. General Information son: THivis in imi ri r ' I- t Wl AIU KS 1 K. K. I.. Ntelnrr ( l.nkrWru. Ore. A: !;i ' T'c Tt. tl '13- :. ... T a.-.-k- . ri'k : " In. I. .1 . ti !.. : ! !:!. t n : T!.a! n .h f.f i: . ! .' T: i ' : ' A: i i ih. torriah, pfitr.f.ih.' W e pu t t.. i v 'I' I' at-. tf r The rn!i,ii.r J. W. n a .tell ST-rettirT l.tikex lew , Ore , LAKE COll.MY B"S!NESS MENS DlUlOPttTM lUGlf. If you wish Information alioti I.!ko Oinr.ty. Orcpm iiiMn-ss tilli it a In ;ir. tt-rt tlnwa i itlniv tur;i M'.onK niy !""" "-.ip 1-la.s. :fT ofl,l0 alinv( pi,lrImlni w.,m wi, If Post A Kit "lei II)!lk.- II,.. i,. l ,,1, ,..,.,... ' "1 I , ; no pleased to reply, have tin- best urndo "iVrr.'tt; r,nr to I.,. foUIj i : n. E. CHURCH DIRI.C TORY. - H,. t l c h. in. tf Plan of se, vices of Pastor of the M. E (uj:. i.Mi.it)-, ' . Iiureli, Lakencw. 1st and ,ird .Sin- eareiio prepared i,, i ' .1 nf . . ., , .-n mi ..... t in i-iu 11 montll. or,trn.,t, l lan.l M( ,.,i,v, ,,at ,; Mnrtle , ...... i 11 . in a:m .p' t ine pimmed 8 AMLSTROU Proprietor i to SVW.i voa. especially jf von n.tr.J (u ".n n i nh. oKinh, jtl, tde locatii.n. We have Ian I -ill t I r ' p" ISI" "'" ''""'lay n.y Ut a-J.KKln' hr. 1 " ln" Ti ; l r acrt- ii t $ 5 ; lln. , . . . , "i'fMVt-1 or i:ii.r(,vf,!, t,, M, t!ll. ( l-uniiaMr. Ijk.- ( omit KxHimner.t of raoh month. I-akeview at 11 a. in., anil 7 p. m. Prayer inootitiw Thiir'dnv 7 11. m. Stti ""J lo tatldt I Used to ii, ,1i,.. !, w I 111 .11 MiMlny 1 nion .scliool House at 11 a. m. aK itrnt th j usd to j:ay l-Jlur-'lon Kales lo Lewis and l-"kevip at , p. m. 011 are cordially .!jimilJ f.i of !flM Bt' i " l :ih. o-mifch. oi'njtah,' of I A Kr V H W SA II II HKrV 43 . T m JL T T J m B-W X. MAM KAcrt'ltKKH OF The Uest Vaquero Saddle on the Harket 4 Alxo 11 complete lino ef wnRun tuul ItUKK.r harnoHS, whlpw, rotten lintiiH. hitH, spurs, qtilrtH, rowottoH, In fact everything In the line of " iittrse iurniHiiin'H. Koiviirms by competent men. Clark Imposition ia Stulh . '"vitt-.l to all the cervirt s ern Pacific. axtord Ssydkr, Pastor. Kotin-I trin mto l,..t....,, r.. ' . i , . . , . nnn , i ' " '' to make roim.l trin u it, ,.. c t:t!lr rnft'urf f.f t:e ir.ulr fa"'" Hi farli ilirprtion, anil , ... tHi.k ia ,it.-r tiir... u "''i.v yo.io,, tram No ,Va!loi,.n pa--.- The Paiilio MonthlvH wries of unee- ' ' ai I I it III HI . . , . fMrramerito i-very Sa'unlay. roniniftu- 1 ,,l,i,l,"'tl Ir the year l!W.i. They rM !T, ! lI",M,!; ,a-v r'""i'' will coin.ii,..;i miinher f..r Portlan.l. trip ticket? will lif ,,r; i.avineiit of . .-. ' ... ... .!.. f.. ... ... , n ao.vc raifs. ni tr ! "on, km .-mhiiihtii l aiimi Ilia, Our Offer. AVith the June iininlier will In'sin Uii 9 9 v. I i n 1 m ra! J to go uj. ti nt of try ju1, tl Is worth- I !i :nt r'.ir.K i Iup. t "n ;..ih. rn.tah." a)' f "' Hi in ex.'.-s rate, piini; trip .. .... -..r to,;,,.,,.,!,, nopovers for Sat) Francisco and the souvenir n i i- . n . .1 ... l nil'. I'.ieveti ihiys extension t,e mad made on iiunilM-rof the IwU anil (.'lark Kx- ; tu ket, at I'.irtlaiol on payment of T -W position, also a bm-cIii1 autotnohile , ati.l twenty ,lavs on pa tii.-nt of $ln (HJ j.-t iirst,Mii-t-can avail tiiem-eives of ' nriicien oi ir. n on rips About Your Timepiece. Meamer t ule r..rt ,and to San Kranci.-co von rtt i.... , t . A i,,. ... li .i i watc.i should tc wound up ev- ; s.,xlv ,av rnlll, ,,, ,irk,.N ni , "1 he Coming Supremacy of the Pa rr cay J.t the fame hour. Avoid .i in. m June it to Sc(,t, ml-er ;;0ih, citic TUttir. It on a marble Flab or On """"ive, guiin: via ."acran.ento and Schierliraml, t-ix in numher on tire also promised, and the irnv"" c-xceive!v told n-t tin r,I"r''".i: n ."ait Lake ( ,t . I tah, al- " 11,1 l'"otisner ' 'IU li. tliilhiV.i. u t ru tA . i 4 "I I 1 H. F.r luither information upplv to, a. ii. iiisis.;. Aftinir. I. V. ic V. A., s,. Pat-. Co., l.et.o, .eVa l.i. l) ing ot ramin is, in its torments, like .l.mjoi con- Hiimptii.n. 'Hie prii;ies of cinsiitnp- will. without tpiestion, place The Pacific Monthly far in mlvance, not only of present competitors, hut also into the unreachalde class of period ical literature on the Pacific Coast. The Pacific Monthly in Hold to regu- nddec chai.ee of temperature, coc- Cactir? the metal, rnny Eomctime ciue the Kiaiaspring to break. Th : fo!J coarul-itos the oil, and the piv o:j anJ heels, working less freely, ! ifect the regularity of the time- leeptT. Ia laving aside a watch he '. re that it rcMs on its case. If : tion. from tl e linninir to the tv,ml. lar sul.scril.ers at the extremely low rpendcJ the action of the balance ! ' a i -iture, l-otti to the vicum and price of $1 a vear. We have made nycaue oscUlation, hich will in. 7, "t ..rrunnwnt with the puh.ishers tL.t.ei!, h pomg. To keep your !(V8rfo.s, Md.. ai,,r try;,, different i,v which we are al.le to offer It in Ta.La c.e::n Une Care that the case medicineH and a tf I'" ti r. in vain, I . , , j closely and Fee that your pock- : l-t t-k It.Kiuc'-.W- Li-covery, i-u"wtion ith the Lake County eu ire free from fluil which 13 60 of- ' "''ieh qm.-kly and perfectly cured me." Kxamiiier, (both Publications), to ten rive, ol by cotton, cloth or etThronlii: 'lV -ribers. an.l old one who i-- a-i. litively t.revetits pneunc'iiia. tinaran- rrr Kind of Tarn. ; teed at Lee Head's dru' Hote, price O0c V tasitu' of fat U a fiscal eir-dl- ; at,,) --0"- A J r,al ""'free. at wlkli is new. A town ia Sweden, ' " It ii lau'mti Uns Intr'Mluced a wu- i t BlV n MV-k Er-(k B B K B H j-" CRECTED IN 1900 MODERN THROUGHOUT FIRST-CLA5S ACCOnnODATIONS SAHPLE ROOH For COnriERCIAL TRAVELERS COURTEOUS TREAT AENT Seo "arrow LIGHT & HARROW, Proprietors pay up tiny back subscription they may owe and a year in advance, for the very low price of a year, tf nlclptJ tax -"i Kti.ntn"-. which sii'pcars to be jrtTtJiiavd acvordin-j to the tuost tcPrt)vcd modern principle cf public j tranc. At.y one weii;hlt)K le8 than iX'Utjils .8 free, an exemption ' ulcbvo!:id M-nrcely apply to any able-1 kiJied num. 'I lie groat bulk of active toxpayrm would be Included in the sec- ' mi Clrlnioa, whlcli enuslxt of persons ; l!ag between J05 and '2m pJ2d; ' f7 pay 12 yearly. A for the SlK) ' pottmlm. t!.. :r,!,n!k Is rated nt f(3 u; telTO fK.jn.is. Aiove that point every idttitioiml twenty pound eot the pro- ' PrHorof e.-hh another $tS. Wi W'ANTKI) MKN AND WOMEN in this and ad joining counties for home or traveling work, representing and advertising the t Wholesale and Educational Depart ments oian old tBtabiiahed Manufactur ing House. Salary f3.5) per day with exp'ens: s advanced. Kig furnished j when necessary; position permanent; . references exchanged. Address, Ulew i Hrolhers & t.'o., Home Dept. Chicago, fill. C-10-23. HARRIS & JAQUISH E. N. JAQUISH V F. E. HARRIS. LAKEVIEW FURNITURE CO, Full and complete stock of Everything in the line of FURNITURI El-Oivenmr J. proctor Knott t tin Ell)f hi-V. II -, ihi.n- hat settltsl vlllWil tU' .tl'ler of ld life, to. l.e --cs, iii ii new hi.ii,,. Imllt by liim ia rlM treej. l.eliaiioti. Ky.. his native Jon. . (;.. country home which lie una just I. flgWY01 ; SCUOC'L LAND. 280 acres of level BmaJ1''' n ni m !. roved Ht'ricnltiiral land for eale Elvs Cream Balm ,,,,,'m"- i-"y"n- x. ' O VntHHl NEs-4 and NW'i of PE4', rection 111, Thi Remedy Is a Specific, Tp., ;'J S.t H. I'J E. W, M. This ia a Sure to Cive Satisfaction. ; ,esiraiile piece of land, located in Goose CIVES RELIEF AT ONCE. I HWe vallev and will make some man a nd il.e eny limit wa It rleanse, K.the, hi'aUt, and protects the a,xi ranch uliiieuuo. : iIkiw d no nil' rut. -It enres Catarrh and .inv.- uwitv a did u tie- Jteail .jmcklv. ! J;estores the K. iiHes of Ta-t and KmeLL 1 0 Cure a Cold in One Day VrrF Swell. ; Easy to us-. Contain uo injurious drugs. Take LAXATIVE IiUO.MO QUININE .. . ' u.t htrid Weary Willie, "I ! Applied into th a.triia and atworbed. Tablet. All druggists refund the -cm tip t,.r ,lt iatij.-B bouse an. Bbe Jjurf,H size. r,i) eei.U at Iruggists or hj mowy jf jt fails to cure. E. W.Urove' Paaei reu ,-elI diuuer." , ie, 10 cents ly umil. fignatuie is on each box. 2"x:. A swell fiMrv 1 r.jy EHCTHLH?, li Wi.'rin V... Niw Y?1. ' justr?vdLlThed?, Snider Building on Water St. V ...LAKEVIEW, OREGON... g S CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK AND GET OUR PRICES I 1 YEE YOUNG RESTAURANT North of Brewery flain St. Cake, Pie and Bread always on hand, Board by the Day or week. Meals at all hours. First-class Restaurant Open all Night. OOOfOOOOOOOOOOCOOOO ao0l00t0 . rT' 1 "I'eles au" ail de water I "-llaliimore Herald. re did the jd,,'e pot hi tltler Jrat 01" v Jude of a horse race." out bow m,out the ceueralT Has h Jo that tltler "V. indeed! He' a geuerai oul- "-,hieuH0 I'ost I'eralatrat. ' Hit tt V MiM Wellon. isn't Itt Jon cea,, to tell me she etlli come X ! fMblwmble waterlns plaee?" I 1"U1J nay Bt,! fche brln-.-a hef I Jni',r!H Ulster alonjr a Ierchar. authoMof both hemisphere-:. . ;. ' ; v , y . L,fel ! hort .torle are mati-l.l..-- l-an.and full of h.u;an Interest. bjT1 Cure ,or Jt- poetry eow.rli. the ei.e, fj.M. .f .vere-patl.oH, love,, humyr, ?AiZ:J,2J t ! tend tv the mot popu.ar P-t-,W,n and women, of the day. . "'i application uives ,.n,,, The Smart 5et A Magazine of Cleverness . ' 4 , . Mnuiiix bh aiJd .Tve a well di titled p.tH-p-'. " , . luiue entertainment. amuHvuieut und nn-'Uta.K-Cjeutioi) are the motive l TlIK SMABT StT. til" ,..:!.'-.' t ( MOST SUCCE5SFUL OF MAGAZINES ..It- novel la complete one la each number) are. by the most brilliant Wto,V;: .-Vi 160 PAGES DELIGHTFUL READING ;n 1r" WeU-j No ttnf W.Ud o,: cheap lllu-tratlo,.-. editorial vaporing or A r-r . a m ' w'.vlf ""W U,"J IdlL' 'licl"aI,nH VHOTO R I A Every P2C will Interest, charm and refresh you. Pitas T j ,. . ... I 41 rrrmauu " xatanti anrl rt,!U,. .ii vi2.50i.er.vear. wwiii wine, i , v. . VMMUi VXA i 11 I rUt. I 1 It i Hate Always BacM i "' ' T"c snAII 5,:T "J F i BEEF, MUTTON. PORK, SAUSAGE, EIC, J ALWAV9 ON HAND AT THE ..Lakeview Meat Market.. JOHN. WENDELL, Proprietor ' . "' . AT PRESENT LOCATED BUILDING NORTH OF HOTEL LAKEViriW AyersPill The dose is one, just one pill bedtime. Sugar-coated, certain. They cure HJIIMIIUIIHHI. LnwDll. 1 Set bedfir rnild, cer I,IWflll. Mum ourmour BUCKINGHAM'S DYE hi You """ta s? Vork. $2,000 Reward. "$2,000 reward offered by the Lake County Wool (Jrowers Association fur the arrest and conviction of any person or person guilty of killing or maiming any sheep belonging to any member of this association by order olthe Excutive Cammittee. 8. li. CllAJJLlLKU, 1'hes. 1. N. Watson, hue. ntn li. u tuttuoi... oh a. y. ut u.., aat.4, a, a. : 1 No Secret About It. It is no secret, that for Cuts, iiiirnu, Ulcers, I'ever Hores, Hore ICyes, Iluila, etc., nothing is so effective as liucklun' Arnica Halve. "It didn't take long to cure a bad sore I had, and it is all (), K. for sore eyes," writes D. L. Gregory, of Hope, Tex. 2."e at Lee liuall's drug store. 4 J 3 3 N. B SAflPLli C0PIE5 SENT I REG ON APPLICATION.