Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 20, 1905, Image 4

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    Safe OUrontB Bxa nlncr
Puhltthed Evr Thnrfc
c. o. metzk nw.
Monlc Hullitlntt
Knii-rct ! the fnT (iltl.f; I Rfc.-vie. Ore.
. S,'l'(iinlt'lR. l"i'r-
TfHrher nf Mil"!"-
Violin- I'lmm. 4trsn.
t.iiitnr. Inrinrl nnil
4arna-t TniiKiil
lOne Year,
rERMS: i Six Month.
(Three Month,. .
.1.00 v,,m
pented rliiii'ir'" '11W " ' '"' HtrtftH in iij
effort to rvHtnrv order. I hey
. . I.I .. ...... i..l ra
SlH'CCCllCM III MIMIMIIK lev. 'i ....... . ,
i t.nt ere forced to .vtrt'iit, njshtinn
every inch of the way. pursued to
' the station house by ii howling tli. I
1 For more than luilf an liotir tin- car i
I j tit' WIIH Mocked.
Commissioner Mi-Ailoo arrived lit
II o'clock mill made totir of tin-'
War in Democratic Camp.
Discord ami tin prccn-eyed mons
ter arc rampant In the official family
.ifM.nor lliirrv Lane. Tin Dcmo-
rrats are far from satisfied over the i l.attletia'ld. the tiiihtiiij: hy Hint time
way the Mayor appointed his com- ' hiivinn censed. Hi' said Hi- riot
luittees on Hii- Kxecutive Hoard. So ; could not have taken place lui.l not
strained arc the relations !et ween I the roughest element Imimi N'rnilt ted
it-rtain meiiitH'rs of the hoard ami j to carry arm.
the Mayor that there is a rumor that '
one or more niay resi-n. Predominating; Powers
Wit Ii that frank liens ami spirit of ;
conviction characteristic of iVmo j
crats. who lielieve all men eipial.
hu'iiiImts of the Kxecutive Una
have mu le no hones nliotit express
ins their sentiments to the Mayor.
Several warm tills have oeci:rel al
ready, and the end is not yet.
Mayor Lane rave the commit tee of
Fire liepartnient matters to the
Democrats, t i r the most importrint
commit tee of ;t!l. that of police, he
tlimed oVef to till' UepUtllieillls
This is t lie principal note of discord
The fire eiiininit tee call do lioUiinu
more Can act ii.;" dummy directors
on t he e-iilt:i:il" 1" lard, for the Fire
1 ; irttn-lit is u:i le:- civ i! s.'rv ice. mid
th" tire committee is ,-ilso up nun in si
til- i 'j ; s.T iec i '. .in mission. There
is not a crumb of comfort that can
!( .isir':!(,i:e 1 y tic lieuncra's
I In the lit hr hand, ther- are several
Hood t hi tins t hii t t he police ci nuiiii t
tec can cut. and in t h-se the Demo
cratic members have nolhini; to say
otileinily, alrhoimh uiiothcially t hey
say things that would not look well
in print.
The lack of discretion or fjood j
jin.frinent has heen the means of j
rtj liriiifriuir severe punishment on many j
mid the troubles that one human 1h-- i
inn can inflict on thciiisclve mi entire
army can not ameliorate. Our nat-1
urcs are eontlictinii. and at variance
wit h each other. ur menial nature
should prove t he stronger mid ev en
tho. striving Wi a'stiess. by misphic
ed judgment, the fault is entirely
wit hin ourselves. Our mental pow
ers are similar to the i xitrcncii s con
trolmc the universe. They can be
SuviTiii'il. while tie' physical nature
is the' nncoiitri (table elemenis. I in
analoey ,if tie- c. -iel it ioi.s of the un
iverse, with our senses ci m t roliuu
hiimiin beiniis. is most wonderful
vv Idle t he ci rc must a l ices nre different,
yet the harmory of unseen powers
tend to a perfect sameness. (Mil
ineiii al pi iw ers most I v coi it roli iij. i hi i'
natures needs but t hecurefuleiiviroii
incut of morals. The result will be a
consciousness or retlection which
w ili determine the derive of sensi
tiveness. ) list as I he eye sees i ir tin
That is stylish and New,
Now is the time to select your Summer clothing,
while our stock is complete.
You want a Summer hat we have them in straw and
Full stock of Ladies' and Childrens' Summer under
Inspect ou:
new line of neckwear before buying
Pioneer Store
Spec-.! k'ati'S to Eastern Points.
Via Southern 1'ncilic '-inipiiiy.
Knmiil lrii tl kets between l!enn mid i
pniiiis liereiniiller meat inlied wi'l be.
...Id M iv 'J7lh, ".''it 1 1 Silid 2!'th. .It.- I
i- i.i I7ih, ml :'' Ii to :ilhh, inclusive,
.lulv Ph. .'.'Ii. lit ti . iM'h. '"ili and L'titl...
fiiff '? '? '? ;--?! if-'-V-;y- 4 'r',
Tile appointiiient of Captain lirit..
inachei' as Act'iif; t'liief of I'olice is a
thorn if 1 'mocracy s side. Uritz
nuircher was icc'e an nrd'Mit lieino
erat. but there eaine a cliniiire in the
ear hears
I'.y truniiif; tin- eve "ill see more
distinctly and the ear w ill hear nioiv
ininiitely. .lust so we can train our
natures, the mental to exceed tie
administration. and ' irit zinacher physical, or initial to excel matter,
promptly joined the triumphant lie-! I'.y cultivntiny t he mental, our moral
publicans nnil continued in oltice. tendencies become greater und truns
For this apostasy the democratic firessions are less apt to become acts
members of the Kxccutive Hoard w ith us. A calmness or serenity p s
have not fortfiveu irirzmuclie r, nor sessi-s our Ikmiius. Our physical nat
do they eve wit h favor his promotion ; lire is dormant and w e can say h i
by the Mayor. Ainoiif; Home of the have perfect control of our Isdims.
board there is a belief that Jr. f. line's While to allow the physical to ain
I leinocrac.v is not above suspicion. ! umstry within us, eradieates from
and they have intimated this to him our natures the spirituellc or hiuliei
in so many words. I'nless oil is i exist itif; sense and depravity is tin
p(iuied on the troubled waters there result. We then lose the sensitive
limy Ic n resignation or two. Tele- iiess of our natures and ir istheseu-ri-ii
in . sitive nature that suffer-. In iny. more
acute than the phy sical.
Furious Pace Riot. A eultivation of the higher, an
New York. .Inly 14 ".I nun 1 1 ill." ' asimila t ion wi th t lie best, t hese w ill
the district bounded by Amsterdam produce t he desired effects, uud em
and Wi st Kiel avenues and .lixt.v- I'luisiz- t he -ood it hin us
tirst in. il Sixtv-third streets, socalled i "We'll shine in more subslimtial
li'-au-e of its iiotorietv as a ba 1 1 le- honors, a nd to be noble we'll be
j T.i Ihite
j ll'ii-l in-li.n. I. I '. fltiMlll
l-..t t tli .r.-. Md. 1 07 10
IMi iba.l.-! i .t-iia. I'u. 107. .Ml
Sen Ynrr, N . Y. 1HH..MI
Ii .-I. in. liH.'ili
New I ii leans, I. a. Ii7.."ili
Cliicaf!,, HI. re'sl
l. I..IIIIS, Mil. Ii" .VI
Mcliuilii", Telili. to .Ml
! si Paul, Minn. 7U.IK)
Iii,neH(nlis. Minn. 70.IMI
(.Nniii.ii! 1'ilufts, la lnl.110
Omaha. Neb. li'UKl
krfiis.i. City, M... i"i on
t ..i-eili, Mo. tin tin
l.eHVeinvui th, Kan. l0 tin
Atchison, Kan. l-I.OO
Tickets arc ffooil ioc stopever chhI of
Nevinlu on L"iinu trip with ten dav,, in
whi. h tn rea. h (lesliliHlion . StoiiKVers
ire allowed at all points on retii, !i trip
liinvideil passeiiffer reaches: nriiiinatiiif!
I 1 1 1 1 wuliin ninety dine from date
ticket is purchased.
Kor further intorinat ion h pplv In
A. II. Kihim..
-CiillL' I). I. I'. A , So. I'uc. Co.,
J i "At Kelio. Nev.
' ' ' ' " " "- fit
LI V. HCAl.L. I'rorrirtor
W'v hii -coiisliintl v on hind m Fiik- tttnl Complete Stock
of lruns, Clieiniculs, lVrfuni"ri'H, Toile Articles, Fancy
NotioiiK. 1'ijrnrn, Ktc, Etc,
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded
Notice to W'atcrusers.
I.akevie w Wu rerCo.. ulilioiince water for irrigation is re
stricted to four hours ench day;
fi- 'in ii oclock a. in., to s a. in., and
roui (i p. in., to v p. in. If patrons.
will adhere to these rules there will E
be sullicieiit water, and If not, those Eg
found not comply iny w ill have their i
supply htit n'A entire!.','. W.ti;k (
lien t h sentence imposed on Andrew
liodsou for the murder of old man
' liiiulap, a hermit miner, near lirants
' I'uss. will likely be column tied to
life Imprisonment. 1 1 is accomplice,
l I nu i'i I ii . was convicted of murder in
, t he second dee;ree. liU'ict Attorney
. Kennies and .1 udire Haiina have both
' recoin mended commutation of the
I dentil sentence, and the Kovcrnor
1 w ill likely heed the recomuiellda t ion
trrouin!. was 1 lie scene tonifrnt ot u
furious race riot which reiuired H.'ili
(olicemeti to otiell. after many shots
were lired a nd several persons seri
ous.v injiireil. The double liefian
shortly when a pidieeuiaii arrested
I'.dward Connelly for attackine;
Henry Williams, a ncsiio. and was
pursued to the station house by a
jiiob of Connelly's friend, huilinf;
showers of stones and other missiles.
When the station house reserves
turned out the whole neighborhood
was in an uproar and the whites
and blacks eiiKai;ed in a desperate,
t ruxKlf. J orri'iitM ol missiles were At Hie Cabinet iiiiHIuk in Copa-li- ;
hurled from the roofs ami w indows.
Within ten minutes not less than a
Eeari tb ) 1 1 K md You Haw Alwts Bought
We W15I1 to Announce to the
That he can be as well accommodated
Lakeview as he can at any stable in the
State. It is our intention to always liave
on hand a good supply of the best hay and
grain to be bought in the market. We
also keep a force of experienced hostlers
and careful drivers, who will always be
ready to wait on our customers.
IHIilllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiliiiii illinium iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini! iiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiillllile?
m(iiinaiaiiii..i; U'MIUIllI L'll'WKI!IIIIII)yU""'""'"
The Equiiable Life Assurance
Society cf Mew York..
ASSETS $3fi 000,000 J. L. SMITH,
-s. aw V' V- WaV al al - "
luiueii, Jul.v lilh. It alevclojM'd thill)
t the Ministers ura jn (nil Ufcrecnieii I
thousand men, utyn nml women. I that Klnjf ( 'hn lies of Denmark iilioiihl
Ijlaek ami while, were I'liitnued in j accept the crown of Norway, if Kln
furiotiH eomlial. (Jsar mid oilier cutirU inust nearly!
'Iie small party of jiolice wan po. 1 foiiuoi iied x;nt,t thert) appiiMal. j
erless, und reinforcements ere sum-j Kini' (!hriHtalu and tlm other mem.
limned. On the arrival a cor Ion
was drawn n round the whole ills
trlrt nnil utrongr pntrolH mnde re-
Si .fie...' ,. . rt nt .1 ',. 1 .w.a!.... t. 1.1 . .
hem of the Danish royul family are
also favoralile to I'rince Charles ls'
fomlnpt Klnj of Norway. j
i ri , -s-
rosy checks and active health to pale, sickly children
iiwaj k'uu lor ineir ciders, too,
Ask your druggist for it .