Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 27, 1905, Image 4

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    Puhll.hed Evr Thurfy
Msonlc Rulldlnc
Knl.Tiii Ki the rnt Offlnt I nk.-vu-n. Or.-.
R!. S't lllllt ('lKs MHttlT.
i One Year.
TERMS: Six Month.
(Three Month.. . .
Hots But Pleasant..
IVoi.le are tlviui: l the hiitulrcils ;
Iti New York ami other Ka-tcrn
cities with tin- thermometer In the
iieiRhliorhood of !.'. while people I"
this valley pitch hay in tin1 sun with
the thermometer 1 decrees higher.
No one suffers more than unpleiiHiiiit
liess here w hen it Is ltl.'i. ami uo a Iiout
their usual work. One consolation
here, the heat is not oppressive ami
there is no day so hot that there an j
not oeeasiiinai cool breezes. And j
even after these hottest days, one to j
sleep eonifurtalile. wants a quilt or
two over them at niirht. !
The city of New York maintains j
an iee box, refriirerntor. for itssuffer- J
Inu humanity durin:;' hot spells, iu?d !
it is kept full of patients these days, i
who have Wecoine prostrated by the
The N'"v I'.ru contains an nrticle.
iu detail, of a Yoiiian"s Improve
ment t'inli." recently oi-irani.-'d in
Alnira- This is a nuud move in the
riuht direction and every town
tdlotiM h.-ve just such a riub. i Vw
to vvus I in -size of I.akeview are with
out su ii an organization and in
every Instance an lniproveni"nt Club . to Madame
Buy Your Goods at. Home.
When lovely woman l frolic.
Ami i-nf" fruit l1"" ' no' ''l"'
I hut t'-ilm run mm. Hi li'-r iiii'lmn'olli'.
i Vint tav Hi' ri:niit l'ln of ttrlpt ?
j The above I" applicable in the ease
'hereinafter 1 itioned. Some time'
! . . 1 ,r.,.,ti. :
i au'O t uere cm in- i " " ,
: j I1U1 nuined Scale, known In thecate-
.$2.00 lporv of drummer, and representinu a j
' 'JS ' Hrm named Held liiW. Mfji. Co.. '270
,th St., San I'rancisco. Calif. This j
piMltiemau rv'ine. Mini mm- . im-.-i 1
now Sealer. In I.akeviaw, went
around to all families, told the wo
men he had for sale, under cost,
the lini'st groceries in the world; he,
said the local merchants were rob-1
biiurthe people; he said: Ilieber's ;
pood poods were but a dream, Schil
ling's Best wasn't In It. St. Jacob's
oil Hollowny's ointment were things
of the past, compared with his poods, j
He pot orders by the score of course,
and all were delighted at the pros
peet of such pood barpalns. He
dropped Into one lady's house, who '
is by the way of feminity the pride!
o' Kildarc Nationality. She said he:
was a pentleman up the bnckforplv- ,
inp such line barpains and for tie- I
nouncinp the local merchant. Mad- !
am pave him an order amouutiiip to
about h'i. and said she would bor
row t he money in order to p t such a
tine barpain. Part of Madam's or
der was a box of Kuplish lireakfast ,
Tea. as she said she would rnther
drink ditch water than preen tea. j
All liuht Madam." quut h Neiphbor
Scale, "you sliali have the best tea.
in the market."
On Friday. .Inly :M. the poods ar
rived, and Mr. Seal" imeal"'! himself
and the lirst order he delivered was
Sin- paid liitn the cash. 1
If it is anything in the Dry Goods line, and you arc
looking for something that will not cost you
more than you can afford to pay, and at the
same time be of as good quality as you can
get at any other store, or a little better,
We Can Please You
If it is farm tools, groceries or pharaphernalia for
the kitchen, your wants can be supplied at,
formed of the influential woman of n ! She was delighted and hupped the
town has proved a decided benefit. 1 box wil Ii " F.uplisli I'.ieabfast Tea"
The duties usually imposed on such
a club are various, while all condi
tions are considered and receive
thoupht and recognition, principally
social conditions are improved. In
terest on the different affairs of the
in larpe llariup letters 011 the outside. ;
She thoupht she would try some of,
the new tea for dinner. She opened j
the box; l.o and behold, what were'
the contents? ."(0 pounds of red pep-
per. She commenced to pray aloud, I
is strictly attended to. There should
be a Womau's Improvement (,'lub
orpunized in Lakeview. Flans for
propress ami beneficial conditions
should be laid now. Iet some one
propose a meeting und nil turn out
and then see what success can be
made towurd the founding of hiicIi a
town which tend to the upbuilding i for drummers in particular, put on a
and advancement of what would be j niv of Wellington boots, kicked the j
generally recognized as progression j wall a few times to see how tliev'd.
work and started up town to find j
Mr. drummer, which she did. "You
thieving scoundrel," ipioth Madame, j
"come take back your red pepper
and send me my tea, or give me my
money back." Hut Mr. drummer waH
inexorable; he would do neither.
"You dirty blguard," quoth Mad-
ame,"if I had the red pepper here I'd
pour It till down your throat to I
warm your heart and soul, for they j
are both cold and dead to honesty." 1
Special Kates to Eastern Points.
Yhi Southern I'acilic ( ''iiiq any .
Itiiunil trip ti: kots between Helm mid
(mint hereiiiuiter mentioned will he
solil May :27th, L'Sth and l!tlh. June
lL'th lo I Ttli, aml.'ith to Iltlth, inclusive.
July Uh, .".th. lith, llllh, -"th and 1'iith.
To I-te
H ashiiiton. 1. C.
llaltiuiore, Mil. H'T.lMi
rhiladel.hia, I'a. 1"7..M
New York, N. Y. lUK.Sn
ltoston, Muss, Urtl.fiO
New ( trleatiH, l.a. 1.7. .'ill
Chicago, III. V2.'i
St. Louis, Mo. 07.50
Memphis, Teiin. 07. "iO
St Paul, Minn.
Miime.iioliH, Minn. 70.011
Council IJIuffH, la 00.00
Omaha, Neb. 00.00
Kansas City, Mo. tiO.(M
St. Joseph, Mo. r.0.00
Leavenworth, Kan. IH) 00
AtchiHon, Kan. t).(M(
No doubt the two men who hung
the jury iu the Williamson, Gesner
and Biggs case were uh nearly con
vinced ut the In-ginning of the trial
as they were alter hearing the evi- UI1,i left Madame to swear aloud and
deuce, at least, their proposition to rv to the Sons of Tea (iod.
But druinmy kept the noisless tenor
of his way, walked on and heard not !
Tickets are koimI lor ntnpover eaHt of
Nevada on going trip with tun days in
which to reach destination. Stopovere
are allowed at all points on return trip
provided paHHunpt-r reaches originating
point within ninety days from (late
ticket is purchased,
For further information apply to
A. II. Uihim.,
Acting 1). F. A 1'. A., So. l'ac. Co.,
L'ii-'JO Ileno, Nev.
L!E Hi: ALL, I'roprletor
v-g We have constantly on hand u Fine and Complett Stock t
'm of Drugs, CheniicnlH, PerfunierieH, Toilet ArticleB, Fancy &
otioiiH, Cigars, Etc., Etc.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded
trade the liberty of (iesuer and llipps
for tie- release of Williamson when
all tliH rest of the jury could convict
all on the same evidence that would
convict one, will lead the public to j ,rt. a I.akeview.
believe that they were willing to
sacrifice (iesuer and Higgs for Wil
liamson, and a man who would do
that could render his verdict aseasil
before hearing the evidence as after
wards. If the two men had said
nothing people might have been
more impressed with their sincerity.
All other packages were then care- j
fully investigated and found not full j
weight, and cost 10 per cent, more
than the same kind of poods sell for '
V!ii;ii thrifty houh'- iff m.-cts h itriiimuiT
Ami buys hii warci u uliuiu a lent
hliu'll fiml, ten Intc, lis mil biiinnirr,
Ami his ifooilK luck much of heiiiK tin: bft.
The only scheme that I cm offi;r
'Instep tills Ihirvii'i;, I'lieutillK hnoin,
Is to k.M i tlie eali wllliin your coffer,
Anil buy of jniTeiiHiits near yniir lioim..
Sail I'rancisco and Australian pa
pers please copy.
Mi Cahtii v Down.
Notice to Waterusers.
The Lakeview WaterCo., anuoiince
that water for irrigation Is re
stricted to four hours each day;
from (i oclock a. in., to S a. m., and
from (i p. in., to S p. m. If patrons
will adhere to these ruleH there will
be Hiiflicieut water, and If not, those
found not complying will have their
supply shut off entirely.
Laki;vii;w Watkii Co.
if Senator Fulton persists in set-1
ting uside the verdict of the people at
the polls at the election which made
the new I'rimary law, and putting
the power of nominating back Into
the hands of the few, selected by the
still fewer, lie will not be pleasing
his constituents as much as If he
would devote his entire attention to
the interest of the stateat Washing
ton and let politics alone.
We have the new primary nominat
ing law now, anil It Is yet untried.
.Let us use it, once at least, without
the interference of those whose man
ipulation of politics made nucIi a law
Hmti th 1 M Ywi Maw Alwars BaujM
Bennington Foundered.
.SAN I)Ii.(JO, CAL., JulyT. lirok
en and blackened, with her Hug fly
ing at lialf-luust, liel' hold filled With
15 feet of water, the United KtaU'B
ship Bennington lies beucheri on the
shores of .San Diego harbor. Thlrty
niue of her crew lie dead at city
morgues, the fate of a dozen more Is
a yet undetermined, and three score
are stretched upon leds of pain In
vurious hospitals. This Is the re
sult of the explosion which wrecked
the trim little naval craft aud
wrought Htich havoc among hercrew
at half-past 10 oclock this morning.
The placid waters of Ban Diego
Hay have never before been the scene
of such a disaster, and San Diego
City has never before been stirred by
such scenes of death mid suffering as
t h oso w i t uesHed to-u lgii t .
Bn tlie ,4 1 to Kind You Have Always Bought
i We Wish to Announce to the
That he can be as well accommodated
Lakeview as he can at any stable in the
State. It is our intention to always have
on hand a good supply of the best hay and
grain to be bought in the market. We
also keep a force of experienced hostlers
and careful drivers, who will always be
ready to wait on our customers.
"STRONGEST IN THE WORLD" The Equitable Life Assurance
Society of New York..
ASSETS $381,000,000 y i i SMITH,
4)uirLtis),uuuuuu y Special Age1"1,
The children's friend
Jaynels HTonic Vermifuge
Drives out blood impurities. Makes strong nerves and muscle
one, vitality and