Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 22, 1905, Image 5

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    national Xocal
I. ' Mom iinic our fnmi Adi 1
Clyde Clippengerrniiie in liiNt week
from ill,- I, rnin h.
Jeff Parrlsh cuiiit iivit from War
ner first i( llii' week.
.1. V. Mllllgnii of Portland register-
Tl. Mitchell I i-ifil was begun In
j-ortlHinl Tuesday.
1 .......... -fl O- ' " K'l "I I MIJ. .HI
. i..i cciiiiwi ami return J).J.i . H
T" 1 l-1"" at ,,,,., illU(,v,.w TtI(.(1v
.,hf.rl...r re. ....
V ltelmrt W,,M ",m"Mt "l
rul days this week wit h a In me I
A. Amlck ami his nephew Mr.
Griflith, a newcomer, wan In Lnke-
from Pine Creek Inst 1 htirsdav.
You Know Bieber?
He sells Ro.'J Soup.
j h, Cut-lira n anil A. K. Ilatha
fffty returned Nat unlay from a weeks
tar Earner.
Dr. l'l.v WMH ,l' ''alsley
M.HMI...V, Mrs. I- S. Alnsworth Is
mid to be seriously nick.
All the small boys anil girls who
btive blcycli'H will please meet at the
tlty Imll Friday evening.
You Know Bieber?
He sells good Ice Cream Freezers.
Luke Mulkey anil wife, of Davis
Cr'H, were registered at Hotel
Ukcvlew Inst TIiurHilay.
S. (iulhigher, who Iwih been work
ing lit tin shearing plant took a
lay-off Niiniluy and went to I'lnc
Itmmil trip tickets for two or more
to I'okegama can be obtained at
The Mercantile Go's store for
You Know Bieber?
He sells pood Fruit Jars.
Charley Erclcston and NI llendcr
lonurrived Monday with freight for
Heiiry Stein came over from War
ner lout week anil sieiit Heveral
da.vH lu Lakevlew.
8. J. Prose aud wife have sturted
for Sparks, Nevada, where they ex
pect to reMiile, If the eouuiry suits
You Know Bieber?
He sells good Boys Suits.
A (out race was pulled off last
Thursday evening below town le
tweeii J. L. Smith and .Wiu. Wuguer.
The lutter won.
H. HlllHtroiu (Happy Hooligan)
who Iihh been working on the Klam
ath canal till It shut down, ban come
back to Lakevlew.
You Know Bieber?
He sells good Bunting.
J. M. Hundley returned last Satur
day from the Hery ford ranch where
In had been doing Home carpenter
work uml painting.
An increase from 1200 per year to
$110 In the salary of t he Lakevlew
pimiinaKier wan announced at Wiwli-
luutui ih.' b'.th.
K. II. LuffLUH Ih tirosocct IliU for
glil on i ln hilU above the Prose
fniii-li. It M to be hoped that he
will Htrlko a rich mine.
A NliouUiig gallery wan put up
I'lK'k of the brewery, on the l'rankl
lt, lust wrek. It Ih quite a mils
t, nciiriiy I'eHlileutM.
You Know Bieber?
He sells good Shirts.
r- ii ii i . ..i
To be sure, von are crowing
old. But why let everybody
it, in your gray hair?
Keep your hair dark and rich
nd postpone age. If you will I
Hair Vigor
only use Ayer's Hair Vigor,
your gray hair will soon have
H the deep, rich color of
youth. Sold for 60 years.
I V "ow ",r vnnrn old. mul I l
""'k.Kliua I.m.i f I,.,,,- I.nir wl.wll
'" mm win. .. II. And "
Iwlr In , ,l.ii' In A vi.r llnlr Vlf"i
51 lie II. Ii. I.I V'l Ih. I'.i.'Ulil, Minn.
' Ih.iii,,. ,. , , rni ..
JOT i iwm
Deputy imxcMHor J. B. Blair Ih Btlll
at work taking the census. IIo hmvh
up to date he Iiiik enrolled about CM).
('. ('. HariiM, the Slimmer Lake
Htiickniau, waH called to I'lU'tliud to
Herve on the federal Jury in the land
fraud caHeH.
lr. )aly made a trip to Warner
last week to make Home exHinina
tloiiH of applicant for policleH lu the
Mutual Life liiHiirance Co.
Da ve Clelauil and Frank Roggern,
of I'IiihIi have their otieep In the IiIUh
back of Lakevlew and are now fre
quent vUitorH to our town.
You Know Bieber?
He sells good Hats.
C. M. (iri'en, the Sacramento drum
mer, In here thlH week Hhowlng hi
HampleH to our merchants. He came
lu from the north by 1'aMey.
K. K. Kinehart Htarted the
town pump lant week aud pump
ed water Into the big tank on the
hill for protection against tire.
You Know Bieber?
He sells good Neckties.
11. V. Manrlng and family started
for Ontario Monday morning. They
will cross the desert to Burns, and
go from there to Nyssa or Ontario.
C. K. Sherlock started to I'ortlaud
Sunday in response to a summons to
appear lu the federal court as a
Juror drawn to try the land fraud
Mr. H. T. Bennett, of the 1. S.
Geological Survey, arrived lu Lake
vlew Tuesday moruing on a tour of
Inspection of the business In land
You Know Bieber?
He sells good Shoes.
8. 1). Coulter hauled the big dip
tanks over to the Kdler sheep camp.
Mr. Kdler had four big tuuks made
for boiling sheep dip. which will
hold L!00 gallons.
Ivan Hammersley went out to
LMIer's sheep camp to shear a week
or so ago, aud had an attack of
heart trouble, and came back to
town for medicine.
S ou Know Bieber?
He sells good Socks.
Al Sloan, who left here 13 years
ago retu.ned la t week. Al looks
the same n he always did- lie
says Lakevlew has changed con
Mlderalile since he li ft.
The program for the ball games in
Lakevlew on H"e Fourth and the
line-ups will le announced later,
when it is known to a certaiuty ho
many teams will participate.
(. W. Withers brought about 1100
head of unit ton heep down from
l'alsley this week and delivered them
'sentliiir the
to Mr. Ileum u
FlanningoH warehouse Co. of lteno.
You Know Beiber?
He sells good Coffee.
am now reud.v to receive sheep
nt .v corrals Hi Camas l', for
shearing. All sheepmen who wish
to shear there can make suitable ar-
'.. :. Mus. Kosa Mi'Damki-s,
The two IHinys who were here for
i eontctnplateu
......Hno- a barber shop.
Men's and Boys Cloth
ing1 for July 4th.
Summer underwear, Neck
wear and Fancy Socks.
Khaki Suits I.75.
Crash and Straw Hats for
Men and Boys.
American Lady and Gents
Shoes all the latest lasts.
Lakeview Mercantile Company
ithii titt ' - :
To Cure a Cold in One Dav
B w . T y - . . . . jf
f Take iaXcLUve Dromo quinine iaweis. fvujy
U Seven MHSon boxes told in past I Z montbs. 1 HIS Slgnaiurv, - - ' '
Cures Crip
in Two Days.
on every
DOX. 25C.
Mr?w huh ihiwhimji 1 1
Jwis Frakes was a Lakevlew vis-1
Itor from Warner first of the week, j
Thos. Stanley and Joe Hush or
500.00 IN HURSES.
Paisley were here yesterday after a
load of merchandise for Geo. Conn,
the l'alsley merchant.
At Lakeview, Oregon, commencing
July 2tb
There will lie foOO in purees to l di-
It was reuorted that there was five . vided an follow: First money $:W0,
Second money 150. Third money $50.
Free for all.
Lakeview Guarantees
resident team.
Given under the aiinpices of
Mountain Athletic f'lnb.
H. ManrMiji i
I. ee Beall V l)irei'tors
J. S. Lkiim )
or six cases of smallpox at Sliver
Lake, but Dr. Thorn, after a
thorough examination, says the re
port Is unfounded, that the cases are
15ids are invited for Cutting, and
setting 1200 posts 7 feet long aud 1200
poles 14 feet long for a Telegraph
Line from Lakevlew to Plush by
way of Adel For particulars see
Harry Bailey. -,;J-24
Last week H. K. Ahlstrom made to
order a saddle for a Mr. IL F. Dang
burg, of Gardnerville, Nevada, and
one for a Mr. N. I. White, of Peta
Uima, Calif., also one for Hen Van
I lorn of Silver Lake.
Llmer I). Lutz, the Silver Laker,
came down to Lakevlew on a busi
ness trip, arriving here Monday.
Al Moore of Paisley, and Eva Clin k
who spent the winter In Prlnevllle,
accompanied Mr. Luts from Paisley.
A. P. UOe oi r-.puauur. muC. . I 17-lH
torical writer for the Western His-i ...... .
imi " I I W A I a. t 1. till. P.lfVl' lll(.'.ll.
J, f ...I- . Jl . .. . .V ......wj .....w..
. .. .. .. I urn I'lul II. I
toricai x-uoiisiiiiij, j
Lakeview Tuesday morning. He;
will remain here about six weeks ;
i.....i,..r Hutu fur the history of
... . ... -
Lake county.
I Jaiiuish ic Harrlx, the furniture
; dealers, received a load of new gooda
Monday. A lot of tine Iron bed
steads, all colors, wa on tfie bill,
i S. G. 15 'iiin'tr. of th 1' S Kecla
matlon service was expected here
Tuesday nifihr. lmt on account of
the wreck on the N-C-O. he failed to
get in.
( You Know Bieber?
He sells good Pipes.
The Lightning SipiiiTel Smoker Is a
graml success. A- a siiiinvl killer if
has I'oe.pial. A b. Down, Agent.
I Signed I J. I). or. V. H. Ver
ii.iu. r. M. Duk.', S. U.
Fourth of July Program.
The following program will be
rendered on the Fourth of July, tn
Lakevlew, under the auspices of the
Fraternal Order of Eagles, ItimKock
Aerie No. 777:
G a. in. Morning Salute. Patriot
ic selection by Band.
11 ... Yft ...... -1 ... V . .. b.
i v it. iu. i tirtme joriiiB nt tuuri
. ! Unait niuilu lift tt PrtitwriiwJ Oi'iil-
a bona fide: .
izatioiis, wrin teams, i ioats repre
senting the different Commercial
Houses, Bicycle section, etc. etc.
10 a. in. Fourth of July Exercises
at Court House sijuare. President
of day State Uep. It. E. L. Stelner;
Orator of day Hon. Henry L. lienson,
of Klamath Falls, Music by Baud
and Chorus. Arrangeiueut of music
annoiiced latter.
2 p. in. Tug of war teams of six
boys under 15 cash prize $3.00. Tug
of wur teams of six girls under 15
cash priw $3.00. Foot race for boys.
One block, 12 years prize 1.00. Foot
race for giris, one block, 12 years
prize 1.00. Sack race for boys un
der 20, one block prize 1.00. :J lag
ged rii!--e free (or all prize 1.00.
.Squaw race nisi .nice one lilock prize
1.00. Throwing Base Ball free for
all prlz" 2.f0. Egg race, 5 yds. for
boys and girls, each contestant to
(uinish i hard boiled Egg and table
spoon priz.. l.(ii). Bicycle race for
Bovs 12 Blocks prize 2.00. Donkey
ant, stites that times at that
place Is pricking up. Th sime can
be said of Lakevlew. The sheepmen
are receivii g ! g payment- U r 1 1 elr
' wool and miiitoii.ilUtnbiiibigltover
I . . i
tlieiou irrv among employes aim our
NV ANTED: Women to represent u , .... i .leu-sha . .
us In their home and adjoining coun
ties to distribute samples anil anver- j
tise our goods. Salary 21 per week ,
and expenses, guarnteed. Expenses,
advanced. Experience unnecessary.!
Address, with stamp, stating ag. j
Keeve Co., 415 Dearborn St., Chicago, j
III. I'--'11 !
i. . i...
hum fi-tv lor all i.iucua
W heelbai row line free (or all 1 block
prize 1 00. Fat man's line 225 and
over prize 2.50. Poi y r. ce (or
noys 1 block prize 2. Oil.
7 p ,. Circus Parade, i in t iiovel
l. s a c pied.
8.:i') i in. Beau lif ul uml Kx; enslr
flrewi i l.s.
0 p. in Grand Ball.
Would you accept a possltlon that
will pay J"1" rt straight salary of
went to 3.50 per day (2100 per weeK) ror
II so w rue us
book cavnsslug
Ight forward busl
.....luuiiinn. which will be as
li. no i.w.-
permaueut as you may be able to
make it. and will afford excellent
change for promotion. No bond,
red tape nor unreasonable require
ments. Act iUickly as we wish to
employ some one lu your locality
without delay. Sprague Wholesale
Co.. Wabash Ave., Chicago. 23 34
starting a . u. . . , wll,H or H,,are time?
Cedarvllle. Modoccouuty. 1" re t . y ,h n
leased the (Joldeu Eagle hotel ami a wlmw but a ,tralgl
Mrs J. W. Scott, who has been In
Lakeview several month-, .'M-ft
tl, return to California thl- eek.
She will accompany F. M. ier to
Madallne where he goes to meet hi
wlIo on her return home f-om San
about the purity
and excellence of
from early ' morn until;
night and the liquor
justifies the crowing:.