Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 13, 1905, Image 4

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nmtg (ffsa nine?
,lhi Ever THrd
(: i I k' v:- . i'r
Tmrkir f
Violin. I'intin Organ.
I.Miinr liiii t anil
nrm I Tnnahl
.ie er,
x .Month. . .
iree Montns,
Open Your :je, Brother.
, few wifk" :i--. Tin- i:xnmiin-r. in
,.;i,::i-i:t::- !!.! the I'oreM Kewrve
. r- mt.! i-i. exampe.
.t:w, t.BtOos.Jin i.v i'$. t .j.f.-n ..r w itn !-eli M'"'"i'
, ',"! if h:wr f m" t" le-ar.l
Ciroin lij-iness Demand it t!. r- rv.- i-. that .".:.,!. The Al"
F.,r ..;,. m..iith- !'. t irt Hai:. dealer . nlw:iv a Mrotitf
titrur-inu -ni'- '"' ' ' i:i " r":,"" a U. .;.!. ; tli- nrve ...:i,-y In hi
our w-rvu-c. Ji.aaivht I'lai:- . r- ,rii r.t to .l.-manu-e Tin'
th-!i!l a;i.l tiur, ! cut. tin' KxaaiimT s lew - "' Hii .j.i. kt;.-:;
fav..j-.! in...! w t-itlit-r t.. m.-o-c it ,,, e.Mor n "liar." Mr.
r--..!uni. 'i 1 rum. in- 'a--. 'r '" Thoms..:.' faioriie nam.- for every-
,,V11 ,; ;, c ..:uni ami '.in ri'iwtlii' nam- ,. u ji'i whom he cannot ai:r.v.
lier .if a-"- VVe have decided He eiiddia.-aed t he t hrut hfulines of
the ialtfr. and haie Uiruii arrai.:. - i,js ,lWII Jml.r. and Mated in the
in r-. ;..l'I--a a 1-i'MCf paper 'i- s l .1t. it.-m that t lu re iva not a man
trii-l s pa-. Tlif Kxaiuitier ha j;) Modoc county that tint en-
tvu im-e AutfuM. ' titvly sati-tied ith the wttvf in
a , ti ur-l ua a typt-M-tti-i.: ma- t ,at county, nad i ated furt her t hn I
chine fT Th" Kxamimr. u l.icli jf -t. w ould !ioiv him a man who
Wlv.:.d i-.uw.' an 1'iitiay of a limit WMS not. he wmi'-i liovv n transi-
$-. Tm i- a l.tMe tv. !'in v' !,' man.
hoji- iti tli-.- Ufar f;i:i;rv to t riw Kxamini-r kii-.'v wliatit a-i
tl.e Ja; r to f iluma-1- pai;- aini li, ;i it tati-.l tliat tlnT.-
put Hi a tyj"fvtti!i: macliini-. wvrr jir. in in':i t tockmMi la Mm".'
Tin- ilHTi-a-.! c.rruia:im of Tlif ,,,.. wio s'.-'Ufl tlif pftitioiia
to ::i
'1 !.
a:.'l tlif "
i- :u i i
, i t:
ai.t I..-
That is 5 tylish andNew.
Now is the time to select your Summer clothing,
while our stock is complete.
You want a Summer hat we have them in straw and
Full stock of Ladies' and Childrens' Summer under
wear. Inspect ou: new line of neckwear before buying
Pioneer Store
a a :--'-
a !! 1 Wrff l;o w r
;,!.. V!i ; i i i i .
u- to -li ov l,:ni at.v u-h. No.
t I-- . I.,,. .,.n i- a, - a. to : of 1 1.- k'att- to t.attrn i'oini
... . !.V
a f . i
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V" ' ' ( .;. a ' v a it i
' ' ' an i :-t -y
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- ': f..a 1 ;! ' a:"'
-n-.i' i- it .-i v : ' i f
an i I'lti,. .lai'-
IJ-n ! IT-!., to.. I
u vat - va. Vn. ..:n. 4-
,'o- H.'- 'T.
1..-.1 ... ...... U a-t l! a . . 1.
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to I. a- . a- ..;; . a- .1- ..-a , a..
f.iaj.. a-.;. u:o a ... ......... in.! li lar---!- m-o;:. . a ..m n - ..ri : Y.-'i.. N. V.
j.T.a... N- v.-r In- it -u- iia.- r -i';,. j,, ,u v i.l i ii o . '!r;.ri..- j; i...
war;. ; i.:va . : ra- t. . a v.i:l.-v In- '-t!: t':ii'! m-. .r-- f -' .Unifti. N- 1 !-t:.. 1. 1
an 1 v ;
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iarj- ; i 1 1 1 .in..';! Ii
j-nifii ana
i ..... i .
Iif... 'l'l.-- uniii.l lii. ii an I ,. t , i ....... u ho u a: f.i; i a iifihioa ,,' ' ...
Mf limine. J mi.
wli-ii u a. i'-a -ii-. i. i: wa t i- ., ny !ay t .. na t iif r.'.'-r throw u , ; .n!i
far aii.-a.! a- u a. .Ii.i.'.t-..; to i':' ,,;.,, " N . . w I '.r .. Tin '-.n; .... ai. i!o . .a M1,....,oi..a-. Milt
it. a:i'i .i- .1 ua- rfacii" i. Aii'l wa-n Ui.o a !; i tliat linn i-'.' V' nia.-. I', n"-. !;i
o Ta- llx a:i;.a-r l.a- xr ova. .,rz-I l'l -.!...!.; v a a. i la. -Ini i ,t 'n.uli.. Nfl-.
, Fom-ii- I'i'v. I ..
;ili.-a ; a.. 1 aa,i. i-.i.n.. ii in i , , t ,.. a,;vi i a .a ua T is-- i-a::or..f
t .1 ' !..-. a . ; '.
.v. ry .i-.aa !. .a,.- 11.- !.'-; i-'i-. T:,- iAaaiai-r. w. II n.'.i... 1 ia on ,.,..lV,.,, w. .. , .,, K.r
on .1 in ,ur..' lir.t i. Aini 1 i. . it.i-;;'. ua .-ii 1 l.r'na: i i: i-mN. .:.-ta-..n. Kun.
'n; il l
I'a o '
.. "i i
I. ;i.."im
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;7 -a
r,T a 1
; a. I.l
i,a.. i'i
i; i. mi
i. ii if i
l.f i: l.iiALL. Proprietor
LAkEVltW. OKt.OtlN.
W'f liav-toi'.-'t tint! v on hahl a Kill'- ami C t-n.pMf StiK'k b
of I'riiirs. rii'-iniciilr. J'erfutio-rtt'K. Toilr-. Artiilr. Fanej
Notion. Cifar.-, V.l-., l.u-. ?"
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded I
The Jui v in Mitwhtll Cuse.
-n itor Mi
ha - li.
t rifl a a
N..i !n ..ii i: t' tr.;. ;!', I-i. ! i - m
h 1 Ii i f.t I. 1 -f i lit i n .
;! if a ..' .v. f I nt it : . .
.in 'tin
lii-.f- ,ii:-. ii...!'.- .:!. 'i.-i;'. in i ' i- 'a .1 . ...
I ; u ;., i ... in-- ; ii- f
Wf ;.t-a to.-.t,.. I,,.- ,.... rot.Mii-u. , .,.,.. ,.,,,.,...,,,..,.,.,, ,..,,.. .iri.., , . t.
it. :u: o- :i.iv- i-tartf-l tli- i.a-i to that a jury i-oiil-l f lia-1 that nuil.l ,,inl i,ii,..t -U.f ii.nn iUif
roi::a ; ii . riff i.i li tli" i-alii". a."v.- lim;i ;i .r-!i'!. ,..! 1.ho;tiu Ufkf! l- pnr.-la.-f !.
uh.-it tiiv fviilfni-f voi:;.l I,,.. T!,f I Mt'l.i'i ii.i "-a: -.u . -i u;... I'i
a. li. i: .!...
r lini; I. I . i'. A , S . I'm I' ...
1' i "jii Kf in., Ni-i',
a f ar in a.l vaiu-f .
f i! -. not u.-k auy Loan, for evi in-e ---iiif i t l- . , rw liflnin-
iiifrfa u .-t va.f. or anytiii:. of i'n.. iaiv aain.l t !- f-nMt..r, aini o
kiln!. (-t.;:ii.y wuiil .-ur liatroin. Kt roi. vv a. i t . t ha t ln.t f the
to halt- tin- Iwii'-tit of -fi-y .oi-.i:iif jury wan iiiiny: tu hi .yiniathy
!:'Jv;:!:f"!:!" !:'.!!!!! i-ii a.. 11 lor for t lie iiiifl wiiat'.r inll ii'inf tlit-ir
.Vfiy..:i w no i-iif v.i. Tiif ICxaiiiiinT ifr.lift. hati-1 r t Im intfiit n,
i. trying to pi.-ii.-, toi.fflliat t In-ir or v hatf r ivun hi f.t-liii at th.
lata." i. on it ai!"L- rii't.oli ii.t, tinif o.' tloina: the tiling t haifl.
Iiinrr.t'.l pai'l alifii'l." iilnl ifitfomi-w t In-re c oil l'l In- l.o !oi;l.t that tlif.
Lai. ';y to y. in. r-n.-iiii a iior.l for it wiiator 1 i 1 t h- t liirii:. if I h-o-i i. . !,!
ulii'it- v.-r mi can that iviil H'hl to e uul I ! Iif i at all.
it. ii: 11 r.tioii lir-t. Wli-nit i rf nif inlf-rfl that the
- - -- jurv which tri.-il ftcbulor ilitchcl
Notice to W'aterusers.
Tlif Iakfi ifiv .i ti-rt i , aniioiini-c
that ivatfi- for irrigation i. r
Mriftfil to four hour c ich ilay:
from fl oi-loi k n. m., to s a. in., ami
from C i in., to ji. in. if patroiiH
Will ll'llllTf to tllfrw rull'H tllflf ill
lit-Hlltliciflit ivatrr, ami if lint, tho.e
foiiml not comiili lux ii ill half thfir
r.lll,V MlUi oil t-ll i il fit .
h.tKKVIKlV U'.l I t It o.
Il" !iio"r:tt i't J i li t ii-iatirt in t lie Mate ' wan (-oiii'iohi'iI of liif n v ho iv-rf hin
are- nii-'ivnat uiifay jut now, pfrxonu iri"iiuH in a inrnf m-rf-,
whilf 'ioifriior ( .'IiiiiuImtIhIii l out ami all of whom h.t'l, for i-arr., rv-
oltl.i- K'atf on a l.uutm- tnj, ami jrar.lfl nun a urKon B mom i.ihiii.-- K:nd leu Hart tiMR Boo
Swr--t try of Stnt- 1 Hliibar U cxiTi-i- uaslifil citiz-n iiinl aliWt KtatvKinuti. B;jntni
iliz tin- lii'i.M of liovi-nior, ! -t Wfcan al oaic f how tru- tln-w e
Sf nat. ir M ; tiiif li ii ill if .iti from t hf iii.-n w ti-to thfir, ami -
i Ti ii "r
We Wish to Announce to the
That he can be as well accommodated A
Lakeview as he can at any stable in the
State. It is our intention to always have
on hand a good supply of the best hay and
grain to be bought in the market. We
also kc ep a force of experienced hostlers
and careful drivers, who will always be
ready to wait on our customers.
3 -
Hfiuilf ami Mr. I'iii!iar.atfiu!.!ifan. our ivr-iifct forth.- u-nlict of jurifH 0C00OCK0O00OOOOCDCKC 0O0CMjOCHX0OCM0OOOO. OOOOOOttOOOCOOOOOOOQOOOOB&l
ii,. fx",,,. ,,,,,, ii,,. o a nuy a-...,. 5 i KONGbb i IN THE WORLD" The Equitable life Assurance i
- Socisty of Wew YcrK.. i
! i.a ..i oi a- t .if i fiilict hfrt-: lint to
M.-rifoii I lif 1 .1 o f a r of Milfh.a!
rct'tiiiir t.-rin. coininfiiil t he character of the jury X
of g
I: if Ii coal 1 iniitf in t Iif ton vie i ion
Tii- r -i-wlt of ihf trial of S.-n itor
Mitch-ll h;
Ktnrt' il t iif M-iiatoria!
lice to Imzzin la th - liotiie tH of m
ii I. on r . r i ii. i if thfia n
Special Agent
mi l no
5 ASSETS $8l.0(M).O()0
tlifirfii.-m! in i cum- w I, a,,,...aie.l SURPLUS $73.000000
ho .! i oiif;iy t o i.-r.oijai iit-nnir, ami
of ii ;;;;':;t; T uf r!i";:l;if
1 j 1 1 . . have iieeli n'laM lo .-.iiieiil.
Or.-yon yrifit. ciier- the iloivnfall
T. 15. Wil.-us. VV. I. IViitmi ami A.
I.. Millh, of rortlaml. Kx-t Joverm.r I w( Jli(l ,VMt ,,.., Ilmll ,,
jt-fr. of SiiJ.mii. A. S. I.oivell of JVii-M,,., :.,,.,, , h.lUltr,
ilh-to-.i ami M. A. Mo ely. u ho iva u-e ji1m, hl)Uor Illt.J;iry ivhicli
lefeuted for lnj;rfrf to l eal -. 1 (,,1 ,.t 4,.rifiw ,-o,iKeie,ee l,y u...
I- ulsii talked of. ,!,uSttius U'.r Jrieli'i.
The question no in, will the nji- There kcciiih to have lut-ll noine
jioinl incut of Kiiliu Iloot to the juici- j liionke.i in with t lie nil lichen In the
tlon of Secretary of Btutf lake him i UliaiiiHoii trail, und the ca- l jiro
out of the JM-, iik lit ial race? tjr.-ni.ius slow ly. (
The children's iriend
Jaynels Tor! c Vcr rait uc
1&r'' ' drives out blood impurities. Makes .troii nerves and inusclei
Gives tone, vitality and