1 mwmmmmmuuuk General Information 80.1E THINOS TO INTEREST ALL OIR ReADCRS R. M. I.. Mtrlacr J. W. Maxjtrll Secretary l.nkrvlew. Or. LAKE COUNTY B'SIMSS MENS' DEVEIOPMENT LEAGUE If you wish Information nhou Lake County, Oregon address ritli- plot ha leen discovered to an- We print township plats. (f Minntc the Citar of Uiisaht on S-p. "e Lnuicr prims ton ntdiit) tdats. Ztner 'attempt Is planned f.,r tlmv : n""""""'" into !, tor.l,r. tf i,,r of the n,M' K"'l""'-n. who will i. . . ... he ldease-l ti reidx- L.l ltlT. i KltllT llaVt' 111.' I unit rr-.l.. 1 - ' purim; PfcW. a.-enr.lli.tf to a parl'a-. ,i,l""rH "! ei-ars to lie f.xiri.l In i..-. in--, t'rvRon. nii'iii.'irv itui'i i i'ipi piii'iiiii ii u, iniii, ii irrsoiis were killed by accidents con-mi-ted will, running of train nml We have a lull not of Mysell-Pollins & Co's.. samples of Stock Cert Men ten ! ''"J'" CH1,11 month. n. E. CHURCH Dl ROC TORY. Plan of sei vices of Pastor of tin' M. K Church, I.akeview. 1st tuid 3rd Sun- m,.vc...ctiis oi ru. ..., ,cu.cies, or aim non.ls, with price list. If you Bethel at 11 a. m. and New Pine Vdcsstliun i the year liefore. "tBuiiWiiR a st,M k company Kvt Creek at 7 p. ,.. 2nd and -It h Sundavn .jaitis from train accident show ai " I-nces on stock cert Ideates, tf ((f ,.,.,, ,,. ,,-ry ...a rked decrease, j f, s;, , ,.,.,.,, mi)nt(vj Lakeview at 11 a. n... ...! 7 ,.. m. Tin- l".isiner t-tntioti on the mil- at this olliee, and yon will not hesi- 1ra-v,'r ,"',i'lf Thursday 7 i. tn. 5th way tli.it U U inn 1'Uilt up the .Iiiiik- ,a,' to pay ?J.r.U for a year's suh-' Sl""hiy I'mon School House at 11 a. ni. frail mountain In Switzerland ,v1,K'il',i"ll,,,'l'l"' Lxniiiimr and t hat j ''"keview at 7 p. m. You are cordially ... . valuable Muyuzine published in Tort-1 vitMl to H the cervices, oix'ic- on August 1: it Is .51. k meters : . . 1 "" c ' land. ,f j Saxfohd Sxvukh, lator. ahove the sea level. It is cxM-ctcd . i tli.it tiiesiiiiimitMalioii (Phi" meters i We are now pre.ared to Ml eeveral 5 LAKEVIEW t SADDLERY ? S. F. AHLSTROM. Proprietor. Our Offer. ,;, 1-c reached in l!lu. I ron, the '""t- oi land I t price, that ill startle wm, ..,,. I11mh(T .,,.,,, ri.iii.r the ascent on foot n-oiiircs v""' ""I"' llll!v " '"" ari' -'ininted ' ith .hel.K-ation. We have land all the j I acilic Monthly s series of Hpec- way fr.nn fl ,V) p r acre up to $1; . i 'al editions for the year 1!K).". They V.NI T.l I'.Y (II l('.t; ) MAM'- ,r"l'roV,'l or improved, to suit the i will coiniiris.'a numlicr for I'ortland, FA'M IMV'i ll.iise. t.ert..n of trust- puri l.aM-r. lake .i:nt Kxaminer.t for Seattle, for Southern California, -.rt u.e aiMl soiiif liHt laiiiiiinr n it li la !i r-i:..ivas a-sis'ant 1. rnch i.i! iv Peculiar Disappearance. r i 1 kill Aw mm 1 it-";, k - fi m The bc'st Vatjucrosad J llc on the market. & Also a coniplclelitH' of wagon f . and luifiiry harncHH, whips, 4 rolies riatas. liits, spurs, quirts, rosettOH, In fact every" thing tn the line of eurriae and horse furnishiugH. lie pairing by competent men. II AKETIEW , , f S2Ll ' '.! v So laid weekly. Permanent' .1. I. ll'invan. of Hiitterviile. (), l.iid p.-;; N investment telired. '' J" cn'iar .!: it p. ar.m.c ,.f hi- p.un- I'. 'a' !i-hed. Previous txpir- f ;! - wi.p!. .uis, ,.t iiidi-e-tiili and l.ili- i- ( i. -M-nti.l to nik's..it.k. Ad- --n. ss. f Jt. Kill's Ni-.v l.if- l'i:!-. Jo ... - .f-r r.r.n.i in--, '.'''J " l.-atl"irn !! s.ivs : ' 1 j.ev ate i perf-.-t teii.edv, ' - ' f e-s, - .r t-1 . . i i . u , I ; . hea.iarl.e, At . : ot:ici:.l l.r.'ik- t-st in -",,,ri,, etc." Iir..i,:,r.1 t lae T. -i i r :... tic n-nit showed ' " ' ' L tlii! ..' 11 nides an hour a horse W A X l"K I ': Women to represent r--j . . ' i :;,!ir.N lo come to a full u in t lieir home ami adj-dnim.' i-oiiii- ... , , ,. t a s ' o , I-: rili'lte s.U;.!lli'S atld ad Vef- ti-eolll ; 1-. Salarv S.'l pel" WceK lit I !, ' Ill'- r.i te if -l"ed ca me to a .... . . ." i r- 1 and expenses, yualu! 1. i.xpenses fi.tn ! in 1 wo an 1 thr.-e iiart.-r ,hai,ce.l. i:xp.-rietic- mini -c s-.iry. yr !-. Tests at othir di-tances Addn---. with stump, statinu: age, s!i' ! -i iuil.tr res ul t s. Uecve ( o.. -1 1 1 -cur horn St.. Chicago, ERECTED IN 1900 MODERN THROUGHOUT i for San Francisco and the souvenir J lium'iier of the Lewis and ( lark ICx- position, also a sjieclul atitomolitle niimlii-r. The articles of Mr. Wolf i von Schierliraml. six in numlier on , , . ; "The Coming Supremacy of the Pa-j ACCOHriODATIONS ' cilic" are also promised, and the! pla n-con temp la ted I y t he publishers ; will, wiihout iju-stioti, jdaee The j SAHPLO ROOfl TRAVELERS Tor CO.nHERCIAL only of present competitors, hut also I c,QijfT,EOUS into the unreachable class of period-j TREAT MENT leal literature on the Pacilic Coast, F P LUiHT GEO HAkkOW LIGHT & HARROW, Proprietors Id. M. I'l l i a i tlir.'.- 1-r. vv a' t'a. br--tilers Were wel.'e-l to :-t-r. and a sister of the -to a brotln-r of tin- three ;t 1 ';; rr-n. Kimlau-1, ncently. . 1 I ri-l-'i: mom in ea-"li ea-e 1 1 s i in.- ji vorviii'' froi.i c t-e all. I le-t. to .'s. 'I'!:ev s'.o.-l in a row a-n't I' -. i. I ail.- in s'amt la r .subscribers tit the extremely low price of SI a year. We have made an arrangement with the publishers bv which we are able to offer it in A Guaranteed Cure for Piles. ltd. ii i;. Mind. b.ci'iii'H or I'rotrud- I connection uith The Lake County Piles. Iimi-:-;s refund ii'oi'cv it : Kxatniner. (both Publications), to l ibels, jnid old ones who d tiie i-ie A' i I N 1 .' 1 1 . I lai - to cure ai.v . . ... i . .. ' ; Hew S It I ISC (I'.--'. I Im,1 .! .'j. :-. i.-.iii fc. i . o to It d iy. I n-t ai'l'ii. ati-m y:ve,pj.V ll any back Mibscrlit ion they d 'i'i "w'lVl ' i;,y ow'' ""'I ''l year in advance, for be f..riii.V I po-t t.aid l.v Paris Med ! t he very low price of 2.."D ii year, tf a ;l.e i St la T-j I t. i !c of Pai.-Icy unJ 5umnier Uike. I v ;.. ... t y br-.: :. v . u ;. i l l-lll- " . 1 f..r v, !, -.: i-. y. A I ouchiiVw Story. .M I. . I. ; t. f r, . I: . I I ph.. ( l'i. . v I i kins ?c Pindurt. ' .i - lo--d c j 11 f.f Hi- s. '.'! w I -h to it! vi- iii ie- t i t ' ' a ' w.- v ; I...! be .'! . !, -re orders f. i- :, u,bi r t !. . . ail.! :i!-, i to i tie 1-u t !y i.otii'y "'' tis t . r-.-ly lo--'i!. ' !.n t il.-l.iy. 1 1 . v l- l '. s 'i I n i: ; . 1. I . ' !' Popular and Picturesque. 'i'l.e oi.lv ti.il!-.' I a C" s l ry to make tile I )- i. v.-r aral Pa. I ;r:.nde lie mo-t ..p .i'..r. : ir I a- i v-r (,..-. !.... n tin in --! t.i, a-aut ai.d t:,..-' pi,-.nr..-(ju.' -.av t . cis t!. continent, iias coine 1. 1 . Ids i- tie (-a'.'i-lili.ent of '.!.. I.; I: fie- t m; : :. r s. rvic-. 1-, .-. -ti.-n w !. !.- . -II. A X. M -! , ,. I'm I" ,( .- ' - per i- i.'.w t-.ii (r-i'ii I '.a 'i. '.!-! to I'enver, l-.iv-i- - l1. ti!;::id at S..'i p. m., at living at S i!l Lake at S -mi a. to, the scond ! i - r i ii.ir. .-,iii. -a.t lad. eat .''...".'1 p. ft F.E.HARRIS. E. N. JAQU1SH HARRIS & JAQUISH LAKEVIEW FURNiTURE CO, Full and complete stock of Everything in the line of FURNITURE - JUST OPCM'.n. (iOOMfl AR RIVIXO ALL Till- 1 l.nt:. Snider "isi din. V:er St. LA K i V I li V , 0 R 11 G ON... As frrC CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK AND CiET Ol'R Pi'!CE5 J tt i a J i t tt U k' . i 1 1 k - yi.. I , Ul . i ,1 . ri i ir:' at I 'ei.ver 4 p. 1, I ( li- a t. t... (' S2,(K0 Rewiird. n u -o -i I tl. .'. o-.l ( . r. . ,( 1 1 - A -..t ' 1 ' so.. I c ,ti- i la-i . ! .ii.v 1 - t- .'... y - 1 ;.!..!.- or u , v '' ioiiaii.kr to any lo- u, U-t i.t. ,j 1..V o: ; .; 1 I e 1 .. t.t i . e ft J -ra in- day. Tl-.is (-cl-edule ftives paf- ! J r' ' i seii-"'is seven l.ouis stop-over in Salt I i, An I Jit M 's Oj itlioii of the- Poyal ; l.ake, all', rdim an ..pp.u lunity to visit J; 1 ! a- M . ,r 11 1 on Catiiial a- Weil m it day 1 ;-!.r ni- tdroi.h I ;.C i.!:!le!e.-l reetjery i n t l,e o .1 id . K" -"nr t--. 1 v '. .0 in Ui-rar and for il- . 0 - '' '" '" '".,,. - ' ' " 1.,, ,1.,.., fnin- thu scenery ;- r ,..,..-tioi.": i . .... . ,, .1 I . ! , ! ! ( ;or;o.. I- . .,! t . IT. 11' i I'd r 1 la I,V. .1 Uii I ! : tr-oii : : 1.1 1 .- ,.. '1 la - v o : old.C - i .e t rain a,'i-lli,ll- to the M-liVer ,V K10 ( i I iill'le, S .!..vilc' il to I tl' ' . 'Ilia. Line of the ' ; W,.i:.l. et-.l A-.-. l,t. ,i e to V,'. ('. M d'.'ide, (i.-i-Li sir, el. Polli-tlet. YEE YOUNG RESTAURANT 1 North of Brewery flain St. S Cake, Pie and Bread a way on hand, 5 & Board by the Day or week Meals at all hours. 5 4 I- ... 1 it. !' , t il !- ', .. - a lil ' I: you ll'li'r '-' Poll;.,:. : t ' 1 1 i I am li:. t VA N"l ll .'.ai.. M!; Xi' V.'ti'-iLN in i i- i o i t. i ' '. '.a' ii - 1 -' 'i" tiav. I.i just --!., it pie-ei.tb.' ;.i.-l a-1 v-l i-i . g the trV.! ! tVh-.ie-ai.t and Jiao. M.-.alt- ht- ..,'i,i. i-' ' !"' l'-!i'"l . ialilifa-Oil' j , i ! -ai e. r- t ! .1 1 v if i ' i pi r day il li ai-l, ex,, n- s advan c d. l;L fuo.i- l-e-l t ! - t ui -. i '' - i.v ; to i I u ; I. , ,e. - e. -i ill.-,' -I. . . 1 1 lo 'J, P.. . s .. , U.....f 1- ft. Chicil.-o, i. I First-class Restaurant Open nil Ni-ht. i , - r.v, hi in.'.y vvvcf .o-'i0t-(-i40vCiSSfrc yt Cd-v-i ---4-.vcr.o.J.0J?v-- 9 ijnr-p, MUTION. PORK, SAUSAOH, r. c, I AIAVAVS ON MAM) AT Tt'.H !:: W.-t lo r3 i th M. ii.il.- ; cla-ao. of all A C'tiaoci? l-.i- y.n-tct'l.'itvu-s. M 1 1( a d. . ': i '. ::' i"'o - of h-M-l ui i,i.,aov, il i.'ji H ait liii'l land f-l' Misi-i m li ;ii- c. a i a II li.elf I'la .' L- ui-vi.!--. M' ,' alal Hil" VO oi .ale I SU'.,', S'J oil 1 " . iii,, I X V. r ot I', . i. mi lit, To.. ..'I S.. P. I'' P.- u . rd. '1 id-1 i' il I ' " ' ' ' ,i,'..,ia, piece ' i land, I, i-a'cil ill ioi'-e i l ill'.-- l ( 1-l'ilS'o ' val!,.y , Mid UK, lot SOIlie 111. HI U j i, i.i d X v M' ai , j,,.,d rand' t points to ti e far ; . , . ..Lakeview Meat Market.. .JiiHX WI'.XDKLL, Pn.piieloi I LLY'fi nrFM Rl.M i'n. i 1oturcuCoiUii)0..elay This f?-med"l a ' olfic. P,oM' 'i'-'' '!.. s .J.-iiii-g Tak LAXATI VK IHtO.MO (Jl'l-MNK 'suroto Cive t-tiLtaction. .nation a. lo the lowest rate. I'cstjTal.lel, All drui-t, re.und ii,e C.ta Tr nMCr. s ius U, .one- l H t,y ilithiU to cure. K.U.t.rove. ii - . iUltf.ti,..u ... ,1 rot.-iji the . II. II. Trumbull, Commercial Agent, 142 Third St., I'ortlan.i, Ore. J. C. Liodney, Trav I'asaenger Agent, 142 Third Hi.. Portland, Ore. Paul U. Thompeon Pasnenger AkuI Coluitn UuildiiiK ,St attl It atb. T--k. iUW.f !..(. U tit. 1 1 IirOttlOtd Ut .. It..:.... .....r..L:i,lif vl t i t'l-ii - jii.-uiurHiie. iv i'uj-- ' mj - 1 'irn.i.u.,v u i ,1,1 I.. ),.. K.ui.l oill. klV 'w.---lor, ths Keuitea of 'i'ust and Hindi. to ue. ('ontuiiu lio injurious drutfx. fl'l'li'd into the utril "d abwrbed. i '1 rial tiie, Ji cuU by iiiiui. EL BHOTMERS, 66 WtrrM St.. W Vrt HKiiatuoj in on each box. -rc. planki for final proofi, Denert proofi, timU-r laud final proof and blank affi davit for application! for read vert ise ments, blank witneui aflidavite, etc. at The Kxaniiuer oflice. , tf A I NT I.OCA Il l) BUILDING NORTH OP HOTEL LAKEVniW rTTf TT TT O?" VEOI.TAKI.K SICILIAM HI ALES Hair Renewer A high-class preparation for the hair. Keens the hair soft and glossy and prevents splitting at the ends. Cures dandruff and (Ways i baiui wuiui i iu y ' ' iifgiM oaoi uvfr y- bi- f Htl 1 4 in. Iiuia. h tf B ,i it ; i' I; i ' i ftl -"--"r" A i mm?