Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 03, 1905, Image 2

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    almcut groaned John- (An Editor's Opinion of the Koyal
JOHNSON hni! nne pot t henry which
ho was ever.:: -Mildly '."tin:;: loose
ujion me. I M s mttinn was that at right
When ilio In iTy u:'s restiuj: the .-i'liil
Wis not, a:ui so-. :i!lt (1 'Mrs :in:s" on
fcni'i! Me saw n reason why lite spirit
up"- lay in the lnty iltiritii; the iiiuhl:
lu f.ii-t. h was qtii;e I'iTt iii. that many
a time his spirit has Moated away to
Another sjxu, and had ai'teu In diver
ways, and what had appeared to him
on the morrow to he a mi or
niRhtniare was nothing less than a
reality. His onl regret was that his
train had no cunti'ui over liu- iloinps
of his spirit whilst his body slept.
He Insisted on dreaming about me
one night, and got me to promise to
keji wake and look out for him. I
(tot a nasty cold by keeping the win
dow open, but he never came neither -In
substantial nor shadowy form to
the best of my knowledge. But he
c.iiue the next morning in person and
appeared to be mightily pleased with
himself. !
Well, old boy?" he said, as If he
expected me to say something pleas
ant !
"No. I'm not well," I thundered, "I've
a liquidised probocU through your
tomfoolery." !
"Wha at?" he queried. "W'by, 1
thought it worked finely. I can swear
in a court of law 1 dreamt about you,
a nil I distinctly remember speaking
to you." I
"Get any answer?" r aaked, cvnic
ally. ' ;
"My dear fellow, we were chatting
together for more than half an hour.
Why I remember It as well as any
thing." "You've really got to get something
for U, Johnson." I said. "You've gol.
It bad. If anybody else said that to
me I should immo'iiruely put him down
a.; a ravit;,T una:: Do you mean to!
say that ; o i pre-arr.i:.eil to come
hr and tha you c.'im--'.' ' i
Johnson t;. ,;Jeu, with the air of a w hu had done something great, j
"How Ions did you lie awake?" he
Questioned. I
' Like the blithering Idiot that I
v ..-," I informed him, "I did not shut
my eyes until after one o'clock al-
though I got to bed at half-past ten.".
"Awf'ly sorry, old chap." he said.i
apulu; "but I don't think If
l"f" the houat; until quite throe. We;
in ust try again." j
I shook my head very decisively.
"'I'm not j-oing to get another run
ning nasal organ for anyone," I as-'
-rted. j
' As a friend" he began. I
"No friend would wish mo to po to
the expense of purchasing extra hand !
"You see." explained the theorist.!
the business didn't thoroughly work
--e.vejK in my own case. I'm uite
i.isned that I or part of me came,
mi mais not enougn; i want you to
In hold me.
I quoted a passage I learnt when an
lafint, and wiiich I said I always acted
tip to:
"Be the matter what It may
Always 8f:eak the truth;
If at work cr if at play
Alwab sji'-ak the truth."
1 thought looked a trifle
liurt. but. being enthusiastic, his ar
i. : at bill ilttle limned, and he said
tin' !: dii r.ot wistj me tn sav anv
::"!'- "'U:fui in any way; he sim
ply vi'ihed u:' to 'I'.'ote facts.
"To prove, the caao once for all," he
aid. anxiously, "I want you to come
to me!"
I ufcolittelj re-fused.
Don t bo so excessively skeptical !
piiu ita-Kwara, he said. "It's all In
inierjt pi science and things. I've
liioved to you that is, I've toM you
that I visited you last night. Kvhient
v you don't know a spirit when you
i"rt one. Now I want you, directly you
pet into boj, to concentrate your
oughts entirely upon my rooms I
tttrp that you should for the time be
in Mudeavor (o I, oblivious of every
ithinKlae, aid try to force your iplrlt
"i'. of you by your will power." j
Ana then what?"
i "Then will it fly to my rooms by thor
cmghly concuitratlnfr your thoughts up
t n the positon of the same. Keep that
up until you lone coneclousiui;,-and
then we will ace."
"If I don't come by half-past one," I
..iid. sceptically, "don't sit up forme."
"You you'll try and tome, won t
you?" lie pleaded. I never saw him loo::
juore anxious.
"Hut how how ehall I be dressed?"
1 atked, anxiously.
"Don't be Silly. Mo one can see your
"Hut I fhall be Jolly cold, dressed like
'--ifcat, ihan't I? I'm not Kiuir to get
rheumatism for any body," I asserted.
"You silly fellow," he explni tied, "why,
your body will be In bed all the time;
It's only yc - mind, an It were, that'.,
coming to ane me."
"Hut how--iuiw nhhil you know me?"
1 aiiked, somewhat uncertain. "Uiok
here, if I'm fWlns In my clothes I'm
not coming fitiling round in that
draughty condition."
"A you like
"Hut half a minute." I said; "If this
nort of thing goes on, you know, perhaps
my spirit will be getting loose when I
di.t'.'t want It to ami be wearing m
clot lies out. I'm not going to pay any
mere tailor Mils. I tell you."
Your brain will b- ii-ihct master of
your miml." M 'I'hic l rut In John
son, with a super: iNely l-'iirm d nlr.
"Hill li' on e.uiti an; I goifg to L'et
from our limine to yours? Shall I bring
my b gs with me?"
"Thought travels quickly yn.i think
.mil you ad. Yoil'o heuru tin pnias.
quick as thought.' Well, dincily th
.r.oit; ht thoroughly masters the Uiiu.
the action w ill take place."
"How shall 1 gel ill your room? Shu
I knock? Or. perhaps I shan't be hrin:
.tig n. knckles with me! I say I gin
I shall look Jolly tunny. Ho you t.:lii
a policeman will stop me'.'" I asked.
"To the outsider you will be invl
ible. The body is all that Is visible a
man the spirit for what it looks liln
might be 'non est.' There Is nothing to
"And yet It's I all the time?" 1 said
w ith a huge laugh, which dlsconcertei
Johnson. "Hut how shall you know
"I shall expect you. It Is mind to
mind. Our minds will work In unison
and your thoughts will be my thoughts
I shall keep my whole energy transfixed
upon your coming. I shall speak with
you. and you will reply."
"Then it is usual for a spirit to hrliu
his throat and lungs with him. Is It?" 1
queried, incredulously. "I say it will
look bi.istly funny to see a throat and a
set of lungs waltzing about, won't li?"
"You're frivolous." he chasti.-eii mi
with. "You do not s the possibilities "
"I see the impossibilities, though." I
ventured. "First of all. as I a.d.ed !
lore, how am I even if I nit'M tit to i:;
invisible portion taking a constitution::
a:t"f supper to get into your house
I'iease don't suppose, my dear Johnson
that I'm going to fly through your bed
room window. I'm not; Hying is entire-i
ly out of my line. If I have the control
of my spirit to will it to come I'm not go
ing to treat it shabbily by making it tl j
through u window, if it comes at aU I
iimiir.g in th- nrtlu i..-;. way. l:.i '
;. tin." I siimtucd up. "in." i .in I knoc ,
' oir r v. I;. . m l.itii, I. li s iir,. Wff: ;
'fie n-r j a:" ol n., jr. I., e ? I can't r '
the I.-!:. ci;;..r. 1 iinhi riiuiiv. 1 i .'.r.-.'
Mini th.' ha;:, 'e of ti c door even ii yu:.
! runnsi em,- to i -:i i; " 1
"You're f-;:-;i::; pra-tieal now. o).
eiiap." said Johnson, looking pii-a-eil j
"I agree with you there must be noob !
-t-uetion in the way. And there sha: !
:i'jt I).-. I will ...:;ve the duor ajar, an.;
: ep ii, tio. room nearest, and greet you1
as soon as you conn in." !
"You you'll- sure you'll know me? 1 1
slii,ii;i;i:'t lii.e to come all that way am ,
H-i.'l like a perfect stranger, of course
And I don't want to get in the v. rotit !
room, do you bear?" I .-aid. inpliatical-i
ly. "Just foi tii.s once I'm ::umg ti. d. i
tlie thing you as;;. l,u' I'm gt.:ng to do im
properly, and if everythim.' i.-n't j"-''
as I want it, I shall go hack. I su; u ..-
you'll have a little telrishn: -!! iraoyi
for me on my advent .' Oh, 1 lotgi.t. in
course 1 shan't have any any accom !
modation tor holding supper w ith nu I
ihall I? Of course not. Hut I shall ex-
ptct a drink of some sort, because I un
derstand that I shall have my throat."
Joan.-on agreed.
"It'ts a bargain," he said. "I ahall bt
anxiously waiting for you from half-past
one until three o'clock."
"Good." I said. "I'll come of course,
all being well. You'll send a cab up to)
our house for my other part, becaii.-e wi I
shall have to go down to business to-1
We shook hands on It. ;
"Hair-past one." he said, "you'll star! '
the thought." I
I agreed.
"Yes, don't be late," were his last!
wf.r.;.s. and I went into the house. J
I jumped into bed leaving mv wm-i
riow open aeain and started on my I; iiu.-.. ion 1 pictim d Join..-'.. .-1
room.i a.. d a:-ain and nu.? a. I pi .;. . j
them mull I got complete!; -ici ,,i it,,.'
sight of them, lint I per.-.i:-lu iinieiv.
and ai times I aiunwt felt inyseii u,
lug. I conscientiously trice my lor
the goiKl of tie cause, and more than
once 1 called myself and mv a.:.,,iuci
sundry uncomplimentary adject! .eh t:,:
their inability to separate. I had tain;,
got Johnson's bedroom now into my
brain, a drowsiness came over mc ami
I lost consciousness. ...
When I awoke the next morning I was
a firm believer in Johnson and his pel
thrt. ry . I had certainly been dreaiinc.
(in mv ignorance I put it thai way i ,
am. I r c i I. d how I bad t pi nt a portion
of the night at his r siiience. I was sure
he'd be pleas d with me.
He called round the next morning,
looking inmit disappointed, however.
"You you never came," he said
sulkily, "and 1 left the door wide open
all night for you."
I assured him that, aa far as I could
say, a portion of me had called upon
him In the interim. j
Ilia face lighted up In an Instant.
"Oh, then It was you, after all," lit
said, looking relieved. "That's all
"Thou some somebody came all
right?" I queried, nervously.
"Yes, and and they look my best
clothe:! And --and my watch ..aa gone!
One (,.' j .'i:. i .... I iitr.po?"
Tostlrr Woiitliorrrvl, In
rililiiii' ii recent trip over t lit" Men vir vinionHol ibn
I'niteil States I.mul Oflice I.Bkeview, I
Oregon. July 'M, I H )." . Notice is hereby
uivi'ii tlint in fiitn iiliuiiiii uiib tlm tiro- ,
" ...... .... ,.
Act of June II. S7S, mi-
'i,i i titled ' .Ml net for the sale ol tiinlier,
hinds in the Slates of ( 'iililornbt, Oregon, I
.Nevada iiii.l Vi HHlnngton 1 erntory. hs
extended to nil the I'liblic l.iuul States Slifer
& Kin tinniile Unllfoiiil. mh.vh In
"A l bisl tlie l'iiiiI nf the lllllliltiiill
of yciifH Iiiih Imh'Ii reni'liml iimrve- by act of August 1, SHU, the following
..,.i,.i..rtol noil liiHiilcltiir pi'rsoiis have this (lav Hied in tbif ollice
Knynl liiirge Ih on cither linntl. '1'lu
ll.l'ir HWOril HlH'l'IOI'hlH, to-w it ;
.M rn. Muvnr ni 1'oitlutnl 'imn.
niil.v lisiiiinintin; tblnn lw .von only i tv Multo.iuili, slate of Oregnti.
have otic pulf of cvch. while the tmln Sworn StHteuient No. UiMi. for tlm Sw J
ilurts .lij.titnl out of the treinetiiloiiH
I'iouiiu If iiii.v vlu liuve never won
it nrv woiiilerlngr how It lookH JiiHt
iro and sec. 'I'li iiikihiiIx luivi
w"4, Si:'4 Nwl,
' SwJ, Sec. 27, ami
sec. :n, Tn. s., u. 77 1:.
l ti ritii r,l l.'u.ttt tif lu,itii,il ululii of
! Mu lligan. Sworn Hla'cnient No. U!l.")7. '
t rieil 1 for t lie piircbuse if the .NV, Sec. US,,
that the land nought more vahuhU
for Its titular or stone than for airriciii
tural purposes anil to estnblisl, f.',
clrtini to said land before Geo. T, tj
win fo. Jndito, at Ills ollic at Klnmsth"
I' alls, on Tuesday the Ulli day of Sent
They name us wittieHscH-
iinri'i uvBii, in niiironel, Mich iim.
of Wooillaml. U'iihIi m..:
Kynn, of Marquot, Midi., C. -. Km.
Iiody, of I'ortland, Oregon, ('. .;, 'i,,t'ur
win. of Stevensoii, ll nsli. und A.rt
Peterson, of Stevenson, II ash.
Any nod all porsoiiM clal minK Bdvenw.
ly the above iles ri bed lands are re(ii,P,i.
el to lilo their claims in thjK nfli,.,, 0"
or lii-fore said Ul b day of Sept., IH),",,
l.'7-.'HI J. N. atwon, llejHti.r,
to ib-Hcrllie It. vet I'vcr.v nttctniil IiiIIh r- '. " !' i
.,. .. ti... yi, !.!,. 1, 1 Maitin Kvaii, of Maninet,
. ,,!, ,Mu,h Swiirll MaMII,,t j,,,. .M,r,s,
If Villi I'ltlltPlllltlMtl' Jl, tflt I.IImI 1 .1... . 1 i .t 11 v I'l
- " I Hlf 111 r 1 1 H"t" 111 I III r.'u .M'j, t 'a ' 1... 1: . ,
Mcllride. lU4TlilrdHtr.4.t NK'J.NwV. SI.. Sec "7:Ti.. :C, S.. k..""'"" ' "r l'l'n. readverti
. t
1 lining v uiiMiiiM) n iitiMwiin mi iin 1 ,
write V. ('
I'ortlniiil. ( rcg;on.
ite of 1 lllanks for final proofs, Ilesert prmifg
H. ',rl timber land final proofs and blank aft!
Sw'j 1 .1... -, ... ,. .
for liookletH tile- ' " I''
.... . .
1 n at
The Kxitmincr oflico.
und any other liiforniHtlon yon tuny 1 -
i ' is)
t : '
f M Ml I I V
1 &f.ris.
1 W
1 11W 1VLU1 11 Ul
This latest and best work of
Dr. Doyle will commence serially
in The Lake County Exam
iner next week. i
I The Most Progressive
and up-to-date Newspaper in
Eastern Oregon. k
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