Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 22, 1905, Image 4

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    nuMls!ie! Every Tlmrii:iy
You Know IiicbwJM'
11c sells Rood Tobacco.
o-lc tMil'.i r ,
Kuu'ivil ! tin- l'it otti.-ini l.nkt'Vifu . Or. .
The Whipping Post. Law.
In nil l hi-- widely iiinl
One Year, J --'1'
Six Monthh,
I Three Months.
much argued mode of punishment
indicted in i hi1 mini who whips Ms
wife tiu ic seems tn In- n::c gen-
I jernl opinion: t lui t hi1 deserves It.
50 1 the nmaiirniil.1 'f "itch a crime
! Warranting Hit" Sl'VCICSt ClUIStise-
Mr lit. This in it elf is true, yet there
are some mitigating circumstances, i
a iii.iii who would strike n woman
You Know Bicber?
He sells good Fountain,,
mi'i's himself to the level of a brute
Their Only Weapon.
The persistence with which the
two nonentity tl; -leaves ilown the
line ijiieNtion the varneit.v of The
F.xaniiner ean only be regarded by
'sound in i ii Im as pettish. The Col.
anil "I'liele" Stanley are aihlieteil to
the vile hahit of calling everybody
'liars" with whom they emmot
agree upon the most trivial or im
portant point. It is a display of
pitiful depravity of mind to allow
oneself to give the lie iipon the
slightest provocation, anil soon
leads to an unenviable stage. The
F.xaniiner publishes Its news Items
only upon what Its editor believs to
lie pood authority, and the readiness
with which these papers t ver stand
to brand every man as a "liar" does
not wa've our confidence ill our in
torment. No one ever takes either
of the papers very serious upon any
subject, and through sympathetic
kindness, we inform their editors i(
the fact.
I which correctly (Mined means mi
! irrational animal. Any woman who
! would provoke the anger of any such
brute lowers herself loat least one half
his eipial. It is for woman to
smooth mid try to control the many
I diversities of the domestic union, or
marriage state, and when It is real!,
fd. probably late, that an ungovern
able temper is to be contended with
a woman with any Intelligence
should liegin to study the best plans
fur control: yet should the powers of!
endurance become lessened, then all 1
that remains is to separate; A mis-1
take was made; Compatibility Is
lacking. Ah impossible us It is to j
control the elements, so is it Impos-,
sibie to harmonize antagonistic;
natures. These conditions, when;
..xisting among the more liitflliciit
classes, undoubtedly would end as j
prescribed. Among the illifrnte is!
where probably the greater Injury Is j
done mid where, if the cause of con-j
tlictions would be determined, in j
manv cases would be found that the I
That is 5 tylish and New.
Now is the time to select your Summer clothing,
while our stock is complete.
You want a Summer hat we have them in straw and
Full stock of Ladies' and Childrens' Summer under
Inspect ou
new line of neckwear before buying
Pioneer Store
Range Trouble In Crant.
Serious trouble is looked for in
(irant county during the coming
summer between stockmen and
muiu.1I rancher. Armed guards are
patrolling the streams to prevent
cattlemen and sheepmen lrom using
thom for watering places for tlwlr
stock. The guards have lieen In
structed to shoot If herders ierslst
ed in the usurpation of the streams
and range in preserilied territory.
A strong organization of ranchers,
business men and mining men are at
the back of the guards, and uniess
the stockmen observe the rules post
ed on trees and signboards trouble
is looked for.
Special Kates to Eastern Points
Yin Southern I'Hcilic ('imptiiiy.
Uouiid trin tii.ketH lietueen Kenn Hiid
pointf hereiimfter mentioned will be
sold Mav 27th. 2Hii and 2!tth. .June
woman could share an almost equal to 17th, hiiiUTiiIi to :)th, inclusive.
i blame. The verv fact of a wife de- July 4th, .itli. lith, LMth, L'.itli and 2itl..
A man arrived here from KluUMth
Falls a day or two ago and stated
that he was informed that If he
came to Lakeview lie could not get
away, as the place was under quar
antine. Ho such reports get out is
a mystery. Lakeview is not under
quarantine and has riot been. IVe
have a clean bill of health. There is
not a case of sickness in the town of
any consequence nor one of a malig
nant or coutaeous type.
M'uidiiiipton, I. C
liuitiliinre, Mil.
Philadelphia. I'll.
New York, S. ".
filing the husband by admitiug to
the orld of his brutality places her
very questionably before the public,
tbM,t Ih it utie cmtiuueH to live with
him. Should a law, such as the Uwton. .Amos,
whipping post, lie enforced upon Xe Orleans, I.a.
him. humultatiug him to the extrein-1 n'Jjj jj'0
est the woman should respect tlit? j Menirhin, Teiin.
protection given her. In many In-' St I'uul, Minn,
stances, however, it will lie found Minneapolis, Minn.
Hint ,.(..r tlilu imv-ere mill dce-rildbur I Council lllllffg, la.
.... . ...... .... - n - - - - n
punishment the symputhv
wommi will lie aroused and
1 07 .00
157 50
i7 50
liO Oil
00 (M)
LP.U BEALL, Proprietor
We have constantly on hand a Fine and Complete Stock
of Drugn, ChemicalH, Perfumeriwi, Toilet Articles, Fancy
Notions, Cigars, Etc., Etc.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded
I f I Til U llu V V 1
of the i
j KariHBM City, Mo.
" f-( St- JoHeph, Mo.
givness extended the culprit. There Leavenworth, Kan.
certainlv should lie Home penalty for 1 Atchison, Kan.
the woman, who would in such au i T';k"' r Kl f". stopover east of
, .. . , . ! Sevada on goi ng trip with ten davn in
extremity, make the infliction of t he .. . . . , .' . ...
: which lo reach destination. StopoverH
whipping pout seem so trivial. Now . are ai,mel, Ht ,M,jtltM retllrn lri,,
the qilestion arises, whether after a provided passenger reaches origi natitig
Hogging the conditions are Watered".' P"'"1 within ninety davn from date
Will a man return to his hearth-1 ti,;,kel jH
ror further liiloriinil ion applv to
stone and become more considerate .hi,
A. II. Kihis(,,
toward the wife? After such a de-, Action I). F. & 1'. A , So. 1'uc. Co.,
20 SI) Kerio, Xev.
graded chastisement and public ex- j
posure. will the man become more;
sensible of wrong and try to cultl-
vatekindly traits? surely not.
would lie contrary to all animal !
training and will not produce effect
iveness in man.
devise laws, meting out
The ('resident has W-en in formed
of the fact that the Indians along
Sprinif creek and Williamson, on the
Klauiata Indian Reservation, are
nieiiiKiileriug dsn by the wholesale
and the extermination of trout In
these two streams is inevitable
should the slaughter continue. The
President has taken the matter up
with tin; Indian otlice and n lish
jiresrve will likely result.
Kin hI I'rour
Land ( Mlice at Lakeview, Oregon,
I'llls V !'" police in hereby given
, that the fulliiw n,i iiHint-il fetiier has
tiled uoti 'e of his intention o make
final proof in iiiport of his claim, and
! thatHAid proof will lie made before keuiie
These solemn u ho ' tr and Receiver at Lakeview, ( Ireuon.
I .... I.. I.. lime . ' ...,- '
, iu, r ' via; itooen .iciee,
piiuishment , H(L Klltrv No :V1H., ur th( N1.;l N 1
i for all abnormally developed, brutish Kee. H')j Ml'', Slv1' N 11', Sec,
men Hl.ould tiiink it over and lind a ' , , " 'J. ' C"J " f- " ,,u """'.
, tlie IoIIowiiik witneHHeH to prove Ins
remedy that will better conditions. 1 continuou" resilience upon and cultiva-
-i . i ! tion of said land, viz: J. J. Imke
When, after a punishment a man , ThmH. Kerm,H Mndrath, Arthur
may become repentant and hIiow Florence and (iuorge I. McGrath, all of
... t , , . ! Lakeview, Oregon,
some spirit of contrition, extreme J.N. Ilatson, Hegister.
measures producing mortification , - - -
Bun a The Kind You Han Alwan Boiwht
..i - ...i - .m . -
ping post, h iii never gam Hiipreiu- Biytni fl SV
and humility as the use of the whlp-
The fastest railroad train In the
world runs ou the Lake Shore rail
road lietween Chicago and Buffalo.
The world's record was broken ou
this line the other day by a run of
miles in -(.; minutes, a little over
7o miles an hour. Think of going
from Lakeview to Portland and
back in seven and one-half hours.
The congressional irrigation com.
Iiilttce will visit the Malheur project
on June 2.1 Senator Fulton urged
the committee to make an lim-nfl-gatiou
of the project Instead o." put
ting in all their time on the Malic
and Washington projects.
You Know tiieber?
Me sells good butter.
acy of government or cultlivate
docility of nature over brutish tem
peraments. (The above was contributed to
The Kxamiucr by a friend, and does
nut represent The Kxamiuer's views
ou the whipping Post law. The Kx
amiucr believes there should lie some
thing done to put a stop to the
beastly practice of wifchcating, and
we are willing that experiments may
be made. Wlfelieatels me lit for
nothing hut subjects for experiment
al law, anyway.)
We Wish to Announce to the
That he can be as well accommodated
Lakeview as he can at any stable in the
State. It is our intention to always have
on hand a good supply of the best hay and
grain to be bought in the market. We
also keep a force of experienced hostlers
and careful drivers, who will always be
ready to wait on our customers.
Siiiii mi minium linn main iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1
X "-'-'-'-"-"-'v
"aiKUlNlrfcbl 1JN 1 rib WORLD The Fquitable Life Assurance
Sacbivcif Vew Tork..
ASSETS $381,000,000 s i i cmith
surplus $73,000000 - i'h', ,mL ";
V. II'. Cotton will be appointed ('.
S. Kistrict Judge for the district of
Oregon, to Mil the vacancy caused by ;
the death of C. 11. liellinger. Mr.
(.'ottou will not ijualify till in Sep
tember, after the laud fraud cases
are over.
Jaimc Tbnlc Ve waif tide
gives rosy cheeks and active health to pale, sickly -Children
A, . , , I " " - tvivi v
.w tJ bwou lUi incir ciaers, too
Ask your druggist for it.