Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 07, 1905, Image 2

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    cttivn of
Author of "The Adentum of Shertock Motn."
"The Hound of fh Rvkrr- ilirv" "Th
of th Four," "A mdr 1 Scmrtct." ttc
The Adventure of
(he Dancing Men
No. 3 of the Series
les. r
Itti, MCai. lil.'i C-
!T.rF.S ha J liecu seated
I for some hours in s.lei
I trtUi his lone. thin i
curveu oci a
res.n! in wlr-'h v :
brewing a pra.-ti--
malodorous pro "u '. II.-
head was sunk Upon Lis ! -eat. an '.:
looked from my point of v-.-w ii'..- .
strange, lai.k bird dull '
rge and a black to: -knot.
'"So. Watsnr.." said bp sudd- " "
Co not propose to invest in Sir. -h . :
rieau securities?"
I pave a start or as:.n, V..' A
cnwomed as I to Ho'.: ".' '"'
faculties, this sudden iutrus. :: . ' '
most intimate tlid'.'.ghts v :.:! ;.
How ou earth do yau kn 'v- . ': ' i
lie wheeled round upon l-i v' '" tl
a steaming tet tu!e in bis band r.v i
glpani of amusement in b.s Jir.i .-(
"Now. Watson,
terly taken ubuek,
"I am."
"I ought to make you n p:
tbat effect."
'WbyV iu C'e mi:iv:'s y
say tbat :t is all so absurdly si in;
"I am sure that I shall say ;
Of the kind"
Tou see. my
ped Iks n-st ft:
to lecture v ;'!:
addreo::.- -.s
Ct-.-e-.. ;,,;;. .
c-s c ! i
aft-r '. s-.
El! the
Ctl's ;
li h-.::r.Vg i
confess vii1
." Raid be.
irseif ut
w 1
dear Y:
e ni t!"
ts on
i i
in" g
your i-return'
1 -
d f:v
i. jr .
' . f .I!S 1
r hi ;in
Li fill
CkvTnci't by Coliicr Unkljr.
"Well, 31 r. Uoltac. what do you. mal.t
i) tiiet t "
faj billiards to steady tbe cue, ttilr.
Hu uever play billiards excejit witb
Taunt ton; fourth, yon told uie four
w-ks ago tbat Tburxton bud an op
tion on ho'tie South African jirojer'y
wbi'-b would expire iu a montii and
wbirb be desired you to ulire with
t-iiu; fifth, your cbex'k lojk in iix-kt.-d in
iy drawer, and you have uot uskel
for tbe key; sixth, you do not projom?
to inveat your money In this maD-oer-
How bUcrdly simple:' I cried.
ulte so." aid he, a little nettled.
"Erery problem becomes very ebildiah
rben once it i explained to you. Here
is a uiixplfc:ned oue. Bie what you
csn make r? ?'ud Watson " He
tommtA a sbet uz psper upon uie tabic
and tun! '.
I Wo Led V
turd hjer v
-WTy. I. ...
tllS" 1 ' " '
Ob. tb:!t -
e more to bis chemical
kcuaxemeut at tbe ab-
u'.Ai the pajer.
. it
U a cbilJ'i diuw-
"Tliat is what Mr. Elton CuWtt of
Hiding Thorpe Mai, Hsrtolk. is Tery
anxious to kno. TMi Bttle conun
drum came by tli rs smst. and he
was to follow bf IW next train.
There's a ring at tW taatlw Watson. I
idiould uot te very bcsi surprised If .
this were fie."
A heavy stej wm baarxl uiou tbe
stairs, and an instant later there eu
tereil a tall, ruddy, ct shaven pen
llen.un wtiwf clear 7 and florid
..-h-ks t.ld "f n I f pud far from the
foJTs of linker strt. He seeiwd to
brmc a wliiff of hi strocc fresh, brac
i;.s eits: coast i:r with hint as he en
teral. Iliiv nc slu.kan bands with each
of us. be was uNnit to sit down wheu
bis -ve r-stel upon the paper with the
iirious niarkines which I bail Just ex
.tll:'lied and left UJ-oO UM table.
Well. Mr. Holmes, what do you
nuke of t!i-e?" he cried. "They told
me that you were fond of queer niys-teri-s.
and I don't think you can find
a iiui'cnT one than that. I sent the
paper on ahead, so that you might have
time to study it t fors I came."
"It is certainly rather a curious pro
duction." said "At Crst sicut
it would appear to be some childish
prtuik. It consists of a amtntM-r of ab
surd little tijrures dancing across the
pajier upon which they are drawn. Why
should you attribute any Importance to
so protesque nu object?"
"I uever should. Mr. Holmes, but my
wife does. It is frtirhteuini; ber to
death. She says nothing, but I can set
terror in her eyes. That's why I wunt
to sift the matter to the bottom."
Holmes held up tbe paper so tbat the
s'.mlipbt shone full upon It. It was a
pace torn from a notebook. Tbe mark
Ciigs were done In pencil and ran In
this way:
is a pninniw, iu wer mown
an easy hour from tr moment There
is always a look of for upon Imt face
a l.Kk as if she were waiting and ex
IMftine. She would do Ix-tter to trust
me. She would find that I was her best
friend. Kul tint I she speaks 1 can sny
nvhiuc Mind you. she Is a truthful
woman. Mr. lioluies. aud whatever
trouble there may have been In ber
past life It has !een no fault of her.
1 am only a simple Norfolk squire, but
there is uot a man In England who
tanks Ma family honor more highly
than I do. PTte knows it welL and she
knew It well Ixfore she married me.
She would never brtng any stain opart
tt; of that I am sure.
"Weil, now I com to the queer part
of my atory. Alwwt a week ago It
was the Tuesday of hurt week 1 found
on one of the window sails a number of
absurd little dancln figure like these
upon tbe paper. They were scrawled
with chalk. I thought that It was the
stable boy who had drawn them, bat
the lad swore he knew nothing about
t. Anyhow, tboy bad come there dor-
s e the night. I bad them washed out,
mil I only mentioned the mutter to my
. , fe afterwiird. To my surprise she
.. i. it very seriously and Sx ps.-d me if
ui nion- came to let ber see them.
Nunc did come for a i"ck. aini then
yesterday morning 1 found this paper i
lying I'll the sillliilil! Ill the g.irdelt. I
showiil It to liisie. and down if droj.-
ped iu a deii'; S.uce then she h4 i
looked a w .' iu a dream, ha.f j
daztsl and with ti'rrnr always lurking '.
In her cm s. It was then tiiat I wrote i
Interest Gold Bond
of New
The Mutual Life
ance company
York . . .
RICHARD A. M.Cl'KDY, PreslJcnt
L. HATHAWAY, Ore. Manager.
lor any particular age or amount tnty
be obtainedby applying to the Comp.
ny's neari'St agent,
J. Q. mint
I'liiied Slates Ind Office Ijkkevirw
Oregon. J nl v 3d. !HVT. Notice is hemlJ
j niven that in compliance wiih the pro.
jviMionsof the Acl ol Jnne 3, 7STS n.
title! "An act lor the sale ol timber
lands in the States of California, Oregon
Nevada and Washington Territory." at
extended to all the Public Land State
by ait of Angn" J2, the lollowint
persons have this day filed in this office
their sworn sla'etnenU, to-wit:
Irs. I.ixxie Mayer, of Portland, un.
i ty ol state ol Oreenn
Sworn Statement No. 2nftl. for tbe Kai
JS. S..2T. and i, S l SK'. ' S
5d. It guarantees annuallv, lor a . Sec. ,W, l p. A r., K. It r..
sptH ifieil term ol rears. 3 per "cent in 1 vMl"rBrrt "f.!7BVU
' . , ., i Micbiaan. Saorn statement No. 25f7
;:l.l on a! premiums previously paid I for the purchase r.f the N)i Sec. 2
These cred its mav be draan at the Tp. XV S., K 17 K. "
I l
lime iney are maoe or at any oiner lime,
but as long as they are allowed to remain I
This gold liond differs from any policy
a ritten by this or any other life insor
ance company in tbe lollom ing essential
particulars :
1st The policy is by its terms, pay
able in Gold Coin. This refers lo ImiiIi
the principal sum and the interest :
Mm tin Kran, ol Marqnet, state of
Mich. Sworn rtatement No. ai.vt, ()r
il.u iin.iliiHi. (tl thi F t. XVI ' W.I
with tbeCompany, they will lie increas- j - j.; - w SK. Sec. 17. Tp . IL'i's' R
(Hi tiv percent interest, rompinwlel - , K.
y, until tlieemt ol the saei term.
and, in tbeeveiitof the deaih o( the in
"iircl, any such arrtimnlatated credits
ill be paid with the sum insured
IM. At the end of tbe period during
which premium payments are required
( 10, 15 or lit! years, as the case may be),
the t 'oilman v, if required, will excbsiille
That tbev will c.fler proof to lo
that tbe bind soiiubt is more valuably
foi its lin.lier or stone than lor attricul.
tnnil purposes and to establish llieir
cUiiii to snid land before tieo. 1'. lUld-
( ii. .iinigr. at his office at Klanntb
aud sent the pai er t you. Mr. Holmes. I "'is l'i'd lor a i c
It was not a that I could take to amount, payable at I tie death of the
the police, for they would have laughed surest and, in the meantime, drawing
per cent simple interest annually
par va'ue, ritist ipu. ami
at me. but you u iii tell me what to do.
1 am nut a rich man. but if then is unj
ilauger threateiiii.g my little woman I
w nun: speu.l 1:1 litt cupper to shield
lie was a tine creature, this man of
the old Kughsli so.l simple, straight
and gentle, with his great, earnest blue
eyes aud broad, comely face. HU love
for his wife and b.s trust iu ber shone
in his features. Holmes bad listened
to bis story with the utmost attention,
and now be sat for some time iu silent
"Iout you think, Mr. Cubitt." suid !
he lit last, "that your ln-st plan would
be to make a d:rcet npieul to your
wife and to nk her to share ber secret
with you?" I
Hilton Cuhitt shook his massive head.
"A promise is a promise. Mr. HoimeS. I
If Elsie wished t i tell me she would. ;
If Imt. it is imt f ir me to force her eou- ';
lidence. Kut I aiii jusiiiieil iu taking
n y own line and I will."
"Then 1 wi'.l help you with nil m ;
AIU.K IN l.ol.D (HIV
xnrplus or dividend w ill at tbe same tin.e
tn- paid in cash, or it may be applied to
increase tbe amount of the new .1 per
ceat i'liind. which w ill also thereafle
participate annuallv in the dividends of
tbe Company.
In addition to tliese teatures which
are peculiar to tbe Hold liond, it also
combines all the ad of the Ihs
'ributiuli Policies ol Toe V"tual Life
Insurance Company ol New York, such
as full participation in i lie surplus earn
mgsoftbe Company, Cash .surrender
and Loan Value-, g-ace in payment of
premiums. Automatic Paid up Insur
ance, etc.
pull itiifi'i mation it-gar' lu g this ex
ceedingly popular and attractive C"in
hiiiatioii of I ii ve-t meiit ami Protection
-'all, on Tue-ilaT tbe 72th d v of Serit
l'.HI'i. They name as witnesses; Mar
garet Pysn.of Marqnet, Mich., Oliver
Sufer, of Woodland, Wash., Martin
stipuiatnl t Kyan, o Marqiel, Mich , C. II'. Em-
jn. 1 ImhIv, ol Portland, tregon, I . K. Pettr-
j son. oi tevensor, uasn. nnn Altrt
I Peterson, of Stevenson, M ash.
on its Anv and all iiersons claiming advetne-
ivTrKKT rw-Mv ihe sUive-d-s rilel lands are request-
The accumulated eil to file their claims in this office on
r Iwl.'ie haul I.' (lay ol ."sept.. '.Ki.i.
'S " J. N. Watson, Kegister.
mal rrM.
Ijnd Office at Lakeview. Oregon, An?.
7th, PHt.'i. Notice is hereby given that
the following-named settler has filed
nonce of his intention to make tiiial
pi oof ia supHrt of bis rlnim, and that
said proof will lie made liefore Kegister
and Receiver s Ijkeview, Oregon, on
the 1 1th day of Sept. lmC, vii : leorite
Hank ins one of tbe heirs of Hulilah
lUeed lid. rl.M lor the N'v N SWj,
N hit. and Si N ll' Sec. 31. Tp 40 S.,
I: 2"J E W M. He names tbe following,
witnesses to prove bis continuous resi
dence iiMin and cultivation of said land,
L. A. M.tss. J. S. Fields. F. M.
Miller and Chas Loveless, all it lake
view , ( Iregoii.
l J. N. Watson, Kegister.
heart. Iu the l:rst pla
Holmes exmiiiiii'd It for some time, heart I of i:y strungera being v
snd tli ii. folding it earef'jily up. he our no g!i:. orim id ':"
place-1 it in bis pocket book. "N..."
"TLis pro::,i-- to lie a Dost il-l'Te-t - pre-f.ii e '.... : j. a vi i
i:.g and ui.r.-i:-.l cae," SSid h". piio-e ' ' -' :'.;.. j
. i- i.,e a f.-'.v ::: ; ,c:r 1-c- -,...'..:.:"."
.-. M-. IIi'o:i '-bitu h-.t 1 -ii :: 1 ':.;.- i.. . !
..- v,"-y !:."'-ii '..: sed If y-.-i w ::'. 1 ' ' I I
U.iido go . :t n.i agttia i f t:e I'U- i . u
-tit of ::.v friei: ;. It. Wat- n. :
' s s r s s s s r j s r s f ' s s r s r s s 'f r r' r r r Ff
The Return of
. . t.-
'I'm I,: i..ii -ii of a story telier." aid
our vis-t-i', niTvi.'.i'y dasp.tig said uti
claspirig bis great, strji bands. "You
will just ask Lie HLy thing that I don't
make clear. I'll Ifgln at tbe time of
my marriage last year, bin I want to
say lirst of all that, tboupb I'm not a
rich man. my jienple have U-en it t Kill
ing Thorpe- for a matter of five centu
ries, and there is no better known funi
;iy in the county of Norfolk. Last year
I came ii;. to bond ia for the jubilee,
i-ii'l I sto;ipel at a hoarding boi:-e iu
KitsM'll s juafe. I a use Parker, tbe
icar of our par:-b. v.'us staying iu it.
"There was ; n American young lady
there Patrick was th mime Elsie
Patrick. In some way we U-came
fri-ndh. until lief ire my mouth was up
I was as much in love as man could
be. We were i;ioetiy married at a reg
istry e!li'-e. an I we returned to Nor
folk a wedded couple. You'll think It
very mad. Mr. Holmes, that a man of
a p iod old family should marry a wife
ia this fi'siiion. Uiiowa.g n ithing of her ;
t.ast or of her .eople. but if you saw j
her an 1 knew her it would help you to ;
HU 'erstfli I.
Tioe b;..r.
a meaning '
mo- it may I"'
solve it. If. o:i
systematic. I lane no doubt
shall get to tbe bottom of it.
!.if a
1 i It rg "
yphics hiive evid-ntly
: is a purely nrMirary
itldio-wiliie for us to
tie- o'Jjer hand, it is
Unit we j
Hut this
particular sample is so short that I
can do nothing, and tbe facts which
you have brought me are so indefinite
that we have no basis for an investi
gation. I uouid suggest that you re
tursi to Norfolk, tlmt you keep a keen
lookout and tl:::t you tnke an exact
copy of any ftv-sb dancing men which
may appear. It i- a thousand pities
that we have not a reproduction of
those which were done in chalk upon
the window sili. Make a discreet In
quiry also as to uuy strangers Iu the
ne.ghlsirbood. When you have collect
ed some fresh evidence come to me
again. That is the best advice which I
c:iu pive you. Mr. Hilton Cubitt. If
tb'-re are any pressing fresh develop
ments I shall In always reHdy to run
down and see you In your Norfolk
The interview left Sherlock Holmes
very thoughtful, aud several times in
";::.e wi-s very straight about it. was j tbe next few daya I saw him take his
Elsie. I can't say that she did not give j slip of paper from his notebook and
me every cham e of petting out of it if J look long and earnestly at the curious
wished to do s'j. I have bad some : figures inscribed upon it. He made no
very disagreeable associations in my i allusion to tbe affair, however, until
life." said she, I wish to forget all ! one afternoon a fortnight or so later,
about the::i. I would rather never ul- j I was going out when he called me
lude to the past, for it is very painful ' buck.
This latest and best work of
Dr. Doyle is now running ser
ially in the Lake County Ex
aminer. vS v dt
The Most Progressive
and up-to-date Newspaper in
Eastern Oregon. itf dt
s V
tJ me. If you take me, Hilton, you will J
take a woman who baa nothing t'n.t j
sh" neisj 1. -rs inally ashamiil of. but j
you will have to I cjiileut with my ;
word f r it g:i 1 t J allow me to U- sileid
ub to all thet passed i!j to the time
when I Iw-cuii.e yours. If the:- mdi
ti ilia are toj bard, theu.p i back t Nor-
folk und leave me to the lonely l.fe in ,
which you foiinJ Uie.' It was only tin?
day before our wedding that she said j
those very word to iuv. I told her that j
I wan content to take ber on ber own
terms, aud I have been aa gjod as my
word. ! pre
'WelL we have liceu married now for ' fjii lie:
"You hud better Btay here, Watson. "
lieeause I bad a wire from Hilton
I'libltt thin morning. Y'ou remember
Hiltou f'ubitt of tbe dancing men? He
was to reach Liverpool stre-t at 1
He may be here ut uny moment. I
gather from bis wire tbat there buve
Iks-ii some U'.'W Incidents of impor
tance. '
We had imt long tj wait. fir our Nor
folk s'juire came fru gbt from t e a- i
tim in fst as a hansom e iuld bIng
hi:.:. He v ,n j,,.,;; t,s vu:t i a i.l tie-
i'!i 'I i'. n iinl a ! .:! !
. - wr
. :;a ii
a year, and very happy we have beeu.
Put about a mouth ago, ut the end of
June, I aaw for tbe finst time signs of
trouble. One day my Wife received a
letter frorti America. I haw the Amer
ieau stamp. She turned tleadly wli'te.
re:i! the let-r i nd threw it into tbe
fire. Kbe male ii allusion li it afie---wit!,
utii I made none, f jr a p- -!n
"It's p '
ue.v.;. Sir.
I.'l.e n vv e.
"It's let
surt-i":: '
! ) I:
', l.- t
hi. ' o
for L ewis & Clark Exposition
Above rate i for 10-day tickets, gocxl going
on Train No. fj from Keuo, connectimT at
kostville or Sat-rainentu with Special Kx
curhion Train leaving San Francisco every
Saturday. Return from Portland on any
regular train; or tickets may be exchanged
for return l-y fUanicr to San Francisco for
$2 extra.
21-Day and Special Tour Tickets
with Btop-ovtrf at ftiecial rate. Auk local
ag nt for rate from your town and full in
formation regarding tickets, trains and
Social Tour Ticket via Ogden.
A. H. RISINO, Acting D. F.
and P. A. Reno, Nevada-
if uutiuueu on next pup-l