Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 07, 1905, Image 6

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j v.. '
The Adventrre of the
Dancing Men.
I ( i n t i i mti 1 i I
Ulg t Wliiii lias p;r.-itl itirir.
It's n terrible business." an id the
station master "They iir slut. ltli j
Mr. Hilton ("ubitt nml his wife. She !
shot him and then herself, so tln serv '
ants sny. He's dead nnd hor life Is de
siaird of. Pour, dear, one of the old
est families In tb county of Norfolk i
nnd oiio of the nnst hoiio-cK"
Witliout a word Holmes hurried to a j
ciirriaire. nnd during the lone seven
mile drive lie never opened liis mouth
Seldom have I seen liini so utterly de ,
spondent. He hail been uneasy diirinc j
nil our tourney from town, and I had '
observed that he had turned over the
mornlrc papers vj;h anxious anention.
hut now this sudden realization of his
worst fears left him in a blank nieian
choly. He leaned l:i k In his seat, lost .
In ploomy sx'-iilation. Yet there was
much iir.itmd t. interest us. for we
were passing through as singular n
countryside as any in I'.nclaud. where
a few . -tittered eottases represented
the itopulation of t'xluy. while on ev- t
err hand enormous souare towered
churches lris:lM up from the fiat,
preen landscape and told of the glory
an 1 prosperity of old Hast Ansliu. At :
last the vi.ilet rim of the (iernian
ocet'.u appeared over the srcon cdtro of
the Norfolk -oat. ami the driver point
eil with his whip t two old b'i'-k ami
t'.mlH-r cahles which projected from a
prove of tree. "That's Kidinc Thonie
Manor." said lie.
As ve drove in t the rnvtiencd front
door 1 observe 1 in front o' it. lx-d ie t ic
tennis lawn, tin- bki.'U toil liou-e and
the pedestaled sundial wi'li wl.i"!i we
had su'-h strnttse :!ssueiatio:;s A dap
per lif'.e i::ati. with a a'cr
ini'.f.ii'T :'in'. a waxed mustache, had
Ut desci.ii...,; from a 1j 1 ir ' i dou'":'.t''..
He! himself as inspector
Martin of th- NorfolU const'. "Hilary,
and he was lerahly astonished
when he heard th" lining of my com
panion. "Why. Mr. Holmes, the crime was
only ccmtni'tcd at !'. This imviiini:. How
could you hear of it in London and st"t
to th" p t as soon as I':"
"I antieina'ed it. T came in the hope
of prevent Inn it."
"Then you must have important evi
dence of which we are ignorant, for :
they were said to Ik- n most united i
'1 have only the evidence of the danc
ing met." said nolmes. "1 will ex
plain the matter to you later. Mean
while, since it is too late to prevent this
trapedy. I am very anxious that I
should use the knowledpe which 1 pos
sess In order to insure that justice Ikj
done. Will you associate me In your
investiijutioii or will you prefer that I
should act independently''"
"I should be proud to fi-ol that we
were acting together. Mr. Il'-dines,"
suid the inspector earnestly.
"In that case I should be glad to hear
the evidence and to examine the prem
ises without an instant of unnecessary
Inspector M::Tt;n had the g.Vnl sense
to allow my friend ;.o do things In his
own fashion and contented himself
with carefully noting the results. The
iiiii Ml g- on, .. ..
I;. .'II, h:o ju ; ci,i. ; iiu
liili.tli (Ju.iiti .- r. ..... he iv: o. ,'
tuat her l.;j.i. ie- We.e '.. .U.i. i.u. l.l
li .Vil.. i :. ';'.. i. ;;he! :..,.i
I a I !hr,u;g.i ihc !'. c:i ;' her i.'a::;.
in.. I it oui I p:o,,.ii.y in' o.:ie dine ue
In..1 -!.' ju. J iv. c:j
tii! tic .Ue oi v. he. .-.h" h.i.;
i it or liao h.i: he-.. -if ,,- v j
l.i ei-.:.'e to .'e-i jii'.v ' . i
Opmiuii. I eriainlv the liad i en
Uh-e-uargeil at very ijlia.'ter.i.
There was only the one pistol found in
the room, two barrels of which lj.i'l
been emptied. .Mr. Hilton Cubitt hal
b-en hhot througli the neurt. It was
tqually conceivable that he had shot
Lcr and then himself or that she had
been the criminal, for the revolver lay
mm the flsuir ruiMnv Ulrmin flipru
Know enough u curry n utnhrTl
when It rmiiw. tint the ls one Is h
who carriw one when H Is nily cloudy.
.IriM nion will
. r wml tor ft docuir
when he Bern
lied-fast, hut the
wiser one Ik lie
who adopts
proper precau
tionary, preven
tive and curative
measure w hen
tirst appear the
Ills w Inch, if li n-chiH-ked
and un
curwl, prow into
serious illness.
Impalnsi dlire
tlon and nutri-
- -j. tion are penemlly
"" t hr forTiiiiiiers
of a nervous ir functional hn'akxlown.
(itr- hi prockeil rriii-ic moot
ahiiiid.tiitlv (or all such comlilions in our
nafve iiiiMliciiml plants. With the use
t.f clieinu'iiliy pun- plyeerinc. of proH-r
streneth and at a pnicr sustained temp
erature. Ilr. 1'ierce extract-s from tioiden
'ai root. Jinsoi's rMit. fune root, lilack
I'herryhark. Itloislroot and Mandrake
root, 'medicinal principles which, when
?onil!insl in just the right pnoriioiis.
constitute hi w idely famed "Wofiioi Meil-i'-o
7 wchiitj." It restores the tone of
the stomach, the acfvstv of the liver
and the stcadilic of the nerves, pourmp
vitality into the bhxHl till the once sick
and debilitated one is so renew-ed In
health, streupth and (siwer that he can
resume his work, whatever it is. with
viii ir and elasticity.
All medical authorities, of whatever
scliool, acre" tht Hydrastis, or tioiden
Jcal one of the isentiul risits In the
make-up of Dr. I'ierce's (iohien Mislical
Ihs.'overy 1 of very trreat vulue as a
pure tonic, met a an alterative valuable
in chronic attentions of the stomach, in-ti'stim-s
and blander.
. Not cntv the Orttrlmtl hut the
bt Uttl Llvrr Pill. lr-i rut
Vi "I' oveT 4 b olil
I ' r I . ri'T t". Flve m'eil
I'jeolMent .
Sn-retsry ot smie
St tt'lnr of Tremury el W r
.tloriiev tieliersl
!'-. in te r (i. iicriil
s,.it l-y lit Nn' y
rery Interior
H ri'inry nl Auriciiltnre
Seeri'iary el t eiiiiii. ref
S'ireno .tmlre
M-cretsr "I S'lr
t'nriii'V lienersl
supi. Piililir lii'irni lliin.
Plry unit FmI Com
('. S. Seim'or.
ha W . Fnirlsiiikt
John Hay
. Ijml'r M Xhw
'm. H. Tft
Wm. II Wisty
lien. M. Cortelvou
I'anl Morton
. . F.. A. llin hciH'li
Jainr W llwm
. ... V. C. Mi'lcair
f A. HUH M, M. D.
. K. ChunilH'rlnln
F A Mnnre
K I liiiuttar
, S. Meore
A M . Cr lonl
J II vkernin
J . R. W Millet
.1. W lUOey
I J. II Mltchi-ll
i C. W . Fill loll
1 rtmiter Heriuati
iJ S.W lllllllell
ixtii jentcm. iiihtiiiit.
1,1,1,,,. II. 1.. tlelinotl
leu. I Seimmr Jiilni . lyciM-k
It F. I.. Slelner
R. H. SMITH ,U.t
PM'lrtaHH aartma.
! tiFFICK- Bmll' lmi Htor. t"IU nwr0
iriuiittly ilay or niyliu
Tri !nrer
s. IhniI snpt
sioeli Imoemr
John S. Slinok
...W.J. Mixirr
B. "1T
. A. W. MnritiK
K, K. Kiie liBri
t . t Ahlntr.ini
W P. t
... J g. wtiiit
C. F.. Mnere
W A currier
f . W. P.. lit
J. F. Clrknli
much ImltateO
b .
nrver ettuawu. th. n-
re luir-'iv vefe:',
. Hii-ctC r;i'eil uli'l reh, .'i1
eT;.'' from : in
phoii I'' n.-' l--mih-
.i'll L'v-l'II cLIVl. Liiic-t; ur
FZxcttrsinn Rates to L.ttw is and
Clark Imposition via .S'uth
ern Pacific.
U-.iiii 1 tr:i. rate lietweeii lieu., ai'il
l'ott:.i!i. lf.ll Tickets H'e lll.l'eil to
lei, C; - t-. tli :',Ue TO': ltd t I I I ll Co.
1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 - ,i;l-- IL'I' in eacii ill rt'i'l . ii., Hlid
otih L'oo.l OI: trulll No o !lli"MI'C pa---el
c. t- to coj:ei I It h speeni! train lit
sacrnineiilo eerv n on meiie
nu .lino- !!rd Twenty one day rouml
trin .ickc'-wiil lie soid oh iaineiit of
t '. 1 1. 1 li. ex -es o above rates, ei mie trip
iiiolcr sine conditions with stopowrs
allowed returiiinp.
Kieven liays extension w ill be inadeon
i tickets at Portland on pavnient ol . mi
: and twenty days on piiymenr of f lii.(H)
Kxciirioiiists can avail theniseivcs nf
steamer tide Cortland to Sun Krimcisco
on pay in nt of '.I" at 1'ortiund.
Sixty dav round trip tickets ttill Is
' sold from .lime 1st to Septi tnlier With,
i inclusive, lining via Sacraineiito and
returtiinp via Salt Lake t'ltv. I'tah, ul
i low inp htopoverf.. at rH'e of tod. mi.
j for further information apply to,
A. II. Kihino.
Acting. I F. - 1'. A., o. I'm:. Co.,
1 Keno. Nevada.
Tlttlll II MITIf'K
I'.ni't d s-'iite- l.'.ed I itli -e I.akeview,
t Ireeon. Aug 11. I ! '. N ot ice is hereby
given i tint in c lophancc with i be pro-j
visions. if iie A' t "f J line I',. STS eiitt). I
e l ' An ct for i he si'i-mI t un Per IhihIs in
the ' ntes if t it 1 1 to' I.'", t 1'eg' ui. NeVH'lu
nnd U'nshington T en ior ,' as cxiend
ed to nil the Public Land States by act ,
of August 4 lsoi' the lollowmg iiersoiis
have 'bis iliiy hied n this (.fice tbeir
sw. rn Htiiteinenls. lowp: l.'llier K.
Il'liebli r' . i f 1 .( kio lew . coll l.l v ol Luke,
s' .ir .M i'j i: S.-l.. s j it'll. en I No.
Lt''i. for i piiri-hn I 'he stt I, Sec.
i'L Tn i: i" i: m
Ad. tie Kiiii'hart. "I l.akevien. couii'V
ol 1 ..'ll e. S' :i ' o( I reg. in . S .I'll s-itlf-11.
el. I Sn, l!?!'1.. I ' he inn chtl-l' of t he
M 'i .-.- -'ii, t ;". ::: s.. f: ii l". u' M
T n iC t hev i I i I. pr.M .f t o show that
the hied s.nigl.t is mote vniuahie l'..r ts ,
titulier or st.ine than for nt" icu't iirnL
tiorposes n. I. . "-In I . ish I heir chiini to
siini hind Ih'UI-'e' :i i. . ;(."eler
Ht l.'il.evie I it. t'oii . oil I rnliiy t he Hie h
d:n nl I Iclohei. ItMi.'i.
T'heV inline as w .1 :
II li Iiimlnn. W. A Mi--ii,gill. W.
'.. lieriiuri! nnd ieo. II 1 i nch ail of
Lnke iew . I Ireynu.
Anv nnd ail persons . !;nn ing advere
lv the aliovedes. rihed hiinls are reipiest
ed to tlie I heir clai Ills in this office on or
lK-fiireftid L'llth dav of llctober 1 !..
:"i--l.' .1 . N. Vaton. Ucgister.
IK T V H A l.l.
I'll lrla and Mara-ea
1FFI F.- New baljr Biilhltng.
Allatrnr al Ijtm
Ijikrvlrm. (Irri
OFFICF-lily lluililnw. -
A I tornr j -t -1 m t
Ijind Mtttrrw Mprrlalt)
OFFIt E- Paly BuildliiR.
To lake dfftv.t, Tuesday, Apr. 1 ,15$
No. t
) Meet mi the 1l lli1 4tii tt 'eliieil of
cadi iieunli In M...niii 1111. l h p. ni.
F. V hi:m.y. eiiHiit oiiiiiiainli'r.
N. Iavcihii. clerk.
Id :W1
1 J 1 s
12 :M
I .If.
f :IUi
a. m.
a. m.
a. in.
a. m.
a. in.
a. in.
p. m.
i. in.
i. m.
p. m.
i. m.
p. m.
) p.m.
( p.m.
p. in.
p. in.
p. m.
p. m.
p. ni.
p m.
a. ni.
p. rr..
I Ar.
. Reno
.fix ar
. 1'iirdt
. I'luniB ..
. hl
. I a me run .
.Heit Knck..
. Cinilntl
. H.ivln
, l.ieitan
. A tneiliH
, . A metier
. Ar
. Ar
. .Ar
. Mel Mprlii(..Ar
Murray Ar
Krln . . .. Ar
llorw Ijikc.Ar
. averly . . .Ar
Ternin . Ar
. miiKAr.
. . Milellnc . j.v
. I. (i. ti. F meets Hie 1st ami Ttii rs.
v ily eveniiiiis nt eiici. nitintli liiiiihl rd- n
iowV Halt. Laketic. S F. Aui -tiiom
S ( . F., W.J . Mihihk. ScrllH-.
6,(lpm10 :".II1.I.V.. I'lliniH. Ar.4.MlpnijgtB
n v pn 1 1 eni i.t . . iiimii pm I.Ri
li m.'.rsin!l,v.hM'kith.AriJ.aipir l.mtm
7.e tint; i: is-.Bin i.t.i iirviui.Ar l.ttipm 7.0iir
Ternin.- lor I.akeview, I'nlnlrv nct Flmh rm
lll Fl.' Hlilaell. lake Clly. . t-ilirvillt, AAt
Altiirsnil lUetier, Caltf.
Hoi suriiiii. 'or simnllsli and Sumnullt
Iinv e - lor SI lllorrt, laiieavlllr and Buntlo
vllir. Cli(.
Viuiiiii, - lor U.vllin. Pow liii'vilU- indCu!
. l.cll lint spniiKK. Mill.
j ll.'l'kWllll. 1 1 1 r ' iciienee, 1 Vltr nil Itltl (irttt
. vim .i am.
Clirvllii',-Miili k ami () lin y. ( ll.
I lt un. -i iiiiiiei tlnit v. itli s . I'nc. i n. lor ill
k iiim Kt A W I'M : V. & T K. U. Inr ll wBB
t K r Dak '
A if n-v U4 Nin-
Munt' Mrt'i't, fun rrMiii iw'ii, t n w Ihtc
rttiitrm if Inr ml rr ', Hi mi: rnn t- intuit Inr it
unfril-ri li T In1 I- xtiti.Mi'T w tin n-inovi
irmn m iiM'n!iM' , Kini'iii r. or i tiHiici
ttn'ir poHtnftifc n'lilr- a-. hii.mlil r ni'-iii trr "
ilrnji tiih nrln' m run! h-ir paprr ro'i tn- ad
ilrrpwd in Hit- niflil )HHttf!it''.
ede:s hotel!
. . . TIME TABLE . . .
In LfTect May 1st, l!HI,"i.
I I.v.
I Ar.
Tnrall . r, J
ll..MI. C.'fi
sn cl llr'it ('. !.
r 1 1 ( r'k 7 iv.
KI'll sp'e.7 III
Inxie ..h. Ill
l'likl-KKIIIR .'J1
M .l.v.l'iikrKaumln iUK
" Ar. Inxn- lu..'. -
k I'll Sli'ltn ll.HI "
" I all ( ri-. II ii "
" st.-. i lir'ni l:m
" " lii.Kim .ti'J'PlI
" " Thrall ...M.ii "
(k.ntiuue( next wet-k.)
Excursion Uate& to LewU and
Clark Exposition via
Southern Pacific.
Tea day round trip rate between Keno
id Portland, Ore., ia ,'i0.00, continu
on a mwaxe required in both directions
Ticket good on train Ko. 3 from Beno
t 12:20 A. M., allowing passengers to
connect with train So. 12 at Davis, Cal.,
Twenty-one day round trip tickets will
be sold at rate of f 35.00, icoing trip under
'same conditions with stopovers allowed
on retnro trip within life of ticket.
Eleven dy eitension will be madeon
tickets at I'ortland on paynteut of $5.00,
and twenty days on payment of f 10.00.
Kilty dry round trip tickets allowing
stopover will be sold up to September
30th, golnjg via Hacramenlo and return
ing via Salt Lake City, Utah, or vice
versa, at rate of (50.00.
For further information apply to,
A. II. Hisini;,
Acting I. 1'. A., So. I'ac. Co.,
lleno, N'ev.
i I'mted Sialen .and iflice I.nkeiew,
flreuon. July 7tb IW'5. Notice is bere
j by yiven tliat in coni.liaiiee with the
; (irovisioiiH of the Act of ilune li. 17S,
I -"titled - An act for the side of tinilier
; lands in the Mates of Califumia, reeon
Nevada and VVaehimitnii Terrunrv." an
, extended tn all the I'nblic Land States
by act of Almost 4, W, the inllnwme
' rsiiii have this day tiled in thin ollire
j tbeir Nwiirn HtatenientM, tiew it :
Fhv II. I'anion, of SMtncer. county of
' Marathon, atate of Wis. Swiirn state
! menl Nil l'!IH!), for the urehnwe of the
i Ms, NK'Wfj NF.t4' and SK'4' NVi4
i see. in. in :;; s., n jo k v m.
i liillatrl V. Allen, of Lr.yal, county of
' Clark, male of Wis. Sworn matemeiit
I No. 2U1K), for the purcluiHe of the X!j
I.NW4' SK Xw4 and SU'i4 Ni;j4
j Sec. 3J, Tp 30 S. It ill K U' M.
Freeman li. Allen, of Oakland,
county f IlutiktluK, Htate of (Jreiron.
I Sworn Htateuient No. 2!!'l. for tlie pur
I chase of the KK'4' Sl- SV.y, rl and
sr. .Sec dZ, I p ;5li S., K iy Iv II .M.
That they will offer proof to show
that tiie land nought ih more valuable
for its timber or atone than for agricul
tural pnrpoHea and to estuhhwh their
claim tocaid laud liefore Geo. Chaatain
Cllerk of Klamath Co. Ore., at liia oflice
at Klamath J-aile, Ore., on Saturday
tlie ltith day of riepteniber, 11105.
They name as witne88e :
Herbert P. Cramer of lily, Oron,
Gilbert W. Allen of Loyal, VVie., Free
man G. Allen of Oakland, Oregon,
Charley II. McCumter of Klamath
Kails, Orefon, and Fay H. Damon of
Spencer, Win.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly thealtove-detHtribed lands are request
ed to tile their claims in this ofli on or
before said ltith day of Sept., 1005.
s!8 3H J. K. Watson, Register.
riYIKKIt l.MllK
I'niteil States Land Office. Lakevicw,
Oreitoli, July lh. 1!HI.". Notice is hereby
ifiven that in ' mi jd in m with the prie
vision of the act of I'diiyress of Jniieli,
1-K, entitled "An act for the Hide of lim-l-r
lainln in the Stales of California,
Oregon. Nevada, and Wiihfni!ton Ter
rilory." ns extended to all the Public
Land States by a t of Aiil'IIhI 4, 1HH2.
'I'ilden (.iuinn. of Hood lliver. Htate of
Oregon, iiax t'ni day nieii in thin office
hix HWorn Hnteineiit No LMKT. for the
ilirchase of the S'.j N 'j nnd 'jSlj
ni Section '" in 'ionsiii 35 S., 1: " L
w M. and will nftcr proof In show that
the l.iiid Hiinel.t is more valuable for its
timber or Htone than fur agricultural
pur ixises, and to eMtablinh hi claim to
sai d land b dure Ilt-ninter and lteceiver
at Lakevicw, Oregon, on Mmidiiv, tlie
2d (lay of Oct.dier. l!k).",. e liaineH
an w itncft. : t. N. AnderHon, Oscar
AnderHon and Irvini; Anderson ot lily,
Oregon, and C. w . Kmbodv of 1'ortlanil,
re. Any and all pertain' claiiiiiiit ud
Verely the almve descrila-d IiiikIh are
reijueated to file their claim in thia
office on or latfore suid nd day of Oct.
l!i-3S J. N. Watcoti, Uegister.
First Class
r.tiildini: Ila lleen l'.tiliired
To AccoiuiHlate a Large Trade
Dining Service
Klamath Springs Special.
I.v. Thrall t.:m I'
Ar. Itnirio .. . 1 ;..
" hteet Hr'Ke'J.IA
" Fall ( re. k 'J.tlft '
" Kl'h hp'Kat.411 1
M.t.v. Kl'li Hp'c.jilPH
Ar. Fall Creeks Si "
' " hleel Hl gcHU' "
' ' lliyin 8.9)
" Thrall.... it.ii "
Would you accept u poHHltlon that
will pay you a straight Hillary of
3.50 per day (21'00 per week) for
whole or Hpare time? If so write us
at once. Thin Ih do book cavaMlng
acheine, hut a utritlgbt forward IiuhL
neHM proponitiou, which will be aa
jH-riimtieut ua you may lie able to
make It, aud will afford excellent
clitinire for promotion. No ttond,
red tiiK; nor uiireaMoiiable reijulre.
inentH. Act quickly ua w wlah to
employ htiine one in your locality
without delay. Spratcue Wholeeule
Co., Wubaxli Ave., Chicago. "3-34
TimlM-r I.nnd Kailre.
United States Land Oflice, Lakevicw,
Oregon, July Hth, VMU'i. Notice i here
by given that in compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, H.H, entitled "An act for the
Bale of tunlier lands in the .States ol
California, Oregon, Nevada and Mash
ington Tlrritorv," as extended to all
the Public Land States by act of Aug
UHt4, 18M2, Kichard lirown. of Portland,
county of Multnomah State of Oregon,
has this day tiled in this oflice liis sworn
statement No 2WI. for the pnruhase of
the ICL' Nw4- SFi Ni4' and Ni
, SwW of Section T2 Tp 35 S, K 17 E w M
: and will offer proof to ahow that the
land sought is more valuable for its
i timber or stone than for agrici tural
' purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before Geo. T. Laid win Judge
of Klamath Co. at his office at Klamath
1 Falls, Ore., on Friday, the 15th day of
I Sept , lWO."). He names as witnesses :
I James lloyd of lily, Oregon, Martin
nyan, raargarete Kyan and C. W. Em
body of Portland, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are re
quested to die their claims in this office
on or before said 15th dav of September
28-37 J. K. Watson, Register.
Baars tfca ) lt K.fid Haw Aliwri fjoujflt
c (nat art
KILLthi couch
and CURE thi LUNC8
Dr. (ting's
New Discovery
sAUrtllunwiAU .
0UGHI and
60c Ml. 00
Free Trial.
bur eat and Uuuckest Cure for ail
Timber Land ntirr.
United tale Land Ollice I.akeview,!
Oregon July 3d, 1IMI5. Noiice i here- j
by given that in compliance witti he
provision of the Act of June 3, 1K7S, I
entitled "An act for the Hale of timber j
lands in the Mate of California, Ore-j
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," !
a extended to nil the I'oblic Liind '
Htatea by act of August A. 1HH1', the job I
lowing pcraniis have this day filed in!
this oflice their hworu Htateineut, to
wit: AMiert IVterson, of Stevenson, state
of M ush. Sworn ststeineiit No. H5!l, :
for the purchase of the N .; NFl4, SEW !
NE'4.Sec ".I. T 34 S.. IJ. 17 and Lots !
and 3, Sec. 30 Tp. 34 S.. IJ. H E. I
t'arl E. l'eierson, of SteveiiHon, state'
of wash. Sworn statement No. J.1MMI, for 1
the purchase of the N!J of the N, j
Sec. 34, Tp :A S., LITE.
That they w ill oiler i.roof to si low that
the laud sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricullutal
purposes and to establish their claim to
said land lief ire Geo. T. llaldwiii. Co.
Judge at his oflice at Klamath Falls,
Oregon, on Monduy the 77th day of
Sept. 1M5
They name as witnesses : Carl U. l'eier
son a Albert IVterson of Stevenson,
Wash.. Martin Uvan, of 151 v. Oregon
Oliver Mlifer, of Woodland, Wash , and
C. W. Embody, of I'ortland, Oregon.
Any aud all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described landa are request
ed to file tbeir claims in this oflice on
or ueiore said lltn day of Sept. llsJC.
-7'8i J . N. Btaon, Kegiater.
H. K. Hakkek, I'rop'r.
Office in liieber's 5tore
Mage leaves Ijikeview daily, M
cept Stitiday at ti a. m. Amm
at Aluiras at (i p. m.
I-uvea Alturas for Lakevirw ll
t! o'clock a. in. ir on the srriw)
of the stage from Madeline.
rives in Lakeview in 12 noun ti
ter leaving Alturas.
FreiRht - Matters - Given
Strict - Attention
first - C'ass - Accomodations,
Western . Stage . Line
If You are not Particular
df,nt VII! r.
. -ii me iiunois uenlral
as any old road will do you and we dont
Q'flnl ..u t ... 1...
- H-i-'uiiaae; inn ii you are
particular and want the best and mean
to have it, ask the ticket agent to route
you via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL, the
road that runt through solid vestibule
trains between St.I'aul, Omaha, Chi.tago,
bt-Uuis, Memphis, and New Orleaus.
N o additional charge is made for a seat
n..!T r"ihninf c,''r which are
fitted with lavatories and amoeking
rooms, and have a porter in attendance.
are the owest and we will be glad to
quote them in connection with anv
transcontinental line. 7
ij.VtH- Jru,nuul.. Commercial Agent,
142 Third fStreet, I'ortland Ore.
.1 I. T.tnliu. 1 a a.
Third Street,, Ore. ' "2
aJ.'. yjhowl'!H'"- Krt- PHssenger
Agent, tlman Uldg., Seattle, Wash"
U3L. 13.
J. L. VADIN. Proprietor.
Office In Linkvllle Ifotel
Klaatatb Fall.-
Daily from I'okegetna by Keno, Kitf
ath Falls, Dairy, Bonanra, and HIJ"
Daily from Lakeview by Illy, Boow"
Dairy, Klamath Falls, Keno, to 1
From Klamath Falls to Keno
steamer and from Keno to l,efv"
over the Sunset Four-Horse 8tagl-'
Good Stock .v. Easy Coacb
8. L. McNacohton, Prop.
Office at Mercantile Store
Stage leaves Lakeview Monday(
nesdays and Friday at 6 a. "V
at Flush at 0 p.m. Leaves Flu b To
days, Thursdays and Haturdsyi,
a. m., arrives at Lakeview at 9 P-
Passenger fare f3 one way or
round trip. Freight rate 'rom
lit to Kov. 1st .76 per hmidredi
Nov. ilst to May 1st 11.00 per bndI