i ,.t..r will lie miiwd tab &mntB eninrf "P-" - " " u M thi tt,rnl an.i the rod orfl-j htth4 Brr TrWy , errd op'tie-:. C. O. METZKER. Mmmic BaiMim The Southern Orejon State Norm School. Entered dV? si.V."'"" W" Tin- first term of the -chool year - -,- , : will,.!-.!. Sept. 1". The l-it uf .One Yer. biand have furnished ihtMiwiwiry TERMS: j StaMonOj.. W fim,n,i;i, niJ , tMe the sH-hool over 'J K,.ftT..r.ium h.d.l tip. The precnt laheview. oreoon. 5EPT. 7. outlook imlh ate the larp t enroll- - - m,.nt ,,f titmleiit In the history of Klamath Fans Woking Up. jyM it llt i(11. :V2 The delay on tiie part of the l.irce A,j,irB Fn-. IV F. Mulkey for the land owner of Klamath county in , w t.at ,c(.. siiTiiinp up their land to th- F-cia- . . - . . Must Have The Examiner. niatioti Service i causing, a treat "e i --, . We are !n rt itt of a U tter from ileal of uneasiness among; those who " art t in the Kevlamation prouvl for Mr. .las. M 'Afee. who says: "Flease the Klamath Fasin the life of the change uiy Fxaminer from present OoUMv. A n.e.-tit: was called at address to . ,ns, Manislau county. Kl.n.,,1, Vail last week Lv citizens al:f. I cant cet aloi with-.nt 1 he of that t ' w is t la's, overdue Met l.akt- County F-amit.er. I havel.ee.. i . - - .,- tu L in- it f. -r -" venrs. so roil sec ho w that jr-seLTel a in st danger-us ifik'ii!. n i t..im,u a;n'ara!uv. Tin we fact- "ere the it is." i.ie-s published iu The r.S!lmii..r ArTTou En -aged? wev liefore last retfuMitu: th" mat!- t ,:4,a. t-boulil reniemWr, tier i:i which the F- 1 imati'-i -r- ;;t.r ruan la, many snarreis can vi.-e was r-c-i villi; the action ,.f Je avnied. bv kpiiig. their digestion tWlawial owner. In !vin- n. r kkI .-culitio,, with F.ltrie letter,. , . I'.r. -w ii . of FenricUsvi'iie. S. O., these facts to o'.;r read-Ts two w.-k . . . .av "For vears. mv UeHlf!ere.l in-a-'o. weexj.re.se! ..;ir .le:re to jf .J ,i,.(ia , ,.,, .Urale.l Lake county ft in i an-I niate vv :! !: t, ..j i ,-ver. ut.t.l s-he l'"-t her an r' ' s.-cv.r- '. : . t !,:.!! vi-. ar..! ! a.-i-c a n.te v at :!; of !!: r ic- f--r t.--K : l.-r ! :.! e.:. 1 1 .-n i-h- . ' ...... . u- t Ki.-. tri I'.iOt-r-, w l.ic!, he!; i her " l ' :'' r '' " , ; . !... tr..i i a:-! !----l"-'-" X ' - -1 i : ". r... ; .y :: : - , ruj,;:-;. - . i :.o..::- stiii .!. n-o a a r--;i't r-- . . . a .: '. I i. t : t:.- . I--' ! : ' v '-a 0ur Riai:s Room end Library. :;" ;r K :': " w" 1 :, ....;......; -ft;..- .-.l. if-.n. li-..-l t..-r- M-r : i-u i-s t,.w,; , f i:. ,..ilr,.,. ,,f ,!,- "; r-.-.a-.a.-it...:: i.-o.e K..;l . . ;... ... county, f:.- - v. rn.i,.-!-. ne t; j(i .... , ,. ,...,, m f,,r . . t l t . . t - . t - r ; r T - i . " i ' ' s t l ' r M. .; iy a T-.-j-.l'.ar tii.-i-t- way 1 s--Tn- .f la ...-y h . , , f,. ;i , :,..r-. U.. :.. ; - v-! -.v.- , . .. 1 : . ,,. .,. !;.:,.;: .-i . nit ; !.. ti. 't Kial.i- 1 ; - j' , . v , . i v. . . ! ! . i -T . !'.. S i :..! !. .v ;!, ' , . , , ' " :"- M; na;:. ;: i.-.i.h ;- ';,vi:'-:'-!- Hi" '--' r-l.. x f!,UI r .l-.n.,.- ca:.'y u n.an w ho .s , i ;j)J ( Wl,u,h T1 ,.,,aN.- I-ul.-.c s:.:r;t...le:or.iht. ::.:o , ,.., ,,..., .. ,,.,;.,,,,,. ,h - th.- hnrt.-ss .-it.-! ft - ,ui.. wo:v , . , , , I I-.v;i.-f of It,.!ii I t ' J;... ;., !.;- ! :i an ;.t ! ra 1 '. '..-e-e - f..r .:ia:.f r- wl... i-;t-l th- tow Koai Viewers Return. ::.r.:-i t a- - .taia-r. Harry l'.ii:i.-y ::w I-e l.-aii r :vu-t-l fr..ia Wnm-r last Fr'fh.y. w ii-r-Mr. La'.h-y wen: to h-!; i-w ti. roaj from Flush to I'...:..!-. l;-ail went ah-ni as '-'a.U.'io." a.:j l it is i-:ii.l ina'.;iurat-'J soia-n-w i i-.is auio:: the Warner all-y v.-iiju-ioi.. Tiie roa as view-'l 1 .y th- vi.-w-r-. wiill-s Iii'il-s lonz. It will ifo--the sloughs in the icitiity of Ha.; rtaff. w here a hri If 1J7 ft loua will have tu Ik-ljuilt. The hanks of the siuuirh are sai'l to lie firm, mak- uk it owsihle to coiistrm t a sub stantial bri'Jf at that cnm-iiii;. The water at that j.lace is f.t-t Oef-ji now. The viewer made a favoralie re port to the county court, anJ it is FALL AND WINTER C L 0 T H I N G Our Fall and Winter clothing has commenced to arrive. We are now unpacking and marking our new stock, call and see what we have to keep you warm this Fall. Stockmen's wants have been especially looked after. je o: We also have a fine stock of Hats. o! gCome "and see and be lieve, fi K BAILEY & MASSING ILL'S Pioneer Store The children's friend Jayae'3 Tbnlc Vermifuge IVic oi;t bk-'-ii i::H'iir:tic-. .Makes ttron iktvc end inutlcs. (i:vt- t:ie, vitality and Kap. tu.. .. , ... a i. ;. . I: To Cure a Cold in One Day L:r.tivc Brcnio Quinine Tablets. rvA -- : ::" -ric-.hs. This signature, J- Cures G-ip f fcl TWO ?3JT. Jj cn ever f Notice of Aprxintment of Administrator. T WM'OI IT MAY i'"N('Kl:N: 'I ICF iier-hy t.veii thut. fc.y a-, or-ler '! the (.'..unty 'airt oi Fake ' .at. t v. s;..t- )ri-t'"!i . 'iiil v in trie mil .-!. er-.l the :;ftii Jay of August, 1 '. ti.e tin.l.-r-ifiied B July a.j.'iir.t.-. A'!uiinistrat..r '.f t be ITATK OK JA.MFS K. l ALIiKKWOM', il.cea-t-'l. ' Ail nerson c bavinj; clainit- atamst sai.J Fstate are hereby required to pre-ei t ; the hatne, with the proper oucher, , will i ti six months from the date of this , notice, to the tnidert-ii-ned Administra tor, at Li residence near Adel, Lake County, r-'on. I iated thin Ttli day of fepteiiiber, V-l.i't. ; :;4't Thoiuaa F. Culderooa, Administrator of the KSTATK of JAMFS F. ( A I.I'FFWOOl), deceased. A STEAM LAUNDRY Will shortly open at Special kfates to Laste rn Points. Via .s.Hitbern I'm-ife 'otrij r.i y. I;..it.-1 ir.n tu kets U-nii-oi I:.-no at-d p..:i.ts h-r-i' ii;t-r inenti-ne-i wi 1 t e II An.-u-t lth, l',!ii. l'4th ai.d 'J', h ; N.!r!!i n-r Tth. s.i.. O-.t,, ..!?,. iltn, !.!. and ! 1th : To Fat M a-hit x't on. I. ti""1"" ba tmi'.te, Md. I'.T.'n I'hilaJe'.pl.ia. Fa. F'T.'.'i Ne YorK, N. Y. us..,o I', .stoti, Mat-. P'.i.V) New Orleans, Fa. i;7.."0 Chicago, 111. T-.o" rl. Louis, Mo. "hi Melii.his, Tenn. C.T.a I M Faul, Minn. Td.ici M inneapoiie, Minn. 70. 'm i Council Fluffe, la (Hl.iKJ Omaha, Neb. liO.nu i Kaiifan City, Mo. Kj.Ch ; Si. JoHeph, Mo. bn.Oa j Leavenworth, Kan. i0 Oo , Atchison, Kan. liO.OO Tickets are pood for stopover east of ; Nevada on going trip wilii ten tlay. in w hich lo reai.li destination. Stopjvers j are allowed at all points on return trip ; provided passeimer reaches orininatinir point within ninety days from dale I ticket is purchased. I For further information applv to A. H. llmiMi, j Actinv: I). F. & F. A., So. Fac. Co., I 2n-'W lU-no, New Notice of Appointmenmt of ! Administrator. i T' HliM IT MAY ( ni l l;N ;-Nn.; TI( T. is hereby iriven that , ! y an ( rder of t !,t- I ...unty (..urt .f Fate ('..untv, State of (ireiion, il'.iiv made aiid entered on the "nd day of ,- .t ii.bt-r. P.Hi.",, the tindersined n- duly apjH.int.-d Admin istrator of the IT. 'I F ( W1I FIAM l'.AMNKA, deceased. '1 person ),a i nj; rlairi.s ayainst said Fnate are hereby required to pres- nt the f-ame, with the proper vourherc, w ithin nix luontbs from th.- dale of this notice, to the under-un-d Ada.inistra tor, ai ihe First National I'.atik of Fake- view , in Fakeview, Lake County, State! of ( ireon Fated thin 7th day of September, l'.tl". FICK J. WILCOX, Administrator of the FSTA'i'F of UTI FIAM FAI1NKA, Ie.eased. ,-40 KLAMATH FALLS All kinds of Laundry work will be taken and finished in a first class manner. V. NEVE. PROPRIETOR Administrator's Notice Iu the matter of the Fetate of JOHN HOLLAND. Feeeatted. Notice in hereby given that the under j signed has filed in the County Court of Fake County, Oregon, the final account 1 of his adiniuiHtratiou of xaid estate, arid that Monday, the second day of October 1'.hjo, at the hour of 10 oelock A. M , at 1 the County Judge' office in Fakeview. ! Oregon, has been appointed by the j Court as the time and place for hearing objections to Faid report urid to the bet- tlement of hai.i estate thereon. ! F. M. CHI'.I'sMAN, Adminiftrator. I'Kted AuuM 17th, Ivi'j. A thunie for f peculatort. ; M'li(.iOl.LA.Mi.-J wrr of level unimproved hru-ulluial land for tale cheap. Inscription: SVVJ4, SJi -l Nt.'Vand SWji of KE4, hwtiou 10. Tp., h H. U K. W. M. Thii U defirabl iec of land, locate'! in (joom Lak valley and will make aouie niao a food ranch. Business Mens Excursion to Tonopah. fecial low round trip rate ia the .southern Facitic less than one way rate. M-tCIAL THAI .V. Fbe Southern Facific ('., announce that they will run a Ii'iineB Mens Fx cursion from Ileno to Tonopah on Sept emlier 14th at a round trip rate of f 10. Ifi. ri'IMCKAKY. Sepical train, includinj! comwitite car, and fully equipped diriner, ill leave Ileno at 4:00 a. m., Thurniay, Seplem-U-r 14th, reach inji; Tonopah same even inK. Ileturning, train will leave Tono pah Saturday evening, reaching Ileno Sunday morning. Tnebueinehg men of Ileno and ad- Ijacent towns (should not fail to embrace this opportunity to visit th realest mining district in tiie world, lor fulher information .jly to. A. IF llisiiig, Acting District PasM-Lecr Agent, Ileno, Nev. 1 INIU I! I.IMI OtU l'n:l-d uit- .and Ofh.e, I.hUt. I'regon, August Mb, V." Notice v hereby guen that in compliant t he prowsior.s of t he Act of June", i'-' ei, title.) '-An act for the alt- of tin!' lands in I he M ates of Caiif-rMU. On-ft Nevada an. 1 Washington Territnry, e extended loall tl e Fiihiic Uid S'B'.f bv Kct .1 August 4. ls'C. il.e fulli peroi, have lb s dy Ined in tlio-.' their sworn atnternentM to wit. Kale I'.arrv. of J.akevieW, O'tltitv Ffke, state' of Oregon. orn tttr merit No .'Jisil f,,r Ibe nurdiase 01 n' NF'4 .vF.i4' SK), NX1, and I Ml 1 "o; 1 p 4i j; 1. vt ,i. Nellie liarrv. of Ijikeview, (oUi.l.' ' Fake. Hate cf tiregoii. -woru e'."!r iner t No. liiHl:', for the purcha ul Nw"4' ,VF!4' S's SF and l Sec. Ii. l'p 40 Si., 11 F W M. That thev willofier pn-f to fhow the land nought is more valuable lit timber or Hone than for agncnHB purposes ami to eisiablnh their clum 1 1 . . 1 t t, : . . ( 1'u.firrf SttlU 1 Fakev of IctoU r 1900. They name as w itnesses : . ThomMs Lynch, lienjamm Wl HermiH Sullivan of Ijikeview, W and Joiin Barry of Adel. iregc.o. Any and all er"oii claimi"K . Iv the alHjve-denrrilje.1 iHiidsareWlo"' el to tile their claims in tins ' or before ai 'I'M dav of Octolief Jj .Tt-ri: J.N. watson, l'.nf'W- "ses aim 10 eiiaoiuii iri' -r land before llegisltr & Hw."' sview, Or., on Monday the -J 5000 1 i.k Annually, to fill the new jMrsitiw ed by Kailroad andTelegri li VAt?. we want YOUNd MF.N and LAUIW ' good habits, to learn Telegraphy And R. R. Acoiuntinif H'i- lurnltij 7'. per cent . of H ".,K'ric : UrKek cxcluiv 'j i UKrm l. .rid 1 .tulilhcl irnyeHr. SiMliuu Ayi'lita Iu the Murld all li-artlng Kailwuy iinn-ii. We exocuiv a Cvd I" " r' llM a CASTOR I A lor laUuxi itui Cisildjea. The Ihi Ycu Hava Always Bcught Sear tit Bltf&atar of fnritUh liim nr Ii . r a l.fcili' I1 )'f I ..,!,. KlX' t too a ii... 11 1I1 111 tui. itwo - tin h U'l. tit i n ti tu I or ,,r fr..m fT'j tnfl.n ' ! ot the K01 He, IniMu.lit. ly "1"" 8'( . . ...,.ull"" our K'ikfo.s, wrin. Unei 1 lot'"' . at C'liiclniiatl, Olilu. 'oUi"" f I. Thr? Hr.rsR Schosl cf Whi .... ....... Ciaclaaatl, kit. vLaKb AII..UJ. a.. UtZl.l Ta4vfcaM, Tm. S I ! 5