PuMlihcd Evrr Thurdy C. O. METZK FIR. Monli Mulldlnii BASE BALL TOURNAMENT. K500 00 IN I'llRSKS. At .Ink I.ukeview, LM. ( Irctfoti, eomnier.eiiii! Knt.'tv.l At the l'ot Offlwui I .nk.-viow. Ore. as S'-oml-'lHJ.) MiUt.T. TERMS: (One Year. $2-00 Jsix Month. 1.00 (Three Months. SO LAKEVIEW. OREUOIS.Jl'M: 15. iWg. There will If '" U' l,i vi.led us follows: First money :I.M, Second money fl.Vl. Third money "(. Free for nil. I.akeview (iiininiitees h bonii litle resilient tenia. tiiven miller the uupices of the Mountain Athletic Club. The greatest maxim writer if France has said: "If we had no fault, we should not take no inueli plen-u.v in noticing the faults of otherieo.le." ' I'ls ly comparison we : learn to .Mithz". Xaturt' prompts one to set most prominently churaeteris- II. MiinrMiji 1 l.ee len .1. S. I.iinr llirectors. In an interview at Salem the. other ilny. 1'ulted States Senator i ('has. W. rtilton naiil: "1 have lecn ! tryinj; to pet ttie preHH of the static ties of others as compared with our tu uppr.j,,,. the danger to the for-; own. It is theuraspintffortheunpos- eMt 1VH(.rVt. policy of the uovernmetit, sesscd thai sti'-s'imhltiou and creates i ,)1t ,( ,)llH B.,lle,i u dltlieult thin; to a desire to acquire that known ; liiivt tlifin rriv' lit realization of exist. We realize we have faults. . WMlt )t ,,. to thestnte. 1 fought this creates the intuition to eoinpa.v j t)t. j,nmu(ition in conuress last year anil In comparison, faults of otherx HU(j Hjla ,.,,, 11(, tn ,,, H1, ,,,. UH are brought into prominence only In : , ln ,n t,u, M.mil,. fru, Orenon. .s I mental conjecture. However. tie matter stands no , one-lifth of thoughts may .e framed in IniiKiiaiit' tlu imils t lie state of Oreuon are; frequently with no intention to, criticise, yet mental capacity licinjr contracted naturally fails in all mm-' prehension, misconstrues the inaxiin ami taies offense. No one is infal- tied up so that they will do no e-ood to the state nor penult of develop ment. 1 consider the action of the irovertnent as an outrage, and that t lie people of ( reyoll should protest libleat.dwc should remember that .,.ti,.,.n y against it must soon we easily forget our faults when thev are known only to our !es. tie evident to thorn. SPRING AND SUnriER CLOTHING That is tylish and New. Now is the time to select your Summer clothing, while our stock is complete. You want a Summer hat we have them in straw and canvas. Full stock of Ladies' and Childrens' Summer under wear. Inspect ou elsewhere. new line of neckwear before buying BAILEY & MAS5INGILL Pioneer Store Tlie temporary forest reserve in l.a.e county is lialile to lie made permanent any day now, as the president lias his working cloves 011. Mr people should profit ley the ex perience of Modoc county wit': forest reserves, and endeavor to have the reserve thrown oien to scttenient. j Senator Fulton fought the creation of forest reserves throughout the Htate, and v ill help us out if he is asked to do so. They are 11 menace to the development of the county. A man can't polishing and picket his horse or haul it load of wood or poles without first obtaining a permit from tlie iroveriiinent. calling the forest fanner and noinsi through a lot of red tape that will cooi his ardor for fishing or hunting before he gets liis permit. Tin- (Vdarville Kecord .-uui the Alturas l'laindealer, both the same week, u.eil the expression "11111111 as an oyster," in n ferriny; i Tin Kx nnii;i r's attitude toward smallpox. a omnioii exprex-ion ilown io'-'.' or h.-ivt- til.- editors of papers lui-u liriukiii;.' too 1 . -. ler ci mm. 1 a i 1.-7 'I'he I.akeview I levelopineiit l.ennue seems to be a hummer." Aniony; other things developed is tlie small pox, and now t he fact is developed that tlie women there want to or ganize a brass band. Next! Cedar- vill" Kecord. lA well-broken out ease of prosperity. I , Special kntes to Eastern Point. Viii Southern 1'ncilic ('ini iiny. llomiil trip ti ket between Weno mid ; points hereii. utter iiienl inneil will be j 'l Nold May J7tli, 2Hth ami L'nth. .lunelsiv! i lUth to 1 7 1 1 1 , nnd:'."tli to .'ilMh, incbuive. i Julv 4th, r.tli. litli. Jltli, -'otli and -'itli. '(i"JJ''." I'Al-t -A". I'Af'" -:i-f.f 'Aff'A" 'fA'''fA"'rCt'V''?&'?fa',fa''ZttV',fi'yrP Vl-'i BEALL'S DRUG STORE ,VI To li'iii'hiiniton, l. (' Baltimore, Mil. Philadelphia, I'a. New York, N. Y. Hoston, M.ISH. Tlie overninent inspectors are at work in North Ilakota Hcarx-hing for fraudulent laud chiMnants. havebii'ti arrested on a charge of j New Oileans, l.a lmvii... ilefnoided the I'nited States Chicago, III. out of Is.lKM) acres of homestead lands. Tlie latest dispatches indicate that I'.oosevelt will succwd in ar ranjieinir for peai'e lietween the .laps and llussians. I'.ntli countries have accepted his ol'ier of ttood will. Norway has rebelleil, ai.d announc ed its purpose to cecedo from the rule of Swei ili-u. I'riuee Arthur is liryed for rulif of the new yoveru inent of Noi iuiy. St. Loilin, Mo. Meniphin, Tenn. St I'aul, Minn. Miuiie:iolis, Minn. Council bluff, la Omaha, Ni-h. Kaunas City, Mo. St. .loHi-ph, Mo. Leavenworth, Kan. Atiliioii, Kan. Tickets are U'ood Kale tltlMMl luT.Dil 107. .Ml ll)H..r50 lil.5() 1 17 .."id li7 .'ill C.7 oil Td.ihi 7U.ua I'll 1.1 Ml lill.UI 1.0 1111 I'll 1 1111 IK) 1111 iiD.ua I'm stonover eas' Li t: llliALl., Proprietor w. LAKRVIBW, OHKUON. We tin ve conslantly on liuiul a F'nm and Coniplnte Stuck of Irti(,'H, t;iii'ini(;iilH, rerfuinericH, Toilet Artiolwi, Fancy NotioiiH, (,'i(:arH, Etc., Etc. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded t. Norm. in M'illuiius wi at The lall"s .Inly -'I. Ii- ban; 111 lie III il - 1. v la l".'li;i- i'.'-i-i 11 i ;iy f. "ii ll,.i-il III. Hi !,i. slll.iiljn i. .,i p.ip r . I -1 1 -' 1 t!!.;' 1 , '.! 111 i-y i-ii iroiii l.;i i nipir.eii lie' a'HiVi L4'jitable Strife i i.i". Ni:V YOltK. .in:." i'a. 1 1 III. I I'l-t lll II I .III ' .-I- il Nevada on point: trip with ten dav. in hi Ii lo rea. Ii ile-tiiiation . Slupuveis are allo'Aed a' all .ninl on letuin tup )inviil'il pa'iMit:er reaches oritii ual inn ioinl 'Aili'in nini'tv ila - I'i'oiii dale ticket j- (nir. !riei. I'. ir fu r ! Kit iiii.n 111a: ion : 1 1 1 " ' In A. II. li.SIM,, ctiie: I'. I'. A. 1' A , S,,. l'.e-. f ., :..:,n l:.-i,,.. N.-v in, 1 . 1 Ali.r. ; .1 i-y -1 , I m il on. 1 1 I e.i Mi'i io:i by di.-.-i iiima tiu; tin- former and keepiny; the latter to iinelf. I el -il 1 1 1 i I-. I ' . I I I 11.' t lie IP I of I in -, in 1 1 . 1 11 1 .1 nil- A Soe!!'. . Hi.- elee 1 ii in ma I' 1 1 1 d must important . I e in si M-iet y . tender of nay dir. a liee t !.e lir tie- reorganization of tl and was followed by the 1.. I l n a - 1 l.-e I- !i" 1 a 111. it I11O111 ...11 ....III, - ; , I Ki ll lir.iol '. lit oi.l.ie Ii . I. nl 'J I '. e 1 1 t i. in-.k-' eia 1 in . ai.d tole k.'il- .1 i;. at II. A. v l.owell of IVndlelou is ill line for appointment to tlie district judgeship in Oregon. Assistant Attorney (Jeneral Kobb, who was sent to Oregon to investigate caudi ilutes for appoiiiuieut to this posi tion, is said lo favor l.uacll. Judii; Webster is known lo have been fuvorbly spoken of by Senator Fulton for liistrict .ludc fur Oregon, .liaise Webster also uiiide a ood iiiipreMsiou on assisteiit Attorney (ieneral Itobli. Authoritative Htateuieiitri are mailt that the wenterii l'acilic ICuilroad j Co,, will be running trains from San Francisco to Salt huke City over lis jiew road in two years. 1 the lei-ina t ion of l'reiiieit W. AleMllder, 'ie...'esid'llt M. Hyde, Second 'h-e-l'resident(ian i:. Tarbell, Third (Jeore T. Wilson and Fourth Vice President William II. Mclntyre. 'I'he new chairman, to ipintu Sen ator Ilepew, did not consent to take office until he had received positive assurances that he ouhl have a "free hand as to measures and men." Mr. Ilyile '(Ii vested" himself of i the majority control, but as made! clear in hi letter tl. the hoard, re- j tains a substantial Interest in the I society. ( lienoniuu. ' ikevi ' , ( )n lion, lulv I., IVo." v;. : Kol.erl MeKee, . liuirv No i..r the Ni:1, Ni:' s.c. 1 1. ir;a N II '.,, SKI,' N II ',, ,-ee. i:;. T. .;') S., K. -U I:., W. M. lie immeH the .,llownit! witnesses lo prove his i-iiiilliiuiiil le-iilenee 11; oil and cultiva In lues 1 I ii hi it said land, viz: .1. 1. Imke, 1 Illinois bernanl Milirath, Arilinr I'loreiiCt and (iconic II. McUrath, all of Viee-l'reshlel.t I.akeview, Oreuon, ..1 11 aiHon, lU'ciHler. .lamei Bom thd A InB Kind You Have Always Bought B'gnitaro ef ylhe Rind Vi We Wish to Announce to the TRAVELER That he can be as well accommodated i at tlie 'lA'a.MOTU UVI:.Y 5TAIJLK5 in 1 Lakeview as lie can ai any liable in tlie State, it h'. our intention to always Iiave on iiand a :ootl supply of the best Iiay and jrain to be bought in the market. We also keep a force of experienced hostlers and careful drivers, who will always be ready to wait on our customers. HERYFORD & FULLER ileney has discovered that even greater land frauds have been per petrated California and Washington than in Oregon. j;iy;elow, the defaulting banker is sentenced to 10 years in the pen. J f i --. ! f i . 1 1 . a tiim i i .'ii 1 muled to over I .' i' it). Hyrtle Creek Hotel Holocaust. A l)readful holocaiiHt occureil early this morniiiu, at Myrtle Creek. miles north of Ashland, in )oteas county when the Pemeut Hotel burn ed lo the cTouii'l, anil Miss llattle Oemeiit, daughter of the proprietor, (ieo. Ilement, lost her life, supposed ly suffocated while asleep in her room in the second story. Several other persons wrre injured, iucluiiitiK two laborers w Imi wire badly biini'iK Ashlaml X.di y, -. GGGOOQOOaoaQaOOaooOQttOQOi. CHXHOOOOOOCKCKXOOOOOOCri3 "STRONGEST IN THE WORLD" The Equitable life Assurance . - E ..Sociciv cf lew York.. 0NH HUNDRED POLICY HOLDERS IN LAKE COUNTY ASSETS $381,000,000 f i , cmiTH, SURPLUS $73,000000 Special Agent V? 11 .CicthfVoiii your druggit Li'Li ..iJ.i - a Vi- UliNfiu. -t.V- . children's friend Jaync's T"oni c Vermifuge Drives out blood impurities. Makes strong nerves and muscles. Laves tone, vitality and snap. g&MH 1 1 I P k 1 W.VO