oii-coii tlmt The
l'.xaiiiiii"r iloes.
I hairs keeps liim out of Horiotm trott-
, lile.
F. H. Newell of the Reclamation ser
vlee has announced that the money
to lie Hjient lu the Klamath l'lujxhe Southern Oregon Sute Normal
would probably he eut down from School.
SS4.rwiO.iHm to -'.tHKl,(H)0, thus leaving1 The first term of the school year
$2.riMl,ni0 that Lake county had just ; wi1 Sept. 1:'.. The citizens of
as well have, and only for the ask-, Asi,aI1(i invi. furnished the necessary
ins.asuot. There, too. is the M'- i flmilicMiLl tiul tt tilf tilt' school over
heur project, that has lieen abandon- . ju.f))r,.,,um hold-up. The present
ed altogether. Another la rue kuiu ! mltlouk indicates the largest enroll
of povernmeut money laid on the ,n,int (f Bt,idents in the history of
shelf to await the request of some th-, i,1Htitutioti. M--'
Our Fall and Winter
clothing has commenced
to arrive. We are now
unpacking and marking
our new stock, call and
see what we have to keep
you warm this Fall.
Stockmen's wants have
been especially looked
after. ?
We also have a fine
stock of Hats. se &
Come and see and be
lieve. X
Pioneer Store
enterprising Icounty to ask for its ex
penditure within its border. If this
isn't au opportunity for Lakecounty
it never had one, nor never will.
Another tiiinu;, the government is
not going to force it upon us. Unless ;
Address I'res. II. K. Mulkey for the
new catalogue.
Are You Engaged?
T7 ......l ulwinltl rffiimhr.
that, after marriage, many quarrels can l
we ask lor it and show that we have f ' '. , ... . ;,,
in piKid conditfon with Lleetric Hitters.
lauds to irrigate, and that its ex- s A Jirowni o( BeniH-ttsville, S. O.,
aysie's Tonic rtnMutio.
And it is good for their ciders, too.
Ask your druggist for it.
. .
peuditure liere is really desired uud
would le motley well sp-ul. Lake
will die with the dry rot lefore we
will get a eeut of it. Lake county
also has the best prospect for a
says: "For years, my wife suffered in-1
tensely from dyspepsia, complicated
with a torpid liver, until she lost her
strength and vior, and liecame a mere
wreck of her former self. Then she
tried Electric Uitters, which helped her
railroad now that It ever had and i at once, and finally made her entirely
to nail both these good thiugs at j well. Mie is now strong and healthy."
uee ueau, tirugiHi, bcub nun ;un,,,
once refjuirew only to "Htrike while
the iron is hot."
tees them, at 50c a bottle.
The fact that there is a crew of
surveyors at work between The
Dalles and Portland on, the north
bauk of the Columbia, which is Im
lleved to be a Northern Pacific erew,
and the further fact that Hill has
purchased terminal grounds in Port
land, gives a tint of the right color
to our railroad article last week.
! Tcke Laxa
y Seven Million boa
Wi"""j Hl.WUM
ve Bromo Quinine Tablets.
Seven Million boxe told in past 12 motatbft. ThlS Signature,
.Core Crip
fa Two Days.
on every
The Japs are acting foolish over
their displeasure at being compelled
by the jeace terms to forego the
pleasure of killing Russians. They
blame the United States for depriv
ing them of their pleasure, and are
trying to force the lllkodo to null
the treaty.
Notice of Appointment of
NOTICE is hereby given that, by an
order of the County Court of Lake
County, State o' Oregon, duly made and
entered on the 30th day of August, 11)05,
the undersigned was duly appointed
Administrator of tbe EHTATE OF
JAMES E. CALDERW0ND, deceased.
All persona having claims against said
Estate are hereby required to present
the same, with the proper vouchers,
within six months from tbe date of this
notice, to the undersigned Administra
tor, at his residence near Ade), Lake
County, Oregon.
Dated this 7th day of September, 1905.
3M0 Thomas V. Calderwood,
Administrator of the ESTATE of
Will shortly open at
All kinds of Laundry work will
be taken and finished in a first
class manner.
i i
Sidewalk Need Repair.
The sidewalk on Mala street, south j
of the Odd Fellows' Hall, Is in a ter
rible condition, and should bereualr-
ed liefore school starts. Little chil
dren skipping along, us Is children's
nature to do, especially after being
boused lu a school room all day, will
get many a fall on the old rickety
walk. Hoards are gone In many
pluces and broken in places, the
scraggy ends projecting up, and nails
are standing up from half an Inch to
an iucb above boards. It requires
the full attention of a sober, grown
person to walk along without fall
ing, or at least, stubbing the toes
out of their shoes and knocking the
heels off.
It looks like the residents down
that way would get so angry they
would go out and build a new side
walk in front of their resjiectlve
homes, no more tiiau they would be
required to do If the city, coirucll
took action In the matter. Some
people blame the lncumbrents of a
"thaukyjob" like councllmen, who
seldom get their salary, for their
derellcness of duty In ordering them
to fix up sidewalks, etc, for their
own protection.
FACTURING House, person of trust
worthiness and somewhat familiar with
local territory as assistant branch office
Salary fl8 paid weekly. Permanent
position. No investment required.
ISusiness established. Previous exper
ience not essential to engaging. Ad
dress, Manager Branches, 3'2'i Dearborn
St., Chicago.
A Chance for 5peculator.
SCHOOL LAND. 2H0 acres of level
unimproved agricultural land for sale
cheap. Discription : SWJ, 8 of
NEk'and NW of KEJ, Section 10,
Tp 30 H., R. 10 E. W. M. This ia a
dosirable piece of land, located in Goose
Lake valley and will make sonie man
lood ranch
Add hem.
Mr. Andy Morris und family, left
for Ashland uud other places, where
they will visit, aud also get their
wluter's fruit.
Mr. Prldy, one of the A del mer
chants, is having a fine new resi
dence erected just south of the store.
Mr. J. L. Morrow hud his new
wludinill raised a few days ago.
Lost week the Adel Post Office
was moved to tbe store. Mrs. Prldy
will couduct it In the future.
The Deep Creek vuqueros have Just
finished on their round-up, which Is
made every spring and fall.
Mr. J. C. Dodson has several teams
on the road hauling lumber as he
expects to build a new house aud
Special Kates to Eastern Point
Via Southern Pacific Company.
Round trip tickets between Reno and
points hereinafter mentioned will be
sold August 15th, Kith, 24th and 25th;
September 7th, 8th, 0th, 10th, 11th,
Kith and 17th:
To Rate
Washington, D. 0. $107.00
Baltimore, Md. 107.00
Philadelphia, Pa. 107.50
New York, N. Y. 108.50
Roaton, Mass. 100.60
New Orleans, La. 07.50
Chicage, 111. 170.5c
St. Louis, Mo. 07,50
Memphis, Tenn, 7.50
St. Paul, Minn. 70.OO
Minneapolis, Minn. 70.OO
Council Bluffs, Ia. 00.00
Omaha, Neb. oO.OO
Kansas City, Mo. 0.oo
St. Joseph, Mo. (10.00
Leavenworth, Kan. (iO.oo
Atchison, Kan. uo.OO
Tickets are good for stojiover east of
Nevada on going trip with ten davt in
winch to reach destination. Stopovers
are allowed at all points on return trip
provided passenger reaches originatinli
point within ninety daya from dale
ticket ia purchased.
For further information apply to
a ..... . Al liietNd,
Acting D, F. & P. A., So. Pac. Co.,
W- Reno, Nev.
Business Mens Excursion to
Special low round trip rate via tlx
Southern Pacific less than one way rate.
Lhe Southern Pacific Co., announce
that they will run a Business Mem
curs ion from Reno to Tonopuli on Sept
eniber 14th at round trip rnteolll5.W.
Sepical train, including compoiiUte
car, and fully equipped dinner, will lain
Reno at 4:00 a. m., Thursday, fP
ber 14ih, reaching Tonopah same
ing. Returning, train will leave Tow
pah Saturday evening, reaching R00
Sunday morning.
The buainesa men of Reno and ad
jacent towns should not fail to em brut
this opportunity to visit the groaW
mining district in the world.
For futher information apply B'
A. II. Kiaing.
Acting District Passenger Agent, Reno,
l . j u 11. 1 twf Ml
1 ina una tw nm wj-r
5000 WS
1 i. --'
Annually, to All the new positioui
ed by Railroad andTelegraph OooPn'
we want YOUNU MEN and LADIES"
good habits, to
Learn Telegraphy
And R li. Accounting
We lurulib V, pur ouut. of the ""
8ltiou Agonta In Auterlua. Our tlx '
the Urgeat exoltulvo TolograpU lbouf,"
World. Ktablluud HO yem and eiido""
II leading Railway OHWiiaU. , .
We execute J4o llouU to ev ry iiu11 .
. . : - 11 .vinir ire"1 1
to too a month In tuton eaai of ' ' gi
laiiii, r from 175 to lu a mouth In
of the Kocklua, Immediately up ' J,
Htuduiitaoau eulur at any tiuio. .
tloua. Forlull partloulara 't'rdlof)l0t
our Honoola, write direct to our?""
at C'iuulnuatl, Ohio. Cotalugue Kw-
The Morse School of Telegrf i
Cincinnati, Okla,
AUaaU, Ua.
Teiarkana, Tea.
5aa lJraMU.