tmit r. titer i her liit. ulil rd ifer. Iwk one be and iek. 3ti- Br. 905 tnitut VOL. XXVI. LAKKVIKW, LAKE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUG 3, 1905. NO. 31. SENATOR MIT sentenced. Mitchell will be permitted to hold IiIh office until the sentence Is executed. MET WITH A SERIOUS ACCIDENT. CHELL SENTENCED. Seim tor John H. Mitchell whm sen- I'M" "i ufcl July tn nix montliH In the !.. tl .i.l n .... ,,t J. E. Calderwood Dead. It In with Krvnt regret thnt we have to report the dcnth and funeral ilt linpoHeil. When Judge De ' of Mr. .1. K. Cnlilcrwooil lute of War HaviMM 1 the morning session ,.r Valley, I,.ik Co., Oregon, and , the eoiirt lie said. "Thin formerly of Surprise Valley, Modoc County Calif. For some time IiIh health hud faileil him anil Home weeks hku he came to I'.iilwcll to se cure medical n 1 1 . lie continued to fail, however, ami event uully suc coineil to Hint dread alllict ion, ft I--' th,. lillie lived fof JifoiloUtHli y f I. 1 -: . I mlMIM'tlt III I lie case ll I lie 1 I itulcx nMiii-t Mitchell. Man tin IhIi'iiiIiiiiI ii 'i l hi tig lo k'iv why n,l unit 1 1 1 1 I not I if pronolinc- ,'" S'-n.'i i "! Mitchell and t X I St 'if ' A IV iili'i't hill will lie overruled. 1 Tin' mat hi e Minler which the In- lii'tnii'iil In this cane wan found ro- , viili'H tlint every person offending 1 I' ' f r y 1 -Si ,,l: M i it please the court. I I'.riirht 'h Disoise. The end came ,in p.iiv:ired here hy couiimcI. who u 1 - lit half past t Wo on t iie liHitn- will peal f. r mi-." Senator Thru- li,K or t he I'll Ii. Willi his pamdlii iiiii.ciiiiiiki'I I r Mitchell made a JiIcji Iuih (fone anol I f t he earliest wet- ,n Ichalf if Mil' ' Hi" ground t ci-m of Surprise Valley. He was ilia!, under i he const It lit lou of the lnrn In Kimx County, Maine, iu the niled M.-iie- it was unlawful to .war !. I'i. and moved I" California nvi'iil ii I . s. Senator Irom alleud- In the year of iMil. hy the way of the llii'.icpiuar sessi,in ui oures. isiiiiuusol I'annina. Me came to Jmlp- lie Haven oNerrilled the oli- I'.ldwell w Mhthe lirst company of viiiin. California olunteers and helped to jima; hi iiivi:n" kkxt.nkck. Iiuild I'ort indwell. Since then, un til the year SM!. when he removed to Warner Valley to clique;,. n the liveKtock liusiness, he made his home iiiimt its provisioiiH nhall lie deeiii-jlti rddwell and was identified with fll Kiiilty of a iiiiMdemeaiior atid'ltM interests end development. In Imll In- Imprisoned not more than ,,.,.,,,. Wo waH uutn.M , tmiyi'iirs mid tmed not more than I,, ... ... , , , .... . I Marv r oster and h ve sons and one lli'.mw, uii'l shall moreover hy con-1 , .i i. . ..u it. . .t t... vktiiin thereof lie rendered forever ""uKmn UR r hoi.,... ft..., 1 1 ........ i .1 , .t I.. .1.11... ...... 1 iinltin Vi'Imiiii 'IMu irtui w I'l'.uilf vii' i in 1 1 ' i i ii ii (i rit- i 'i 1 1 ( mi 1 1 1 tin ' - i I t inuv in Honor, trust or lu-ollt iimler Harrv and l;dward ( aldei wood. who all dwell in Warner Valley I ..I.. I'.. 11. ....... i. 'flu. iIm lie liter . . i 11,,. 4 1 f.. I . . ",r "i.-no.. .."mi,,, '"iiinnin- ranch Iii Harney county, was stab- Alitliiir Slit A. UUIMAN DUYLE. 1'iie Ketiirn of Slicrlnck llolnies." tlm great serial soon to be pub lished In this paper. conference held iu I.akeview Sattir- i day, the present pastor, Kev. San-i Julitw SHiiders, a resident of Vin ton, Calif., met with an accident about two months ago. while break ing a couple of colts He was driving them along the road, when of a sudden, they both took fright, and dashed down the grade, for, a distance of of a mile. ! When they reached the bottom of ! the grade, the vehicle collided with a j large bolder, throwing Sanders to I the ground, one wheel passing over ; his leg. being stunned by the fall, he j does not know how long he lay there, but upon regaining his feet, he started for his ranch a distance of j one anil a half miles, to find his j team hail been put up in the barn, i and two of his hired men in the act I of leaving, to make a search for him. j He complained of a little soreness ; in ills hip, also of a slight headache, J that was nil. He related his ex perience, while at the supper table, congratulating himself, on his ittcky i escape from serious injury, lie retired about 10::t0 p. in., feeling little tin-, j worse for his mishap. I l'he following morning lie was unable to leave his bed, in which he j renin inert for three days, being rub ' bed, and hot applications applied was unanimously re - I, ded him tliHiiivrrn lit of the Cnlted States. An I construe this language, t he juilcnii'iit upon a vei'dii't. of couvic- lioil must he both line and i m orison, i 1 Hed" ( alderwood. p.fce mint, hut the court is uiven urent to t lie ot her world in ls7. May Iwrt'tiun in fixing the amount of tile tine jiikI the term of linprisoii- llnit'iit. The iiiinrlsoutuent. if for Miiri' flian one year, luay be in I lie utatc prison, and in any case t he 'Wt tuny. I,y its Judgment, make tl"' intiiinliuifiit only nominal, in protioutieing judgment it is not t".v purpose to comment upon the yidence or to make anv snevial ref- "Mice to the facts necessarily found , U r "'n' 'if tin Jury in returning their ver- ford to lose such a citizen and 'lid. It will be mitllcleut to say that in ifacliliig t conclusion as to Hie l,rl Judgment to lie given. 1 have Slffii consideration to the age of the lefeiulurit. which may le properly "tutni Into account in mitigation of paper man in California, and later nni'Mliul tn rilnrn ta tlilw i-liiirrli ... . . . ; - " proprietor oi a noiei Killed at White Horse. Fred Andrews, formerly a news-j frequently, the fifth day he was ap- j another year. The in Burns, and pastor will at- i lately foreman on the White Horse at Albany in September. r i He was a man of honor and of ster- j Runaway Saturday. ling integrity and was held in high. A lively runaway occurred Satur esteeiii. by all who knew him. for near Frank Lane's place. Dick his many good ipialities of mind and ! Kingsley and wife were out for a ride heart. The great affect ion iu whicu with a Livery team. One of the iiu he was held by his wife and sonsand hauls became frightened at a bicycle, their extreme grief at his deatli in-j and started to run. Juan effort to dicate a yet finer side of Ids cliarac-, stop the team Hick broke one of the ed to death in a saloon at White Horse last Tuesday a week ago, A man known as "Ued." whose true name Is not known, had been work ing on the White Horse ranch, and quit. He got into a fight with An drews, and got the worst of it and while his uartner, a man named parently as well as ever, on the twelfth day, he complained of a slight pain iu his knee, hot applica tions were again applied, but .with no satisfactory results. He was finally persuaded to have a Dr. call ed in, and Dr. W. I). Coates of Loyal ton was the gentleman selected. Fpon examination the Dr. pronounc ed It a Superative knee joint and had Sanders immediately removed to the Loyalton Hospital, where he could The country can ill af- all whii knew him will regret his death. bridle bits with a suddenness that threw hlni out of the buggy. liy this time the team was under such The funeral took place at J51d well j head way that Mrs Kingsley decided at 10 a. in. on the Kith Inst, the Kev. to take her chances in the buggy, and (.. H. llarrett of the M. V.. Church of coolly kept her seat. The team ran tVdarvllle, conducting the ceremonies I'UiiiHlitnent and to the fact that the ! aud delivering the funeral sermon. ""fiiHe N defined In the statute as if MrM j ( uiderwood and sons 2u"T':T Tl "0t "H a ""''''weK all able to be present at the the further fart that the legal wt,t , ' , rt of the judgment Is to forever 1 l"""-v frUwU thi'lt!i Simllfy the defendant from hold-j to express their sympathies with the Hl8tty ollice under the tiovernmcut ! bereaved and show their respect for '""let tilted States. In view of this '' nl considering also the nature "I tlit defendant's offense, as dis puted hy the evidence, the Judg of tlie court Is t hat the defend I Imprisoned for the term of six '"outho In the County Jail of Mult '"'"mil County, In this city, and pay "Hnelu the sum of 1(HK). Execution of this judgment 1 "Ved for two days." nutor Mitchell iii.iu.uh.ii id cilu to the supreme court of the United "ItU's un.l was given his liberty by "iHJtlsuperoedeas bond upon which ''Ml iii'tsclian of the .Imperial Hotel "'"1 H, A. Arato, a wholesale liquor 'r uppcared as su cities. United States Supreme court Avouch the nil, f i i1.flli. ,,...1 un- the deceiisetl. I a lit. wk 1. 1.. Kkri'woll, Irituirts, yel nt farewell, Wbi'rc Ihiu ye tooiiliall dwell. I m kii' brfore your fuce, A uiuiiieuC time.n Utile pce, Wlieu ye uuine where I lmve ilept. ye will wonder wby ye wept, Ve will know by wise love tauKht, Tbt berc la nil nd there it uukIiI, Weep awhile if ye are vain, Hun.lilne atlll iut follow rein. F up behind Charley Moore's carriage and ruu the buggy tongue under the back seat, where Mrs. S. T. Colvin was riding. Here the horses broke the double-tree aud freed themselves. No one was hurt much, and the only damage done to the rig was a brok en double-tree and a few broken spokes iu one of the wheels. Quarterly Conference. The Fourth Quarterly meeting of the M. K. Church of Lakevlew was held lu the church in this city ou Sat urday and Sunday, July 1!U and :!(. Kev. M. C. Wire, D. D., the presiding elder-of the Kugeno district, was present and preached both morning Picknicked On Cottonwood, Last Sunday quite a crowd went to Cottonwood to fish and have, a plculc. Iu the crowd were, F. M. Miller and wife, Dr. J. S. Dewey aud wife, W. H. Shirk and wife, W. M. Harvey aud wife, V. L. Snelllng and wife, F. r. Laneaad wife, Mrs. White, Misses Hall, Josle Harvey, Laura and (Jeulo Snelllng. A splendid time was had and soinf fish caught. Mr. Shirk says Ylnco ate so much that his pants wouldn't meet and had to put on a pair of overalls to make up the deficiency. or . tc hell niinenrs III ailU eveiliug fin."".' I'lngton at that time and asks able preacher. His Sunday evening '"luive his ...,u. ..a i i ,..r I -..rmou was exceptionally tlm Dr. Wire is an j K-ock Assays ion. T IUU, sjica, two i.oo,. j v . , . v v . .. . . from llidwell Tuesday and reports '"He up (.j,. ,lri,u,e,,t before Jan llKitl, aud is not likely to come " the next session at all, and Wi" Bo "ver to the next term and Uutlieii id until the closing days "' Hie term of Mitchell as U. S. Sen ntur. March 4, Uiur, which would de prive (1 Wire went with the pastor to Uulou .School House on the West Side, also to New Flue Creek aud to Dethel Church, lu Modoc county, preachlug at each place to au appreciative con gregatlou. He expressed himself us belnu well pleased with the coudl- ,"ltyofutul.,tln.r a demo- tlon- of the church at the severe. -uH.ortoMlr.rlH.11. Though ' point- visited. At the Quarterfy During hi-visit in this county. Dr. j good news from the mines in the overuor Chamlterlaiu of the mouutalus betweeu this valley and Surprise valley, about -'5 miles from Lakevlew aud 10 miles from lildwell. (Jeo. brouglit back samples of the ore that he says will go from $1000 to $1500 to the ton. A vein of this quality of ore about 20 luches wide was found. Wo hope to give more details of the rich strike later. Foster was engaged in a like :nele i get proper treatment. After being with Andrews, "Ked" stepped up be-' ln the nOHpitttl a few days, a con hind Andrews aud stabbed him in gultation was held. Dr. Coates call the back of the neck. Andrews died ug in two other prominent physi In 30 minutes. "Red" started for'cUu)8( they examined the patient liurus, but was overtaken, aud ar- carefully, and thoroughly and were rested at Burns. He waived exam- unanimous, that In order to save the inatlon and was bound over to the ' o( Sanders, that an amputation circuit court. j waH uecessry, the operation was Wool Not. All Sold. j performed and successfully, the pa- A Cheyenne dispatch says. The tlent was on the road to recovery 1905 wool clip has not been entirely disposed of in this state. Indeed, shearing Is still In progress and many clips have not been sold. Yet con tracts are being made for the 1300 clip. One clip of 400,000 pounds of a well known flockmaster who ranges his sheep in the Muskrat country in cen tral Wyoming, has been sold to a liostou firm for seventeen cents. The 100G clip of the same flockmaster went to the same firm a month ago for the same price. The flockmaster Is of the opinion that wool will fall several cents In price liefore next season and believes he has received what will prove to be a big price for bis clip. So anxious were the buyers to se cure the wool that the demand of the owner for an advance of $15,000 on the clip was readily assented to. ":- . . , We are informed that the school board has selected the teachers for the next term, but coutracts have not been made. I'rof. J. IJIougb will probably lie principal, Miss Flora Ulough will take the 6th aud 7th grades, Mrs. Thos. Cloud the 4th and 5th, and Miss Hall the primary department. Dr. Daly informs us that a high school course will be taught, up to the twelfth grade. It Is not certain jet when school will begin. wlien abscesses developed, which necessitated the patient being lanced In several different places. Sander's mental condition Is slightly impair ed, owing to the number of abscess es developed during his Illness, he lost considerable blood, and is still In a precarious condition, but owing to his robust constitution the Dr. has hopes for his ultimate recovery. His brother, Manuel, a well known sheep owner of Lakevlew, Oregon, has been constantly by his bedside for the past month, he has spared nothing, to make his unfortunate brother as comfortable as possible, with words of encouragement from Dr. Coates, he left Loyalton, for Lakevlew Tuesday morning, to at tend some very pressing business In. the North. X A Business Change. Reynolds & Wlugfleld are taking an Inventory ot the stock of goods this week. A Mr, Goodman of San Francisco Is here to receive the stock. Mr. Reynolds may buy the stock and continue the business. Mr. Wing field will retire ou account of his health. It was reported that Mr. Reynolds would either go to Paisley or Klamath Falls, but he did nut; confirm the report.