Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 20, 1905, Image 1

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NO. 29.
Many Aspirant for Posi
tion. B. L. Eddy for
pro have a lictter opportunity to get
In at the plant than foreigners, and
are as npt scholars ok any others,
and when they do get in, outsiders
are shut off entirely, where bv the
old method, a crew of shearers from
the outlde could always find work
to do at some corral. They cannot
establish a power shearing plant and
will not come here unless they are
sure of Retting In at the plant.
There were abou 1 60.000 sheep shear
ed at the plant this spring by 20 ma
chines In -10 days. The plant was
late getting started, and quite a
numlier of the sheep owners could
not w ait. Another thing, all sheep
Biggs Proved to be Good
Witness For
J. II. Hejrardt. of Portland, was
TwnuiK'uded to the President yes
urdiiy morning for appointment to
ht.p,llln of Receiver of the Hose
hurg UihI Ollice by Senator Fulton
-am tlif Oregon Ian of the 14th.
Mmr retirement t James H.
Huoth from the Keed vcrshlp at , men should club together to protect
lluwliiirc, many asplrnnlH have arls-j the range In reach of the plant the
i,M demand recognition for past rt.Ht of the season so it willbeingood
-rrlee tit t!i' party. Mr. J legardt. j shape fur next spring.
Ik umliTHt . iii. has not been one of . ware house should be built there
Ihw. He made application of Sena-1 ami sales daysadvertlsed. Thispian
nrl'iiltmi some time ago for re-' of selling has been a boon to the
iiiiiini'iKliitioii from him, but it w as . sheepmen of the northern counties
iit until yesterday that bis name : wli U h.'re if adopted.
.vnntt'tit tn Washington by the Sen- '
.tor. Mis recommendation comes'
, h result of the investigations!
tade by Senntcir Kulton, who is con-
ituvd tlmi Mr. I legardt Is the main
if the place.
Mr. Ilegardi was formerly the,
sigintfr tit charge of t tie iovcrnment
irk at lb' month of ibe Columbia,
here he was stationed to oversee
enlist nir t'i. hi of t lie jetty. Oflnte
i bus Iiii-ii li lug in Portland ami
ittlu'ti;ne his name us sent to
WhiiiKtnti with t lie indorsement of
-tin I or Fulton he did not know that
iii'pliciitiiiii li nl lii en considered
iviirnlily tiy the Senator.
I.. L il' hly. t he in i n li ins- of Sena t or
"luili. r . i;..iP. i ' a (he Ki int'hlll'K
hi! ::i.-.- La- 1 n iielor,., by
"vii'hny 1 1 ii!,.. . -lv ami hinppoint
fiit uihh'iiv eil.
Shearing Plant Closed.
Joy at Czar's Decision.
ST. PETEKSBl'BG. July 1.; Em
peror Nicholas has signed the ap
point ment of M. 'VYitte, president of
, the Council of Ministers, to be chief
plenipotentiary representing the
i ltussian government in the peace
negotiations to be conducted next
month in the Failed States. The ap
pointment, which was signed after
midnight, clothes M. U'itte with
plenary powers.
Otilcial notification of the designa
tion of M. Wiitc to lend the mission
was forwarded to Washington this
mi ii ninu. M. Witte will take pns-suL'-e
on the North German I.loyd
stea iiHi ka isi r Willielm ih-r Grouse,
whicli sails from i heilnuii g .1 uly "'.
The peaee party is o i rji iveil at
the fad that lite negotiations have
been placed iii M. Witte's hands. It
is the firm belief that this not only
The trial of Williamson, Van Jes
ner an J Marlon Biggs in the federal
courts, will likely come to a close i
this week. The prosecution rested
its case last Saturday, and the de
fense had put one witness on the
stand. Marlon Biggs was on the
stand, and had gone through the
rigid cross-examination by Mr.
Heney, when court adjourned till
Monday morning.
P.iggs proved to be a very good i
witness for himself and the two de-J
feudauts charged jointly with him,
although Mr. lleney got him con
siderably worried and confused In a
few instances. Biggs proclaimed all
the time that he is innocent of any
Mr. lleney, by clever questioning,
managed to get Biggs into any num
ber of tight places, and he forced
him into making answers that were
shallow ami evasive.
I he Reliable Show.
Every year Lakeview has Its run
newspaper, and know who to play
fey of.
Bulletins Free.
The Examiner is In receipt of a let
ter announcing that the weather
Bureau will, upon application, send
free any of the numlsjr of bulletins.
Any of our readers who would like
any one of them' can receive it by
applying to this otflee.
The letter follows:
A limited supply of the following
pamphlets are available for free dis
tribution to our co-operating ofiicl
als, or their friends and if you desire
one or more of them kindly let me
know and I shall be very glad to
send It or them to you, provided the
supply Is not exhausted by the time
the request Is received.
Bulletin No. 17!t. Horseshoeing. j
Bvlletin No. lot, Primer of Eorestry. j
Bulletin No. 170, Principles ofj
Bulletin No. 154, Home Fruit Gar
den. Bulletin No. ll'li. Practical Sugges
tion for Kami Buildings.
Bulletin No. 10(i, Breeds of Dairy
Bulletin No. i5, (iood Boads for
Bulletin No. s. Alkali Lands.
Bulletin No. 85, Fish as Food.
Bulletin No. 1'4, Climate.
Bulletin No. :;.". Long I binge Weath-
Senator Mitchell Denied
Motion in Arrest of
if traveling shows. Some traveling , er Forecasts.
shows are worth the money they I
ask to see them, and many are not!
Bulletin No. Frost l ighting.
Bulletin No Keport of the Chief of
worth the time one spends in sitting the Weather Bureau for 1S)05.
Bulletin "L", Climatology of Cali
Very respectfully, j
Edward A. Heals, 1
District Forecaster, i
inoiiv. ,1 ii,-i..sfiil termination of
hlg power sheep shearing .... i
, , . , , . , the negotiations, mil unu "uie
laut ut the Loveless ranch, was, ., ,
(will secure the best possible terms
" ilnvvti lust Thursday, audi ,;l ,, ,
i for his coiintrv. Some of the Grand
I'M n the shearers have gone home.
, ! Dukes and courtiers of the Emperor s
sii 'iwlieiiiing machines have lteen , .... tl '
. , , , entourage, however, tire reported to
l.reouee before, but failed to i witre's selection.
watching the performnnce. As a
general thing tlie people of a busy . fornia.
town like Lakeview have little time!
1o spend wilh poor shows. They,
do not regret the time and money
required to see a good show, but
they haven't much patience with j The Return of Sherlock Holmes,
these snyde affairs. It is the priv-j Next week The Examiner will be
ilege of a traveling show to make gin a series of detective stories, each
the rounds and show at every town one complete in itself, the like of
Judge DeHuven decided upon the
motion for a new trial in the Mitchell
case last Saturday. He denied both
the motion In arrest of Judgement
and the motion for a new trial.
"The motion in arrest of Judge
ment will be dened.
"The motion for a new trial will
Vie denied.
"Is the defendant in court?"
Senator John H. Mitchell was not
In court when Judge De Haven pro
nounced the words quoted from his
decision in answer to the motions
made last week by his attorneys.
Senator Mitchell was represented by
Judge Bennett andex-SeuatorTliurs-ton,
and while Judge De Haven did
not say that he would have rendered
judgement upon the Senator, had he
been in court, it is believed from the
fact that he asked if "the defendant
was in court," that he would have
done so. Senator Thurston, when
Judge De Haven put his query, rose
and stated that wished further time
iu which to draw up a bill of excep
tions, and be was given until a week
from Monday morning to present
This menus another teu days be
fore Senator Mitchell will havejudge
ment pronounced upon him.
MUistactloii. Tins trial, how-
w.liiiM !.,. highly satisfactory,
JNt "'I ilniiht next year, t tie plant
Biii suirt u:t earlv cnouirli to nut
"rm;li all the sheep that can lie
iri'ii t'j the p,.. jt K estimated
from one to one and a , half
oiiii'Ih mi, re woul can be taken
''""H-iicli s'.ie. p wltli the machines
tuti he had with the blades.
lk' "liwp ti re no more bruised or
il Hiuu Imud sheared sheep, and
I'fwess is much more rapid.
I('lu!t statement will probably be
'"OtradictiMl by some, as we heard
utMiy they could shear more with
'fcWttdeHthuu they could with the
hlui'n. These were expert hand
uvr, aud with the machine they
" ouly begiuuers. When they
ilvlcouie equally as etticlent with
"mclilnes, ,,r in other words,
'""''"(l the same degree of science,
'"'J' will too doubt turn out from
-'toWuiuiVfci p ,l(i,.iv Witi, the
"aclll'ie tlim, tliry were ever able to
lrD "t wit h the shears. A sclentl
"rSicrt hand shearer must not
"lertHke to pair himself with a
'"luiud with the machine for u
"""trutlou of the rapidity of the
Process, nor vise versa, for
would be disparagement.
( ouplalut wa made by some local
Jrer, too, who tald tho macbiues
robbluff the local Bhearers of
"Wuyiueut t hey Lad deiteuded upon
coriiili ttit ts nlso
"m utiii... . ....
--.uauie. The hlm,v Bheur.
Officers Installed.
I Frank P. Light. D. D. . :d. of the
i I. O. t). F. Lodge, went to !'i!ey
last Saturday to install the newly
elected ollicers of ti e Paisley Lodge.
The following ollicers were Install
ed ill ollice:
S. Gayiord, N. ieo. Keed, V. G.;
W. V. Miller, Sue; M. ' Currier,
Treas.; Clark Johnson, Worden.;
Wm. Holder, Can.; Thos. W. John
son, I. J.; ieo. Cooley, . G.; 1". J.
Brattaln, B. S. N. G.;C. L. Withers,
L.S. N.G.; 1'. W. Wicdle, U.S.V.G.;
Warren Marsters, L. S. V. U.; W . S.
Blair, It. S. S.; M. Laurltxen, L. S. S.
Engineers in Klamath County
Suitervlsing Engineer J. B, Mppin
cott and L E. (iruusky. Consulting
Engineer to the Secretury of the In
terior, and C. E. Grunsky Jr., arrived
In the city Thursday evening and
have since been looking over the
Klamath project. This is Mr. Grun
sky's first visit here and he is par
ticularly interested in this project.
K iiu.mtli Bepubliean.
Lauth Pays Penalty.
George W. Lauth was huugut the
State Penitentiary July B3th, for the
killing of Mrs. Leonora B. Jones at
Oregon City u year ago. He died u
christian, havlug professed religion
soon utter he wus brought to the
I'cuiteutiary, and has been cheerful
and happy ever since. His last
words were, "Into thy bands, O
God, I five uiyplrlt."
they pass through, and it is the
country newspaper mail's privilege
to give them just such mention as
they deserve, and more, he feels it
his duty to tell the people just what
they may expect. It has got to be
the practice of some of these bum
shows that are out to bilk the peo
ple out of what few dollars they can,
clean up a town of its loose change
which was never before published In
a country newspaper. The right to
publish these stories In the United
States cost the enormous sum of
45,000 in the first place. A. Conau
Doyle's "The Iteturu of Sherlock
Holmes" has attracted the whole
world, Doyle is one of the world's
greatest writers, and he made the
hit of his life when he wrote "The
Keturn of Sherlock Holmes." These
and go on rejoicing, to slip Into a
town unannounced, distribute a, few stories are only sold to one news
cheap posters and get what crowd I paper in a given territory aud The
cheap postc
they can and never give a newspaper
a chance to have its say. For the
benefit of this sort, we can safely
say that the show that slips Into n
town without any previous an
nouncement is just the kind to stay
away from. They do not aim to
bilk the steady thinking people; It is
the money of the "easy-marka" they
are after. The reliable, respectable
show will send its announcements
to tho local newspapers as far in ad
vance of its arrival as is possible to
do, and when they reach town, be
fore they take off their duster, they
call at the "print shops and make
good." They are not ashamed of
their coming and the sterotyped
phrase of tho suyde showman that
meets tho newspaper man on the
street the next morning after ho ttus
slipped into a town and given one of
his performances, "well Mr, Editor,
I am sorry, but 1 did not know
there was a newspaper here, or I
ghould have sent you some locals,"
is old, and don't go any more. The
fact Is, ho didn't want any locals
and didn't want a newspaper man
to see his show. Its a sure shot
they know every town that has a
Examiner has taken advantage of
the opportunity to furnish its read
ers with this valuable matter. We
have already received many compli
ments from our readers upon our
efforts to supply tho best in the
market, and no doubt when the first
story of the series appears every
reader can appreciate our efforts.
Tho stories are a little too long for
oue Issue, and each story will bo
continued, but it Is our aim to get
at least oue story la two issues of
Tho Examiner. It will require a
year to publish tho entire set, so it
will be readily seen that for the small
sum of $2 you can get a story that
would" cost you many many times
that sum to securo in any other way,
and at the same time get tho regular
amount of local and general news
always published In The Exumlner
Joined Moore's Comedians.
.Miss Maude Finedeparted Tuesday
morning for Al turns to join Moore's
Comedians, who opened a week's
engagement at that place ll'ednesday
Miss Fine will take the part of
Camllle's friend In the well known
drama Camille, and will also play
with the Moore's in their entire
repertoire, under tho stage name of
Gertrude Huntington.
Miss Fine Is a Lake County raised
girl and shows rare ability and
talent. She caused quite a sensa
tion hist winter in the theatrical
circles of San Francisco aud was
very highly commented upon by the
City papers, while attending a
Dramatic School at that place.
The many friends of tho young
lady Join Tho Examiner in wishing
her success In her theatrical career.
Big Panther in Camas.
Last week while Dan Malloy was
moving his sheep he camped ono
night with Chas. Lohrengel a little
ways from the Camas sawmill.
About 4 oclock In the morning he
started the sheep, and after going u
short distance the sheep stampeded
aud rati down the side of tho moun
tain. Dan went to see what had
frightened them aud walked within
40 steps of a huge panther, perched
upou a log watchiug Dan and wav
ing his tail. The panther had killed
one sheep, but as Dau had uo gun
ho did not contest tor a division of
the spoils.
It. L. Sloss. editor of tho Alturus
New Era, last week gave Lakeview
a grand send off. Our people do not
regret having made it pleasant for
luelr visitors, and they feel that they
have been well rewarded for their
efforts, by Mr. Sloss laudable re-marks.
James McDado . was exhibiting
some pictures last week that ho had
collected during his travels through
Mexico aud Arizona. Mr. McDado
spent the' past winter traveling
through, these two states aud has a
beautiful collection of some ot tho
most picturesque aud ancient views
It has ever been our pleasure to see.
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