! i I SHERLOCK HOLMES By A. CONAN DOYLE. Aurhor of "Th Adventure ot Sherlock Holme." "The Hound ot the P.kerville." "The Sign of the Four." "A Study In Scirlet." Itc. ILLl'ST R ATLD BY F. D. STEELE The dveiture of the Dancing Men No. 3 of the Series i Cniitiiiiii'il from iUs he been moved ':" asked Holmes. "We have moved nothing except the lady. We could not leave her lying wounded upon the floor." "IIow lone have you tiecu here, doc tor T' "Since 4 o'clock." "Any one else?" Tes, the constable here." "And you have touched nothing?" "Nothing." "Tou have acted with great discrc tlon. Who sent for you?" "The housemaid. Saunders." 'T'w It she who pive the alarm?" "Khe and Mrs. King, the eok." ,:Wbere are they now?" In the kitchen, I believe." "Then 1 think we had better lie;i their story ot once." Tlie old hall, oak paneled nnl hiirh Windowed, had lieen turned Into a court of Investigation. Holmes . sat hi : feat, old fashioned chair, h's ine: ei tile eves cleaminr out of his li ':"' fa-e. I could read In them a sot pit: (ww to devote his life to this ipte-;t until the client whom he had failed to 4aTve should ft last lie avenced. The trim Inspector Martin, the old. :r"iy tieaded country doctor, myself an.l u KtVrfld village policeman made up the rest of that strange company. The two women told their story clear If enough. They had been aroused from their sleep by the sound of rn esjjlosion vi.i.h had teen fo'.lowcl a minute later by a second one. They Kl-pt in a 'j lining rooms, and Mrs King had rushed in to Saunders. 'I'm gether they had ueceiid"d the j-'tuir-. The do ir of the study was o'leu. ! a candle vas burning upon the t:i',e. Tlieir master lay upon Ins fa-e in the cent,,i' of the room. lie v.-:is "'e dead. Near the vilrl iw l.ls v.:fe ',vi T jui-liing. li'T Ii"m I ler.n'.tjg : ::u- t the waii. was h-irrihly v '.: u i--d. and the si'c of Sier f;K-e v;-.s ri 1 wtU blood. Sle- breaMi'-d heavily, but v. a-i incapable of say.ng anything. Tic pu.-snire as well us the r euii was f -.Ml of smoke 1 !id the smell of p-i'Ad'T. Toe windoH w as certainly shit en I fastened t'p e.i the Inside. I J -- t ! i v.o. Mien were p-xitivc upon tic p ;.t. 't icy had at unco sent for tie- ' : r etel for the constable. Then, with the f.td of the groom mid the stable b y. they had conveyed their inlurel mis-ti-'?w to her room, lioth she and her l.u.jhsud had occupied the bed. She wnn dad In her dress, lie in bis dress ing gown, over liis trght cl.ithes. '"otii ing liad been moved in tie- s : u ly. So Cir ms they knew, there bad never been e.nj' Uarrel between husbi'iid :.nd wile. Tliey had always looked upon them in h very uuited couple. These were (he main point- of the1 servant' evidence. In answer to In-bpm-t'jr Martin they were clear that ev ery door was fastened npm the jnsiije end that no one could have en-aped fr.iin the lioune. In answer to Holmes lli".v both remembered that they were Cia.'-cioUH of the smell of powder from the moment that they run mt of tle lr rooms upon the ton floor. "I commend lli.it fact very carefully to your atten tion." nuij lluhntn to his professional colleague. "And now I tliink that we ere In a position to undertake a thor ough examination of the room." The study proved to be a small chain- i tier lined on three sides with books end with a writing table facing au or dinary window, which looked out upon the garden. Oar first attention was fclveu te the body of the unfortunate' iipilre, wtiOHe tinge frame lay stretch ed no-ross tlie euom. His dUomered ! tln-as showed Bia4 lie liud been hastily aroused from sleep. Tlie bullet had 4eeu fired at Llm from the front and liad remained la fcia body after pene trating the heart III death had cer- tafnly been luKuuitaueous and painless. ! There waa no wdcr marking either lUiou bla dresalnc gawn or on his ; liandfl. Accordin to the eountry stir-, liuoti, the ludj bad 8tuln tipon her lace, tut none upon ber hand. "Hie abeonce of the latter mean mlblug, thougb IU presence m y ,euu i r!tj'tliln.'' W HolineH. "I niess the jiovnier from a badly tlttlng carirl!ge liappeua to npurt backward one ..i.iy I tiro uiuu bjla without leaving n sign. ! I would u&jeM that Mr. Cub.trs b ly J nfuy lunr be removed. I sup; .) , m-1 for 7o rt not recovered the btii.ct Kbit vwmdti U ldy?" I "A sfrtotis opera trtn W be ueccsaa ry before tliat can le done. But there are still four cartridges in the 'revolver. Two have leen tired and two wound Inflicted, so that each bullet can be ac counted for. "So it would seem," said Holmes. "PerhHps you can account also for the bullet which has so obviously struck the edge of the window?" He had turned suddenly, and hla long, thin finger was pointing to a hole which had been drilled right through the lower window sash about an Inch above the tiottoni. "By GeorgeT' cried the lnsector. "How ever did you see that?" ' Because I looked for It." "Wonderful !" said the country doc tor. "Tou are certainly right, sir. Then a third shot has been fired, and there fore a third person must have been present. But who could that have beea and how could he have got away?" "That is the problem which we are now abotll to solve," said Sherlock Holme. ' You retnemler, Inspector Martin, wheu the servants said that on leaving their room they were at once conscious of a smell of powder I re marked thai the point was au extreme ly important one?" "Yes, sir; but I confess I did not jult- follow you." "It suggested that ut the time of the firing the window as well as the door of the room had been open. Otherwise the fumes of powder could not ha been blown so rapidly through fhe Mouse. A draft in the room was naa essary for that. Both door and win dow were only open for a very short time, however." "How do you prove that 7" Because tlie caudle was not gut tered." Capita!:" cried the Inspector. "Capital:" "Tceling IKM'U open sure that the window had at the time of the tragedy. I coir-eived that there might have been a third person in the affair, who stood outside this opening and tired through it. Any shot directed at this person might hit t.'e sash. I looked, and there, sure enough, was the bullet mark:" Hut how came the window to lie shli: an.! fastened V" 'The woman's first instinct would be to shut and fasten the window. But, hello! What is this?" It was a lady's hand bag which stood Upon the study table a trim little hand bag of crocodile skin and silver. Holmes opened it and turned the con tents out. There were twenty tifty pound notes of the Bauk of Kuglaud, held together by an india rubber band nothing else. "This must be preserved, for il will figure in the trial," said Holmes as he hauded the bag with Its contents to the Inspector. "It is now necessary that we should try to throw some light upon this third bullet, which has clearly, from the spliuiering of the wood, been fired from inside tlie room. I should like t. see Mrs. King, the cook, again. You said. Mrs. King, that you were awakened by a loud explosion. Wheu you said that did you mean that it beeined to you to be louder than the secon 1 oiie?" Well, sir. it wakened me from my sleep, and so it U hard to Judge. But it U. I xeeui very loud." 'V a (lou t think that it might have ;ecn 1 wo sh ts tin d i.lmo-t at the same in ..ant '!" 'I ai.i sure 1 couldu't say, sir." 'I be.ieve that it was undoubtedly so. I rather think. Inspector Marti. ;Ui: v. e have now exhausted all liM ih, i r i iiii can teach us. If you uMll kiiel'v step round with me, we h-mM .tee what fresh evidence the garden lie to oiler." A t!'i er bed extended up to Uw sti; ly wiu low, and we ull broke lno au exelainatlou as we approached It. Tie- tl'iwors were trampled down, wal the f,..rt soli was imprinted all oti with f.ntmarks. Large, masculine low they ,erc, with peculiarly long, sharf to s. Ilnimes hunted about among tl grass and leaves like a retriever ut' a woniided bird. Then, with a cry of KUtisfaetioii, lie bent forward and pier ed ; a little brazen cylinder. -I thought so," said 1'!'. "The f vAiver had nil ejector, and here Is tl third cartridge. I really think. In spector Martin, that our case is ulinotl complete." The country Inspector's face u.,d show a bis intense niiia.einent at ihe rapid and masterful progress of 1 lol ies hive, ligation. At Mrs! he bid sic.vvu some disposition to nwrt his own p tillt, bill I" V b'" W.l-i O. I'l l- Hue li udmii'.i-i :i an i read;. ! X '.'. . :r.ii (.,.' -. in wherever II i'm.-' ! ..' I: m d ; oil -I. : '. t i il go rnto mat later. imae lire ' several points In this problem which 1 I have not been able to explain to Joil j yet. Now that I have got so far 1 i liad best pro. eeil on my own lines and I then clear the whole mntter tip once ! and for all." j Must as you wish, Mr. Holmes, so I long as we get our man." J have no desire to make mysteries, but It Is Impossible at the moment of action to enter Into long and complex explanations. 1 have the threads of this affair nil In my band. Even If this lady should never recover con sciousness we can still reconstruct the events of last night and Insure that justice tie done. First of all. 1 wish to know whether then- Is any Inn In this nelghliorhood known as Elrlge's?" The servants were cross o,ucstloncd, but none of them had heard of such a place. The stable hoy threw a light up on the matter by rememlierlng that a farmer of that name lived some miles off In the direction of East Uuston. "Is It a lonely farm?" "Very lonely, sir." Terhaps they have not heard yet of all that happened here during the night?" "Maybe. not, sir." Holmes thought for a little, and then a curious smile played over bis face. "Saddle n horse, my lad." said he. "I shall wish you to take n note to El rlge's farm." He took from his pocket the various slips of the dancing men. With these In front of him he worked for some time at the study table. Finally be handed note to the boy. with directions to put It Into the bands of the person to whom It was nddressetl, and especially to answer no questions of any sort which might be put to h!m. I saw the outside of the note, addressed In strag gling. Irregular characters, very unllV Holmes' usual precise hand. It wn consigned to Mr. Abe Slaney, Elrlge'a farm, East Uuston, Norfolk. "I think, Inspector." Holmes remark ed, "that you would do well to tele graph for en escort, as. If my calcula tions prove to be correct, you may bar" a particularly dangerous prisoner t convey to the county jail. The loy mho taken this note could no doubt for ward your telegram If there is au uft ernoon train to town. Watson, I think we should do well to take it, as I have a chemical analysis of some interest to finish, and this Investigation draws rap ly to a close." When the youth hud been dispatched with the n ite, Klierlack Holmes gave his Instructions to the servants. If any visitor were t-i call, asl.iig for Mrs. Hilton Cuhi;t. no iut'oriiiat ion should be given as l i her Conditi in. but be w tut to be shown at once im i the drawing room, lie Impressed these points up hi them with the iitmor.t earnestness. Finally lie led the way into the draw ro.im, with the remark that the l"!-;l:ieM was I; r.v out ef oar hate s aiel thai we mil ;t v. hiie away the time as I esl we I : , ; ! : I until v.eemld see what w us in st ire f ir us. The d iet ir had de parted to his p itients. and only the in spectof and l: y-.e!f remained. "I think that I can help y.iii to pass an hour iti au interesting and pnfit able manner," said Holmes, drawing his chair up to the table and spreading out in front of him the various papers upon which were recorded the antics cf thi? duucitig meu. "As to you, friend THE GUARANTELD COMPOUND Interest Gold Bond f- The Mutual Life In5ur ance Company of New York . . . kICHARI) A. M( CURDY, President W. L. HATHAWAY, Ore. Minipf. This gold I Kind differs Irotn any policy written by this or any other life insur snce company in the following essential particulars : 1st. The policy is by its terms, pay able in Gold Coin. This refers to both the principal sum ami the interest: 2d. It guarantees annually, for a specified term of years, 3 per cent in geld ohal! premiums previously paid. These credits may lie drawn at the time they are made or at any other time, but as lung as they are allowed to remain wiih the Company, they will be increas ed by percent interest, compounded annually, until the end of the said term, and, in theeventof the death of the in sured, any such accuoiulatated credits will be paid with the sum insured. .Id. At the end of the period during which premium payments are required ( 10, 15 or it) years, as the case may be), the Company, if required, w ill exchange this Itond for a l ew one a stipulated amount, payable at the death of the in sured and, in the meantime, drawing per cent simple interest annually on it" par value, fKiNcirAt. a vn ivtkkkst pav aiilk in (.oi.ii coin. The seen unlisted surplus or dividend will at the sametime be paid in cash, or it may be applied to increase the amount of the new 3 per cent Bond, which will also tbereafte participate annuallv in the dividends A the Company. In addition to these les lures which are oculiar to the Gold Bond, it also combines all the ad vantaken of the Its tribution l'oliciesol The M"tual Life Insurance Company of New York, such as full participation in the surplus earn ings of the Company, Cash Surrender and Loan Values, grace in payment of premiums. Automatic i'aid up Insur ance, etc. J Full imfermatiou regarding this ex I ceedingly popular and attractive nmi jhiimttoiiof Investment and I'rotection for any particular age or amount m,. be obtained by applying to the Comi). any' nearest spent, ' Q- mini Lakevicw.Ore, TIMHKR l.al OTI4R l'nited .S'tates lnd Office, laln-vU Oregon, August 8th, M15. Nolice T hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the Act of .liineS peg entitled "An act for the sale of ti'mtwr lands in the States of California. Orejnn Nevada and Washington Territory " 1, extended to all the Public Umi w'ut by act of August A, 1W2, the folltwiw persons have th s day tiled in thia 0fTi their sworn statements to-w it: Kate Harry, of Ikevlew, conntT of I,ske, slate of Oregon. Sworn tuts, ment No. 3001, for the purchase of th. NK4 .VKJ' 8K' NK and Ix,t. 1 in72 Sec. i, Tt) 40 S., R HV. W M. Nellie Harry, ot Lakeview, county ( take, stale of Oregon. Sworn state, meet Xo. 3002, for the purchase of tin Nw4' NK4' SS' KKJi and NwV NfI Sec. i. Tp40S.. It 2a K W M. That they will offer proof to show tint the land sought is more Tslusble foriu timU'r or stone thnn for agricultural purposes and to establish their claim to said land liefore Kegister 6l Keceiver tt Lakeview, Or., on Monday Ihe 23 dir of October IMkV Thev name as w itnesses : Thomas Lynch, Itenjamin Italy nd ; Heiims Sullivan of lakeview, Oregon : and John llsrry of Adel, Oregon. I Any and all fiersons claiming advertf . ly the shove-described landsare reqnrat ed to file their cltims in this office on or liefore sad 23d dsT of October 1H05. 1 ZX T-V. J. N. tVatson. Hegister. Notice of Appointmenmt of Administrator. To WHOM IT MAY CONCKIIX :-SO TICK i hereby given that, by an order of the County Court of Ijike County, State of Oregon, duly made and entered on the Sod day of September, 1905, lb undersigned was duly appointed Admin istrator of the KSTATE of WILLIAM KAHNK.Y, derea-ed. All persons having claims avaiuHtaaid Kstate are hereby reqnired to present the same, with tlie proper voucliera, within six months from the date of this notice, to the undersigned Administra tor, si the Kiml Nat iotial I'sink of Lake vie, in Lakeview, Lake County, !tt of Iregori I hi ted this 7th day of Septetnlier, I'JOii. DICK J. WILCOX, Administrator of the rXTATK of H'lL Ll M IVMINKA, Deceased. 3t-40 st r s 'f resX IS I 1 Vk. M The Return of SHERLOCK HOLMES This latest and best work of Dr. Doyle is now running ser ially in the Lake County Ex aminer, The Most Progressive and up-to-date Newspaper in Eastern Oregon & i ONLY $2.00 THE YEAR! w Cuioriyht by Collier' Weekly. anfc viiUi a deep trroun on to the tettee. Watson, I owe you every atonement for having allowed your natural curi osity to remain so long unsatisfied. To you, Inspector, the whole Incident may appeal as a remarkable profes sional study. I must tell you, first ot ull, the Interesting circumstances con nected with the previous consultations which Mr. Hilton Cubltt has had with me lu llaker street" He then shortly recapitulated the facts which have al ready been recorded. "I have here In front of me these singular productions, lit which one tuiKht smile had they not proved themselves to be the forerun tiers of so terrible a tragedy. I am fairly familiar with all fornix of secret writings and am myself the author of n trilling inoiioKi'iiph upon the Kiibleet, In which I analyze 1 in Hepiil'ilt" ciphers but I eolife.-s licit till-' li einiielv new to li e. vente.l (i tO il!!C" vcy a n. t ...... The I t ' : - t ri .bjeel of I pi hart 'i 1 Ihe.e I 111 I'.''- r .: iv h EXCURSIONS TO PORTLAND for Lewis & Clark Exposition $30 FROM RENO Above rate i for 10-day tickets, good going on Train No. 5 front Reno, connecting at Kowville or Sacramento with Social Kx cursion Train leaving San I'VanciMco every Saturday. Keturn from Portland on any regular train; or tickets may bo exchanged for return by Htcam.;r to Sati Francisco for $2 extra. 21-Day and Special Tour Tickets with stop-overs, at special rate. Ask local ugent for rate from your town and full in formation regarding tickets, trains and Sn ( inl Tour Tickets via Ogdeii. A. H. RISING, Acting I). V. and P. A. Reno, Nevada- SOUTHERN PACIFIC (Continued on next imge.)