IT COSTS Nothing is too ers. Our offerings view of giving the money, so that you in coming again. We are always looking for something better always working to secure values and styles superior to other stores. That's what has today made this a better store than last year. Everyone who takes the time to examine our goods recognizes at once an extraordinary combination of quality ana low prices. I on your necessities is 1 BIEBER'S CASH STORE Petition for Liquor License. He. liie imiier-itfiied le;ul voters "i Paiflev l'rei iiii't, Like county, .s'tate of (r. on, le-ipee ttully petition the lion. County cnuit of Lake cuun'y. State of (litunu, a License to Al. Currier ant! i. W. Cooley to sell spirituous, malt ant! vinous litpiors in lfsiiaatitie-than one iiaHoa in Paisley Preeimt, Lake ;::nt v. State ut Ortvui, ior tiie period of twelve mouth, aa in duty bound we will ever pray : Wllzel .1 S Kelsav John .SVott J K lianister A A M001 e Al 1 arrow ! P. . Adam 11 T .Stanley J t.rt Viauiey .1 A lirurniii Joi.ii liriiinin U' .Miller 4; L.uulotii N ' i.ivlonl W S I'.lair I' A Piiznatrick T W .Irdm-oii Win Holder ,! I". Harper .1 I l arra Alien Loii't (Iran luak Perry Uanister C" L Mot oniiink A 1 .S'eott I. A Moss If L I Lilian Albert Lanis.ter W M Marslers J P lievil S S Uanister j)hn .V Lonj; 1. W llanan .M Conley C, v Withers .1 1 .Moore ihn Siiva Al Christen I d i LUnet will j .S'herloyk duo Conn Al Lauritzen ! - (.' Hanan Geo lirurrm v. in Taylor K P Mathes. Chas L.iifiis C 1. Wuhisrs ' Conn A A Witharr. , J w l arrow Jl w Farrow I li N I'lielpii Jcx! Smith : wui liobkins G v Cooley M C Currier, Mate of Oregon, uu County of Lake, MM We, M. C. Currier and C. W 1 r..-.i... "'"' l.eine first fbllv hworn. nn oittli. ml' ' each fsi liimsolf, that the foreKoine lie- titlou contaiiiH thoaignaturesof a major-' ty of the whole number of voters of I'aialey Precinct, Lake county, Oregon, ml that each of Baid siKnatnrc is fiy.n- ' niiiejthat each of the peraniiH whose htenntiireH are signed to baid petition is : an actual reHident of and residing in said ! .reeinctat the date hereof, and was and 4.1 us been actually a resident of and re-' , , . , , ' iidir.j! in Kaid precinct at least thirty; lay? immediately preceediiiK Ha- date; i f -ij-'ued faid petition, and al of tlie i IJli thnt'ol. ft. (J. CtlliUEJI G. )'. CoOLEV. .iiibsciibed auJ bworn to before me, this 1st day of August. 1!XJ5. J. I. Fahiia, Juocicc of the Peace. NOTICE' ?-iTICK'h hereby given, tliat the un der.iiiued will, hj the (ith day of Hep- lent her, 1H0.J, apply to the Honorable j Countv Court ei Lake County, Oregon, n r a Ihciimc lo Hell upirlluou, malt and : viroiiH iiiiuoiH in Ih-h quantities than: 'one gallon, in Paisley i'recincl, Lake "" .'aunty, Oregon, for a x;rioil of twelve months, from the fith day of September, I K '-r. M. C. f'L Hill Kit, (J. IP. I'uoi.r.v. A Surprise Party. A pleasont surprise party may Iteniv en to your stooiacb and liver, by taking n medicine which will relievu their pain and diticoinfort, via: Dr. King's New Life PilU. Tbeyre moat wonderful remedy, affording sure relief and cure, lor headache. dizzlues nd constipa tion . S'jc t Lee Utwll'i drug Htoie. GET THE BEST NO MORE. good for our custom- arc planned with a best return for your may feel an interest l o save money to trade here. J SOOn TELEGRAPHERS UUUU "TFFr i ill;ulu Alinilltllv tit till tit., t,.uitl.,.. .......I. I ' 1 1,,u ; etl by Pail road and l eletf rapli ( '11111 panics. we waul VOL'NO ACN and LAUIES of j lood habits, to Learn Telegraphy And R R. Accounting Wi; fttriii-li 7'. per ct-iit. 01 the opt raioK nml stmio:i Akimi in AnifriiM. Our six sfliools are tin- liirK-st vxi'liislve T.-lturapli Sflionis In Th WorlJ. l;-irtl,li-li. .i 2tt y, nr nml toiilyr,.',i in nil I'-ieliiis; II.lilWHV otti.'mlb. iv;ti-lllf a J.'.Vi I'.niiil o every Klinlellt l.i i i-tnii ti 1 in 1 ir ltT h rniiinii m :n' inuii lit. In a niiintii ii. (Ui.-s ,,f 1 1 - Ko.-ky Jl.illll i.tie. t-r from JT.'i to Jim a month in Ktati-s we-i o! the Unckii immctliately upun graduation. stietciHs ean enter at any time. No vaea tion. 1 or lull iartieiilart rei.oin!ini; any of i in r Sen i, H.s. writ.- iluft lo on l exeeiil ive ulilre Bl I 1 1 1 e 1 1 1 II a 1 i . Ohio. I titaliiKlle Kr.'e. The Morse School of Telegraphy. Cincinnati. Ohio. Huflulo. n v Atlanta. Cia. Fcxarkana, Tex. La Crosic, Wis. Sun l rincisco. Cut A Pleasant Time. Mis. Nellie Kobiuson l nee Cressler) entertained a lurjie number offrieuds nt the residence of her parents. Mr. and Mth. W. T. Cressler, here last Friday evening. It was a most en- assisted by Mrs. W. T. Cressler and Mrs. S. O. Cressler, made it pleasant for the lurge number of truests iit tending. A splendid entertainment consisting of vocal and instrumental music, recitations and social chat lieartlly enjoyed by nil. Ccdar- vllle Pecord. - For Sale Reasonable. A lirnt-elasH photograph liiiHineHH, with all the paraphernalia for taking and developing (irst-cluBH pictures . ,., . , , . ,, 'he only photograph gallery in 1 ' ' ('UU,y" " Mrs. tieo. Keeil of J'ulaley has la-en very sick. .Mr. Iteed Htarted to Lakeview witli her Tiienday and : fully got iih far its llryan'm when Mrs. Ueud became too sick to travel, j lr. Duly wu tiunt for and went up 1 yesterdny. We understand tnat her ,1W ; spell of Illness has somewhat a(f,.(.tt,, u.r ,,,, , Artlitir f lorence auu wife uml little daugiiUT went to Little Chewaucnn today for a wee's eampiug. A Mr. I'.ethel and Ids family are here from F.ugeue looking for a loca tion. iV. li. Shirk will go to Klanmtli Marsh In a few days on laud busi ness. F. T. Cjunther has returned from a trip to l'uisley and (Surprise Valley. Uoy Shirk returned from I Jeep Creek Tuesday with a nice lot of llsli. LakeviewAnd Vicinity Try mi Ire cream soda nt Cloud's. Fresh rninh . Just in, nt Ahlstt i Puccuroo luiiitH nt Pulley & Mns slngHI's. J. .1. Monroe wns over from War ner 1lHt WtH'k. J.V. Dodson wiih over from War ner last week. Fresh candy and nut nt Cloud's lee cream parlors. C. It. Kooier Ih working at the Palace Restaurant. I.nneli goods fur picnickers nt Pulley & Massluglll's. New kind of Hiiininer underwear at l'.uilev & MasHinglll's. j '1'he little daughter of lr. Demurest J Ih reiorted quite Kick, i P.. ( ). Mulkev was in town II rut of J the week from the range. Headers were started Ibis week on I the barley down the valley, ! V. li. Tracty was in town last I Saturday from Drews Valley . Mis..!. i. Ileryford was reported in the wick list a few da s ago. I Mrs. .1. 11'. Drown and children were over from Add Inst week. Alex Mel 'nlley lias taken a job I Willi W. A. Wilshire, Willi I he sheep. j .Mm Mi-Shane's family went to the 1 llarvev raneh in Milliner Lake last xv ' k Alex Me I'ulley spent a few days in j Lakeview the past week from the ra iioe. '" "emorest has closed his dentiil ollice and will e;o to Khimath Falls I in a week or so. f'.OKN. In Lakeview, Oregon, Friday, July is. lllil.., to the wife of 11. Dent, a li' pound boy. FOU SALi:. Pure-bred Poland China bitrs. 1 inptire of Chas. Oliver of New Pine Creek, irrx in. L'4 tf i .1. Wendell is talking of puttiti"- in ! I nn electric motor to run his meat j choppers. Progress! veness. j Family liipiorsut Post A: Kinxs. tf If you want a bracer, yet some, tiling that is u Ifacer. At Post 1 Kill tf ' . ( (pitte a nuniber of our towns people spent Inst Hiudiiy along the shady streams in the nioiitil ains nearby. tins Schlagel, J. .M. Halidley and Tom Hastings went out to Uig Val ley last Saturday for a week's fish ing uml hunting. Laundry soap, brooms, matches, fly paper, toothpicks and many use ful articles can be found at The ' Monogram Ahlstrom l'.ros. Stock Kxaminer A. J. Smith return ed from l'.urns first of the week, where he went for the Mammoth Livery Stables, after a drummer. W. J5. Steel and family returned from Portland Monday evening. .Mrs. Steel has been in Portland bcv erul mouths, and Will went down 11 few weeks ugo. S. V. Kehart was down from the head of liu Hard creek Sunday. .Mr. Kehart has succeeded in increasing the supply of water, and expects to turn in more shortly. "Tuffy" Storkmun left Lakeview lust Saturday. Ills destination was uncertain when he left, but bo will 1 probably pay a visit to bis old home, Sissoti, on his rounds. The west side of the vulley Is get ting iiite smoky. There are no timber fires in sight, but the south west wind Bcems to bo driving the smoke from the- Cascade range, where there are immense fires every sum mer. We received a letter from A. Y. lleuch a few daya ugo. Mr. Peach's Judgement on the (juality of a news it! paper ought to lie uuquostiouabli He said the management of The amluer wu deserving of much praise for the degree of excellence It Ih main taining. Thanks, Mr. I (each. Threshing has begun In Linn county. lieo. II. Ay res went to indwell lasi siiinlay. The plare to get ti smoker Is nt the Cigar faetory. Ir. T. V. Hall made a profeHHlonal visit to I thl well last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hess were In town Sunday from the XL raneh. Smoke an Kagle, the Unt cigar In Lakeview, at tile cigar factory. "Kernel" Sturr and several f the i X L boys Hpent Sunday In this city. Walter ItoldiiHon ami family were! In town from Crooked Creek Monday. ! Mr. Frueiid, agent for the Mutual Life Insurance Co., of New York, Ih In I. like view again K. M. Miller and wife and hoii llo hart went out to Warner for a few days. They will visit the 7T ranch. Pete tifoh came over from Spraguc river first of l he week. He says the i -ell Ih drying up pretty fnsl over there. I Win. Mei.Ker went to Paisley Monday for n week's visit with bin daughter. Mrs. W. V. Miller and (nniilv. .1. i'rankl. lieo. .1 a uiiuerl hal and I 'hil I.. ni h mad.- a I rip 1 1 Ilar- I I vev rniieli 1 ' days mu. in Summer Lake a j liaiil. 1 1 11 1 rlil us. foreman of the j L hors,' ratii h. was 111 hu n Mot:- dnv. Mr. Hiltehiti uiaile't his nllii' a liniiiii call. j The Cedarville liecord tells of a lite I in thai, town recent Iv which con- i sinned th barn of Mrs. Tou'iin eli, i i ...i 1 "" ' ' J. Frankl left for San Francisco first of the week, after u several 1 mouths stay in Lakeview. M r. ,),.,.,, al)1 (,i. wrongs perpetriit Frunkl will return here !n SeptemU-r ( (V 'p. ;,.,.,,rd. ' found liitllt for u short stay. :ith a harmless little panicrniili. Pa rt ies wisliiim 1 11 111 1 1 ar can li m I it men u i more fur 11 joke t halt any tiling at I he 01 in. .1 npiish tV I larris plan- else. perhaps The Peconl builili'il iny mill. A team is hauling Jsteady, better Ibati it knew III that little Juki' and can nive you w hatever you may and it briuusto mind the old Ha.vitif: want , from t lie ( a in as sa m ill. L'li-t f , t hut 'one should not joke on facts.' I We tindersla nd that C. K. Moon I wants (o leave"vi"W fir 11 . 1 1 i 1 1 on necoiiiit of liis wife's health, lie, says he hates n go, but health Is better tllilll money. A change of i climate may benefit her. (ieo. Wise brought word In from Catlow vulley to the effect that thei, were negotiating ! J l t 1,(,WI'V'''. Hhowetl us how lit .. u,.i.. ..r ft... ...I..... i.. . ! ficletit we were, but on studying the It nttiv VI tilt ",ilt",' I'l'ijli'll, V I did not learn who the purchaser was, nor has the report been con firmed. We received a letter from a man in Kunsus City. Mo., hist week, who is interested iu securing homes for live .... or six lunillies. J.uch familv has about 1'000 to invest in lauds ami want to locale where they can raise stock and farm some. iJavhl Holden was over from Plush last week on a business trip. Mr. Hidden nos been conductl.ig a sort of tradlng'post at Plush the past two years, and lust week sold out his business to .1. A. Morris. Mr. Morris will combine the store wiih his and conduct them oh ope. Ashland papers report nuiiieroua roblteries on the trains running out from Ashlaud. Hobos, It Is thought, take advantage of the hot nights and steal clothing froui the open windows of the sleeping cars while the occupants of the berths are UHleep. We understand that n couple of young people am plaiining a sur prise for their friends in the near fu ture. He always prevent these sur prises If we can find out about them In time, uml we Intend to tell thin one If we can llud nut more facts. 1 ne young man is not in town now, but when becomes back look out. Bra lb im riino You Ha( Always 'T-zjm ih" Kind You Haw Always Bought BauitU gif Kind Von Haw Alwari WEEKLY WEATHER REPORT, Below we (five 0 report nf the wnnthnr nn recorded by the Ooveriinient weuth,,t linreitil Minion Hi The Pxnmitier UMice This report i chunked each week, uin f our renders wish to keep n yearly record of weather conditioiiH for future refer ence, cut out the report along the black lino and panto it In a no rap bonk one week after another. Thin renrd will b taken on Tueada- to end each week mid betfjn on Wednesday for the next week. Government Weather Bureau St. tinn at Lakeview, Oregon, C. O.'WiCTZkicR, Cooperative Olmerver. Week ending TueHday, Aug. 1, 190,-, Hay max mln tin-rip nation n'w fall character ol day : w,JlliJ'" L''"J w-,lw I 00 JthurJ ksjw I o.im1m 1 frid'yl Mt -its- j .(H j "on" eleiir sat'v I HI i all I 1)11(1 I IH) Hllll.J HI I -111 I" II. (H) I IH) moil. I 111' I all IM) tucH."! HI 1 17 I o.iiii I no" Kicked Off Che Water Wagon. The Alt urns rhiiudeiiler shinned over nt 11 11 Inoffensive Joke froin the iCcdarvlllc liecord. The lleeord ilrlv- cs home t he Pin inden ler's sarrnsin in ' "' " mowing ina nner. "Our venerable friend 1 'litiiulea ler, was very i he AltiiniK atiuey Li nt week, lie s a- ina I clear thru ami thru. ell. he had cause to be. The Lakeview ! '. a in i tier ha I ea hi Hie Pluiiitlealer red handed in ! lie net nt haudlinu the truth in a very teeklesn liianner. and bad. met a phi irieully speaking, si 1 1 down on It a ml sipumh. ed it all over t be earl li. It had also just been kicked off the hurricitii deck of the water wauim that is t.illeil to leave for Portlantl m x t iimiil li. Tlmt coupled with the warm weather, seeuied to weaken its' mighty brain jn the delirium followitu;. there l appeared to 'its' distorted vision, And 'if roasted ns. 'If said tlmt we were ignorant, and lo show 'its' superior intelligence ami education, 'it' sand witched In a couple of an tiipiuted Lat in phrses that hud about las much bearing on the subject ,11" I did the ollice of Forest Keserve Com missioner to the Ten Commamliueiitu. mutter over we have 11 bout come to J the conclusion that it is butler to I jit fool than a hypocrite. 'It' M 1 that we had an antipathy for I Alturus. That Is one of those thing that caused The F.xumlner lo Hit I Ml own on the I'lttiudealer. We heart ily agree with the Pluindeiller III Prof. Ossler's theory. Had it lni'D carried Into effect, on our neighbor a long suffering public would b spured the periodical outbreak- of 'Its' diseased brain." W. O. W. Notice. All mcmU'is of the Woodmen of the World ure requested to be pn ent at the uext regular nieetluR, Wednesday evening, AugtiHt Mb. Uusiuesa oj Importance. Wood. We will deliver you u load of woorf of any length, un.v day, at any llart In Lakeview you desire it. Our price Ih f 5 per cord, with ill" fount of ten per cent if ten eorir or more are taken and paid for. DOONK & Ml'I'KKV. levii9traiiJ overalls made from selected materia