Mi won VOL. XXVI. LAKKVIKW, LAKE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY, JULY il. tuTTlNQ SCRAPE MONDAY NOON. IV M''t "nr "l,,t' l"ll-v w,wi Is the nocount of the death uaoppear i' In the Ashland Tidings: S. A. I). Porter, a stockman of Silver Luke, Lake county, died at tll' llolDC of IllH tllntli..r.l .!.,. f... ,d Into chaos a Httle after 1 I . ..... ,, iroeU i"1" , M. .1. Krlttrldire. nenp il... iiuiu.i..-. wfc Monilav. wIkmi screams were,-,,.,, ., UocS. "". .school house, nenr Aslil.mrl T...,u,i.. an! ut tli" ISrauthicht residence, ',,,., . , ' ul .. . eMM,lnK. 'icomilleatlonof.llMevH,.H i men running In that oirectlon . .., .,, rimrn rum" h following an attack of the measles. ,aDd u-ie lantlac it bver for ,,,, rM&Sc l;taP-.'1J "' ''"(brother. C. ,, ,.orteP, ftntl tM kiammoiii ' j famllleH. arrive,! her., i... ...... ... I.'.. 11..- 1.1. ...It,..,- (.,. 1 '"ln" 1 "lla.vHairofr.niSilv..rl.L- i Ill on his arrival, having contracted la grippe enroute, which with the WILL BE ASKED TO PLEDQE VOTE. Candidates for 1'nited States Sen ator will I. expected to announce their cnndldacy before a state legis- JOHN MITCHELL IS CONVICTED. J In faror of Sll rerjLake. Sellers pitch led for Silver Lake and Schroder caught the first few inning. In the first they made two runs and Lake- view one. In the' second both shies I " almost the stroke of 11 o'clock failed to score and In the third Silver! on the nlfht ot 3u? n1 tbe iuri' la ! Lake made one and from that to the theC08e of Un,tetl States Senator lature Ih nominated, in order to give ; wventh they cot1), nntniake a talleyi I John II. Mitchell returned a verdict candidates for the legislature an op pcrtunity to state to the voter their when lialley went Into the box. I Three runs were made and In the Nth position on the Senatorial cutest. j tll fulle(, .., Th(.n wlt r.L-. and in turn give the voter au equal! than a doxcn ghastly knife! Lumls. .1 tin Purlin. Win. (iunthcr i n-Hn..r Vtii.l,.- U'i'IV fill lirst lm. m """ measles r, tin' scene .'iii'l M'iiiniirii me two rn. T1R. flylit commenced In an up itirnroom in the brnutlaeht lioiise. alVr lid.! gone there a few minutes i-f.ir", it is alleged, to see about get y tH'tnc lisht buggy rolM'S washed. ,rt!y utter Fuller entered the ,w, Kraiitl.'irlit eaiue in and went i,iir iii'l. h'-nKoges, tipuli trying enter n room, found thedoorlock Ami lie fnther says that he iril tlie ilmir oen, and saw his ifiitid Kull'-r in the room. Then there, it is said, t lie cu t ting coiu :h'1. l'.r;i i: i I.h Ii t n;id a pocket aiel I'n.l-r. tiring una rni"d, j-M he I. it t ie cold steel pliiugilig .i !.. ! -". grasped l'.rntltlnchl ' ;:irtt!! and struggled tniwilr. "irKsV ! 1 the two men lovn '.:!( i.ie! ut in tli" yard. Mr. vjMae'st i- a c-ry strong inin and ..r:i- ;:ij.ii .' to ward off the ai.'l 1 th time Ii itli leaehed show with his rights as who shall represent the state in congress. It Is true, a few aspirants for the IT. S, and heart trouble with ! Si'iiato announced their candidacy which he had Ix en afflicted for sev- j at "e state election proceeding the em I years, caused his demise. He ! 'aMt Senatorial election in lilOl, when wn aged 4.", years, and is survived J the choice of the people was not by his wile, who is in delicate health, I heeded, but times have changed, and two young children, making the I John H. Mitchell was in power then view 11 to Silver Lake's (i, the situa tion began to look shakey and Bilyeu went to the pitcher's box and Bailey U'liind the bat. Two men were out ami a confusion accurred and they run in five men. This tied the score with Lakeview to have the last. However, they failed to talle.v and a 10th inning had to be plnytfl, which resulted a goose egg for both of guilty as charged. The Jury recommends the defend ant to the mercy of the court. The charge Is that Mitchell, while occupying a high position, accepted pecuniary compensadon for practic ing before the federal departments at Washington. There was little belief that a speedy verdict would be reached. A few minutes, before 11 o'clock the bailiff, as he had been a number of times before, was summoned to the rather sudden and unexpected j ,ll"l ow his influence counts for sides. Silver Lake went to the bat I iury- room- A moment later lie reap- oeatn or the father at this time pur- nothing, and as a consequence of f(,r the 11th inninir and run in 4 . I't'n'J and communicated to those i ium liimewew laueu io laiiev. i lie j score by Innings was as fallows: the j Siiver I.nke-l'-O-l-ll-O-O-.-WJ-.VO-l la j Lakeview -n-L-0-l-U-i'-,-)-0-U-0 11 . tleuliirlv m.I I til 1,.... .......! -i .i . . . , i""11- I'eopie are pro- j and Lakeview failed to tallev. I he deceased was a member of the elaiming they have learned a lesson .Masonic iratermty and also of the: I lie following is taken from Woodmen of the World. The funeral I regoniaii: was conducted last evening, the ser vices being in charge of Ashland lodge. No. i'.:. . F. & .. M.. and the interment in the new City View cem-eterv." In waiting that the jury had agreed. Judge De Haven, the attorneys, mid the aged senator, whose last days were to be crowned with dis- Williamson's Trial 'oiixrvsstu in Williamsons trial is next on tli docket in the federal court. A venire of :i jurymen was down from which to select the men to h -ar the trial. The venire for ' the Mitchell cnc wan relieved, and; ail new ones drown. There were The end of the trial of Senator j pine Creek and Lakeview were to ! Eraw were summoned, and in au .John il. Mitchell gives fresh impetus j play on Friday, but the Pine Creek ' i,lc,'t'(lil,'-v short time they appeared, to political di.-cussion, and men w ho boys were anxious to get home and j Ju,'K'e I)e Haven, ascending the bench take an interest in public affairs are the game was called off. j without removing his overcoat, di- t r in o to siz" up the situation is it; Alturas won first inonev ' rt'c'tlMl that the jury be brought in. campaign opens Silver Lake second, S1.-.0 and Lake-' T1"'-v fiU''1 in "ni1 tuok tlll'ir 11'lth in will exist when t he about, six months hence, ' the jury box. Captain J. A. Sladen, i view third S"i. I'mler the plan of the direct prim-! There was one ot her game but it : cll'rk of t,K' c"urt' wns handed the ar.v mw, tne next l. nited states Sen- - i't to MjMtate tlieln, tf'e") Weal-., from loss of lib Fuller none from Lake county for the se iod. to coinl trial, 'l he cast.' went to trial ''wtJ liim taken to the hotel. Vbout 20 cutH in All w-re inflicted, two of which were ghastly and f"l to ! M-wed up. The flesh funli.i resistance. Had the Llailf be. Ii a balf ineli lom.'er. i.r would probably been killed on Mix Ilniutiachl was also Ht ibbed t :be breat, said to have been done 'Jile xhr was trying to separate the. 'Jiwn. Her wound Isnot thought ' dangerous. fuikT hs taken to Ahlstroms ulinp, a couple of blocks, dls-1 Fri.lay. ator from iregon may b , in effect, chosen by the people. The law pro vides that candidates for the Senate may be voted for in the primaries and that candidates for the Legisla ture may state on t he ballot whether or not they will be guided bv the voice of the neonle when thev vote I Lxaminer reporter this week was so one shied that the result was' "MllLl ineiorman, anil, opening hardly worth mentioning, that be-! it' 1"',"-'t,l',U'' to ,vaa ifc mI'1 tlle twten Hi.lwell cind Pine Creek Thurs-' cras1' thu riUtU' of '''t'-works ex- day morning. The score was some thing like !." to nothing. ploded in the streets on all four sides of the court house. taptian Sladen spoke low, and, Hay Crop Short. 1 with the din without, but two sen- Assessor W. I). West stated to tin . tences of the verdict were audible, hut "guilty us charged," and "recom- i he following jury was secured the : f;JI. Fnitcd States Senator. Inquiry j ll,l-v ''''"i'- '" tnt' Silver Lake coun-1 mended to the mercy of the court. first dav ami one witness put on tin stand: The Jury August I'.inns, grocer, lleppner, Morrow County. August Carlson, manufacturer, Portland, Multnomah County. Webb Maat, fanner, Coos County. Itaruey May, merchant, Harris es here 1 r. Hull saw him and burg. Linn County. M. . lhouias, farmer, null nun, Clackamas County. i. O. Walker, farmer, Walker, Lane County. J. L. Heukle, merchant. Philomath, til . 1 . . I . . ""'"i Ineanns were tlwp slasli- j Lenioii i ounty. WortwoUing about lucl.esl w- restaurant keeper, ? IVrc were thn-e tabs hi the ! Sal,M"' M'irlon ''"Ul,,'- 11 m"J l" J.W.Williams, farmer, Junction '"part of the back; two in the1,,,,, , .,....,. S. L. liurnaiigh, farmer. ICIgiu, t niou (.'ounty. (). I. Flook, farmer. Olalla, Hong las Countv. W. O. Cook, bricklayer, L'ugene, County. '""t which went through the oiih just under the left "'Wain ranged toward the heart, r mining timt vitil hMjt ,(J ..Hi, i ( .., au.i one, a most serious b.iu the biH-k, Is-Ueen the neck 1 f'fc'la shoulder, which went Xrli lutotheluugs. H'uds are of a very serious Mfs.aud the warm weather makes i er' difficult. However. e8'J to press he Is resting easy ''h are entertained that his vitality win aid hi... through, ottarht gave himself up to the r:ff'iud the same evening waived '"""itl-m iinl b(),s Wt.ri. ,l)tll.,.,j .tl,ecii;,r,.,. ....,o., ....., -"""Utlseron, '' " kill 'ywruing, and ilrautlacht re ut the brewery. adDevis, .f .1... .1....... . . . ... t. - hkj ueuiii oi one Cull.....'. . .. . nest ciuxeim reach- ..."WtKuuduv. N. A II Po..,.r 'Lake. Mr .'. " "It I van I iiLn ' LUdeatU will Is- a nail weapon with In- Lair was furnlshe.J llane I H ri... fwo Hottest Days. The two hottest days or tins year, so far, were Suturduy and Sunday. Ou these days theCiov eminent thermometer at The Ex aminer office registered 104 and 105, respectlvly. This Is where the weather record, published every week bv The Lxamlner, comes In made among prominent men here shows that the opinion is practically unauiinous that candidates for a seat in the I'nited States Senate will make the run in the primaries and that nearly all the candidates for the Legislature will pledge themselves on the ballot to support the man who wins In the primaries. There ure u few who do not take a favorable view of the Idea of pledg ing a candidate for the Legislature to vote for the man who receives the largest popular vote. Prominent residents of Salem, sitting In a group discussed the direct-primary law a few days since. "If I were a candidate for the Leg islature," said one, "1 would not pledge myself on the ballot, but would tell the people that I would act on my best judgement when the time comes." Then you would not go to the legislature," declared another, who has a state-wide reputation for political sagacity. "When any man asks the jieople to vote for him for the Legislature and says he is not willing to pledge himself to vote for the people's choice for Senator, ho will be left ut home. The people will say to him; 'If you are not willing try this season would be light.! The aged senator received the ver- It is to be hoped, however, J diet with fortitude. Severe and evi that owing to good range, which , dently unexpected as was the blow. will enable stockmen to keep he showed no outwurd sign save by their stock out till late and bring I a ghastly palor and a nervous strok- handy. One can keep a )'wlrl t() trust u we will not trust you.' The man who asks for the support 1; lutl "'y his relatives, but mt friends. Following weather record at no expense ami the question of the hot test or coldest day frequently comes up. Last year the hottest day was on the "lb day of Auiriist, when the thermometer registered lOl. New Secretary of State. Llilm Koot has l'cn appointed by President Koosevelt to succeed the late John Hay us Secretary of State. Lllhu Koot was appointed secretary of war by President McKinley und severed wuy Into Koosevelt's term of oliice, when ho resigned. Koot has frequently lieen spoken of for presid ent;! u I WW. of the people must give thu people Credit for having enough Intelligence to elect a Senator." The Last Mall (lame. The last game of the tournament, played Thursday afternoon between Silver Lake and Lakeview was about the most Interesting game of the week. It was not the best played game, but as much interest was shown and us largo a crowd witness ed It us any game played. At the them to the feeding grounds fat and strong, and a good supply of hay left over from last year, there will be plenty of feed to winter all stock. Conditions are not ut ull alarming'. Stockmen understand their business, and will not undetake to hold over more stock than they have buy for, when they can be made fat on the range and can be put on the market, at prices that prevail throughout the buying season. It is a little ear ly yet to say just what the price of beef will be, but the price of mutton has been established, and It Is good. And we are told by men who are qualified to slate, that good beef will command a fair price, alno that the Lake county beef will be fat this fall. Men have also told us that with tho surplus of hay left over from last year, even with a light crop this year, there would be tho usual amount of hay on the feeding grounds tills winter. Then let us say again, that there ie no cause for alarm. Moore's Comedians. Moore's Comedians, also known as Kastern Oregon's Favorites," haw gone on down tho Hue, after playing in Lakeview seven nights to big houses. The last play, tho best on their list, was given for tho ben efit of one of Lnkeview'ti most de serving charitable Institutions, the Public. Pending Loom. Au uccount of this grand affair will be seen in another article. Mr. und Mrs. Moore always have u good troupe, and this time was uo exception. They aro better equipped this year than ever before, and are giving the best of satisfaction. The Moore company are always welconi- end, whli h was at thrf end of tho' ed to u town and leave a good liu I tli Inning, the score stood 11 to 111 presslon. ing of his beard that he felt the blow. As Captain Slanden concluded, Judge Do Haven said: "Uentlemen, is this your verdict? "It Is," responded the foremau. Clerk Sladen polled the Jury, and Judge De Haven directed that it be discharged. When these proceedings were complete, Judge Bennett arose and, on the part of Senator Mitchell, moved for a new trial. Judge Do Haven directed that the motion bo continued till next Mon day and declared tho court adjourn ed. All morning and a portion of tho afternoon was consumed by lleuey la flshlug the lust argument of tho prosecution. He devoted a largo part of tho time In demonstrating to tho jury that Mitchell must have known where the alleged illegal fees came from. In alluding to Mitchell's age and long service, he compared him to Lord Paeon, who in his old age, notwithstanding his services to his country, greater far than Mitch ell's, was tried and convicted by tho house of lords, uni sentenced to bo imposed. Judge Do Haven delivered tho charge to tho jury immediately on the conclusion of Honey's speech. The charge was fair und satisfactory to both parties. Ho toll tho Jury it was its duty to convict if tliero was no reasonable doubt au to his guilt, otherwise the verdict should be for ucqulttul. Tho gist of the matter was whether Mitchell knew ut the time tho money was paid what and wherefor it was paid, and whether ho had done work before tho depart ment expecting compensation. This fact was for tho Jury to decide. The case went to the Jury ut 3:30 o'clock. i I i i