Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 29, 1905, Image 1

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NO. 26,
Preparations are Complete for the Grandest
Celebration in the County's History
and Success is Assured.
Thousands of People from Southern Oregon
and Northern California Will Help
Lakeview Celebrate.
tion that never to his knowledge did
Mitchell ever we a check from Krlbs
to the firm for services rendered.
Tanner faid further that he knew
personally of no services rendered liy
Miichell I it-f ore the departments In
Washington In regard to the Krlhs
claims that Mitchell had not per
formed for hundreds of other claim
ants without pay.
Tanner testified that he had put
all of the money received in one ac
count and had drawn from this in
making the cash settlements at, the
end of each month.
All In hustle and bustle these davs . F.ver.vt hing is fast being made!
milking preparations for tin grand ready for a grand time here on the!
wli'lmitioii. As the grand old day , Fourth. 1 1. was feared some weeks '
(IrnwM nearer our people Iwcomc ago that the smallpox was going to '
iiuitv and more enthusiastic. Every get scattered over the country so i
IWHMing remark has In It a reference that it would lie dangerous to hold
tn tin hig time that is coming, and a crlebratioii, hut as all the cases J
cutivermitions lint urnlly drift to the are either well or under strict quar- j
Kiviiti'Kt event of t lie year. i ant ine t here is no danger now. We'
Locating Reservoir Sites.
S. (i. Benneet. of the U. S. Ueclam
lation Service, stationed at San
Francisco, accompained by J. Y.
Toler of Alturns, also Civil Service
The contest for Goddess of Lllicrty
closed last Sunday evening after a
day of spirited voting. The contest
the last five days of the voting grew
to a welding heat, and' 23,18 Totes
were cast for the different candi
dates. It is believed that most of
these were voted on the last day.
Over 3400 votes were cast altogether.
Miss Fannie Tonningsen won the
honors with 1548 votes. Mabel
Laird followed with 991 and Katie
Messner of South Warner climbed tq
a big score on the last day with 732
Both North and South Warner had
candidates for the honor and the
employee, arrived in Lakeview last : people of these two places are to be
Sa turday. Mr. Bennett conies here ! commended for the enthusiasm
at the request of the Ease County j shown during the contest for their
Development league to look ; candidates. They certainly are of
over the contemplated irrigation the stuff stayers are made of, and it
projects in the Drews Creels and Dug1 took a pile of money from the pock-j
Lake country and make some sur-' els of Miss Tonningsen's supporters
veys. Tin
Every man, woman and child 1
hulk forward to that national (lay,
hiii a day of rest and pleasure
ilniiilil he Indulged in. See the big
Imll tniiniiiuicnt..
IVoiilf are coming from far and
ii-ar. Yumm-rtters enjoy th" sports, cases her
mnl n year of their life Is lust if I hey
ini'Mllir celeliratiun. Com", every-
understand that the few cases at
Alturas are under strict, quarantine,
and no more exposures, and there
are hut two at Fine Creek, and they
too are isolated, and there is no
nor a t a uy ot li"r place in
the county, cxeept til" two above
mentioned, so that it is perfectly
safe now to hold the celebration.
The Famous Mitcheil Trii!.
Tlic trin I of Senator Mitchell was
lpiu in the federal court last. Tues
day, , Inn. Ui. I'uexpeclcil by every -mi'',
n jury in secured in less than
fiur hums. Judge mid attorneys
; prepared for 11 long siege ill
liiiiiiiuieliug t he jury and owing to
tlif Importance of t he case ami the
I'lt't Unit it was widelv known
1 red A. Kilos,
land I . i i 1 1 1 m got
Into tn uile, v,i-
tin man w nose
Senator Mitchell!
the li 1st wit uess
gentlemen went out to to capture the prize.
I Drews Creek Sunday evening and Miss Fannie Tonningsen is a haud
! Monday morning left the Carriker j Rome and modest young lady, and
ranch in company with L. A. Car- everyone will be proud of her on that
'rikcrnndJ. L. Morris, members of day.
i the West Shit Water t'sers Associa- M'ss Katie Messner was chosen by
tion, with saddle horses and pack 1 Miss Tonningsen for Angel of Fence,
horses to make a t horotiuli in vest i- The choice was n good one.
: gallon of the Dog Lift. Drew Creek. Hot I: young Indies are worthy of
Dry Creek country as to its feasibility the honor, and as there was nothing
' for water storage for irrigation pur-, hut the warmest of feeling shown
; poses. From what we could learn , throughout the contest on the part
! from Mr. Bennett and from J. C. of voters,' we feel that all will be
( )li vi r, w no met t lie
and proved a
Allien II. 'I
iU t itei' V. ,i - t
damaging one.
'amier, Mitchell'
lie ;i. ! v, it ne.-.s
and part of the tirst day. all of the
N-coiid day and part of the third
was consumed with Judge Tanner.
Examination of Albert 11. Tanner
Uirt.iighout the state a large venire j w 11,4 t'"11"""" lm' "hU lmn" 1 site. Mr. Dennett found good rest-ruin
drawn to begin with. Judge ' Thursday morning, lie identified voj. 8it0lJ j,, ,,,,, l)(tg LaUe UI1(l )rews
"e Haven announced at the enliven-! ehecks, paid by Frederick A. '" Vrwk sections. The dams, he said,
l"g of curt on the first dav that he ' to Tanner, ami letters passing ' W()Uid be rather wide, lie spoke in
ntlemaii mid ' proud of them when they mount the
assisted in securing horses Hnd out-'throne.
tit to travel through the mountains, J Following is the count at the out-
Mr. Keimett was more favorably im- come:
pressi'd with the country than lie: i.akkvik w.
expected to be before he came here. I Fannie Tonningsi
They ret lined to Lakeview T lies-! Mabel Laird
I day evening, and yesterday went to j Maude Fine
look over the Cottonwood reservoir Josie Harvev
Lulu (Jarrett
Elsie Thruston....
"Hhl hear the excuses of jurorH j t w.en the part tiers iviatue io uu.r ,,mlK,I1!; u,rmti ()f the country, said j
who couli n,,t s..rv.. Ti.u I....L- .... ! practice before the Latin icpari- t. Bui as fine und rich. He will
incut, letters showing that Mit- H)n(, f)). the welltliw. records, kept In
chell received, each mouth, his share TMJ KXUIIImt.r 0flie.e for the past 20
of the firm's earuing-t, which was a ' .eari4 or(ler tu determine the annual
'itiuiti not serve. This took tin
lieeimrt's time till the noon hour,
t uliout .".( men, out of the possible
TO wIki were there to answer to the
"ill cull, hud reasonable excuses ami
w allowed to k home, while
'luitt' a it umber were refused the
lniilHHiou upon the excuses offered.
There were about ! wln l.n.l l .-
half of the net receipts, and that the
money paid by Krlbs to Tanuer en
tered into the funds divided at the
end of each month, were offered iu
evidence. A letter from Mitchell to
. , i
Wad that could not answer i 'uutr' l,uW,u "U "l"
o the roll call, owing to the short ' h" n u CW' f the f '
' Kiven then, to reach the city. l,oukM' -ho ,lU m',,t" HUd h
Uwus 2 ..Hrt j. m. ,KforHthJur,'Jdu,,lu tUeSi-nator-HHtayln
fimltmtlon ,.f h,- , ! Washington, was un important ex-
.van .
i- in. a iuii jury of 1'.' men were
orn In, Following is the list of
lurum whose quulllicatlouH permlt
1l tlimii to serve ou the case:
u- SU'itier, inerchum. Salem: ll.
"Kvt'luuii, fanner, Salem; Ed Dill ley,
hlblt offered.
The prosecution expected to sub
mit Its evidence this week, and the
defense will probably not occupy
more than one day In offering testl
inonv. The case will go to the Jury
ami, which are to i families.
,ilr"'fr, Kerbclo i' it I t.robably before theen-l of next week.
'. Oliver, Krocer. JVndletoti; Dert I On Monday Judge De Haven will
uU. f M..Mi in... i Hft the cases of Congressmen Wll-
. i , 4,1V .UH1U llll , tf
,!,tfr, farmer. Dallas: .1. 1. Clau- llamsoil and I lerm
'"Muriuer, lavertou. Coos county; I l"i,t ,,f s,,u,l,or M,u,h,,n
S'IMluhrt, farmer, Sllverton; S. it was shown by Tanner's own
A'(''"'Ht)ii. farmer, Wellen. Jackson.1 evidence Hint Mitchell had warned
fiiniitv it i.- . ,. ...... I.., i,. mi 1 j i tn ill any ntat-
. i . iiraiii, lariuer, i lariau, i aiiuei
''"""In county; ivank Wnnvn. far- ! (ers before the depart meats
precipitation, und that, with the re
cord of theguaging aparatus main
tained on Uoose lake for a year, will
enable hlni to determine the uuttiency
of water nupply for this Irrigation
Mr. Dennett said the development
League ought to ask the Director of
the (ieological Survey send engineers
here to survey and map the county',
It U now believed he will report
favorably upon the project for irri
gating tho laud between Lakeview
and DrewH Jap, east and west, and
Thomas Creek and Dry Creek north
and south.
There is room aud the laud for
homes for 500 families in that terri
tory, where now live less than 100
All that is needed to make
it produce is water and labor.
Lottie Ahlstrom
Nell Simpson
Ethel McKee
Lydla Stanley
Mae Snider
Alice Mctlrath
Millie Vernon
. 1)91
,. 1!)
. 8
. C
. 0
. 13
. 13
. 8
Edna Feuland 1
Uertle Schlagel 1
Lura Cloud 1
Ottie Field 7
Dellla Burns 8
Mrs. Kena Scammon 1
Mrs. Leoua Miller 1
Mrs. Mary Branch 4
Mrs. Ida Dilger 11
Bertha Reynold 2
Clara Enid Light 1
nnicws VAM.EY.
Ida Howard 0
Lora Small 7
Katie Messner
Work commenced on the city wat
erworks Monday. Old pipes are be
ing displaced aud new and larger
ones laid iu their place Mr. Jtebart
Intends, when the system Is com
pleted, that Lakeview will have the
'".I-, w
of the
II. 1
arreiitou, Clatsop collli t.v; : ( iovel'i
lit and not to receive any
.t'vi. f.,, i.oeel f'bilsoii ! i-e numeration for any services in
''"Wily. ' I Senator might .perform I" Wnshiug-
U'lllhenoted that all bill one of j ton. Tanner said that there was no
Jury are f, , : f ! ,o,dertandii!g with Frederick Krilis
"""', who mw, up to the day be
,ntl'f trial, lvu a grocer. Mr. Iner
"l i-r. i.i i. ,, . , ' n, .a, i,iil that the
had r.centlv sold lis
".V l.i:...;i.f a.i.l t m iii.- I I, is nl-' moiil
Must. Take Out. License,
owing to tlif fact that uutoiuo- in(it water system of any town in
bilca aud motor-cycles are becoming j this section of country, and even one
so common around Lakeview, it j that cannot be surpassed in any city.
Mrs. L. 5. Ainsworth.
The friends of Mr. L. S. Ainsworth
the Paisley merchant, were shocked
Inst week at the announcement that
Mrs. Ainsworth was dead. She was
taken seriously III Monday morning
and Dr. Daly waa called from Lake
view. The Dr. stated that the case
was a serious one and gave little
hojies for the patient's recovery.
At 11 oclock Wednesday night she
died, after suffering for . three days.
The remains were burled fn the Pals
ley cemetery Thursday, and Mr.
Ainsworth left for Berkeley the next
morning where Mrs. AInsworth's
folks live.
Mr. Ainsworth came to Paisley a
little over a year ago, and entered
Into the merchandise business with
C. L. Withers. He went to Berkeley
and was married to Miss Charlotte
Henley on the 28th day of September,
1904. They came to Paisley to make
their home and were happy. They
built a neat little home and were
living in supreme happiness when the
cold hand of death blasted the hopes
of a happy aud contented house
hold. Many friend i sj-mpathizi! and bow
their heads in grief with the bereav
ed husband, and The Examiner joins
the host.
v- Uidn't Like the Word.
Mr. Boone tells an amusing Inci
dent that occurred while his house
was under quarantine. An oldish
like couple drove up In front of the
house in a hack and apparently did
not know who lived there or did not
observe the sign, for the man alight
ed from the rig and tried to open the
gate, which was securely wired up.
After several futile attempts to opn
tin gate the old gentleman climbed
ever and started to where Mr.
Boone was working down in
the garden, quite a distance from the
front gate.
Mr. Boone saw the man climb the
gate, but said nothing until he dad
got fairly over, when Boone made
a rush toward the man and yelled,
"Smallpox," at the top of his voice.
The fellow whirled and started for
the gate in a run; he did not take
time to climb back but made a des
perate leap. His feet came in contact
with :he pickets aud over he weut,
head first onto the sidewalk. The
woman, who was sitting ou the
wagon holding the horses, at the
word Smallpox," grabWd the whip
and put; the bud to the horses. The
old gentleman lost some time In
scrambling to get loose' from the
ijatc, but when Le gjalried Ltd feet and
started up the road' he made it up
again. Mr. Boone did hot know
who the people were, but 'was cer
tain the man was no Sunday school
A -
might be well to call attention to
the fact that there is a state law re
quiring owners of either of these
horseless machines to take out a
state license and carry the same In a
The system U already good, but he
continues io improve it.
. .i . ,iiiii iiv iiiiii .- ,-
tlllll I lie iii.m.. i .- i 1,l,.ili,lllJ 1 decision siislnlniii
. .. I , lk. Id 1 ('U N IIIMDIUn l'l(l-V Wll nil ii iunv.iii.1. i ivii1.. .
was In return for the sen .. , , 1 , ,., (.mm.v
l-itler had no ! J ne peiianj "-""-"" 'v - . r.-v " i
cildicluli. was IllHO a i Jlllcin ll ... , . ,. ....... .t,,,, 4i. . ,f ! 1,1,1 (I'M mi res of land owned bv t lie I
III,., . . i , .i.,.. ..t II... soiiive ot IU tl.' '" -' ' I
1.1,1 t i I . - . I - . ... I I. I I l . 11 'I I ' I - 1 't r. t
May Collect Taxes.
Attorney ileneral Crawford has
ht of Klamath county to tax
Orchard Never Fails.
"Uncle" Jim Foster of Hummer
Lake owues one of the best orchards
iu Oregon. Other orchards may
fail; frost may come, but this or
chard bears fruit .Just the same.
This year the fruit crop will be light
all over Oregon, but Mr. Foster says
ho will have a big crop of all vari
eties, ills peaches will be good ami
his tiers ul'e loaded doWll Willi t llO
fruit. He says he could take or
ders now for all the fruit he will
have, but does not intend to con
tract his fruit on the tree. He will
pick it himself and says he will haul
peaches to Lakeview,
I v ivi.iit I ii' ''-
: .l I under
feiise; ?."i'J for the second, and
.., e.I !l SUb-if'l'! -'it o f
Ijl'"! California iK Ore;
of i',.,. ::i,iiii'it!i
ju Land ''.., i. .si
i i i :ii iti
Paisley ami Silver Lake ball (earns
were trying forhonors when we went
t . i j)i es.J last n i;-!; t .
'"! ia