E The Adventure of the Norwood Builder. I out liintMl. w nn I l ft t 1 know that ttiat ,.i. iiiln. Ilint 1 not tlx-r wlion I i-mlnw1 r0"" . .(roll niniul 111 til an n'f - M,,n,, - l...l Kf -ltl. . fPlUrillllK. iiniiiiiiuiru in m.i in walk w"1"' l,e Kri!eo. Holm took cm h face of tho Iioukc In ,,ni ami examine! It with jrtvitt Intor rft H' l,'' "'p W 8y IhhI.Io iiml trrot 1,'r ,,M' "'n"11 l"llHK from lament m nttlf. Mont of the ronnm tvrr unfiiriiiNlHil. lint tionr tlio )vhh Hnluiwt insMi-ttl tlioin nil minutely, nmllr on t'11' '"P corridor, which ran gtile tint1 unti-UHiitisl 1 nil rooms, he ipln ' wlxtil with it Rpastn of ruer- imcni. Tliere m" tvitlly Moint- vrry unliiii' fraiurc iiUmt tlilM ran Yntn'iti." hiiM y "I think It In time now tluit we ., ntir fricti'l ltni(h Into our confl- .Ifiu'c. II.' 1iii )l I'1" little mil at ,or mm-iii mid xtIiiim we limy do it mini) hy liim If m.v n-niliiift of thin mililem Tovt to Ik correct. Yen. yes. I think 1 how we nIiimiIiI aironi'h Tlie Sniiliiml Yard il'i relive was Btlll TitiiiR In tin1 parlor w lieu Holmes In irmiptcJ liim. i tinilrrstoixl tluit you wcrp writing i n-;irt nf this ruse." paid lie. S 1 llll." Ihiu'l think It miiy lx u little ;,n'::.aiurc: l cmii t loluliliig that roiir I'Viiliiice 1.4 not complete." l.t.iral' Knew my friei.J too well to di-pt j::ir J Ii iK wonU. He laid down his M-tj a ii J lnokiil furiously at him. "Whit ilo you menu, Mr. Holme?" -only tluit there Is nn Important wit- muiwlituu ahii have not Keen." Tail you priHluee him?" "I tliink I caii." "Tb'-ii do so." "I n ill tin my lKit. I low many con- 'ta ifr" liae you?" "Tlicre are three within call." "KS'vileiit!" km hi I Inline. "May I 4t if liny are nil l:iri;e, ublcliodled njiu with powerful voices?" I have lin iloulit they are, though I !iil to hi' what their Voice have to do itli it." "IVrljaps I can help you to nee that nil oue or two other lliliissi an well," iJ Holmes. "Klintly xuinuion your hipu, and I will try." lire luituiteH Inter three policemen luid ai.-uihicd In Uie hall. "In the outhoii' yuu will And a cou- 'iJ'Tuhle .iinuititv i mraw." khIu" lloiui'-s I will R vim tn currv in Iminlles .f it. 1 think It will be f '.iV Kreuie-'t ii4sistani-e in proiluciuK Jic niini.ss uh.iin 1 reiuire. Thank ."ii very lu (n-li. I lu-lieve you have !.( inati'lies iii your pocket, Watson. Mr. I.etrade. I will ask you all loafi-i.uijumv in,, tu the top lauding." A I have -ii bl, there wun a broad wrunr tliero. which run uutalde three 'tui'iy IhiIi-ooiiw. At one end of Uie 'wriilur ue were all inarKhuUnJ by 'Tluek lloliiiea. the -oiiKtableK grlli uiiij ami i..traile mariiiB ut my friend "itli Hiuaxi-iiieiit. cxpei-tation and derl 'iou iiiuin (.m-h other ncroNH his fea urcn. lioiiueM Htood In-fore uh with lio air of conjuror who in perfonn ' a ti ii u. "Wdai.i WSUl... ''"I the Mu ou ,i 'U kindiy -. nil one of your tor two buckets of vvuler: the lln. ii" here, tree MUI', ...V." in ,ov I U-l, May y ou uie play .'ii. MiCi IM u in kuiiM .;ny it without all 'w Hi- u.iil on fit her """k I" , .... u,j J(.u "h " '.. r .i . h...i i. "ii i ;....y. . "I ll'U I Uo.v whether u Kline uj iiul.i,i.,,- hA - iH, . ""'i' y hi ...i nii-:v H.. . . lUlllllJO.Cl V 1 U.v-Ulc ..... l hav "'rytlm,.. "')' l'lMll,.,iil,..M i;. . i l'" k 'ine lnn:i'.H ii -o when l lie aim 'laiii on y jur Hide of the hiik-'e. o unisi ,oi ruujfe me u little pomp lereinony lluw. Miht 1 ak you, '"uiuil, tu oueu tlinl uimliiw mill then I'Ut truHy 1 Unl Ml II ..'l wii or L'liiy Hujoke kwIi-IimI down the 'WTHler, while Uie dry Btraw crucklcd ""J UuuieJ. .Nuv we iiiiist uiu. ir uu..,.n tin, l tbi.4 """IS llll' . ,.ll I .. Ii. Ml.rlit 1 T wun Diunit anmseuieiu. n,u ,nlt wnn blfnkliiK In the brlttht llcht of the corridor and peering at ns and at the smoMorlnu lire. It was an ixim face-crafty, vicious, iiuilicniiiit, with Hhlfty. Ilifht Krny eyes mid white lashes. 'What's this, then?" r.i 1,1 l ostm.lont last. "What have yon been dolus all this time, co?" Oldncre Rnve nn uiiensy IuukIi, shrink ing back from the furious rod face of the nnery detective. "I have done no harm." i "No hnrm? Yon hnve done your best j to cet nn Innocent mnn hnii(;ed. If It I wasn't for this gentleman here I am 1 not sure that you would not hnve sue- i reded." , The wretched creature ln-gan to I whimper. j "I am sure, air. It was only my prac- tlcnl Joke." "Oh, a Joke, wns It? You won't find j the laiiKti on your side. 1 promise you. j Take him down and keep hi in In the ' IttlnK room until I come. Mr. Holmes," ! he continued when they had Roue, "I j could not speak before the constables. but I donl mind Raying In the presence of Ir. Wntson that this Is the brightest ' thing that you have done yet. though It I Is a mystery to me how you did It. Yon have Raved an innocent mini's life, audi jou have prevented a very grave scan-1 dal, which would have ruined my repu-! tatlnii lu the force." ! Holmes hiii I led and dapped I,cstrndc upon the shoulder. j "Instead of Is-ing ruined, my good Rir, you will find that your reputatlou has been enormously enhanced. Just make a few alterations in that report which you were writing and they will, understand how hard it Is to throw, dust In the ejes of Inspector I.estrade." ' 'And you don't want your name to; appear?" 1 Not at all. The work is its own re ward. I'erlinps I shall set ilie credit also at some distant day. when I per mit my zealous historian to lay out his f Hilscap oin morc-eh, Watson? Well, now, let us see where this rat has been lurking." A lath and plaster partition had been run across the passage sl feet from the end, with a tlonr cunningly conceal ei lu It. It was lit within by slits un der the eaves. A few articles ol' furni lure and a supply of -f 1 and water were within, together with a number of hooks and papers. "There's the advantage of being a builder," said 1 1, times as we came out. "He was able to tlx up his own little hiding place without any confederate, save, of course, that precious house kei'iier of his. w hom I should lose no time In adding to your bag, Iestrade." "I'll take your advice. I!ul how did you know of this place, Mr. Holmes?" "I made up my mini! that the fellow was in hiding in the house. When I p..i-cil one corridor and found it six feet shorter than the correspondins one below it was pretty clear when he w as. I th night he had not the nervt to lie quiet before an alarm of tire. Wi could, of course, have gone ill and tak en him, but it moused me to make him reveal himself. Itesiiles, I owed you u little mystification, I.estrade, for youi chaff in the morning." "Well, sir, you certainly got equal w Uh me on that. Hut how In the world did yon know that he was lu the hous at id!?" "The thumb mark. Intrude. You -a 1,1 it was Una I. and so it was In a wr i i. ereiit sense. I Knew il uao a 'i a v Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been. In uso for over 30 years, has borne tho sljjnatnre of -" n,,l l,as been made under his per-(jfLitJ&f-t-. fonal supervision since its Infancy. arvt 44tcA4K Allow no one to deceive you in this. AH Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic ubstance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fevcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. tmi iht.w atMHM, v aiinm strict, mw toss err. fp&iUMM&.) ishiiiwhii!iyjl,j; ' . - &?r,..w-- iwWyi- r THE MOST DELIGHTFUL WAY TO CROSS THE CONTINENT Thaough Salt Lake City, Olenwood Springs, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver. A Daylight Ride Through Nature's Art Gallery Passing Castle Gate. Canyon of The Orande, Tennessee Pass, Marshall Pass and the koyal Gorge 3 TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN OQDEN AND DENVER 3 r(l ll-HKVr l NKHVICK NKtOI) TO XOXK SEEK NO FURTHFR FOR BETTER C4NT BE FOUND For IX-taili;l Information Adilrees N. C. ricBRlDE, Oeneral Agent 124 Third Street PORTLAND, OREGON I I. il, i in- I i;. i N . n llicrc the day licforc. I ia.v ,o, I nf Mlti-iition to mutters of .1. a j 1:1 i:i i.v liavc o!i "-vc !. ::inl i , ;,ii: .ic i .In- a ; sun l!!.-- v . Ii ;i -i clear. 'I'll'1: cf.il e It I ivh .ul mi during the ni'ht." ;. i 1 1 i .v ':" Kiuiii.v. I en i:io;e p ie .ei- J,cstrade, e a u cxielli-iit i'cukuu for tliat I tlu. Vnu may iioshl- tliat y hi clialJtiJ uie u lualcU tu the cd)u of Uie J, Li-Mtrudu. h" J 'U all u, join iu tli; cry of 'l-'iicV ' uw. Ilieii on,-. Iwo tin '" 1.1. Look at the liei-criptiona of the land i linted with The Examiner thin week (or! ale, anil nelect your pieoe hefore it hag j iieen cold to Home one elne. tf ue, vo. three Ue all vi.li,.,l JuiiiiU iu,, I ...iii ,,.,,,.i,i ,.,,u once Willi." 'Tire; "Just '"(Ml.cr i'ir.-: once more, gentlomwi, uud ull 'J'ho fciliiiut- miiwl liiii-M riiu ir 7r .WWojl. 1 "ad Jiardly died awuy wbeu uu "uajsii,,. ti i. , ....... ...,.i , uuiijieueu. j uuui . u,y Kev ouen tint ,f u-loit- nniipured 14 W) toll, I ...-Il , .. ,.-. rldi "Oil Bt IUO CUD VI uio -v w ttud a little wlaened iiiau darted it like a rabbit out of iu bur- "...., " ', i w- ,ttW IIolu calmly, "utiioii, a biieket of water oyr Ue r". 'J'hat will dol Lentra'de. allow wL, you wiUj your prluclpal wituena, Mr. Jonaa Oldacre." detecUva stared at Wis ewcom- ,eie M-aled lip Joliai in.ui ii- a ,1 -o l lo lalic to s 'i ;ire one of the seals hy piittinK h' thumb upon the nort va. It would he done hi (iiieUly ami bo uaturally that I dare nay 'the younji man himself ban uo recollection of It. Very likely It Just no happened, uud tllilacre had himself no u nion of the is.. In, would nut it to. 1510 ) Km,' over the case lu that leu of his, it suddenly Kti-imk him what absolutely ilamnlu evidence be could make I'jjainst Mc- r.n-loiii. bv uslnz that thumb mark.! It wa the Kiinplest thin),' in the world for him to take a wax Impression from the seal, lu moisten It In us much blood uh be could get frm n l'iu prick .,.i .. ...n Hie mark uiKin the wall dur ing the iilKht either with hU own bund or wiUi that of bis housekeeper. If j von examine union;,' those dx umeutu, which be took wilh him Into his re-1 Heat I will lay you a mist that you lind the will wilh the thumb mark iiMitii it." Won lerlii;:" fa id I.c-tr.i '.e. "Won-; (ieiful! I fa nil us clear us ciysti I us you put II. Hut what N the "hject of ibis .' deception, Mr. llohnesV" ; Jt win amusing to me to see how the 1 dctocihc'H ovciliearii) mairtier bad ,h ii.U'-J hiid.leldy tJ that of U child j ... - !.!., ..u..slio::U tf Us teai'her. i ' "Well I don't think that Is very lifii'd to explain. A very deep, malicious, vindictive persou U the geutleiuau who U now wuitlorf u downstair. You know tbut be waa once re.'used by Mc Furlune'a moUier? Vou dou't! I told you but you idiould go U IJlutkbeatli first and Norwood afterward.. Well, thin Injury, aa be would counlder It, but rankled io bU wicked, atbemlng (Continued ou luat iKe.J WIZSTERN STAGE LINE OHice at the Mercantile Company's Store LakevitfW, Oregon. Good 5tock - Easy Coaches I)ui'y from Lakeview to Illy, connect ing with Ihiily Hta(je to the railroad. Office at the lily Hotel, lily. Oregon. ' V-' '1 : Sll E. CASEBEER, - - Proprietor lily, Oregon. timill II ITItIV M.I.K. Notice is lieieby given, that on Satin-, lay, tlrw littli day of AugiiHt. l'.IU-i, at the hour of 1 ocluck p. in,, of uid day, 1 u ill n-ll at public HUi'tiuii, to the high est biil.er, for cush In hand, at my resi dence, in 1'IuhIi, Oreuon, the personal property lielonging to tho etdato of V, 1'. OVKK TON, Deceased; Kaid property being mine particularly described as follouH, to- it ; Eleven bead of i year-old horses, Two head of young, broke horseii, Oiio mowing machine, One grind-atone, One get lilackemith tooN, Four horse collars,- ' One house, f LULU M. OVKKTON, Administratrit cf the Estate ol W. P. Overton, Iecead. Ii A. :'. . . ;.i.y ClwrVilt . . .'t. "V'MXE COMPANY Ji.nAulL, lMIli, " . ; tn: iriAB to sell regard- .Iri; il t Xi Iiiiii " is mad .....I, wu. fa...Lj iWiSOUt. V" :vi-.V Siv'r.c i k'-.!iv" Io suit all conditionl .1 Cmt.ane. The "Jn ii i:nu" s-aniis attht .e?.i ol 1! Illli-c rMiJc la. mly sowing machine Hold by mil!liirlcl lenler only. rcii i.t bv The ,av ti nun Snwmg Machine Co, lakeview Cigar Factory . . A. STultKM.W, Prop. 1 Maker of 1 Havana and I Domestic Cigars ' t'OUNTHV OKI1K1I8 BOLICITKI) Give us a trial. Ktore in tho brick building next door to Poet k K inn sa loon, Lakeview, Oregon. lt lind Yoh Han Alwars BomJit Kn tJfrirv. how to obutin ptanU, tnui nuvaU, I cupyrltfitu, cUk, M ALL COUNTRIES. HHine9 dlrrrt M ax flirty ton tovt ttut I M S. . . 1 . . monry una ojien int patent Patent and Infringement Prictici Exclutlvely. Writ or com to ut at HI Illath gtrwt, mpp. FbIU4 lUWt TUi Mm,I WASHINGTON, O. C. Land Notice. JOHN MULLAN, Attorney and Counselor at Law. i3io Connettcut Avenue Washington, O. C. All peraon ivho have heretofore made FINAL PROOF In any kind of Land. Mineral or Tim ber Entries, which ha been accepted by the Register or Meeelver of any U. 5. Land Office, can have the Issuance of their I'. 8. Patent for said Lands promptly attended to by sending me their Duplicate Receist. or Certificates ol Entrv, and an agreement to pay me $10 when ever said Patents shall Issue. JOHN MULLAN, Oregon, California and Nevada State Agent frAM BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE 1 rOTl Trade Marks Dcsigns Copyrights && Anrone sendlna a sketch and description may qui, -Mr iiscertnln our opinliin free whether ail Invention prohbly patentable. Communlca. tlnnnKtrlcllycnntldentlal. Handbook on FateuU sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive ipteial notice, without cherse. In the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any scientific lournal. Terms. fJ a year: four months, 11. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.36tBroa,!w New York Branch Office. 625 Y BU, Washlnirtoii. D. C $1,250 Reward. The Harney County Live ritock Associa tion, nf which I am a member, pays $750 reward for evidence leading to the con viclion of parties stealing, stock be longing to :ts mem Ikts. In addition I nffir flOU reward. lors brand horse- Ktioe bar on either or both juws. Re corded in 8 counties Range, Harnev. Lain- an?! Crook Counties, llorm s vented when miM Hors. s sold to pasa tliroitRh thia nection will be reported iu llil paier. If not so ri'iorleil. plt-ase write or tele phone The Times Herald, Main Mi, Burns, Ore gon W W Bmown, Fife, Ore. ' . r i Kine Nlierp Kuii'-h in notion C ounty The Examiner has for sale one of th sheep ranches in Modoc county, w hich no.' trols the beat tange in California It consists of 560 acres all under feucn. It lies along Pitt river for 2 miles. Hi-aides other buildings there are two houses V4 miles apart. It is an ideal Bheep ranch. If taken quick it will be sold for ItiOOu. lit FT UH.4KIf. lortlDC RsrtU Brmls with Kwallnw Fork Id JflllltSd OflllJ rlghl ear for ewes; reverse for wethers. Some ewes bquare Crop and Bllt In right ear. Tar Brand 111. Range, Crane Lake. Postnftlne address, Lakeview, Oregon Zac Whitworth Brands with Crop off left ear. Half Undercrop off right for ewes; reverse lor wethers Tar Brand W. Range, fish Creek. Pnitofflpe address Lakeview, Oregon Northern Stage Line. LAKEVIEW PAISLEY. A. W. BRYAN, Proprietor. Leaves Lakeview at (5 a. in. every day but Sunday Returning, leaves Paisley at 6 :K0 a. ni every day hut Sunday. Passengers' are Ij. Round trip tt OFFICE- Reynolds Si W'UKtleld'a. I.skevlew ,iwWHia".llliiq ' M'SSff-'HS't ,i''tT'i' jt r YfsrVv rft, T-jrd..iJSi li 31 rt 1 wmf. t, . X - ..V-