1 Amm ..sm Iv A. CO NAN DC-Yi. AiiM'im- ot""Vhc AUvt'iHiirr of 'n-c. "I'm- Hound of t lie l:a-kf. il!.-.'' ' I" (iC i In.' I our," "A Studv l.i il - ." I . 1 k I I ' in i . n. s : 1 1 1 1 i;'Vm:i W. I.. MATH AM S&V2, -vVtf Ti..-u..i.i i. i. ;rr; , fta V tt'r&f-' ti.... .v n.i-or, THH (1UARANT0LD COMPOUND Interest Gold Bond of Tlic Mutual Life Insur ance Company of New York ClltVDY, I'rcsiJ nt II A WAV Ore. JMnna.r k. A A I III 'Olisidi Id not In iiiiv !; '.I pin 'll ten e 'l' I'lll way -very was . Mil l stub : n---t him. ll.t.l 111 OIU- calt'iolls mm III ' it nl , .. in. I i. v Mil ' '.' v "II M ' o wcek- : Ml'.d l."' n- out 1, i"H--l. Mil tin- IV1M1'' ii-ie I !..! fie in r 1 lint In u-illy rose :i winner. ! ' viilciii'i- 1 1 ; 1 1 in parttio" mi'! Movnu In- had ''''"I ttch :is t f!n in a sltfim: . fore from C.odlrey MM- jr mm a ; i'ahno"al .liivv as I' i Sii imi'li llll! Ill III crime ll' :. ca"th :K ri ii... !'l' 1 ' Kir' fci'j-i.r . jii il n-y liiMiir -nil l.il iiiv- In. ill for ll III In HI' Hi lilt' i.: el: 111 I. ' 1.!.' A 1 rl,- ! iii-ili-: - i:: i.i', t: h 1'' . il I) !!1 I ("i:ii- lu ll.. I m V .i I:: :.. 1 v :il:::. ! l. :: li- ! .--": -I t':" ' - - I 1. i.! u r:'.'::.-. '. ' H: !:..-!: II'i'l:;"-. '.!!.-,i- v. !! ii'i'ntJ l:l)')!lf V.iU 'Mr-.lWf .U:-:ifS V. llii li woilM, I VVM 4 SIT, . b:VP ;ii -iiilly :i i-;ilt'U t lilin. St::t! th" 'f fort.s nl' tin' poli"' v.-oil lil luivi- ,iMii nipiili'iiK'nti'il or utort' HMbnljl u.iti'-i-liiitt.'il liy tin1 tralued c1i:-(tv:i:;ou nud th" alert mind of the first eriiiiiniil Hgorit in Europe. All (l;iy ns I drove upon my round I turned ovor Hie ease in my mind and found no eri! in itlon vbieh npp"ired to lue t'j l:e iiii'Mnal". At the risk of tClUnK n twice told t:i. 1 will i"f.'iipltiilate the facts ii- they vcrc known to the jaiMie fit th" on clmion of the Inquest, f The Hon. Itonald Adair v.' as the s-' -Qiul son of the E.irl of Marnooih. tit that time poveruor of one of !!: Aiw truliiin colonies. Adair's mother had retunii'd from Australia to undevxu tli" operation for cataract, imd she. li"-r koh Koiiuld and her t!iuij;hter Ililrta were living to'ther nt t-7 I'ar'.; lain-. Th" youth inoved in the let HiK-Iely had. o l'.ir us was kiio.rn, no o:i(;mies itnd in particular rice). He li.ul l)e"ii en-p.-iril to Miss Edith Voodley of Car Hairs, hut the engagement li'id been liroki'ii off I y mutual eonsent some months hef -ire. Bud there was i:o hIii liiiut ii liad left tiny very piofoiind feel ing behind It. I'of the rest the man's life moved In u uarrow mid conveiition 1 fin le, for Uls Uribits were quiet and Vis nature unemotional. Vet It was up on this easy fjolus young aristocrat that llentli eauie In mot Htraug" nnd unex jiected form between the hours of 10 arid lii;-'i on the night of March 30. J.S.H. Jtonald dalr wa3 fond of cards, play lus foiitiuually, fcut never for such ktaketi a.s would Lurt liim. He was u inenilxT of the Baldwin, the CavendlHh and the Uagatelle card clubs. It was shown that lifter tflnuer on th" day of fiis death bo bad idiyed n rubber of v-liiHt at the latter club. He had iiIho play.Nl there la the nfternoon. The rvideiiee of fhwie v.'I'.o bad played with tiim -Mr. Murray. Bir John Hardy and Colonel Mjraii-fltiowed thut the game v-as vh; -t pnd triat tliere van u fairly ....-, I l : ! "M'"' -:--'-.Adulrjnl?it llll. ll' I 1 H ' ill. i. ; a- h -'. null a i .mi i".-. riiiiiu i nil oi 1 li . -iil'-V. 1 . . In- iitii'iin . The iliio:1 . .;: .1 no ,uiv, ii . and k 1 1 .-! ind Ihc door for -. niiiig man win il linn r ill.l i; I ' i 1 1 : r-'om. ii;l niy llloiii ll -.lie -I'lll I W.I 1 1 UM. tli. .Mav;ioo:li iuu' to say , il ... i liter her va- l.ii-l.iil mi T eoulil be uot Hi'-;. 11' !i d. 1 he mi found lyitk; si.;.-. His li"..il bail be. n b ' ' :-i"l. init'ii.iti d by an e..m,;in- re . bullet, but in. weapon of any - - w.i-i lo be I'oiiiiil ill the room. On :!: t .Me lay two bank n ite-i for 1" m I. .ni l i IT ins. in silver an. I g i d. the i.ii.uey an-ai'-. d in little piles of vary ing amount '1 here were some ti'ures al -o upon a sheet of paper, with the :i. lines of some elub friends opposite to tie :u. I "oni whieh it was eon jectured that before his ilentli be was endeavor ing to make out his losses or winnings nt i-anK A niiuuie examination nf the eireuui---. :,u'-es served only to make the ease more eoniplex. In the tirst plaee, lio n a sou could be g'veu why the young u.. -si! should have fastened the do or it i on the inside. There was the possi bility that the murderer had done ihis ami had afterward escaped by the win liow. The drop was sit least twenty feel, however, and a bed of crocuses in 'u!! bloom 1 i.v beneath. Neither the ilow.-i-s nor the earth nhinvcil any sign !' Living b'-.'ll . 1 i st It :-i 'i I. no.- v.-el'i' !. .' any it,.i:--.s upon iln- narrow strip ..' '.i" wile li --.-ii i; a d the l:oii e ' o.i. the I'i'ilil. A a:- iill.i lin'1-ci o.-i i: v . - n.an hi!., li' v. n i Inni I .1. It'll l:..- d.il lie conn I'l'.'ir.- No oiie could have i en to tlie window without h-yving . : us. Suppose a man had it d ilo- .iv.'h the window, he would indeed in- reinarksi ble shot w ho could Willi n revolver inl'icl so lie idly a wound. Aga'ti, Park lane is a J'.-.-i ii.'ii I . . 1 thor ough fare. Tln re is a c-ib stand within a hundred ran is of Ih" house No one had p'-ard a shot. An ! voi I i i . v.ts It ftrurh mc i"f i. Ho"- miiAt hi- moiii' finer O.lon: (' i-nvvr ! ra.-i. "..HI 1vir.H'"""r- " . ili-appear aun'iig the throng. My ob.-ei-vations of IJT Park lane did little to clear nil the problem In which 1 was inf -ye. led. The house was sep araicl from the sf-eet by a low Will! and railing, the w -hole not more than live feet high. It v.:' - perfeiMlv easy, therefore, f if :i ii x one lo net into the garden. I'lll the window whk fiitirely Inaccessible since th 'iv was no water pipe or an thing w hich could help the most a. th e n...n to climb it. More puz led than ever. I retraced my steps to Kcusiim.ii.il. I had not been in nil . stir'N" live im'.uiiIc-i v hen the maid en tered l siy thai a person desired to1 see ine. "i o my iistonisbtiieitt il was I : , ,i i i.il.cv than my strange oid book niicctor. hi -harp, wt.eiied face peer- i lug out from a frame of w hite hair, and his precious volumes, a doon of them at h ast, wedged under his rigid arm. You're surprised to see me. sir." sa.'.d he in a strange, croaking voice. ; 1 acknowledged that I was. I "Well. I've a conscience, sir. and ! when I hailed to see you go lnlo this j house as 1 came hobbling utter you. t I.i I I dil'eis from any bv l hi- or mi v ot her llle .nice l oiiipaiiv in the following ess p.iiiii'iilars : Nt The policy is by iln lerins, able in t iol.l t'oin. .Tbi refers lo the principal sum mid the interest J., It ituarantce niniiiillv, siie.'ilie.l term of years, li per cent . II on al! pieiiiiimis previously paid. These credits inav be drawn at the line they are made or nt nnv other time, but a- long iim they ate allowed to remain v l'h the Company, they will be iuere.is. e.l bv I'.1.,, pel cent intercut, compounded annually, until tl ml of the said term, .ill.l, in thecvciit of tin deaili of the in iiiie.l, ai.v siicli iiccuiiiuhltateil credits , ill be paid with the sum insured :id. At the end of the x'iioi diirini; uhi.'h 1 1 1 .' 1 1 1 1 1 1 il l j ol v li it'll I h lire ii'ipiiied PI, b' or l!" years, ii" the case inny bei. tin Company, if reipiireil. ill excbimge this llond lor n lew one a Htipiilaled iinoiiiit , payable at I tie death ot the in sured and. in the meantime, dra w ing ei cent simple intereht Hlinuallv on ii.s par value, ritiscii'.vi. ani istimii'M' I'W a ill.l-: tv mil. li cots. The Hi-.'inii ulaled surplus or dividend will ut the same 1 1 me be paid in cash, or it may be implied to increase the amount of the new II per cent llond. which will hNo tliereat'le 'participate annually in the dividends of the ( 'ompiiny. In addition to tliene fcHtuieh which i are peculiar to the iold Hond, it nlm. I combines nil the ad nntUi.e of the Ihs- trilmtioii 1'olicies of The M"tual I. lie Insurance Company of New York, ton-h for any particular Hito or nmotint may he obtained by applying to the Coinp. miy'n lieareHt ngent, .1. tj. Il'illits I.iikevicw, ( In.. Till It It I.AM MU M I. ! I' niled Stnlew I. mid ( Hlice laikeview, (Ireivoii, .Inly lid, lln.i. Notice v hereliy I'Ucii thut in com phi, lire w ii h the pro. VIMions oi the Act ol . I line II, S,s titled "An act fni ibe sale id tiudier ' hinds in t be Suites n ( 'all I ore in, I Irrenn, NcVinla and ll-.) . 1 1 I oil rellltory.' nH eleiided lo all the I'nblic l aud Sla'cs bv act of ugiisii t, tl,e lolli.Mum pernms have Ibis dav liled in this oln'U t l.eir Hnni Htii'enients, to-wit 1 Mrs. I.izie Mayer, nl I'orlhiiid, '01111. t ot M ill llio, null . Hlnle nl (Iriajon. Swiii ii Sialeiiienl No. .".!" ni, for the S : Sw , See.UT. and w '.. N w I , , s I N w Sec. ill. I i. ...i, n. 1 !-.. Margaret llvan.ol Manpict. slate nf M icbiitan. Sworn sla'eineiil No. t'X,"t for the pun base if the N w l, Sir. UK, Tp. :i."i. S., II 17 I.. Mill tin li Villi . o' Mnt(iiet. stun. nf Mich. Sworn slaleniclit No. '.'tir.s, fur ibe purchiise nt Ibe I.1,.. Nl.1.,, S.'4 N I :'4 . Nw', si:1,, sec U7, Tp. :;..s., u. n i-:. That tbev will (Iter pronl In i-bnw that the hind -.nit'bt Is ninre valuable I'm its timber or stone 1 1 111 ti lor itL'in-iib tnral piiipo-es and to i-Nliiblish their i-1 a 1 1 1 1 t" said land belnre I ieo. T. bald "in. in. .lodge, ill bis . ' I lii : 1 al l liimiitli l'all-,011 Tne-diiv liie -lb day of Sept. IPO... They inline ns wi'iicses; Mar tniret 1,'inn.i.f M 11 1 lift . Muli., Oliver Slifer. of WiHiilliiud, Wn-li.. Martin l.'yiin. of Manpiet, Mich , C. II'. lita bo.h , of Portland, (begon, C. I i. l'eter son, ol Sieveiisoe. II ash nnd Albert Peterson, of Sleveiisnii, Hash. Any am! all persons rial n-ing ad verse Iv ibe nluive-des ribed lands at e nipicHt ed 1. 1 lilc 1 heir claims in this nlliie on 111 bei.. ic said tb day ol Sept., Villa. "7. Hi; .1. N. nlscn. Ilegisier. thouglil to myself I'll ,us step in and n full participation in tbu iirpliis earn- that kind gentleman and tell him j im of the Company, t H-fi Surremler a bit gruff In my manner 1 and l.nan nlue-, g'ace 111 payment of sei that if i there was not any harm meant and that j premiums I am much obliged to him for picking 1 unce, elc. up my books." i -ii iini'iirmatioii Vou make too much of a trille. said I. "May I ask bow you knew who 1 Automatic I'aid up Iiisiii- reiardiiiu ibis ex- i I'eedingly popular and altractive com ! lunation of Investment ami Protection -'l..nl I'l-mir I, and 1 Hlice nt l.nke'iew, 1 irigon, .Inly ltd. IIMI'i. Notice in hereby (g 1 vtu that tie billowing mimed settler lias bled notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, mill that said proof will be made before the Kegister and lleeeiver at ,keview. Or egon, mi the Mlb dav of August, l'.IO.') vir. : Anna M. Wbetstune. widow nf Ainox Wbetsloi.e lid No. I'l"" for the Ni:, SK!, and Lots 1 and 'J Sec lie Tp Hit S., U -J.D I-; M. He iiniiies the fal lowing w itnesses to prove bis ccntiniuai" residence upon and cultivation of twill land, viz: l M Ihike, Hurley Ver imii, A. S. Ilown and tUiiis. la't-lestoii all of l.akeview, ( Iregon. .1. N. WatKon, UegiHter. ihc ; i 1H-.I ' .y bis mbed li t' 'I! lead 1. -in cliii t. v.hi.li had e't I'.o-c! bullet law omul whi. I ( l -I tile 1-eVolvcl i:iu-hroomed nir, . will, and .- in ii inii-l have calls il 1 -t-ire r . death of 1 1 1 1 'to wer. .Id. Such were 111" Par!; lane ft'.-'her c.iinpli II' of llcll i'e, o-ing Adair v.a- I I. Iilalicoii umstatic which en'.ir 1 have ti t" lr"Ve anv ; I had b- in mail. ' v..u d.;. s in the room. 'ay I tin-tic '. these l'.i'-r; in cr in .. anl. . n.lc.'vo' ing to hit upon theory winch could reconcile nil alid to litid thai line nf least .:: e v b:cl: icy poor frh-iul had I in he the siarling point of i 1 1 -1 i -it iiii. I c itifi-ss that I iitit" J . og-e-.-. Ill the evening liled ,n :-o .- liie park and found If about '. o'clock al the Oxford 1 end or Park lane. A group of t's upon Hi" pavement.-', nil staring a ptirti' Ul ir wiieiov.-. directed me e hoi:--o which I I, ad conn lo see. "Yes. sir If it isn't loo great a liber ty I am a neighbor of yours, for you'll liiul my little bookshop at the comer of Church street, and very happy to see you. 1 am sure. Maybe you collect y..ii-.li'. .-ir Here's l'.riti-!i P.irds' and Catiillu.-' and "The Holy War' - a bargain. eer one of them. Willi live volumes i.ii could just lill that gap on that second -licit', Il looks untidy, does it not, sir';" I moved my head to look al the cabi net behind inc. When 1 turned again Sherlock Holmes was standing smiling at me across my study table. I rose to my feel, stared al linn for some sec onds in utter amae.'iieiit. and then il appears liiai. 1 iiihsi have fainted for th' tirst and the las. time in my life. Certainly a gny mist swirled before my eyes, and when il cleared 1 found my collar ends undone mid the tingling after-taste of b-.iudy upon my lips. Holmes was bonding over my chair, his liask in his hand. "My dear Watson," said Hie well re membered voice, "I owe you 11 thou sand apologies. I had no idea that you Would be so affected." I "ripped him by the arms. "Holmes!" 1 cried. "Is ll really you? Can It Indeed be thai you tire alive? Is iicmy, and no 1 )t p,,de that you su -i led hi climb to remove the j,lt; (Mt f tl;lt wr,. jil.yss?" "Wail a moment," said be. "Are you sure that you are really lil to discuss things? 1 have given you a serious shock by my unnecessarily dramatic reappearance." "I am all right, but bid I. Holmes, 1 can hardly believe my eyes. Com I bea vi us, to think that you you of all men should be standing in my Htudy!" Again I gripped him by the sleeve and fell the tliin, sinewy arm beneath it. "Well, you're not a spitil anyhow," said I. "My dear chap, I'm overjoyed lo see you. Sit down and tell me bow .'.oil came ulive out of that dreadful chasm." He sat opposite to me and lit ll ciga rette In his old noni'lialanl manner, lb- was dressed in the seedy frock coat of the book merchant, but the rest of hi a pile of while hair and old books upon the table. Holmes looked even thinner and keener than of old, but (here was a dead white tinge In his aipliline face which told me that bis life receully had mil been n healthy one. "I am glad to stretch myself, Wnt (on," said be. "It Is no Joke when 11 tall man lias to take a foot off bin stature for several hours 011 cud. Now, 1113' dear fellow, in (he mailer of Uichu explanations, we have, If I may ask lor your co-operation, a bard mid dan gerous night's work in front of us. Per haps it would be better if I gave you an account of the whole situation when that work Ih finished." "I am full of curiosity. I should miicb prefer to bear now." (Continued on uexl puK'-'.) 1 I Si If l 1 1 ..0 I I : .V ' . ''y.f-" The Return of SHERLOCK HOLMES This latest and best work of Dr. Doyle is now running ser ially in the Lake County Ex aminer i The Most Progressive and up-to-date Newspaper in Eastern Oregon. d- ONLY $2.00 THE YEAR ! s v I ft ! I I t i tall, 1 1 i 1 1 man with colored glasses. V. ilnlll I Strongly suspected of being II pi mi clothes d.-lectiye, was pointing ..ill i-ome llieo'-y of his own, while the I i.lli-r; crowded around lo l.:.lcli lo I v h'i In- said. I got as near him as I ! that individual lay coi'M. but Ids observations .seemed b me lo be absurd, so I w ithdrew again in some (ll-gusl. As I did so I struck against an elderly, deformed man who had been hihind Ine, and I knocked down several books which he w.is car rying. I remember that as I picked them up I observed the title of one of them, '-The Origin of Tree Worship," mid It struck ine that the fellow must be some poor bibliophile who either as a trade or us a bobby wan a collector of obscure volumes. I endeavored to niologlze for the accident, but it was evident that these books which I bud ho unfortunately maltreated were very precious objects In tin eyes of their owner. Willi a snarl of contempt be turned l'tit'U lib- heel, and I saw his I EXCURSIONS TO PORTLAND for Lewis & Clark Exposition $30 FROM RENO Above rate is for lO-day ticketH, good guiii"; on Train No. fi from Reno, connecting at Rimcville or Sacramento witli Special Kx ciirnioii Train leaving, San I'YuneiHoo every .Saturday. Return from Portland on any regular train; or tickets may lie cxeliiiiigod for return liy Htciiiu.'r to San Francisco for $- extru. 21-Day and Special Tour Tickets with Htoj-ovcrn, at niecial rate. Ahk local agi-nt for ruto from your town and full in formation regarding ticketH, traiim and Special Tour TicketH via Ogdon. A. H. RISING, Acting D. F. and P. A. Reno, Nevada- 'SOUTHERN PACIFIC 1