Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 29, 1905, Image 5

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.. l- .,1 L. M. S.
fHlI11,Mip'",Mat B- & M'8-
unction sale next Saturday nt store. lH.f
0,.tyonr Fourth of .July Suit at
Lakrvli'W Mt. Co.
Ice Cn-uui Freezer at the Lake-
To I'okcgama U,,J return 20.2.'.
web for two or more. 2.V2
Charley Arthur, the sheepman, w8
1n town first of the eck.
MrCormwk Bakes and Mowiug
Machines nt Lakevlew Mcr. Co.
You Know Bieber?
He sells good Ice Cream Freezers.
Extras for MeCormwk mowers
nd rakes nt Lakevlew Mer. Co.
Pulley & Mnsslngtll bare the U-mt
line of shirt waists In Lakevlew.
Hay Forks and Harvester Oils of
tll klntlM at Lakevlew Mercantile
You Know Bieber?
He sells good Soap.
Mr. C. Henkle started foV Echo
Monday, to visit her father who is
very Hi
Mark Curry ban gone to Round
(irove, where he will remain this
Born. In Lakevlew, Oregon. June
26, KKCi, to the wife of F. O. A hi
itrom. u hi hi.
You Know Bieber?
He sells good Fruit Jars.
Prof. Sibliets. the music teacher,
ban a curd In The Exnmlucr. lie Id
a tirst-class musician.
Boys tind youtliH "Kant Wear Out
Clothing" every garment guaran
teed at Lakevlew Mer. Co. .
A. It. Huthaway and J. II. Coch
ran, representing the Mutul Life Ju
urance Co., left for Portland last
You Know Bieber?
He sells good Boys Suits.
UouuJ trip tick-1 fur two or more
toPokcgnma can le obtained nt
Tbe Mercantile Co'h store for
120.21. 25-2
Tbe town 1h tilling up rapidly with
men coining here to work. Hay
littDdti ought not to lie scarce thin
A wwspr.per is like a woman;
fvery muu that wants one should
get one of 1i!m own, and leave other
People' alone.
You Know Bieber?
He sells good Bunting.
U. I' Ciiiiiiiiu was down from Che
wuiiian Sunday, the first time for
will months. He says stock look
fll up that way.
J. X. Watson and wife, Miss Hull
and linn oiiia-Inspector II. T. Ben
nett, went out to Cottonwood last
Sunday f,,r u ,Uy- fishing. They
"tfurmi a good catch.
You Know Bieber?
He sells good Shirts.
you like your thin, rour.h,
short liair? Of couibe you
Jon't. Do you like ihick,
heavy, smooth li air? Of
course you do. Then why
be pleased? Ayer'sHair
Vl8or makes beautiful beads
of hair, that's ibe whole
sory. Sold for CO years.
Miui i. . "" .'' Hull- Vli'r for
I,, UK
iMtiitj. ! .,, tf Ht.lllll'l I III liHIl ll'l'l. .
Ii,, """Oi (..II . 1Bir ,! ;;t
.,. .it.viiii. u .1.1. mm fi i iih.' .
''" l All'U, M.ldlll, llltl . T.
II u .
. AVKIt "..
Tcucher of MiiMlr
Violin, Tinno. Organ,
'Hilar. Iniini't unit
orn.'t Tnnalit
Auction sale next Saturday in
front of Howard's store at 1 oclock. f
W. F. I'etreels hauling lnnilier to
the Norln, Jaiulsli & Harris planing
mill In Lakevlew, from the Camas
S. F. Ahlstrom made another ship,
nient of the celehrated Lakevlew
saddles this week to Nevada liuccaroo
E. Cascliecr, the lily sheepman,
rancher, hotel proprietor und stage
line contractor, was over to town
last week on a business trip.
You Know Bieber?
He sells good Hats.
Geo. McGrath was up town Mon
day and bought a load of new fur
niture freni Jaquish & Harris for his
new house down on the ranch.
Hon. S. I. Moss came down from
his Chewnucan ranch Tuesday. Mr.
Moss says the road over the moun
tain Is la bad shape, and should
have attention.
You Know Bieber?
He sells good Pipes.
Since sending the bills to Lake
view the Moore Co. have decided to
commence their series of erform
ances on July first instead of July
3d, as stated on the posters.
Miss Amy Harris, of Summer Lake,
eldest daughter of F. E. Harris, of
Lakevlew, was married in Klamath
Falls on June 17, 1905, to Mr. Fred
Campbell, of Langells Valley.
You Know Bieber?
He sells good Neckties.
The LlghtniugSiiuirrel Smoker isa
grand success. As a squirrel killer it
has no equal. A. S. Down, Agent.
(Signed) J. I. Venator, T. B. Ver
non, F. M. Duke, S. B.
Chandler. 17-2G
Parties wishing lumber can tlud It
at the Noriu, Jaquish & Harris plan
ing mill. A team Is hauling steady,
and cau give you whatever you may
want, from the Camas sawmill. 20-tf
Fete Follett was up from Fine
Creek Tuesday. Fete is one of these
fellows who proves his frendshlp to
you by always being your frieud
until lie has occasion to cease being
You Know Beiber?
He sells good Coffee.
W. K. McCormack and Geo. Fike
of I'alsler were down from Little
Chewaucan lust week. They brought
down about 4N' withers turned
them over to Hendricks, the U'iio
Itev. S. Hiyder and family returned
last week from an extended visit to
Ashland. Mr. Snyder says that the
fruit Is line over there this year, al
though some of It was killed by the
euii.t btt'.
VII the stores have agreed to close
during the ball games Fourth week.
The games will be called at regular
hours, and no business will Interfere
with the pleasures during the pro
gress of the game.
E, S. Ede of the hotel at Fine
Creek, was in Lakevlew Tuesday.
Mr. Ede recent I had the smallpox,
)nl,l was released a sl.ol t time ago.
He is entirely well low and has
been "busting0 bronchos.
You Know Bieber?
He sells good Socks.
Laurence Traeey, one day last
week. Idle worl.ii;; with stock in
Drews valley sustained a rupture
He came to town for treatment, and
the Dr. said he would! call right in
u short time If he kept quiet.
Strangers coming here express the
,,,H,fthata large crowd w II v Wt
Lakevlew on the Fourth. 'J hey sa
S have heard of the big time o
,e had here, long before reacl I. g
Lake county. Such Is the effect . f
advertising. ,
You Know Bieberr
He sells good Shoes.
Wc have the best line of Men's, Boys and Youth's
Reatty to wear Clothing in Lakeview:
Men's summer Suits, regular price, $9.00 and 10.00,
Sale price, , 0.00
Men's Khaki Suits, regular price, $2.25
Sale price, 1.75
Men's Fancy Shirts, regular price, 1.25
Sale price, 50 cents
Compare These Prices With Other Stores,
Boy's and Youth's Kant Wear Out Clothing are guar
anteed. We also have the most up to date line of Ladies' Sum
mer Shirt Waists, Fancy Lace Hosiei y, White Skirts and
Summer Underwear.
Come get our PRICES and compare with other stores
Lakeview Mercantile Company
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Cares Grip
la Two Days.
J Tcke Laxative Bromo quinine Tablets. tVj ? VF
?i ftn Minion fcees sold in cast 12 months. This sicmatnre. S-Jy'&tST. box. 25c
. - w
Iilds are invited for Cutting, and
setting 1200 posts 7 feet long and 1200
poles 14 feet long for a Telegraph
Line from Lakevlew to Plush by
way of Adel For particulars see
Harry Bailey. 2-24
D. F. Browne and wife spent sev
eral days in Lakeview this week.
Mrs. Browne recently returned from
Berkeley, California. We understand
that Mr. and Mrs. Browne will soon
become residents of Lakevlew.
The big flag pole In the Court
House yard was taken down nnd
reset last week. The pole was rot
ted nearly off where it was in the
ground. The stars and stripes will
lie hoisted on the morning of July
WANTED: Women to represent
us In their home and adjoining coun
ties to distribute samples and adver
tise our goods. Salary 21 per week
and expenses, guamteed. Expenses
advanced. Experience unnecessary.
Address, with stamp, stating age,
Keeve Co., 415 Dearborn St., Chicago,
A Mr. Williams of Shermancounty.
this state, and an old friend of Win.
Holder, of Paisley, has lieen visiting
with Mr. Holder and family for a
iek past. Mr. Williams came to
Lakevlew the first of the week to
look about some land. Ho may
purchase land in the Chewaucan
valley and make his future home
there, lie says he likes the country.
Mr. Boone's family remained In
the house nine days after they were
considered safe by the doctor and
released from quarantine. Mr.
I'.ooue said he did it as a matter of
caution and protection to those who
might come in contact with them.
While such a course was not cou
riered necessary, everybody com
mends Mr. Boone for his carefulness.
Would you accept a possitlon that
will pay you a straight salary of
$:i..-.0 per day (21 00 per week) for
whole or spare time? If so write us
at once. This is no book cavnsslng
scheme, but a straight forward busi
ness proposition, which will be as
permanent as you may be able to
make it, and will afford excelleut
change for promotion. No bond,
red tape nor unreasonable require
ments. Act quickly as we wish to
employ some one in your locality
without delay. Sprague Wholesale
Co., Wabash Ave., Chicago, ;': ."
$500.00 IN PURSES.
At Lakeview, Oregon, commencing
July 2d.
There will be f500 in purses to be di
vided as follows; First money 300,
Second money 150. . Third money $50.
Free for all.
Lakeview Guarantees a bona fide
resident team.
Given under the auspices of tbe
Mountain Athletic Club.
II. Manring j
bee Beall Directors.
J. S. Lane )
Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon, June
2fith, 1905. Notice is hereby given that
the following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make nnal
proof in Eupport of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before Register
and Keceiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on
Tuecdav August 15th, 1905 viz: Owen
T. McKendree Hd 2340 for the NM4
NEJf Sec. 9 S SE!-4 and SE SW'
Sec 4 Tp 39 S, H 14 E W M. He names
the following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon and cultivation
of aid land, viz: A. X. Lapham, of
Vislillis, Oregon, J. O. llamaker, of
Bonanza, Oregon, Ed Casebeer and Wm.
Caeheerof Bly, Oregon.
2130 J.X. H'atHon, Heg'iHter.
JM-srrt l.Hiid final I'roof.
United States Lund Otlice, Lakeview,
Oregon, June 2(ith, 1905. Notice is
hereby given that William Smock of
Lakeview, Oregon, has tiled notice of
intention to make proot on his UcBert
land claim No. 440, for the unsurveyed
S It' V S 'yt Sec. 24 X4' X W'V and SIv
NW.tjKec2aTp. 35 S, K 25 E W M. be
fore Itegister and Keceiver at Lakeview.
Oregon, on Monday, the 14lh day of
August, 1905. Ile'liaiiies the following
witnesses to prove tho complete iniga
tion and reclamation of aid laud:
Ed Bond and Arthur llighlill of Flush,
Oregon, and Win. Koliiuson and A. SV.
Manring, of Lakeview, Oregon.
2ii 30 .1 . X. Watson, Register.
Fourth of July Program.
The following program will be
rendered on the Fourth of July, in
Lakevlew, under the auspices of the
Fraternal Order of Eagles, KimKock
Aerie No. 777:
6 a. in. Morning Salute. Patriot
ic selection by Band.
9 a. m. Parade forms at Court
House, made up of Fraternal Organ
izations, Drill teams, Floats repre
senting the different Commercial
Houses, Bicycle section, etc. etc. .
10 a. in. Fourth of July Exercises
at Court House square. President
of day State Rep. It. E. L. Steluer;
Orator of day Hon. Henry L. Benson,
of Klamath Falls. Music by Band
and Chorus. Arrangement of music
anuouced latter.
2 p. m. Tug of war teams of six
boys under 15 cash prize $3.00. Tug
of war teams of six girls under 15
cash prize $3.00. Foot raco for boys.
One Jilock, 12 years prize $1.00. Foot
race for girls, one block, 12 years
prize $1.00. Sack raco for boys un
der 20, one block prize $1.00. 3 Ix'g
ged rase free for ull prize $1.00.
Squaw race distance one block prize
$1.00. Throwing Base Ball free for
all prize $2.50. Egg race, 50 yds. for
boys and girls, each contestant to
furuish 1 hard boiled Egg and table
spoon prize $1.00. Bicycle race for
Hoys V Hlrtelcs prlre 2. 00. Donkey
raco free for all 2 blocks $5.00
Wheelbarrow race free for all 1 block
prize $1. (HI. Fat man's race 225 and
over prize $2.50. Pony race for
boys 1 block prize $2.00.
7 p. 111. Circus Parade, and novel
ties accepted.
8.30 p. 111. Beautiful und Expensive
0 p. 111 Grand Ball.
m .M.SS.if I ill iifhicl'ioc
1 ffc rk lfcV "l m
Y for the club, the
1 m ?
1 imLTi
home or medical use,