Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 20, 1905, Image 7

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    . . . . l .. .1 ...I
iu '
i Im'ns.
, ;, lii.irs if idler
V el'.' f.MII.'! I.V 'l 'I'll'
,,r , li'iMiiiiK iM'iirl.nlv.-.
linn Chorion Smith, win.
, th.-m t.i.-ii.t.-.l on a ori.R.
"nlfllwl,,i..l.r..rnllvp ilifiKii. In
..,,, let tern W. S. appear. It
, ,,, tl oinlllloii of the
LwHwhcn foiiii'l. that t leer
lD1.t U'cn iny win. i ne
'ton nw MIMVllllPIH. .MIC M'tU-
HUtoa )-'iT thro year ol.l,
., bother ton .leer aycnr ohk-r.
Larvi"'l.'lv locked, that It Is
to force them npart wltli-
-etim.t frinll- -ff..rt (. net tree
.-.rethrv hi-HiriiKKlp and
rin-K'ii'ii till c American for .Inl.v
.if,mt.ilnn mii I'xwl picture r the
,.riK'kfil ili''''" horns foiuul on t he
.,,y Winle Snyder a few yearn
, wliirli were mounted liy Whor
,4 Smith ml now decorate t he
,11 if t 1m- Whorl on & Lime Hiiiooii. Iiik '" 'irliclf In the Nclcii-Aincrii'iin:
llnl.l tl M..
Ton. i .
I : ii v.
II' ' U ! .
Tl .
At, I
ir ii .
: ; r . )
y 1 i;i
i . a ri' una,
1 1 !y roll
:i ins !
An' in x, i w n,k
On tl.i- wor ij Ki-n crn
An' II. in a why inci it, my rtoarlt:
'Tin (tnli! n;nl;r'K t 'link ilnv runny
An' K'ni'iK Uif Ii Ixisiiril-liro-KC :
lCvi-n H i- Lives ii in ilrlp with honey
Arc fen ,y iho tjn.ilrn bees!
Oh, 'tin kii i fnr bread,
A n' Kulil fnr k.
An' k'I m breath
The iilr, nlaa!
An' tin l to walk
On tlf wurid'a graas
An' that's why w nei-fl It, my Attrii!
Oh, that It were not slvxn
To our Uvea It (nn: In hold!
Hut even the atrema nf Hi'aven
Art- iiuvo.l, an they any, with (rota!
IV i" would love each other
. Mot ;!
If the lii-i'il for enlrl
From mir Ivn would paaa;
Tint 'iIh gold nuiMi :a you
llcrienth tind'a KrnsH -
An' that'll why i' nui'il It, my ?'arle!
Frank 1.. Stanton, in Atlanta Constitution.
L-'-C.Jtf'Li.1." '? '" -:(: ',' V" J.-V ','-; ... '. ' '-. ''.'. ' : .' ' -'' : . '"
I tl .;! .
l.K ol.
,. it-,.
Runt to Succeed Hay.
ii'U II. ml I i 1 1 ii l!illv'il of to
i In- l:iti' John liny n N.'cre-
si,.,!, . hi. ;iil .it ion ;il..o j
Kl,l i hi i hi: iim'ii I on Mr. l!i m it V
iiiiiitii-i. i'ir i-.-.i li'iil caiilil- J
n li'i'N. W'liili- M r. Ki ml V pivil-
, p. ,..,.:! ,. ! ! Wi-I'i' lii'iui; ilin-j
.. '!. hi lii'i' pofifi iiihi I'1" i.'iim' up,
- tln'in, S,'i r,-i iir.v n( W:ir Tafl
1 w,-n-tnrv 'f 'Cr-fi-'iry Sim w.
.,. I',, ( 'ni-l.'h nil. at ii'.i'lll posl-j
,i..r ' "'iM i'.i !. i- .i I-" i .ii.i'l''ii''l a (
..,-.! 1 1 - l i Mi--.--- 1 K' i iwvi'll in
:-,'i::ii ,i .1 11. I i i o 1,. r of Miio j
:..-ai'l" I : :i'. !ml many '
!;i-;i'i I .-'I' r- .h-i. r 'lull In
Mi'T. i ry little i r-ii il aliollt
i iri'siil' iil riiirliaiikN, hut the
ipli' nviii'i;ill.- liii'lelooii whenj
l.ltlll' I llll'llMlll.M II IMHI'M t '' I to I
ii mi tin' lii Uet with liouhevi'lt, it j
i.- Willi the uieli r.l.iii'liii: thatl
U.iuM'M'ii woiil'l itit iiotliln in
WilJ llf l ilil lll'.llU'H pl'l ni'li'llt ial I
I'iraMuiii. in Ulils. I'lVniilelit llooM'-J
it limy he 1 ii'u. Iiil upon, that if.
ni-r iiii'leiviooil that hf wan to
i'lirt luii'tiatikH, iieltht'fCortclyotl
Hunt will he a randiiliitf.
H 110,
' ii Is of da
i way
. i. I. ,n irone;
i i
i Li ai.J Ray,
I ..ii
i If oimtf
i ' ' ki' n;
. '!. nu
" . il v I'S;
' mig
f il 1IHH
The Kind Yoi Iiavo Always Bought, and Mhich has been
In use for over 30 years, lias homo the ftlffnatnrc of
and has been made under his pcr-
, Rwnal supervision Rlnec its Infancy.
2j CcccAft, Allow no one to deeei ve you i n th Is.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-erowd' are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
CaKtoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
uhstaiiec. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys AVorins
and allays Feverlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
the Signature of
n .Bears
M JV V. lm I in J 3 y
ilmmiy "i i i. .i.i.l'.ri'.i- H win-. i,iiii.lfi;-ri i.i-t.
K'l.i. i l. u ". h.'W lo oluam U"liti. Iniiii" niaikl,
copyrlt'lin. itc, r ALL COUNTRIES.
lusinrvt ifirrrl T-Uti Washington tavtl time,
mnmry and ofltn the patent.
Patent ind Infringement Puctlct Excluatvaly.
WrIU' nr rnnio tu u. at
31 math Itmt, spp. United IUtM P.tml 0c
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Uso For Over 30 Years.
tmi cmnn, r hukkat itmit, mw tork errv.
All pcrnon who have heretnlore made FINAL
PROOF In any kind of Land, Mineral or Tim
ber Knlrlea, which lia been accepted by th
Reglater or Keeelver of any U. S. Land Office,
can have the Issuance ol their I . S. Patent for
aid Landa promptly attended to by aendlnf
me their Duplicate keceists. or Certificatea of
Entrv, and an agreement to pay me $10 when
ever aald Patenta shall lasue.
Oren'in, California
and Nevada
State Agent
snow fti 1 1i
UurMon Rates to Lewis and
Clark Exposition via
Southern Pacific.
Ten lay round trip rate betwuen Keno
J I'lirtUml, (lien., in f.'Ul.lKi, cuntinu
i Mtaiip teiiiirfil in butti dirrictiuiiH.
-kf if i!"i"i mi ruin (nun Keim
1-'-'" A. M., iillnwini; piisHi'iipTH tu
'''t iih tin in Nn, at J i.tviii, C'iil.,
UiMlty m,,. ,,V -,ni( i iji li.'kelH W ill
'"I'lat I ; l . .1 1)11, uniny t f i j . Ilinlel
'"' mill 1 1 inn m with HliipuVei'ii allow ii'l
'"Hii'U tiii II Inn hie of t ie.kel,.
iVi'ii iJii f. i-vii'iifi'iii will In- iiimleiiti
MM 1'ii'Uiiii'l nn imyiueiil ol fi.dH,
4 l-iily ilaya mi iHyuint u( f 10.00.
u''"'""i"''-: can aval! tlioiusfiroi! of
"s"uw ml,. I'urtlund to Kan I-'ihiu'Ihco
Wyauiiitnl $2.00 extra at I'urtlund.
S'xly round trip tickets ttlli iii(!
will m Bold up to Nt'ptemN'r
""ii golna via Sacramento and return-
' i Salt Luke Citv. I'tuh. or vice
I'HitraU) of 50.00.
'"''uriiwr information apply to,
A. II. HisiMi,
Anting ). p. A., So. I'mc.I'o.,
Helm, Nov.
'"""iiriotis fact that Mr. Uully.
""'rsl"'lilei' of Ihe lirilihh liolIM'
""'iiiiiium. nt oiio time was very
""K'hl an (o hU future, nii.Uluit
'''''"I'liiiileucy waHHliareil lv two
""iiii'iuien in iim legal iiruies
'I'liciv H u Mtory of thoao three
UhhIuk h,.ouaiy whether they
xi "t li(.tu,r throw up Kun'l""'1
lto8'itlui' and tux.k f. irl ii rw in Iuditl
rue of the colonioH. Luckily they
allied t,. i .i...-
(u fcio iijrLuuu uiiuiu"
I""! win, vory notablo results.
uully ended as vpuaker of the
J"! of couhuoum; auother liocaino
H "Uii'llor; tho third died wlicii
'r,loli"f JilHtiee.
;;.:ian,'fr of Thentr Can Judpn Ttcl
iufa of Crowd Upon It Leav
ing th House.
"Io you know J ran Htnrid out
': r in f i out of t lie t l ea I er, a mi.
v. a ti 'liii'.j t lie itowi as it cunie:.
. I , I'.I 11 I ell whe I lier t lie show lla.:
' . "li 1 l.e II llilil lll'l (II. Ill'l ," S,l el
. . : ! 1 1, .: VI f of iilir of J I' i 1 ! i-.t
' !,i t'.i' N'- tli'li-i'ilis iilni-s
' ' ,' I . ":i it. I I .: ve oil!!" i "
ii. :. i.j i.ll llii incllioi) as s I J ! i"i
il iili'ii.-l ,'ltty other, lu ll it comics
o juil; ii".' t lie rci cii ion of a l:i..
jila ii.ic is oflcii (lcccjitive.and it
s nlways unecfliiin.
"IJut lifter the curtain ha rolled
down on the last scene, and the
Towd licfcin to file out; after thf
iiiditorM liave broken the siell cast
iver them by the jilot, and tliejM-r
fonners, after they l'j.'in to ;
i way from the ejarv and tinsel of
! lie t hi n-r, and come to realize 1 hat
,t w ax just a il;iy, jtiwt a lil of tic
i inn ui i'i'.eil for I lie moment l'.v
m' real men ami women
. nil. I images ciuijiti i il up
1 1 ; i .I'S of :i liool; . i I is 1 1" ii
;,,!in! liii.M S into a nii'i''
ioimI, and we can read in
I . f... i s of the tttcii .iud 1 ''
, ne wiliienscd the .erlorm
.line what llie final word is with
,.j'-ct tn the f!iw. That's why
vou will always find me in front
.f the theater just about the time
the curtain rolls down."
S-.''i' -'t."
K-SV'A. -
-ft'-'.: '. VV TRACK IVI ARK'i
&&--;--4r Designs
'rVV'yW Copyrights e-,c.
Anrnnn .onillnff a nUetcli and doacrli'ii'm may
oni'''1? -t.-i.'i'i i ' i"! r i.iiiiii"ii treu wlH'iur nn
invi'ii""'! H ti hiililv ti'ileniiit'!'!. f 'luiimnniea
tm'in -I ricl 17 '' nilltlciit lill. Hiilliil'iok on I- .11 t'U.S
aunt fi"B. i'lilt m-'enrr fur pwurniR patenta.
Iatinta t.iUnn through Miinn A Co. racelra
tprciiU notice, without clmriro, iu tuo
Scientific Jlitterlca
A hnnrtnm !r niurtrolO''. woi'lil?. I f ri:r st. rlr
I'Ulali'Hl I'f n'-' i'..'i;illll' i"'l!'"l l. I "'.
vi", r: fulir niniitUii, u tild In uii i" .vs,l,-iii-rj.
iiancii tiltii'O. iSS V Pu, WnHtiliiKtuii, V. C.
?".l,2j0 Leward.
Ths.ouKh alt Lake City, ilen'd Spri. ;,s L aJvi
Colorado 5priny.s nnd Denver.
Tin' Ilnrii. y i'niintj
Murk A -Mniia-t
ion. of liii li I am
a mi.'inli' r, payn t'6
ri'WHnl for eviiiimca
i.'inliiiK t; llii' eon-vi'-tieii
of purtiea
SH'ttlint; s!i"'k be-
liniinir to Is mom-
.- . t& iinTs. In d'tiiion I
' I'ff'T
A Daylight UMde Through Nature's Art Gallery
Passing Castle (iafo. Can on of The Granite, " enneyse.- l'i:..;,
Marshall l'as nJ the Koyal Oorge
f'rtjo r.-wtird.
llnrsi" hrHinl horse-
I slioi' bur on either
. or luith Jkws. R-
irnrili-il ln's ciiiintk't
Hhiiki'. llartii'V. l.aki- and Crunk Counties,
linri' f vi nn"l wli' ii Mtlil llnrs. m ."nl'l to pam
lliioiiKli sri ".inti M il! hv rt'i'one.l in thia
.,..r Ifnoi so r' iir.rii '1. nli HM' write nr tele-
1,1.;,,.,- Th,. 'l iiii. Hi rnld, Main H-'4, Hums, Ore-
no u
W W Hkown, Kile, Ore.
For Detailed Information Addregg
X. C. ncBRIDE, General Agent
124 Third Street PORTL AM). ( REUON
. i
Look at the ilescriplions of the IhiiU w
listed with The Kxam ner this week for H
I I ... r i.iu 'u l.efiire it ha i P.
rime, nini bi" i- j c
heen o& to fome one elce. tf
-lllilO Ii I
.1!' I ill'
"mii I i
! . i i t :
l ii ica I
Oiluit: at the Mercantile (.'imijiutiy's
Store Lakeview, Oregon.
Wrfvr a 0
t m ti w -Ti t M
hi H J: )7,klHii.Tr ' M
i ir,HTM K rtT-i1
Srpar Mal Without Tir.
In the recent news many peopl
noticed one or two reference to tn
fact that tinned meat for the Russian
troops are prepared by a process which
enables the contents of each can to be
S! l,u, without a fire. This boon
r obtained by having tn ordinary tin. with f. "Jacketed" lu lient
Pie paleni tin " '
It ii illi'Illlial lllixillie e.r
,, ;, i he w an r cin I-"' niieil
lios or a
. ... 1 A 1 I. II IS III"' en-
,1UU1.U1 t i .,,.,i,..ii . heal
to Co wnen " -
till' nil oi in'
i(ij.,.ihi-f w
lin ing el
u, liunii.f; I ' - i i 1 '. "
Oood Stock - - - Easy Coaches
Dni'.V from Lakeview to Dly, connect
ing with Daily Stage to the railroad.
Office at the Bly Hotel, lily.
Fine Mieep Itum li In Modor lountf
The Examiner baa for sale ono of th
sheep ranehea in Moilim county, which eei
trols the tH-st range In California It cunBist
of 66U aeres all under toiiee. It Ilea aloiin Hilt
river for 2 mill's, hvsidps other bulliilnn
there are two houses Hfi niiles aprt. It J am
ideal sln-ep ranch. If taken quluk It will tm
sold for t'iOOU.
OillKKl Hlt.tDM.
lamoc Rarru l,rn1" with 8wallow Kork "
JdlllCd Dully ritihl ear for ewes; revere
for wethers. Soino ewes Hquare Crop anil Bill
lu rlshl ear. Tar Brand ill. Kaiigu, ('ran
Lake. I'ostiifnce addri'sn, Jjikevlew. Orego
T IU' I. Willi Crop off lefl
Z3C Vf IlITWDl lii ear, Hall Ui.d. r. rop ot
rlKhl for ewes; revemn for welheri. Tar llran
W. liaiigu, r i-li Cieuk.
Ukuvkw, Oiotou
ro-ioiiii'i' Hildrena
E. CASEBEER, - - Proprietor
Bly, Oregon.
State Line Barber Shop
Bafora You PurcnaM Any Othar Writ
Many Sewing Machines ara made to sell ra.rd
lass of quality, but th "' Hoiue" is mad
to wear. Our guaranty never runs out
W make Sewing Machines to suit all condition
of the trade. Th "Mew Homo" standi at th
her.d of all IIif l-avrai.e family sawing machine
Mold by MutborUed dealer only,
Tlie e r.miu Kewiiiiz Machine Co.
5. GALLAGHElVjlakevie v Cigar Factoty
- i .. 1 1 , mi ni'l lire
I.. liu. I he Ucniieal mixture be- , haYnn anfJ HairCUttlnQ- Maker of
r....,w,rl Into tue waiei, i--i.-'- " 1
inK llniee) i ,
wUlcU soou begins to bull. P a T 1 O T S 1 11
A. N roiiu.M an, I 'roii.
Northern Staye Line.
A. W. BRYAN, Proprietor.
Leaves Lakeview at 6 a. m.
every day but Sunday.
Returning, leaves Paisley
at 6 :S0 a. m. every day but
Passengers' ar (3. Round trip I
OFFICE-- Keynolrta Si Wlngfleld's. I.akevraw
Surrounding Oondition.
A warm tiro iu do wiuter tiuie
makes us pity de jioor; but a col'
firrolace makes us wonder cf de
rich will ever git ter Heaven. At
lanta Constitution.
Xaally Son.
Lots of people pray for tht pool
and let it go at that. if. Y.
Havana and
Domestic Cigars
M Paper
Giv u a trial. Htore in the brick
building next door to l'ost & King sa
loon, Laln-view Oregon.
O A. 13 TOniA.
Ban th a 1 M aind Vou Hsi always Bought
r -r , ri ma. urr
-t'j .
1 if ial C. m "
Land Notice.
Attorney and Counselor at Law. s
i3io Connetlcut Avenue
Washlngtohi D. C.
1 'il
R ...
i' '