SEASONABLE GOODS at Reasonable Prices for Cash Buyers. 1 Gal. Stone Jars ;"0e. Standard Masons Patent Fruit Jars. 1 Ioz. Tints 1.10 1 Quarts 1.40 1 Hall-Gal. Jar Cajs per Ioz. ooe. Mosquito Netting per piece 50c. 25 Double Sheets Tangle Foot per box 50c. S BIEBER'S CASH STORE GATES RESTAURANT Under New Management. rij.ul. Pies, Cakes, and in pastry line kept constantly on hatnl. LiiKird by the D::y, VVeelv or Honth. Fir5t-c!as Meals at all Hours N -!.h uf First N.-iUnn :! Patik Ti (H: k NT;.t I) Co.;;n.-'J) If. - - "C.t C ( ' I " ' ' III1,! Vj, ..:. 1 t v. of .The '-Uttual Lif insur ance Company of New York . . . RICMAUl) A. M.'CL'RDV, l'r. sid nt V. L HATHAWAY. OrL-. lanager. Till- si Ak liiitnl (1 i tf.-rs from unv paliev vritlei, hy this or any other 1 1 . iasiir uie.'i r.iniianv in the 1 allow i --"atial prr'.ieiil.ii-s ; i Tile p iliey i hy i' - I'V'n.-. p iv iinie ii. ' :.! (ami. Til is refers in t, t li tt,e priia.'ip.ll sain mid tlie inujresi ; -ii. J' jr 11 iranli-e- amni.iiiy, i.,r u fcoi. :iiied i-ria ol years, ii per ivut in u on a!! prea,iiiin-i jn evi :: pid l. Tin's.- credits may lie i!i,i.',ii at the wine uiev are inline or ill any oilier lime, i ..... i . .1 . . . . inn nr. I'mir a.-i iney are alio .veil to letnam v ill, tin- Can, p iny, they will he iocuM--il hy ,'i' ' i;rcent interest, coiiiiiounded a'lnnally, until tlie end of the said term, i and. in theeveatof the death of the in- Hiired, any Hiieh liec'iuiiila'ateil credits i i!l he paid .w li 'he siun tasiire,! ld. At the end of the period during vjiirl. pieiniuai puyineatH arc reipiired ( 10. lii or iM yeari, us tho c.i e m;iy he), the ouipany, if required, will excliHriKi; l this Pond for a i ew one a stipulated i Amount, payable at the death of tho in rand and, ia the meantime, ilruuini: it per rent simple iatiai'st aair.i.illy on its pur value, I'lasoi'.w. .wi inti:ic: r j'.w- 'a. in aia.i) coi. Tie aiiiul.Ueil fiirpinsor dividend wid a' tin' same lime he paid in earth, or It may he applied to jnriia-o the aiaoiint of tin- ae li per e):l liol ill, n hicli v, ill al.-, ilieieufte participate uonu ilh' ia the ihvi iends of iihe l.uu.pai.v )n addition to tlic.-e iea'.uies hich lire peculiar to the Gold lioml, it also . ,, a, lanes all the advauta'.i'o of the 1 trihutioii Policies of Tlie .M"lua: Life ; Life Pills. They are u most wonderful JfiHiiruiice Company of New York, kiicIi ! remedy, alfordiiie sure relief "ami cure, as full participation in the HurphiHearn- , lor lieadauhc. dizzinoHs and coiistipa ititfsof the Company. CatU Surrender . tioii. at l.eo Ihjall'a drnK Htoro. and 1OHii Valuei.Ktuco in payment of uremluuiH. AUionianu i nei up o..,- nee, etc. Pull iinf 'i iiiation ieiardiiitt this ex ceedinply popular and attractive rom- Money Saving J f ) j I ( ! '.' f Ss J s . s i'aeL ever vthin-'- III the Chicago S:-ii;e CJitU Oft. li;. an o erw lu'lmiiiie.'.- vole. til. striiune tcaiasters, on .Paly lio. , filled lo i.irl of; t he M like which ill s. ; held Chie.;.io in turmoil lor Pl." days. : It is aa iiaeoadi! ional surremler and I the iil"li will seek their old positions J as individuals. They have even lost I the hist point f,,' whah they ,,; ve ii'ia hoidiiii; ol'i iieraiissloi, t,, dis- ,la the union l.i i , ,v 1 . . , lie- prrnaar condition there, life , . oni i n ii:;.-:;:.' j ,y ;;;,y ) 1 1 ; ; 1 1 not ills- playinir the union laitton, ami the eiMjiloyei s v. ere lirm on lids point, and the liiiiton mast tin. aloiiii- with tjH. ,.,,.,., hoii and the laisiness llel, . Pol li ia iaiijiiity and coiiducled " infaliioiis lilies throiiuhout, the strike was real I v lost the day it le- ! nun. Charges t iiat It was called lie j cause the lirm of Miiiiloiiii'i'.v Ward Ac Co. w ould not pay if':!ouo to certain lalior leiid'-rs as "raft" have hover If-eu satisfactorily denied. After the ,tui,i,', i.ii i,i n .i ih""""" ... . ..n Kl" I he I i -c lit w as passed nlon)r to the I toaniHtoi'n, ii)i to this time th" must powerful lahor hody in the city, and ciiusidereil iiivilirilile. Ciil'lielitlH P. Shea emtio from lio.stou to eoudiiet i n.. lie to I - . . A I'arty. A ple:iseiil hiii prio pariy may lie jiv- n to your stonon'li mid llvei , hy taklna ! a iiieilicine which will relieve their pain I and discomfort, viz: lr. Khig'tf New! w a -a.- J. . a. -. BMritb i" unu ion mm mm ltiB Kind You Have Always Borht LakeviewAnd Vicinity Itlnl Pood was up tow n Mtimlii.r. Pruit j,irsnt Kakovlcw Mer. Co. Palnily liquors at I 'owl Ai KliitfH. tf Summer Press lion Ih one half price at I.. M. Co. " Mm. W. I Heed, of tin- IH.v lloti'l In ijnlti' sick. Covered Jolly (iliidMi'H at l.akevlow Mercantile Co. Duly Kobnett wan up from Willow Punch Tiu'Mtluy. J. 11. MeNew rami' down from Palnloy liiHt Sniiilay. Heat ." cent rljiar. "AilainC'l)lin't" at l'.leber'n ChhIi Store. Win. Itlurtoii of Pino Creek, Htnrtod IiIh freight ti'iim liiHt week. Now Htylt'H. iiioh'm fall ImtH anil caps at ltlelior'M Cash Store. )r. Nit'arliaiu. a Philadelphia den tist Ih expected lifn any ilay. Mr. anil Mm. .1. A. Ant In my wore up from Pint' Creek Saturday. Senator .lolin li. Mitchell lias ap pealed his ease to the Siiireniefoiirt. If on want a liraeer. et soine- thin that is a li"aeer. At Post & Kinii's. The I (eve pHM I'M t"f tf ipmelit lean'iie received 1 1 ' I M IIMIII ill" Mllll' I .eaune t bis week Si I : i ; N . In Kndeview. uremia. I i.Pliv -I. lli'la. In the wife ..I .1. P.. Me I 1 New. t if I . a iriH. K. '. A lkl-i n mi Iioiiurlit the !enm rest i"si.l"iire ni Water .'v el Mou ilay. Tlie priee p-iid Was "spl'lH. l.o'.-en I '.a. ley ami K. 'I'. Si riplia are painiil.milid pa -iimthe house ' Cy pnrehased l.y lie,,. .r-'.s. l'i -i; S l.l'.. 'lire. lire, I Poland China liius. liiiUire of I'has. Oliver of New I 'ine I 'reek , 1 l,i - 1 Said T , a Id Wen ' I I I !l .1 : On e on. L'i-tf. ia l Kol! -i .Meli iii .fs 1.1 aeli a 1 ''' , iev lasl .s.-i ; urd-i ' 1 ( 1 w. in . a 1 v 1 e w ail ; in 1 1 i viiij. : ei'l I in j. : , lllid I lie . 1 .1 ;e 1, !: . 1: , ! Hid r 1 1.; I dip ,im ili Irani, i s i is in l-.eepil;e a l,s nee ol .- a '.a I d 'a 'e' t 11,11"' in It. I 1.1"!. ' ir a n etaeree,ie. . II ou a I'd and I '.':rl i i uillia in s re I lira ed last week from Portland, when t lev W eat some inoiil lis ii-;ii to at lend t he fair. The Masons of edarv ili will lay t lie corner si one for t h" Ii W .'sMMIII j wt'''1"- Attorney .1, ' 1 1 i'h Set I 1 1 1 1 i 1 I i i , ir to lie built jiJlamalh lailscatai ' I hill t o w ll I h is su m III T. Mr. (. Swalisoa. the sheep and I ; rattle liayer, is In l.akeview this I j week. Pan Malloy is Iniyini; fori S wanson in t his sc i ii mi. Warner Shiil-r went to paisley last Sunday after his wife, w ho has heeii visit Iny; up there. Mrs. .lulies returned with her daughter. iir. W ire, proMiiliiiK Kldor for this district is hero holding aurterly conferoiico. lio wont to Paisley to hold iuarterly uiceliae; there. ioor;u liatcheldor, returned from Orovillo Inst wii'k, where ho wont to hrlnj; his father and mother and lit tle iia lighter up ou a visit. Tho old folks will remain in Kakeviow about a mouth. 1 Pan .Malloy started fur Summer I, uko last Saturday on a sheep l,uy- in"; I rip. He intruded koiiiu as lar north as (Ieo. Winkleiana's. Pan said there yet four or live llioiisand j mill ton sheep in that sec lion fur sale ami ho wunti-d hoiuo of them. S. O. CivshIi'I' roeelvod word tho I other llnv fl'um Cedarvllle Hint Mm .1. P. Cook, Mrs. CroHHler'H aunt, dlod last Saturday, and was to I.o burled Monday. Mr. Ci-ohhIoi' wiih at Ccdurvlllc when the death of her aunt occiiried, hIic having nemo nvor when Mr. and Mm. V. T. CreHHlor returned homo. Sealing Wax and Para II in- at L. M. Co. Presh frull anil vcnoiableM at Patche's. I'. 1 1. Pay ton, a S. F 1 in i 1 1 in t-. in in town. Mrs. Puller Im visit Inn at the I lory -font homo. Now potatoes anil eahhaKo at I'atolio'H vegetable atore. ttediietlnn In Ladleit HMrt Walstn at tho Lakovlow Mor. Co. A full lino (if lunch goods for plc nlckers, at IMelier'a ChhIi Store. Pastern bacon! tho fluent In tlio market at Illobor'H CaHli Store. "Jllelier'H Creamery ClieeHo," JtiHt rooolvotl at I'.IoImt'h ChhIi Store." J. Wendell Hold his white driving borne to Al Farrow Monday fur f 100. Italley and MaHHlnglll'H Ih the liest attire In niwii forHiimmiTiiiidorwonr. Mrs. (ieo. liaod of Paisley has licctl under tho weather for hoiuo weokn past . Ite.l.., li..u 11. price, on all lines summer uouds, n( Iliclier's Cash Store. tieo, Nickersua went to W'altier yesterday to run out some lines for I Iiek tjlliillan. I J l',-;,la nil Was a I ,'i!e lew Uitor for a ciiiiplo of ilayn the past w eek from Paisley. II. A. I' 1 a in of P.iisli-y was hiimiiioiii'd t o appear in I ' irt I 1 11. 1 as a Juror in t he federal .art . Waller I .vci- i'i-ki! ai" I his dm ie in the liarlier shop Saiiir.iav. lie has j i'en sin'ferian I'roia a liruisi-d i,i: . A, ',.,.,, w IM , 1 , , .i,. h.y ,.,,. vUil,.. hl i.-.u,., ..,,. day ninht, on ;heir I 'Mii .i h.aae , from P.ty. Mr. and .Mrs. Ml..,,. .,-. 1 .mailt 1, nd M iss 1 1 -.-1 1 .;!., a 1 in ! 1 1 vi.-w fr 11:1 ( la I-. :i .1 ! . T .! !lll, .-lav Hi' 1 rir a 1; , '. a t iia Ira I I e ,' I , ,, a in-'i ii n;-' ! Iia Ve i I; Tn I for l t lie ,a!,e: a. p Par: w . ; i i i : t ; liiinli'-r c a n ii ad i ; at lie-Noria. .la.piish Harris plan lli' mill. A lea in la ha tiling steady, and can ui ve you whatever , uu may waul, t lie ( ainas sa w In ill. ii-f V.'. I'. Ta.Nlor lie of 1 1, lirm, ctillie up Horn San Pruucixco this C Piileair oxer wiili Mr. I Tn y lor, a In I I he I wo e. n I Ir men ei , (lot he l,i nrli Aloada v. In mi I l.e,-. t hey w ill jo, to Silver Pake A Sin'llii ( I -Z 1 1 ! ; i n , 1 1 lirm has on I I Me IV 111 I'.h window a poeket knife I possi'ssiii;' 7.-, hhnles. Knell Idade, hus a local seepo eauraved upon i. The lirm oheis .;,oihi to miy person w ho ran shut n 1 1. I, hides wil hoi;l cut tine; hiH lingers. At the auction nale in from of IIowanl'H Htoro next Saturday at 1 o'clock there will ho sold, ineir, ladies' and misscH' hhoes,' uiou h, ladioH' and misses' hats, mon's mid Iio.vh Khirts, ladiTu' mid misses under wear. :,(i.,f An intoxicated sheep herder wont into the restaurant yesterday inoru ilitf mill coinineuceil llsilie; abusive IniiKuiiKe. One of (lie waitresses or dered li i III will, whereupon heslupped her. The fellow was arrested upon achareeof asstilt mid buttery, and placed in jail to await his I rial last evening nt .", o'clock. At the last meellne; ,,f t1(. p(,.,j of Supervisors, N. Clark was uriuitod privilege to conduct a toll road over Suar 11111, with rati-H Uh folh.w'H: KlKldlo llOl'HOH a OI'lltH.ono-horHL'I'ie. lO ooutH, two-horHo rl ir, ci'iiu, four Iioi'ho rl r,0 contH, Hlx-hoiHo rlir eentM.i'ltfliHiurHui'ljsfl; wjt, ,,rvii. ego to make Hpeclal in ton to fatinorH. Codarvlllo Itccord. WEEKLY WEATHER REPORT. Ilolow wit uivo n report tf the woatlw hh recorded hy tho Hovortunent Wfiittier htiroiiu station lit The Kxntuiner 0f(S This report is chanced cadi work, Hinlij our renders wish to keep a yenrly rworil o( weather conditions for future ruler, once, cut out tho report along Hip line and pante it in crp honk one week after anotbor. This word will be taken on Tiienda- to end each week und lien in (n Wednesday for the next week Government Weather Bureau Sta tion at I.akevieW, Oregon, C. O. Mktxkkr, Cooperative Obaurver. Week ending TuoHday, July 1905 iy mm mill priHilp llallmi nn'w 111 l (li; wotl. I0L' IMJl ".'Ml I Ull I clear thur. I lit I .rS n.(M 00 I 0.00 I (Ml I" t r'tKTr i).IMt (H) I" fril'yiaJM) Hat'y101 I "o Htm, jiol I .'..'1 moii. I im I 7 J tnoH. I IH .Ml 0.IMI "11.00"" i.H'J 0(1 J Come on. We're Ready. The Modoc Kopntilicau w ariis the peupleof Modoc tit look nut for u ..(l1""" " U "lonylit to he la tlmt (county represent loir an Insiiriilici' company, ami pa.tlisheil a ifwrli It ion of the sw Indies, the fellow Ih I Hiipposod to lie worii lh), from u j Shasta enmity paper w hich says: 1 "A man I y the name of lr. I'. A. i rv'nl t, represi'ii I iiu; . or elaiiiiiiii; to 'represent, tic 1 aser alive ,K,. jn. sartllice ( 1 illlp.l II of I, os Aiii'Iid, was in s.i'1 1 ; 1 'al, and oilier mr lioisoi .-isi, i. 1 111 eniti'y twelve or III ! i ea llloll t lis a u' o ail w ii ll till' !e-!,i of a few I i' .1 .ii'iiis, wrote p. liicies for a e j;,- nnailter of pco pie ! I o er 1 In- ion a ' v i in! 11 dun; hcv era I hefe in this vail, y . lit- 1 oil many fa ir t ales a auiil thi' p"i:r;. .Hid ileinivd amsl oi hisclicntK in I a l.e one l..v ,.l a I inn t hat If tho pol , was not 1 xac! ly as he ceprc se:.:,,1 ii. I.o pay lle-itt !:eed in' llliull' and M11 jn : i.'.v 1 M, id lie re, a ;! Ilu i iiw !(. nt to . i;'.i! a paper I1M1 I'l- ,11 illl'W -. Ilium l ei' I lit' 1. ,-i'aU ;i im it r. ' ra ciitl- : i"l 11 ,i:a I ;. i! in I I, says : I as fello'.v lit ' ,-. Us a-.,, anil I lie. i - II ilool. a ioiir.'. . ll" .iy h I lie policy I did liol si.'il w h a h ' reeeivrd it, HH , . : : ii hack. Mr. .'d ot'Uui.'in is wait- ine for Mime one id try lo (nivc nil- lection on the fui-eeil nolo. So Cllllll' i .. ...... .a a. ae mill en iiii. i run, inn j 1 1 1 ii- i in ' . . our ii. Maohah nml Sheiilf lire willing lo i i o 1 1 1 1 i i ic.s s with all your of,1 111,1 "'",NV "i iilild , oil iioeepl a pos-ilioii tllllt will pay you a tlra:l,t Milnl'.V a' per day ijpl.ll per week I f"f w hole or spare t iiae'.' If ho write U at once. ' his is no book cu ussing Hcheiue, but ii strai-jht forward hiwl lirss proposil ion, w hich w ill he a pei'liin lieu I as y ou may he able to make it, mid will afford excellent eha!ie,e fur promotion. No bond, rod tupe nor uureasonahle reiplln)- tils. Act ipiickly as wo wish to employ hoiuo one in your lucidity without delay. Spnuvtio Vluil,le Co.. Wabash Ave., Chlcae;o. ::i:u V ood. We w ill deliver you a bind of wood of any length, any day, at any I'lw Itl Iilkeview you desire it. Our price Ih per cord, w Uh count of ton per cent If toil conl or more are taken and paid for. ItoilXK & Ml I.KUV. ynini,n n m H" ill LK I u KlO-c. l.tiJI I X m est m m ii m U I- tJ I' ' ' . .U.I, V V"". Levi mmss &co' OVERALU