Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 13, 1905, Image 8

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    I YOU
He sells 100 pounds
Cane Fruit Sugar and One
Doz. Pints Mason '5 Fruit
Jars for
r.;ru",. Ties. Cnkc-
unstrv l::;c kevt crmt;iii"Llv on lirni'
Board by the Day, Week or Honth.
First-class Meals at all Hours.
North of Firt National Hank
Interest Gold Bond
The Mutual Life Insur
ance Company of New.
York ...
VICrtAKD A. McCLRDY, President
W. L. HATHAWAY, Ore. Manag-r. !
"i j1 boinl differc f roin any polity
w rii'ei: I'V or any other !lie insnr
ance i'ouj )iHi;y in the f illowini' efntia!
iiart!.-;rit ;
J: -y i- '.v it- term?,
aliie it. ) Coin. Tin1- refers to
the pr'.neipa! sum and the inter-t:
"I. It e'larantees annually, lira
t-1 i ; . e ' : term of years, li per cent in
lci.,1 oi i u i . preuiiuun previouiy paid.
The-- eieditH may he drawn at the
t; u.e t;.y are made or at any other time,
tint tt htus afe they are allowed to remain
m. theC .mpanv. they will tie increas-'
ud by : ., iHTi-t-iit mtereht, coinrxiuiided ,
annualiv. until the end of the naid term i
and, lu 'the event of the death of the in-j
sure !, any such acouuiulatated credit ;
ill 'cf paid ith the wurn in mi red. '
:h! At the eitfl of the period dnriu(r 1
wbb'i. pieiiiiuui payments are retjuired
1 I" :" ( r yar-, a- tliecase may he,
the ( oii..,tny, if re'iiired, will exchange
tlos i;i.d fir a lew one a stipulated
Mllce.S.:. ;.:v;-.iile at tl.e d.":tl of tl.e il,-
suie ! e:. ' u. il.e ii.-an'.ii.e, iba.'.in 11
jier en.: -,ii.;j.e in'.eie-t i-.nnul'y on its t he eon r t y court , n t its sennion laal
ir i-i.s :! a:, ami iNTr:Hi:nr i-av- wee, and Jlurr.V I'.niiey, H'.L, Seinii
Aiil.i is . ;.: (. i.v. Tim U'.:i:tiiu'l!utvd , nion, together with comity Sureyor
sin pii or di . ideu 1 nil! at the same time C. F. Moore, were appointed to view
he pai J iii tanli, or it may be applied to and survey tin; road. The Nth of
increase tia-amount of the new 3 pur AuuM wiw set for beiiiuiii tin;
'cnt lVaid, whicli will also thereafte work.
parlJcipaU; annually in the dividends of
the Company. A 5urpri Party.
Jn additiou to tin-Be feature which 1 A pieasnnt burprihe party may heav
aie peculiar U lb Oolil liond, it u!bo
combines ell the advantage of the l'is
tributiou Polkiee of The Mttual Life
J mirau Company of New York, audi
an full participation in the eurplue earn
ingH of tlie Coiupauy, CuhIi fsurrender
audLoan Valuea, grace i jiaynaeut of
ELI. Proprietor.
r.i i.'ict
Lakeview, Oregon.
premiuin. Autoinatu-
Fuid mi I nsr.r-
anee, etc.
Full imfi'i matioii icyarilin liic ex-cet-dinyly
popular and attractive com
bination of Investment and Protection
for any particular age or amount may
lie obtained by applying to the Comp
any's nearest agent,
J. Q. U iliitH
Lakeview , Ore.
From the 5ilver Lake Oregonian.
Zed 1-1 arris is nick with the mea
sles nt bis home on l.uck creek.
jlis.'s Linnie an 1 L"ra Small left
on Thursday for Lakeview to spend
tN'ir I' urtli.
. Hoimli sold pi head of cattle
his Mi toll. II. Jackson, we d ill
not learn the price.
Facie Vuliace, who had the mis
fortune to iret hU le;r broken ubout I
six weeks ;io, is iuiprovinj; bluwly
and has been out on crutches of late.
A sheen buyer from Losebur is in
sih.,.r Lake couutry this week.
lie is
ofierinjf -.-" fur yearling wethers.
We U'"--r-tunl lie I.UH made
Warner Koad Established
a few
The jietitiou presented by Frank !
lingers, signed by hiuis-lf and 11 j
ot hei, asking for t lie establish ineiit
of a county road fr .in Flush to j
v. fa vora'.dy lo-ied upon by '
en to your utomach and liver, by taking
a medicine which will relieve their pain
and dibcouifort, viz: l'r. King' Mew
Life I'll Is. They are a moat wonderful
remedy, affording sure relief and cure,
for headache, di.zinesH and constipa
tion, ic at Lee UcaU't drug atore.
Lakeview And Vicinity
Hardware at Ald-troiii f'.ros.
lioldtiotd, Nevada, hud H $-.Mt.iiM
lirv ln-it week.
Have 1 Jim hcrt was a lakeview vis
itor last week.
We have tin- N'st riding boot made
Ahlstrinn Pros.
Ahlstrom Pros, is tin ilnt ti buy
liny fiirkM ntitl ro'c.
Alice Koosevelt. 1a,iiictittr of the
President, is In Sun Francisco.
It. N. Phelps came down from Pnia-
lev Moiulay tin n hiiHlnesH trip.
Mr John Scott and daughter of
Paisley spent last week hi lakeview.
Henry Funk has Imvii clerking In
the Mercantile 'o'. store during On
1SOKN. In Lakeview, Oregon, July.,
ItKV., t.t the wife of 1 rank I. Sinith,
u Kin.
Or. Summer of Adin. has been
here for n week working with Or.
J. S. lewey.
A W. I'.ryan i'ron ietor of the Lake -
iew-Fninley stae line, was here on
luiniuess Tnewday.
Wm. l'.radford arrived here from
San Francisco Tuesday evenim; for
a few months stay.
S. F. Ahlstrom received a lot (lf
tine cuts of Lakeview saddles last
week for catalogue wni'S.
Hoy Shirk, son of Mr. and Mrs. V.
1 1. Shirk of Lakeview, is here on a
visit from San Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. S. T. t'olvin returned
j from Lincoln, Faiif.. Iat Moiid.iy,
i liiTe they hjM'iit tie- winter.
: Mrs. H.-.rry Lail.-y starteil for
j 1 orl la lid i.i.-t weeu. hc w ent in
' eoiiipati.v w ith 1 ' f. Stenn. r.
I F. M. .iuld.-, of Alturas who at
i tended I he i-elelii'atioii in lakeview.
returned home uiiday.
; 1-. M. Miiler left Sunday for Mad-
i t line to meet hi.- wile, who has ! n--u
In . --an Fraiiciseo some tiuie.
; .1 W. I'.rowu started Sunday with
I fiiH'U head of mutton sle'-ep to Sacra-
tnelit , i ley 1. if I ntllslia w.
Lii, t he old 'hinese cook, who re
cent ly soil out his restaurant, will;
start for China next Monday.
Mrs. W. 11. Snider went to Paisley i
Wednesday for a visit with her pur- ,
ents. Mr. ami Mrs. Oeo. M. Jones.
One of 1. lietcr's. boya had his arm
broken Monday while unloading
buy with a net at the Oeter much.
Man Whorton. Wal ter Oyer, Harry
Itailey and Tom liernard went to
Dotf Lake Sunday on a fisliiuK trlji,
returning: Tuesday.
Sam Oavis has kIvcii up the South
l eed stable, and . i'.ayiey has lean-j
od it to .1. W. Fine, who will conduct i
a 1 eed and Liverv stable. !
Ir. L. II. Smith and wife returned j
home Monday inoruim; from a visit
in the Fast. Tin- Or. reports having
had a very pleasant trip. j
A swat on the bare face Is j;ood
enoi'K'i lor a. man v ho Would huve
the impudence on a day like last
Sunday to say, '"is it hot euouh f()r
W. It. liernard Hold 'to head of fine
mules to a Mr. Shearer of Colusa,
Calif. The mules passed through
town last Saturday. We understand
the price paid was $70 per head.
Frank Lowers will start this
week for Montague with about oiMH)
mutton sheep bought up here by
L. C. West, the settle butcher. He
will be absent from home a coupl" of
A. W. Oo wan, of tin; F. S. laud
::'!.. .-!!!'! !!-'"!!!! o,.l Mr ? ll.
ami his family, started last Sunday
for Portland to visit the Lewin aud
! Clark Fair. They went to Ashland
j by private conveyance.
.1. W. HobbH, F. S. Levenue In
Hjiwtor and deputy collector of Jte
venuea, urrlved lu Lakeview first of
i the week on his uunual tour, looking
afU'rtho goveriunent'H lu teres t de
rlvkiK from reveune ou liijuor and
Family linuorn nt Post & King. If
. .
Auction sale next Saturday at
' Howard's store. :'; tf
j If yon want a bracer, net some -
thing that is a l.-aeer. At Post &
FOK S. LK. Pure-bred Poland
China bigs. lnitil of Chan. Oliver
of New Fine ( reek, Oregon. 24-tf.
Mm. C. ('. Harris, of Summer Luke,
who Iihm lnen spending the wist
wct-k In Lakeview, returned home
Auction Hale of lry UoihIh next
Saturday lu front of Howard's
store ut 1 o'clock p. in. fc'lothlng
ami shoes. "(-tf
J. S. laiie iitul wife go Oi 1 K-i
creek toil ay for ii inonthH' out I up.
They w ill Ik joined In n few days by
J. L. Smith mid wife.
Parties wishing lumber can find it
, at the Noi in. A. Harris plan-'
j ng mill. A team in hauling steady,;
; and can give you whatever you may i
J want, from t he Chiiiiih hh mill.
li tf
i The team of ball player
. Frineville and I'.etid, playing under
the name of Silver L.ike, defeiited
; Fainley last week at the latter place
' by a score of 17 to 4. The following
day they defeated Lakeview t.y a
score of b to O.-l'rineville Journal,
At tin- auction sale in front of
! Howard's store iif.vt Saturday at 1
o'clock there will be sold. 1. nil's,
j ladies' ami misses' shoes, mens,
Madies' ami misses' hats, men's a::d
; lioys shirts, ladies' and misses under
wear. i'i;-tf
Lailth. who Was convicted aid
sentenced t o I, a n f. !' t!.' murder oi
L.'ln re .1 oli. s lit llreaoll I lt, ,1'v.l
w ho j.. t it toned f, ,r c. .in mm a I ion oi
sentetice, was i'fu.i by lioieiiior
l ham belli in, and ham; on Aug
ust l-t h, a t t lie p -I i : I -1 1 1 ia M .
W AN I HU; Women to ivprceat
t.s in tn.'ir home and ad;oininu coun
ties to i ! ,.-: r. I.n i c mi m pies and ad v ei -tle
i. ui -,...mN. Naiary . r weei;
and;i-es. guarnteeit. LXji.-nsc-adanced.
Lxp-fietice tilil:ecesnar.v.
Address, witti stamp, stating ae,
Keeve Co.. -I 1 lea r born S: . , "ic ao.
JU. lM'i-1
l'.oth tin- Frauvilie (iipcr- came
1 out last week ill half-sheet form, and J
uiree unys auea.i oi nine. j n" oltlce !
f.irce of both papers were summoned j
to Portland as witnesses in th Wil- I
liamson trial. The Journal mhv all
that was left lu that olllce wan a can
of ink and the cat.
The Taylor Vaudeville show play
ed In Lakeview Monday ami Tues
day nights. The boys slug very well
and have an accomplished pianist
with them, the rest of the perform
ance, though. Is rather tame. The
boys are nice iippeariuaud soehi'de,
hut Lakeview people do not like to
spend their money for such shows;
they are accustomed to somet hm;;
bet ter.
Mr. J. S. York, who w as rutiuin a
mowing machine on the ,1.1 ranch in
Warner, had the i,ii.,.-t.... ,,,. ,).,,.
last week to he thrown from the
machine and his arm severely cut
'The cycle cut out a piece of his shoe,
cut his trousers leg to the knee In
strings, and riddled his shirt sieve,
and lie looked as If he had been in a
sausage in ill.
Wm Harvey, who started some
weeks ugo for Ireland with his fand-
Labeii hick iu .san l isueiscoi Mages given. Call on or nddre
and remained there tititil last Sutur-1 7- j. iuni.oM
day, when they started across the" " Paisley, Ore.
continent. They expect to sail from I -
e W York on I I... I". I. . .f , 1. ; , . . 1
' ..... "i i ins muni 11,
Wm. Harvey's address, hcu .e
reaches Inland, will I,.-: peimeiu
Oinah, County Tyrone, Ireland.
Would you accept a ion Unit
will j.iiy yu a straight salary of
U.r.() per day a'poo ,.r week) for
whole or spare time? If b(, write Us
at once. Thla Is no book cuvnssiug
acheme, but a atraight forward busi
ness propoHltlon, which will be us
peruiaueut as you may be able to
make It, and will afford excellent
change for promotion. No bond,
red tape nor unreaaouable reijulre'
went. Act quickly ua w e wish to
employ aome one lu your loculity
without delay. Kprague Wnoleanlo
Co., Wabash Ave., Chicago. 'Sin
Pel.. e jtive report of the ,.ik.
' ,, . . ' ather
, as recmlcil by 1 1: ( loveriiinent wi-ml...
j bureau Matim, at The Fxurriincr ( iili,,
1 This report in chainred ench wei k, n, (
j r ro.l.-r inh to keep yenrly , wrd
of weather conditions fr f,....... -
enee, cut out the report along the bla,
line ami paste it in a scrap book one
week after another. Thin reord will fa
taken on Tuenda- to end each week and
legin on Wednesday for the next week.
Government Weather Hureau Sta
tion at Lakeview, Oregon,
('. O. Mktzkk, Cooperative Olmerver.
Week endlug Tuesday, July 11. 1905
mil mln.
wedjiHI ) 44J
thur. j 1M " NJ"
frid'yl 9.-.J MJ"
mit'.v "it4 r.r f
aim. lor. ,V. "
Reading Room Notes.
(m iuit to the Hhsence nf eome of the
OKumi mmi ' w Hfl IltIU
i ..iiuiiiity evening. However, iy order
r oi il,,. (.rcHidi-ul, a vole of timiik
i extended to Miore's t 'oiit-tl in us, Mim
I Fsie Cobh, Mimi'j l.aura and lienie
1 Snellini. Mrs w hitworth nnl lleryf ird
& Fuller; aUn to all otherv who ci.utri
I billed toward tiiHili the bcnelit I'ri.Uv
evenii.g a siiccefs.
The sum of $-11 was the reMil; of t,e
Mr. mid Vrt. .1. w. Kilik'eiv Imve do.
naled mx voluies, entitled ' ' 1-Htnoim
American Sinti men and Orator ," fur
which t he a-o nil n in i verj. i;r.i:e.i,l.
The L.IIlM ink' ne h.i-k" ii u e been re
ceived in the Lihiiiry :
Stephen 11 Iteli by 'idK'in, C ili.jlliT
hy Alherton, Frank ut I ' .11 O re Una-
ci.o, I tank mi the Kan h. t and
Flam, in tl.e M .iitit.n!.- by C.i-llcman,
1'.: - i '" ' 1 1 ' i.'.z'e, by . Ti,.i.p...n,
I'". P. :;i.. liiw.i, liy ,
' -!. I v Phil::;.-, The S-ekel, hv II. L
J i - .1. . l.iM'e Women, I.Itlle Men H I 111
.loe'- I'. . bv Alctt. Llle of Paul .b'lllfl
b M., Abraham Ln.c.ti, 1 1 18
l....- and Tine--, P.ciihih, At the M.-rcy
..i tie- T. il.eim- and S.eckth"l ihul bv
Wn .n, L-.-t a I'earl. Sheldon. ' iM."
..t i l it 1 1.-, ii livant. Or. en Menu.
laia ..-, 1 a .in .n, Li-l I'ayn of
l''!np.-ii, P.ilue., The M .i-ijic'iieler,, I'm lit'. li Sin, Can.--, leme
I'.!, I St. Lou:-, Miy Ihlloli, Chn-tiiitt(.
Fve on S an "oil-, .F.lili I ox, 1 1" .rjitrtit
and Snhtituli. by Harbin, iieveriy ii(
liiaii-tark, M'Cjtchein, Lii-l 11ok;,
I leri i man, Ladder of I words, i. Purker.
Lakeview New WaCer System.
Lakeview bus a water system now
' tl,'',t iw """iiniossed In nuy town ltu
size, and in very few cities. The big
lire hose was attached to the liydron
Monday, and u tit ream of viter M
thrown over CO fet etraight In tlie
air. 'The Htreatu was also thrown
lL'O feet tlown the street.
Water users must realize that witb
j Hindi a pressure they are getting
j more water in an hour thai! tlsry
' could get In three hours before. All
should use the grea test care to imt
1 waste water in Irrigating, as an lm
, meiiMi' supply could soon be cxhaust-
e. under such tremendous pivsiirc.
V. w lii oeii er , on u loud of 004
of any length, any day, nt any plate
in Lakeview you desire It.
Our price la f.j per cord, with di
count of ten per cent If ten cords
or more are taken und paid for.
A Cook at Hotel, 1'ulsley. good
.... ' .. J :
T ill til