Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 20, 1905, Image 8

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at Reasonable Money Saving
Prices for Cash Buyers.
1 Gal. Stone Jars fOc.
3 ' " " l.i.".
Standard Masons Patent Fruit Jars.
1 Doz. Tints 1.10
1 " Quarts 1.4-0
1 " Half-Gal. 1.00
Jar Caps per Ioz. 3,"c.
Mosquito Netting per piece 50c.
25 Double Sheets Tangle Foot
per box 50c.
Under New Management.
v. I
Bread, Pics, Cakes, and in fact everything in tlie
pastry line kept constantly on hand.
Board by the Day, Week or Honth.
First-class Meals at all Hours.
North of First National Bank
j S.J. ' S s
Interest Gold Bond
The Mutual Life Insur
ance Company of Nev
York . . .
RICHARD A. McCL'RDY, President
W. L. HATHAWAY, Ore. Atanager.
This gold bond differs from any policy .
written by this or any other life inmir
auce company in' --entuil
particulars :
1st. Tlie poli'-y is I.y it- te'm , pay
able in (iolil Coin. Tlii- reier lo Icitl.
the principal Hum and tlie interest :
d. It guaranlec-i annually, for a
1", ,, ' ' , ,
k .Id on al! premiums previously puel. ,
These Credits may be drawn al the ;
time they are made orat any other time, ;
biitas loiii: as they are allowed to remain !
wui.Lhc Company, U.ey wi'.'.W inc.,-
' by J'.j, percent interest, compounded -
Minually, until the end of the taid term, j
and, in theeventof the death ot" the in-
aurcd, any hucIi aciMimulatated credits '
wdl be paid with tlie sum insured. I
Jd. At the end of the period during
winch premium payments are required
(10, 15 or 20 years, aa the case may he),
the Company, if required, will exchange
tins Pond for a r;ew one a stipulated
amount, payable at the deatli of the in
flured and, in the meantime, drawing 3
per Cent simple interest annually on its
par value, I'urfCii'.vl, am isii:i:i:sv iwv
Aiii.K is dot..) coin-. The a'-ctiuiulated
Hiirplnsor dividend ui!!at the haiueti.ue
lm paid in cash, or it may he applied to
increase the amount 01 tin: new i er
. . p. . .1 ,.i ;..i ..1 .1,.. .(1
cent I.ii.kI, winch v III aiso theiealte
participate annually in the dividemlH of j
the Company. j
in addition to these features which
are peculiar to the Gold iiond, it nlnu!
combines all the advantage of the DIh
tribution Policies of The M'.'.tual Life
InMurauee Company of New York, aueh
as full participation in the uurpluH earn
ings of the Company, Cash Surrender
and Loan Values, grace iu payment of
premiums, Automatic Paid-up Insur
ance, etc.
Full imformation ret;ardiog this ex
ceedingly popular and attractive coui-
Lake-view, Oregon.
- 1
linn j
i.,i..r.iMi, n:
: !
i,e oi-tuili
an vV neari-
uhd P
1) illll'inil!
I I'll ill. -
akeviett . 1 ii 1
A Queer Cure for Boila.
A traveling doctor called at a farm
house and asked to lie kept over
night. The good old farmer, who
was Buffering from a hig boil on the
''nek of his neck, granted the weary
traveler the request. Ilefore retiring
the learned man
gold cure . r tie
some boil. The
recommended the
farmer's trouhlc
good wife good
crops and fortune had smiled on the
tiller of the soil dug up a Si'l) gold
piece. Tlie farmer applied the remedy
according lo direclions, bv brisklv
'""''''Ing t lie gold piece over the boil
'ul' some minutes, after which lie laid
the t wenty oU tlie talde. The boil
got ,;)(Hy , tll. , ht u,, tm
. ,
'urm,'r Ml,'I't Houndly, and to his
"muzonient tlie next morning it was
gone; and so was the doctor,
Saniiles are at this oflice of tlie
"Westerner," a magazine published
in Seattle, and entirely devoted to
the west anil Western ways. We are
giving this purely Western .Magazine
free to each new subscriber to Tlie
Fxamlncr who pays for a year in
advance. We give either The Kxain-
1 Iner and Westerner for The Kx-
umin(.r Jal.Uk. II10Ilt,,, ,,.
"' ' '"' Lxmniner, facile Montlilv
11,1,1 tin- Westerner iir2.75 to new or
old Hiibscrlbers who pay a year in
A Surprise Party.
A pleneiit fctirprise party limy be giv
en to your stomach and liver, by taking
a medicine which will relieve their pain
and discomfort, viz: Drl King's New
Life Fills. They are a most wonderful
remedy, affording sure relief and cure,
for headache, dizziness and constipa
tion . moc at Lee ISeall'a drug store.
LakeviewAnd Vicinity
Family liquors n t Post & Kings, tf
Charley Wiir.l was in town Tin's
day. Nathan Smith ranie In from Vlstll
Hh Monday.
Try a Lakevlew made cigar, at
It. A. Kagan fame over from IW
nunza liint week.
- . I
A. H. ltarnum wiw
ltarnum w a I.aivuwT
vlHltor last week.
James Mcliade proved up on IiIh
hometitetttl Monday.
VV. I). Traccy wn In town from
Drews Valley Saturday.
LOST. A hunch of keys: Kinder
please leave at thlH ofHee.
ltuymond llallard uroved up on
hlH liomeHtead Saturday.
William Warner aeeompalned F.
1'. Light to I'alMley Saturday.
Will fieorge was registered at
Hotel Lakevlew from Plush Monday.
Take an F.agle or a Mountlan Lose,
when in town. Sold Ity Stork
man. 1.. (i. Thomas was in from Sprague
Ulver Saturilay, where he bus IiIh
If you want a bracer, gel some
thing tliiil is a bracer. At Post
King's, tf
S. I' Alilstl'olll sent uiiotliel ship
ment of saddles to Nevada points
lusl week.
I. K. Penner, the piano tuner ex
perts to make Paisley a visit some
time hiiiiii.
Mr and Mrs. W. V. Miller, and sonox
pertto make I.akevlew a visit within
a fi irtnight.
Foil SA LI'..--l'ure-bred Poland
China bigs. Impure of Oliver
of New Fine Creek, Oregon. L'l-tf.
Auction sale of Dry floods next
Saturday in front of 1 1 o ward's
store at 1 o'clock p. .... Clot hiug
and shoe., LT.-tf
.id rclial.le
piano man, is lu re on his aiinual trip
to Luke county. Mr. Slieplienl sa s
he i., going loslay till after waler-
i nielli in 1 inn'.
Mr. Mriuii". win ha I the misfor
tune to gel his leg hro ke a few
weeks ago, was up from Pine Creek
last Isat urda v.
K. S. File, tlie genial proprietor of
the Fine Creek Hotel, one of the best
stopping places in I'.astern Oregon,
was in Sat urday on busi
ness. That great 11,000 story, "The
lieturn of Sherlock Holmes," by A.
Connn Doyle, the world's greatest
writer, will bgiii in The Fxaminer
liext. Wee;.
I Mr. C C. Pratt and wife were up
j town last Sunday. Mr. Pratt has
j not yet recovered from the injury lie
received last I ebruary by fulling out
of a barn loi't.
The Warner alley .Mercantile Co.
at Add, have begtm buohicbs at the
.Monroe stand. It is believed that
thiH eompuiiy will capture thclrshurc
of the trade of Lake county.
The BeaHon for outings luuiurrlved,
and a number of our townspeople
are eumped uIouk the bubblinjr
prooks of the mountains eudeavor
injr to lure the speckled lieuutieH to
their frying pans.
It has been stated It. L. Sloss,
editor of the Alturas New Kra, went
home from his visit to Lakevlew (lur
ing Fourth of July week, that he
came very near becoming the owner
of the Herald, our contemporary.
We hear that lit? wan offered the
Herald for JOU.
A fact that was hardly noticed by
Lakeview people, becauso of its
being a common rule, is being widely
commented upon by the vlsitorn to
our city during tho Fourth. That
there wan not a drunk man hccii on
1 the street, mid both the towu und
county JuIIh were vacant und spider
webs formed in the cells, Is a fact
that our people are proud of.
I)ave Hdler enme over from Illy
P.niley Insslnglirs for cool, stun
tner nnderwenr.
P.. P. Cannon was down from the
Moss ranrli Tuesday.
Cash paid (or ehlrkeiiH and eggs t
I'ateheH' vegetable store.
J. C. Oliver and wife were In from
the Went Side Saturday.
lir Um'ov nml u-lfn mwnt. KlllldllV
- - . .
visiting at the Mctirath Kaneh.
(Seo. NelHon and wife wore visitors
In towu from the Went Side Satur
day. Hugh Miller huh registered ut
HoU'l Uikevlew from Cottage Orovo
Mr. K. K. Woodcock In v kiting
frlendH and relatlvt'M at I'lne Creek
this week.
Win. Itradford has accepted a posl
tion as bookkeeper In the Mercantile
Co'h stirv'.
S. I. llawkliiK, a borther of Keen
Hawkins, died recently at Tom's
Brook, Yirglna.
MrH.CIt. Sessions left last week
for a two inont Ii'h visit ni the Fair
and other points.
Porn. In Portland, Oregon, last
Sunday, July Hi, 1!I0.", to tin- wife or
Frank Schlagcl, a son.
Fliuer Ahlstrom and wife returned
from a trip to Paisley and Summer
Lake Monday evening.
Mrs. Ilcddcn returned from an ex
tensive visit to t he Lewis and Clark
fair Thursday moiling.
,1. A. Anderson, the old sentinel
who stands guard at Drews lii,
was in town Saturday.
( i. M. Paid ho has just rlosed a
successful term of School taught at
Clover Flat, was a visitor in town.
I . I If 1 I
i a i. . i... :.. .i I. . . t ti. . I it i ...
; ,,,M,m J"Kl K 1 "-" "'ug
S "v ,vt vacnted I.y Dr.
' ami family.
tieo. Wise and family started for
Cat low Valley
rlda v
liere 1 ieo.
has accept cil u po, it i-n as cool, on
t Ii- "!"' ram Ii.
F. M, M iller ret urn.-.: fr. . : . i Mud
line Thursday, where he went to
meet his wife Mrs. Miller is much im
proved iu health.
Ir matters not whet her It is hot or
cool, Hint delicious ice cream at
Cloud's ice cream Parlors produces
The same contented feeling.
A. .1. Smith started for liurus
Monday to meet Met irny the whiskey
drummer. Harvey Coleman accom
panied him across the desert.
Dan Malloy returned Tuesday from
Little Cliewaucan, where h- had
taken the I.offtUH Hheep, which he
j had bought before the Fourth.
I The F.xamiiier office turned off a
lot of job work for the Warner Val
ley Mercantile Co., last week, alsc
Home for II. F. P.arker, Hie Southern
Stage man.
Mr. und Mrs W. T. Cresslcr and
their Daughter Mrs Robinson of
Berkeley were here visiting Mr. Sam
Cressler and wife. ,Mrn Sam dressier
returned to Cedarvllle with them.
Parties wishing lumber can find it
ut the Noriu, Juijulsh &. Harris plan
ing mill. A team Is huuliug ttleudy,
and can give you whatever you may
want, from the Camas Hawmlll. L'O-tf
At the auction Hale iu front of
Howard's Htore next Saturilay at 1
o'clock there will be Hold, luen'H,
ladles' and misses' shoes, men's,
ladies' and misses' hats, men's and
boys HhirtK, ladies' and lainneM uiler
wcar. o,;.tf
.1. (2. Willi ts, a brother of Judge
WUIltH of this city, arrived here
Monday from his home at Lakevlew.
Ho will take charge of the I'.lectrlc
Cash Store during the absence of
Judgu WilllUf and wife, who will
leave Friday for a three weeks visit
at tho Fair at Portland, and also a
trip through Wushlugtou and iirlt
ish Columbia. Klamath Itepubiicau.
Helow we Kive H report of the wcntier
lis recorded by the ( inveniment wintlfr
liureiiu station nt The Examiner (.Mice
Thin report is chunked ench week, Hinli
our render wish to keep a yearly record
of weather conditions for future refer
ence, cut out the report along the black
line and pa Me it in scrap book (id
week after Thin reord will b
taken on Tuesda- to end each wwk and
lieKin on Wedneaday for the next week.
Government Weather fii,.
tion at LakifTjew, Oregon,
C 0. Mctxkkm, 'ooneratie Olmerver.
Week ending TucafUy, Jul.y ID, 1005
1 1
ly mat Jmln, rrwlp n'w chrm-tr
ItaiioD (all ul da;
wed, I Nti 4.". ( o.OO I 0f clear
frid'yl HS 4r. T(I0 00 - 1
Hfit'yt'l 4i) I T 7k) "
tiun. "80 " M j O.(H) "06 I
moii. ti:i jtii o.fH) j 00 j
tnes. I iti" ri o.iMi fmi j "
Dr. Demorest killed a rattlesnake
Intheyard nt Ids residence yester
day. Assessor West and Deputy com.
meiiced copying the assessment lint
last week.
Sheriff Klneliart made a trip to the
Crooked creek mill last week. Dunlc
I'.oone was act lug sheriff during IiIh
a bsence.
M. Carr, Mrs. J. K. Norin's father
iiitIvimI here Tuesday 01. a visit with
his daughter and sou in-law. Mm.
N'orln went to Willow Kanch Tiit'n
day to meet him.
I.. A. Carriker recehed some good
pictures Saturday, taken by Mr. S.
i. Pennet, the government engineer
w ho visited Lake county afewweeM
ago. I'hey were pictures of the par
ty that went t 0 look over the rrser
oir site in the Dog Lake country.
Would you accept a possltioii tlutt
w ill p i.v you a straight salary ol
s:!..".0 per day ti'POO per week) fur
w hole or spare t hue'.' If ho write uh
at once. This is no book i-n Hssiug
scheme, but a straight forward busi
ness proposition, which will he UH
permanent as you may be utile te
maiie it, and will afford excellent
change for promotion. .No bond,
red tape nor unreasonable reipiiii'
laciilft. Act quickly as We w isli to
employ some one in umr lucidity
without delay. Spragte- W m ilesali'
f'o., Wii bush A ve., Chicago. 'S"A
At tent pled 5uicide.
Lug' iie F. Pert, the wcll-knowu
la w yer and bnseliall magnate, shot
himself at hl home in San Franclsce
last Saturday, and Is tn a critical
condition. The mystery Hurrmind
ing the shooting wuh cleaivd hy
Andrew J. Cluule, an Intimate friend
of P.ert , In a st ateinetit made to tlie
police detective that liert, 111 a lit ol
temporary mental aberration, d lie
to illness and the dread of a critical
operation, had attempted to tula'
his own life.
Mr. Left's w ound was not thought
to be serious at first and an attempt
was made to suppress the truth of
the circumstance by ntatlng that a
robber had shot him.
We will deliver you u load of wood
of auy length, any day, at any pine"
In Lakevlew you deHlre it.
Our price Is $5 per cord, with flg
count of ten per cent If teu cords
or more are taken and paid for.
ISoonk & Mui.kkv.
A Cook ut Hotel, Paisley, g""d
HagcH given. Call on or address-
'-'r-'J Jt. ItANDD.M
I'uiHlcy, ore.
for men
JrLJr mu mm - r