Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 27, 1905, Image 5

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    A Good Woter System.
I,iiNt, week L. Bay ley made a test
of tin iri'nrc of water In .Mm pipe
lilt"" II" found that the pressure
Wiih 1" pounds to tho square Inch
greater I lian t lui t of Mm City's water
HyHtciii from the big tank on the tt 111.
vlilch wn formerly used for tiro
iiirpiMi-M. Tim pressure from the
nuik Is T0 pounds to the hiiikito Inch
mill tl' pressure from tho Water
Co'h nml'iH Ih 5 pounds. Water
Irom tl"' ",,k UH,,(I ' n,n 11,0 l,,'l,"n
water motor In Tim Examiner office
which drove the big cylinder press.
1l,lM wheel was tried last week from
the W liter Cii'h mains with the Htnall
the Ml.e of a lead pencil, and
tin' hi! I"''HH W,,H ,,r,v('11 to ,,M '""
capacity with a little over half Mib
jull force of water turned on.
Tin- IncreiiHed pressure niakeH It
possible for more water to escape
through the various hydroiiH used In
Irrigating and It lieeamo necessary
fur the company t o limit t he t ime for
Irrigation. S. V. Re-hart nan din
covered auother spring In the moun
tuliw, which he has been tapping,
and hopes to connect It with the
nmin thlH week. It Is believed that
there will lie plenty of water when
thin Ih accomplished.
A lire engine Is not IieiVHHiir.V now
to tight lire, an the hone attached to
any of the hydrous, lire can be an
HiiwHhfiill.v fought as with inoMtiiny
engine. The Htream from a two Inch
im.y.l" will nltnoKt knock down the
mill d( n building.
Iksj;s Died at. Salt. Lake.
.1. A. l-uugf, who our renders ill
it'iii'-mlier an being located u Lake
view a few yours iipi, dieil at Salt
Luke City hint week, lie wiih in
(.'ulifnriiiii and IiIh health became ho
poor that he Htarted Kant. When he
ri'iii'lii'd Salt Lake IiIh condition wan
so serious that he wiih taken from
the train in an ambulance and died
before reaching the hospital.
During the Williamson, (jenHiier
and liiggs trial, it developed that
UnggH wiih in Home way mixed up In
the land fraud business.
The following wiih taken from the
lteuo Journal of the IStli:
NewH Iiiih been received In Reno an
nouncing the deuth of James A.
Hoggs at Salt Lake City hunt week.
Mr. Hoggs wiih well known in Reno.
He founded the Washo County Ab
stract Coiupany more than a year
ago. lie uIhu assisted lu placing the
Lincoln 1'ark tract at Sparks on the
murket and for some time wan agent
tor that property.
Several month ngo Mr. Boggs'
liculth began to fall and lu the hope
of recovering ho went to Loh Angeles.
At that place, lie grew steadily worse
until luHt week he Htarted for his
litmie in the Eitst, at Salt Lake City
IiIh condition wiih bucIi that he wiih
taken from the train and placed In
mi ambulance. While on tho way to
tlie hospital he passed away. Mr.
liogKN wiih quite well known In
Kutio. Me waH a hard worker and a
rifht man, well liked by all who
knew him.
Bald? Scalp shiny and thin?
Then it's probably too lute.
You neglected dandruff. If
you had only taken our ad
vice, you would have cured
Hair Vigor
'he dandruff, saved your hair,
and added much to it. If
not entirely bald, now Is your
opportunity. Improve it.
,.!' inicl Ay.'. Iliilr lor fur ( "
Jr."-, 1 '" "" Ul yoiiiiil '! I'??? l!""v
Uil, u ,, lr Vlu..i ." , ,,, .
Mim. M. A. Kbits. HoIIiivUIb. I11
1 mi -
4 """' C Villi "
Good Hair
Absolutely Pure
Trurher or Muxlr
Violin, riano, OrKdn.
allar, larlnet and
Cornft TunKht
Senator Fulton Talks of Primary Law.
"ItiHiny opinion that the party
nhould hold a confereiure of influen
tial memberH from all parts of the
State to make up a platform of polit
ical prluclplcH and to determine upon
the Htronent candidate whom the
party could nominate at the primar
li'H. If KepublicaiiH are to control
the Slate n'overimieiit , it in highly
OriHeiitlal that the very bent Kepubli
caim be tiominaled, and by tliirf I
mean hucIi KepublicaiiH a the peujile
have t he most confidence in. Many
Kepiiblican voter are looking for a
leadership and an organization in J
the party. It neem altogether prop
er that prominent ineiuberH of the
party from all parts of the State
nhoiild confer on tin- question of
nominat ions and decide on the pol
leicH bent for the party'H HiicceHs and
on men ablest to carry them to
achievement. Some peraoiiB whode
Hlre noininatitiUH might not be favor
ed by the couventiotiH, but they
could go before the party in the
prlmarlcH and there appeal to the
How Hhould the delegates be chos
en?" wiih asked: "by county con
vention."' No; by prlmarieH. Their Helectlon
Hhould bo taken back iih nearly as
poHHible to the people."
For Better School Facilities,
Tote Follett, A. M. Smith and Walt
1 in tier were up from l'lne Creek Satur
day to have papers fixed up legaliz
ing an election In that hcIiooI distrct
for the ptiruoso of levylnga sutlicleut
tax to raiHe (iOO, which will be used
to enlarge the school building. An
election wiih heltl t here a week ago
hint Saturday for the purpose, and
carried alinoHt unanimously, there
being but one dissenting vote, but
it was found that the election was
technically Illegal, so aiiotherelectlon
will be held.
The fact that New l'lne Creek has
outgrown its school hotme is a sure
hdgnof a growing community, and
the desire of the people of thedistrict
to cope with the situation is a sign
of progresslveness.
Cruxly Bear Near Paisley.
Last Saturday while Al Farrow
and Ueo. lUwd were going from Pals
ley to l!ly over the new road across
tho mountains, they saw a large
grUKloy boar near the summit of the
mountain. Al said the bear would
weigh a ton, but Mr. Keed thought
It would not go over 1950. The bear
stood near tho road and looked at
them for at loat a minute, then
waddled off lu the bru-li. The road
made a circle and It crossed again lu
front of them a few rods from where
they first nw it. The gentlemen
were not hunting grizzlies, so re
garded the lncldeut as Bightseelng.
We may expect to hear of ome of
the old bear hunters of Paisley hav
lug a battle with Druen before long,
and we put in an early order for a
Summer Voiles, Ribolincs, Grenadines, Silk Lawns,
Dotted Swiss Muslins, just a few small pieces left,
will close out for one-half price.
Ladies' white and colored Summer Shirt Waists for
cost Crash and Straw Hats while they last for one-half
Also several other lines will be closed out to make
room for our
next month.
istivc Bromo Quinine Tablets.
. hnvpt cnM h tinst 12 months. This signature, v-.
See a nample of the Pacific inoutly
at this office, and you will not hesi
tate to pay f 2.50 for a year's sub
sciptlou to The Examiner and that
valuable Mayn.ine published in Port
land, tf
WANTED: Women to represent
us in their home and adjoining coun
ties to distribute samples and adver
tise our goods. Salary f 21 per week
and expenses, guaruteed. Expenses
advanced. Experience unnecessary.
Address, with stamp, stating age,
Keeve Co., 415 Dearborn St., Chicago,
111. D.21-1
Popular and Picturesque.
The only thing necessary to make the
Denver and Rio Grande the most pop
ular, ae it has ever been known the
most pleasant and most picturesque
way to cross the continent, has come
about. This is the establishment of
through eleepin? car service.
In connection with the O. R. & N. a
throuKh Pullman Standard Sleeper is
now run from Portland to Denver, leav
ing Portland at 8.5 p. in., arriving at
Salt Lake at 8 40 a. in. the second
morning, leaving Bait Lake at 3.00 p.
in. and arriving at Denver 4-20 p. m. the
following day. This schedule gives pas
sengers seven hours stop-over in Salt
Lake, affording an opportunity to visit
the Moruiou Capital as well as a day
light ride through the grandest scenery
in the world.
For reservation in this car and for il
lustrated booklets picturing the sceuery
contiguous to the Denver & Rio Grande,
proving it to be the 'Scenie Line of the
World," wiite to W. 0. MdJride, Gen
eral Agent, 124 Third street, Portland.
Teachers Examination,
Aug. 0-1O-I1-12.
Notice is hereby given, that for the
purpose of examining applicants who
may wish to teach in the public
schools of L.ake county, Oregon, a
public examination will be held at
the Court House in Lakeview, com
mencing at 9 o'clock a. ni. on Wed
nesday, Aug., 9tb, 1905, and continu
ing until 4 o'clock p. in. of Friday,
Aug. lltb, 1905.
Applicant for State Certificate
and Diplomas will present themselves
at the same time and place, but va&y
have until Saturday at 4 o'clock p.
m. Aug. 12tb, to complete the exam
ination. J. Q. Wll-LITS.
Co. Supt. of Schools.
Dated July, 27th 1905, Lakeview
Oregon. 3-31
large fall stock which will begin to arrive I
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Notice is hereby given, that on Sat
urday, the 19th day of August, 1905, at
the hour of 1 oclock p. m., of said day,
I will sell at public auction, to the high
eet bidcer, for cash in hand, at my resi
dence, in Plush, Oreeon, the personal
property belonging to the estate of W.
P. OVERTON, Deceased ; said property
being more particularly described as
follows, to-wit :
Eleven head of 4-year-old horses,
Two head of young, broke horses,
One mowing-machine,
One grind-stone,
One set Rlacksmith tools,
Four horse collars,
One house.
Administratrix of the Estate of W.
1. Overton, Deceased.
United States Land Office, Lakeview,
Oregon, July 18, 1905. Notice is hereby
given that in compliance with the pro
vinions of the act of Congress of J une 3,
I878, entitled "An act for the sale of tim-
lu lanita in I hu Xtnten of California.
! Oregon, Nevada, and Washfngton Ter
I ritorv," as extended to all the Public
1 Land States by ant of August 4, 1892,
iTilden Quinn, of Hood River, state of
I Oregon, lias this day hied in this office
I his sworn statement No. 2387, for tho
I purchase ot the 'i J w4 ana w2 nw
j 01" Section 28 in Township 35 S., R 1 h
w Al, ana will oiler prooi 10 snow wiai
the land sought is ;nore valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, anil to establish his claim to
said land before Register and Receiver
at Lakeview, Oregon, on Monday, the
2d day ol October, 1905. He names
as witnesses: Q. N. Anderson, Ocar
Anderson and Irving Anderson ot Illy,
Oregon, and C. w. Embody of Portland,
Ore. Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lauds are
requested to tile their claims in this
office 011 .or before said 2nd day of Oct.
29-38 J. N. Watson, Register.
1 Mm f i mmm )
of drinkers of , l f'ljj
A The favorite of all. from t,,.li "IaIJ
8 General to Private. flHf J
Cures Crip
in Two Days.
on every
yyznsT" box. 25c.
Timber l.nnd Notice.
United States Land Office, Lakeview,
Oregon, July 8th, 1905. Notice is here
by given that in compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress ol
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for th
sale of timber lands in the States of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Wash
ington Tlrritory," as extended to all
the Public Land States by act of Aug
ust 4, 1892, Richard Brown, of Portland,
county of Multnomah Stale of Oregon,
has this day tiled in this office his sworn
statement No 2981, for the pnrchase ot
the W'Yz Nw) SE NwJsJ and Nw
Sw of Section 22 Tp 35 S, R 17 E w M.
and will offer proof to show that tho
land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricu tural
purposes, and to establish his claim t
said land before Geo. T. Baldwin Judgo
of Klamath Co. at his office at Klamath
Falls, Ore., on Friday, the 15th day ot
Sept. , 1905. He names as witnesses :
James Boyd of Bly, Oregon, Martin
Ryan, Margarete Ryan ana C. W. Em
body of Portland, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are re
quested to tile their claims in this office)
on or before said 15th dav of September
28-37 J. N. Watson, Register.
County Clerk's Notice
NOTKK is nereby given, that the
following county warrants, issued
more than seven years prior to July
1st, 1905, if not presented to the coun
ty treasurer of Lake county for pay
ment on or before sixty days after
the first day of July, 1905, will b
cancelled .
No 1345, (1. Dougherty, ain't,... 1 M
" 1340, Wm. Dalgleish, " .... 3 75
" 1302, C. W. Johnson, " .... 8 0
" 1891, C. H. Little, " .... 2 10
" 2734, 11. C. Fleming, " .... 3 0
" 2901, II. C. Fleming, " .... 3 00
" 2945, A. V. Lane, " .... 36 W
" 3423, W. A. Currier, " .... 1
" 3177, W 111. Benham, " .... 4 B
By order of tho court,
A. W. M iviUNd,.
I Clerk.