Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 10, 1905, Image 1

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LAKEVIEW, LAKE COUXTV. o ifw'.iN, riflJKSDAY, AUG. 10, 1905.
NO. :l
v -A ,4 4 A
LiA i ,-A, A j A' j&t.i
1 ir r r nvni
CATTLE AND proceeds of the Irreducible school
i irriRFR TRAFFIC f"1"1 '"m ln(l'"aH'"1 P"r
LUntJLK "KArriu ,HirtH of S(.,io(() KllH.rlntpnil,.Ilts
i fhow a total or 15.'!,045 persons be
SACItAM'.NTO, .Inly l!s.-T. T ;um.n the ages of 4 and 20 years.
Iimmwii.v. vice-president a ml genera I T. Iium;.r , ,.PtM)lm of ,.,",,
iiHimwr 1 '"' sl,,,m Valley and t ho i tHt wim ,s7.,(1
SVvaihi-Calilorula-Oregoii railways, j Tim amount of money .lint ribntcd
.1II.i,r.Ml hcfotv tin- Slat.- Hoard or among the several counties today
Kiiiiil!zii(loii this morning to afford ,1H .jno.l 7C..-.0, while the amount
Hi,. Hirudins such liiformatloii as distributed Inst year was sfj:!!l,4:!ii.i'0.
Ilicy might reiiiire. 1 The money disbursed is the interest
Ti. sierra Valley mud has ""!s : m.,.iv,.d upon ,.,,,, K(.oo
hiIIch r truck, valued at '.r.-MK. Hh f,,,,,. The rate per capita last year
rollititr Ht ii-k is valued at. SSIIO. The was $1 XI; I his year it U $1.70.
-riwK earnings for the year were The folio wing fIii tement shows 1 he
:'..Vi::.l- and I he operating-expenses school population In each eonnly for
leaving a net income from I'm.-., and the amount
,i'ni!i(iii of ?".7:!!.r7. The Interest apportioned to earli
lltl tlic founded delit. taxes, etc., 1 ;m r :
Persons hetween
County 4 and L'n yearn. Ap'rt'mt.
of money
county in
.niKiiiiits to .:;l,-"7.(ls, according t
tin' ri'liort.
Tlie Nevada-! aliforu ill-Oregon "afcer
mail has I miles of road, valued , ll,'"tl11
at $1I7.!I5. The rolling stock 1m Clackamas
valued lit $17,05'.). The gross earn-1 ('mtH,,I' operation were :!()4,i!00.!i(;. i 'oluinbia
The operating expenses were $ 115, j ('()OK
a;:;?, leaving a '"'I lucerne from rook
op'Tiiting of $NS.Mi4.5!i. The Income furry
Irniii miscellaneous sources amount-; Iaiglns
.il tn m;,V,.'.k. giving -a total net In- ! il111'1'11
1'iiiiif uf '.i..".20..")7. interest on the:(imnt
IiiiiiiiIimI del. i, taxeH, liet terinentH. " Harney
iiililitions, etc., amounted to 15(10,- j Jackson
K.o;,. leaving a surplus of $:il .KiS.r.l'. ' 'i'l'i'i"t'
In Hit'uktiig of the business of the ' Klamath
rmiil, Ihuiau ay said that there had j lake
lnH'ii mi increase In the volume over i '-ane
the im-rpiliuu ji'iir. The t ransportn- J Lincoln
tiim if cat tie. In 1 1 1 1 1 i' and the pro-1
iliii ts of tin-ci.unl ry were the hi. iin ; Malheur
iiiruiiicH of the two roads. I Marion
Tlic nil., c is the statement of Mr. I Morrow
Innuiw o and allurds i.m.iii foriiiuch Multnouiah
Mtitlat ii a. in l he pri ispect h fi ir a '
pii.vlim eMeusii.ii of the Xt'-H road : Sherman
InLai.cvi, u. It will henoticed that Tillfl """ ,K
tin- Sierra hranchof I he road Ih n i 1
nmii.'.v li,.. u Idle t he main line run- , 1
"in' nut I.. Madeline makes up f,,r j Wallowa
II"' (li'lici.'in .v i'ii lined liy the branch ! Waxen
.mil create, a neat little surplus. j Washington
Ni.te what .Mr. Kunaway says in Wheeler
."..111 :i
1. Ill I
rt's' r'l to the source of income' to
'In' road. 'I'he .-('-() road is 1 H
k'H luiiu and has a net Income of
:'.,4:i0 (ill
H. 1S4 .".()
I, Nil.". SI)
it, .v;.:; no
:!.i::4 ko
lo,!d."i 7n
4,:: l:: r.n
In,. 'ins Nil
1 -VKV
1 1 iii in ! nil I ii I n't Ih in iiii i ii 1 1 i ii i 1 1 1 liii ltd,-1 -: 1
Copyright by Collier's Weekly.
I ' ;
prove In 1 1,. .
es That tli
silver i t !i
siilcs i if i . ' ' '
In l.ili i a n v i ..-i'ii '! i ii '.ii i -
OUS discover!''- i !;! i I e p.,- few
lnont lis has a 1 1 rai" . . I me:i i ,t who
have the mean- -n il kmn Icdjre in
find t he dep. isil s. Tii pros-peels for
a liri"hr I'utnie w. ie no.-r lietr.-r
Slate Siitierin'.endetit Ackerma-n
"ver f::i,(o... f.m MU..- ,! , I says thai he will recommend to the
lil'iii"iits. i low many feet, of Itim-j next legislature t ha I the system of
'"nth' shipped over this road from I appon ioninv; the school funds lie
)iiti-Ui- On-yuii'.' We can say not j made on a basis of school attend
"iif. imil w,. believe we can say not auce, instead of school population
M'ur l,i, of cut I U or sheep. Whatj It will then become Incumbent upon'
"'wp from l,ke eouiilv ed south ' every school clerk, teacher and tax-j
paver of the district to see that
every child attends school regularly, '
in order to net their portion
to he driven over t he most ex
IfiiNivo pari of the route, to reach
Uiiileliiic, and then they are driven
'"' til lieiiu Tin. .... 1 1 1.. ..II .... vi . .ul
loAL-rr..,.. a.., w i. I Another Mining Boom.
" 'UH H.MWt Wll lilt: 1 lV
Hue... .. ...... (ieo. (rowder nud a crowd from
in io .-Miauiiio, unless ii is, ;
,te Mapes cattle and they are not w're iMWw j
"Wppi'd oer 1 1,,. SC4 . Not a sack KH,l..,r. They called at this ..l ice
'4 ttl.f .. for blanks to locate twenty mining
"HMO- III' Oi'llie, Hill hi-
Nindnfi .. , ,....o I claims iu the Drews valley country.
"r "'.yihine- lH .,,.,, )llti They expressed .he belief that eon
"actlcull v all it... ul.i.hi.iit.H l.,ik:In..HS
"w K-t'-d d,.s for Lake county In
""I't'ftH aud the wool, sav three
Hhlerable of the country west of
I.akevlew would be staked off In
mining claims before many days,
'"""iiDil the wool, sav three-
" r llu. eoun.Vs oti'tput. lf I They had hoiiu-ore with t. em ound ,
-nhl be extended to Lake- -l.owl to contain tneta, ,
vt It would K,t the en. ire trade of!"' ltl..U. and they c
"'m..,.v and reach far out into j .'on.hh'nt that they had some .
".v, Malheur. CVook and K.ain- rh'l. e.alms. even better t .u h",
""'""'"tie, yMl ,,, mlll.H (lf ,J reported bet ween here and dd . :
' road could secure more j Review I- "'
"""'tlnve ,illlt.s . ,,,,,,. ,t aow:-!- there are the IMIh , n
'U. 1 ,i the north which are said to ton-;
! tain good ore, the Sagehen mines, on j
;(lu. j.;ast which will no doubt be re-;
Su"e School Fund Apportionment, i vived tbi hummer, the U illow
Tlie aim,,..! .n... ....., i!n,.. and Hid well mines, on Ihe
"inu million in luiuiii""
"iuds made by Hate Treasur- .outh. and the Jthl well mines from
today sh'ows that In the n,.ortH lunt weeK are fabulously rich
iH-ur the school population haw H ha- beon mM by experienced
'rea..rt ..i .. . . ' that the mineral of this sec
A Railroad Pariy.
I K hinuK ll hxpi cis.
A party ol ' iitleinen iuteivsted !u
the California ami Xori In astern
railway '.e,l i i i arrived here
Tuesday evening on tlie launch
i'.wauna from Tceiei's l-iudin;.
.lude J'.alihx in. ('. E. and V. S.
VVoriU'n went down i;i the launch
and escorted (lie party to the Falls.
The visitors are 11. Nathan, secre
tary aud treasurer the C. & N. 10 .,
the Weed and Ihe H'eiidliutf Lumber
companies, L. Nathan. A. L. Peyser,
1. F. Norris, M. L. ICuphrat and C.
H. 'I'ruelinner. of San Francisco.
Mr. Nathan stated to au Express
representative that his road had 20
surveyor in the field and would
shortly put -') more at work and
that as soon as the route was decid
ed ou ."0D men would be employed In
construction work.
The party left today via tliesteaiu
er Wineina for a trip to Crater Lake.
Strange os it May Seem.
The Crook County Journal says
that a man was froze to death on
the streets of Prlneville a few night
ago. lie had read the thermometer
up-slde down and thought it was 05
deerees below zero, and expired al
most instantly. That's strange,
but no more so than an Incident oc
curring In Lukevlew about the same
time. 1'lck Wilcox, assistant cashier
of the i' Irs t National Hank, hung a
thermometer up-slde down in his
cow barn and the next morning his
cow gave ice cream.
Cougars :'n Sheep On-.p.
Y. S. Mi, nler eie writes The Ex-a-iiii
er f ha ' U: re.-.-v-i ' c encountered
tin- ,iti;- i r- i 1 h" 'i -'i'l waters of
-an wli-i- nnpe-i h ! with a.
!ia:ei e,f l:.'i'ii 'I.', wl-h hU faithful
.it';.. " Ti.p y." w.-r' mut ing a tour
i it in si .ee: i. .11 ii i. ir : 1 1 n 1 i ring for the
Hi-!.!, when t Ii y came upon three
I i rue ci -Hilars ilevouriug a sheep,
which llie.v had killed for their sup
per. The nigh i was dark and the
dog-managed to tree one of the var
inin's. while. Mr. Ihntlerode kindled
a lire. When ihe tire gave light
enough so In' could see 1 o shoot the
tu-alndc begun. Tlire.'shots brought
Mr Cougar out of tie liee a dead
cougar. lie measured ten feet,
seven inches hi length. Mr. Hartle
rode Ihoimht he was dealing with a
wildcat until the animal lay dead at
Ids feet. Had he known it was a
cougar uf such enormous size he
probably would have given him
"more rope "
One of the biggest ranches In the
United .States was sold last week to
the Co-operative Christian Federa
tion, of Oregon. The ranc-h is CO
miles long and 25 miles wide and
consists of 104.0(10 acres. The price
paid was $1,800,000. The land lies
in Harney county around Steins
mountains about 100 miles east of
Lakeview. This company lias a
capital of $50,(100,000, and the aciui
sillou of this Immense property is
only a drop in the bucket to the
Federatioidsts. It is said the com
pany contemplate oilier and more
extensive operations within the
state, among them the purchase of
what is known as the Road Land
Grant, consisting of many hundred
thousand aces of Jural along the
route of tlio military wagon road,
the large sawmills belonging to the
companies now iu possession of the
lands, and the construction of rail
roads in the interior district now
without rail facilities.
The Federatioidsts announce that
they will establish a modern colony
on the French-Glenn ranch anil place
10,000 people there. It is also pro
posed to procure 800,000 acres from
the Willamette Valley aud Cascade
Mountain Wagon Road Co., which
will make homes for 40,000 more.
Diversified farming will be the princi
pal industry, and it is proposed to
maintain various other enterprises.
A New Electrician.
Marshall Whorton was struck
with an idea one day last week that
nearly knocked him off the sidewalk
and caused a short circuit ou the
electric light system, which was not
discovered until about dark. Man
concluded he was electrician enough
to place a light at tlie water tank
and wire it, and he accomplished the
feat, and about dusk hied himself to
! a place of observation to bee the
I light shine at the tank when the
' dynamo at Hue Creek sent electricity
' curling through the wires. JJutMan
! was disappointed; his lamp gave no
light, neither did any one else's. He
had made a short circuit, and until
Recorder Snider went up and cut the
I wire leading to the lamp at the
! tank, did the town have any lights.
! Water spouts are becoming the
! terror of northern counties again
this fall. Mitchell was visited by
one a few duys ago, aud the same
day Shaniko was the scene of u
cloud burst. No loss of 11L or ser
ious damage U reported from either
Taken to the Asylum.
Mrs. Reed of Paisley, of whom we
made mention last week as being
mentally alllicted from continued ill
ness, was taken to the court house
Saturday and committed to the cus
tody of attendants then on the way
from the asylum to take charge of
the unfortunate woman, iu response
to a telegram sent ou Wednesday.
Mrs. Reed's case was n very severe
one, and, one especially dlliicult to
handle outside (if a hospital. Her
halluciuataiou was that some ouo
was trying to poison her, and she
would neither eat, drink nor take
medicine, and for ;l(i hours went with
out water or nourishment of any
kind. The attendants arrived liere
Sunday evening, a lady and agentle
man who were very kind to Mrs.
Reed, and they started on the return
trip Monday arternoou. It is believ
ed and sincerely hoped that a few
months' treatment will restore her
to her health and right mind.
Mrs. Reed was a very intelligent
and well read woman. She getting
well along iu years and her weaken
ed condition from a severe sick spell,
makes her a very delicate patient.
Jury Disagrees Again.
Again tlie jury iu the Williamson,
(leaner and Riggs trial disagreed
after deliberating 45 hours. The jury
stood 7 for conviction and 5 for ac
quittal during the first three ballots,
and after that It was 0 to (i. Judge
De Haven discharged the jury and
set the new trial for August L's.
Judge Hunt of Montana will try the
case, us De Haven is compelled to
return to Sun Francisco.
The last trial seemed to bo a legal
battle between District Attorney
Heney and counsel for the defense.
At times the battling attorneys be
came so vindictive that the one be
ing scored, with tears in his eyes
would seek protection from the
- ull"ia .i per ecu I, wune im-