-!. efi r ".-;.. fr9v Summery Things for Hot Weather Comfort,. Tin- men who want to look Wt'll on llOt dll.VH should wear furnish which cive i' i) in p I e t e i- o in f o r t. which fit a they don't rul or chafe in the hot mm and which are light enough to be h pleasure on a hot day. Here are Things forMen Which Will be Just Right for Hot Weath er Wear. Golf shirts 75c up Negligee shirts GOc up Silk front shirts... l.f0 Fancy Ribbed Under wear. Balbrigan Under wear, Egyptian Derb.v Underwear, Men's Half Hose. BIEBER'S CASH AoritiMd letter List. Following is a hat of letters rvnminiug un claimed in the Lakevii-w I'oat Office. In calling (or them say 'advertised." and Rive date of this notice: Mr. A. Orthall A M Miller Hiii Alniuti Hulusock Mr. John Bennett Mr. Geo Turpin Mr. Phil Keefe lr. Clarence T. Ford J. A. Barclay. Ecj. Mr. (i. C. Bowman, Eng. A. V. K. K. Hick J. Wu.ccX. l'istma.Hter. lesrrt Land Final Proof1. Lakeview, Oregon, June lWih. 11MJ5. Notice is hereby iiiven that George F. Maupin of Warner I.axe, Oregon, ban tiled notice of intention to make proof on iiUdeKert-land elaim No. 4'27, for the NE4' SF.lj Sec. H V Si S V '4 anil SE1 S Sec. 5 T SK2! h W M, un surveyed before BcgSHter and Brceiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on Monday, the 7th day of August, te names the following witiiehef to prove the com plete irrigation and reclamation of Haul hind: A. I). FrakeH, TIiok Ferris and Oakley Clark of ll'amer Lake, ( Iregon, and I'. M. Cnrrev ol Lukeview, Oregon. 2,29 J.V Wathon, BegiMer. I Aim AWQ SULPHUR TOBACCO POWDER SHEEP DIP Absolutely NonPoisonous. The name Laidlaw's has Ion"; been synonym ous with sure Cure. Their customers who have put these dips to practical trials, sa- that you can always be sure of the following: They are certain in their effects in curing scab. Their effects are durable. They do not stain the wool. They can be used with all safety. They are cheaper than other remedies. They help the growth of the wool. A dip cheaper than lime and sulphur, and superior in ever' way. No injury possible to the sheep by poisoning, or to the wool by burning or staining. Specially prepared with the correct proportion of sulphur in it, for the convenience of sheepmen to whom the procuring and handling ofsulphurisboth great expense and labor. AH mixed and ready for the bath. One 50-Ib. bag is sufficient to dip 1,000 sheep in short wool, price $8. For Sale By BAILEY & MASSINGILL Men's and Boys' Clothing. Summer Suits from $6 up Fancy Cheviot Suits from $7.50 to $15.00. Black Worsted Dress Suits $12 50. Men's Dress I'ants from $3.00 to $7.00 a pair. STORE Notice of Meeting. All Meinliers of Lakeview Lodge No 111 A O U W are requested to meet at tht'ir liu.ll thin Thursduy evening. Important I aislness to Is transacted by order of the M. W. A. 1 '.I KM Kit ' Becorder. WANT LI I'.Y CHICAGO MANT FACTFBINti House. perHon of trust worthiness and Homewhat familiar with local territory as an-ds'.ant branch office. Salary 18 paiil weekly. Permanent piBition. No investment required. Business established. Previous exper ience not e.-!-fiitiiii lo eugigiiig. Au-dre.-H. Manager Branches, li-i! Iiearhorn St.. Chicago. O.A.STOXl.X.A. Bean the 1!ie K'fid V3U Hive Alwars Boirill 8ignatnre of TORE For Ladies, Misses and Children. Ladies Oxford Ties 1.75 to 3.00 a pair. Children's Sandals 1.00, 1 .25 and 1 .50. Ladies Shirt Waists 75c to 3.50 each. Ladies Lace I lose 25c to 35c a pair. Children's Lace Hose. Ladies Summer Vests Blue and Pink 2 for 25c Fancy Vests 15c to 35c each. Ladies Crash Hats 1.00 Children's Straw and Crash Hats from 25c up Ladies Suitings, Oxfords, Voiles, Dimities, Batiste, Mercerized Chambravs. HOTEL BUILDING Lakeview And Vicinity And the baud played. Family liquors at Pont & Kings, tf A. Pent came in from camp lust week. .Ian. Turpin came In from camp Monday. You Know Bieber? He sell good Suits. The biiHc ball boys had u practice game Sunday. J. 1'. Duke wan up from the ranch hint Saturday. Chan. Lyttle wiin over from bin farm Saturday. You Know Bieber? lie sells good Cigars. Wm Dlurtoii was up from Fine ( 'reek Tuesday. Lobt. and Ueorgc Nelson were in town Saturday. Fred Weidey of Paisley was here first of the week. You know Bieber? fie sells good Tea. Harry Koherts cauu; over from Warner last week. All kinds of camp chairs and stools at .faiUish & Harris. J. X. Watson Is having a cellar built ut his residence. You Know Bieber? He sells good Trunks. A. M. Smith uuU E. (J. Smith were up town lust Friday. Shirt wulsts, all the latent designs uud style ut B. & M's. Everything Is u Hpeciulty at the liulley & ManHlntjill store. Haying lieguii Monday ou the Taylor alfalfa ranch ut Pine Creek. Leu Ueall and E. M. Urattaiu aud their fumllicH went out fishing Suu dn.v. You Know Bieber? lie sells good Pants. If you wunt the best goods In Lakeview trade ut Jialley &. Mussin gills. Bert Harbor came over from VVumer .Sunday with the 7T supply team. 'hurled Wulton uud wife of Al turus were in Lakeview last Friday night. If you wuut u bracer, get some thing that Is a bracer. At Post & King's. tf You Know Bieber? He sells good Clothing. I Bend the new ml vs. this week. II. Pent whs In town last week. I Fresh candy and nuts at Ahlstnun j Bros. Al Howell was in from camp this week. Win. Sweeney was over from War ner this vi eek. Firecrackers, and tire works nt A hist rom Bros. S. B. Chandler came down from the ranch Sunday. Tom Welch came down from Sum mer Iake Tuesday. Harold Miles of Warner was In Lakeview Sunday. You Know Bieber? He sells good Crackers. W. H. Shirk went to Warner this week on a business trip. Mrs. C. F. Sherlock expects to visit the Portland fair In July. Wtn. Koiitsoti ai.d (i. V. Wilson came over from Warner Tuesday. Iress up nt Ahlstrom Bros for the 4th they have everything you need. Five teams have entered the tourn ament at Lakeview for the Fourth. You know Bieber? He sells good Cheese. B. F. Cloud Is building a porch on the south side of the First National Bank. Post & King have the iM-st grade of liiiiors uud cigars to lie found In Oregon. tf .1. C. Podson. the Warner stock man spent the first of the week In Lakeview. Beglster Watson, who wan re ported on the sick list last week, Is on his feet again. You Know Bieber? He sells good Candy. Yidu, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. .Nt. Chrisman of Silver Lake, has the measles. .lrs. A. Neilon wan ipilte seriously hurt last week by living thrown from a horse. X. II. (iutes of Klamath Falls, was registered at Hotel Lakeview last Thursday. II 1.' 11....L..M ,1... t. ...... ... .... ....... !.. 1 ..i l..... it.....: 1114111, n ill jjtin,-, n- 1 IJlll'l II1IK, lirst of t lie week. E Patch has opened up the old i vegetable store again, adjoining thu ; J. W. Howard store. j You Know Bieber? He sells good Knives. Dr. Steiner was called to Ply last Sunday on a professional trip to at tend Mrs. W. F. Beed. Bead the J ustice, Butcman & Co., report on the wool siliui.t iioi mi another page of this Issue. FOB SALE. Pure-bred Poland China bigs. Impure of Cutis. Oliver of New Pine Creek, Oregon, i.'1tf. You Know Bieber? He sells good Waists. J. F. McDonald, who went to the railroad with Win. llarvev u.nd family, returned here Bunduy. A notice posted up in tho post office Tuesday eveulng stuted "wreck on the N-C-O., no through mull." Have your culling curds printed at The Examiner ofllce. Two doxen, 75 cents, four dozen for $ 1, eight dozeu fl.50. You Know Bieber? He sells good Hosiery. Mrs. W. B. Snider went to Paisley to visit with parents, Mr. uud Mrs. Geo. Joues, nnd see her sister Anna, who is sick. Geo. Huuklus went to Mudellue lust week, and Frlduy returned oc compulned by Mrs. B. M. Cobb uud M Ish Essie Cobb. J. L. Clurk, who has beeu working forDuveEdlor for Home time, hus tuken his family to Klamath couuty for the summer. M. It. Hart and wife have moved Into tho J. L. Clark residence on Kouth Main street and will occupy It during the absence of Mr. Clark's family. WLLKLY WI-ATMER KUP0PJ. Below we irive 11 report of the W(.Hthet iin recorded by the iovernineiit Wi'(lfr hiinmi Minion at The l'.xHtiiin, r 1 iflice Thin report i changed each week, andii our readers wish to keep n yearly twoti of wt-nther conditioiiH for future ruler, ence, cut out the report rIodk tho line mid paHte it in a scrap hook one week after another. Thin reord will taken on TuesdH" to end each week and benin on Wednecday for the next week Government Weather Bureau gi, tion at Lakeview, Oregon, C. 0. Mktkkr, Cooperative Ohmirver. Week emllng Tuesday, Junen, idoj buy in inlii. riM'lp iktimi ll'W lull ul'r"!er weiljNjj 41 f thur. "7n I 4i " friil 'y ' 7s 41 f siit 'y j Yilt jjlirj" sun. Nil j 40 " moil. I M I 40 f I). INI n.inf "(i.tiiF "tl.lMI (Hi "wry 0(l " (WL "(to I ileiir ii. no (HI tiles. Nlil 4J I 0.N) I (HI You Know Bieber? He sells good Suspenders. East ;rn Mar Elects Officers. At the Kith Annual session of the Eastern Star, held in Portland June 14th, the following officers were elected: Wort hy grand matron Mrs. Inez M. Ilyn ti, Oregon City. Wort hy grand pat ron George J. Hyland, Portluud. Associate grand matron Mrs. Buy L. Sherwln, Ashland. Associate grand patron C. V. Par ker, Albany. (iraud secretary Mrs. Mary Scott Myers, The Dulles. (irand treasurer Mrs. Clara L. L.vle, La tirande. Grand conductress Mrs. Florence Xusehiirg, Marshlield. Associate grand conductress Mrs. Jennie E. Beanies. You Know Bieber? He sells good Groceries. Weddings in Neighboring Town j. Harry Meiirath and Miss Ella Deusou were married in Alturas lust week. Harry Mci rath is well kuowu ill Lakeview aud his many friends cull- j grutubite him aud w ish : his bride a of supreme happiness. A. X. McCull, another Luke couuty boy, raised at Sliver Lake, wa united in marriage last week Ut Lillie F. Klamath Falls, to Miss j( ampbell. Other Klamath Fall wedding unite for life the following couple Wm. B. Sauders and Lillie Still; Ferdinand Lungers and Addie Simon; Ernest F. Durkee and Buttle L. Meyer. You Know Bieber? He sells good Goods. W. T. Taylor, W. L. Fluck, V. T. Ilseu and L. Conte of Sun Fraiiclsco pas!d through Lake lew last week on their way tw the Chewaucun ''""I & Cattle Cu'b ruuch acur Pals ley. Mr. Tuylor Is here looking ufUir tho Interests of the ZX firm, ol which he Is superintendent and the other gentlemen accompanied ulm for un outitig. You Know Bieber? He sells good Underwear. Wood. We will deliver you a load, of Buy IoiikUi, at any place in Lakeview, any day you want it. Boonk & Mulkbv. r i n overalls made from selected materials