Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 15, 1905, Image 1

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mOttnm m
NO. 24.
What Lane's Election
Means to Ore
gon Politics
Kt'pulillcHii factionalism mid the
iiiiHiiulnrii.v of Chief Hunt are the
oaiiHt'H most rreijnently given for
Mayor Williams' defeat. To these
illmiHtroiiH liillucnccs are added the
ullt'fP'il contract scandals, resulting
in Indignation of the people on the
uiif liiuid, and In wrath of contract
urn mi the other; alHo the "fining
The elect Ion ret uniH Indicate that
llr. Lime received .'1500 Jiepu lil lean
vnti'H mill -4 M II Iiemocrntic. Whence
came the Republican votes?
The Simon faction ol the Itepuhli
cait party gave a big boost to the
iMiHiiTiitic cmnliilutc, and Iienio
rralx gleefully ailmlt It. Joseph
Simon, 1 1 i 1 1 1 mi 1 f , while not openly
playing the game of the 1 einocrnts,
li'iit liiw liilliicnee to the democratic
raiiM1. It was an oien Mec ret that
Mr. Simon iliil not with Iohcc Mayor
WllliuiiiN re-elected, and he did not
ri'lniiii from vliitf expression to
that M'lit iaiciit. Others of his cnnip
ii'iily espoused the I, a ne cause,
miiiii' nf Hi. 'in actively and some
piiMivel.v. Martin I,, ripen, a Simon
uillii'ivnt, hhowed his delight on the
sight lif ;li, I .a la- ictol.v at I he
IkMiicMTnt ic heail(iiartei-K. As an-
"tli'Teviile of the Simon willlug-
iii'iw to nee Williams defeated Im cited
I lit- n'fiiHul of George II. J I ill to
"rvi'UNmvretary of the Kepubllcnn
the darkness which Iimm been hang
Ins; over their party the last decade
In Oregon Ih to lie dispelled, and
that the Halt of the earth Is now to
come Into poHMCHxlon of Its own.
Their next endeavor will be to win
more scats in the legislature.
First Wifebeater te be
Victim of New
Oregon Law
Odd Fellows Meet.
The Grand Lodge of odd Fellows,
Encampment and Keliekah decree,
was held nt rortland, beginning
lane (ith.
There were lietween :iuu and 400
members of Encampments through-
: out t he Htate prcHcnt. (irund officera
were elected to the Encampment as
folio wh:
Claude Gntch, grand chief patri
arch, Salem; W. .). Vawter, grand
high priest, Bedford; 11. M. Iieck
wlth, grand senior warden, 1'ort
land: E. E. Sharon, grand scribe,
rortland; V. V. Francis, grand
treasurer, rortland; E. J. Seely, Interesting.
grand Junior warden, All.uuy; The story, which Is a true one, and
Here Ih the story of the first man
in Oregon to he led to the whipping
post for whipping his wife, and re
ceive the punishment prescribed by
the last legislature, told by an eye
witness. The witness added some
particulars about the character of
the man and the row with his wife,
the trial, etc., which we eliminate,
but the story of the first whipping,
which occurred In I'ortland. is real
Seattle Buyer Raises
Price to Three
Hack welts an big as a gas pipe, but
lie didn't whine during the opera
tion. He writhed and shrank under
the blows, but somehow he kept
himself from uttering a sound.
After the Sheriff had counted 17 It
seemed a safe let that McGlnty
would scream before 20 was reached,
but he surprised us all, and when the
last stroke of the whip fairly lifted
him off his feet he simply set his
teeth and hung limply by his hands.
They unstrapped his arms from
the grating and led him away where
he might get Into his clothes. He
was weak and trembling and could
hardly stand.
He got off easy. I enjoyed the
spectacle when I thought of the
frail little woman whom he had J. N. Watson has bought about
struck w ith his tists, and was only 0,000 head for McCulley of Keno.
sorry the penalty was not doubled.
About 10.000 head of mutton sheep
were bought here since our last Issue,
by the several buyers that are here.
The Frenchmen bought 2,500 head
from Edler. yearling ewes and
M l 1 . ..!... I
.... ..,,,, fc,,n, .cpieseiname, : mentions names, is taken from the i thin. -
i - in...,, . i
i j.ugeiie. i.. ii. uazam, grana inarsn- j oregonlan. Here it is:
jiil, Co.iuille; I!. Kobertson, grand; ! tllL. ,lmill c.ulTi,iur 0f
sent in
' grand outside sentim
He should have been made to scream
and plead for mercy, as she had
The whipping-post law is a good
Jt is a return to earlier and
better days, fur with all of the
Hie i maudlin sentimentalit v with which
Koseburg; W. O, ( iregg, ;(,,, v ,Iflii vesterdav afternoon. L.. i,.
Canyon fity. ; chn.-ic.K .Mviiit.v, convicted of wife-' i1!lV(. llut improved upon the Mosaic1
YV. .M. Green, retiring (irand Chief i beating, was given 20 lashes on the ' dispensation.
1'at riarch, in his report, recommend-1 bare back with a "hlncksnnke" w hip. , McGint v was whipped iu the close j ' tMe I''n,laisti
Hendricks bought 2500 head from
Kingrey Uros.
L. (Jerber bought 000 from Henry
, Leehman.
Dalton bought 1400 head from
Mrs. Heed of 1'ine (.'reek, 500 head
from Dick Uuinlin, 1200 head from
Geo. Hankius and 600 head from Pat
IC. C. West bought 2500 betid from
tlie salary
el that
Hcribe b
num, on account ol
business and work, lie also recoin-j made and provided for the punish
mended that the constitution of t he uieut of men who beat tneir wives,
subordinate I jicanipmeiitsbeaiiiend-, McUinty was weak as a cat when it
ed so that they may have two terms ! was over and the lesson will prob
a year, if thf.v desire, the object be- ' "lily be sullicient to last him for
lug to permit a greater number be-1 "while. It is a somewhat (piestiou
coiniug past patriarchs. 'able honor to be the tirst to suffer
Grand scribe I). E. Sharon submit. ; fn"" t1"' -I'ation r tne whipping
ted his annual report, la it the gen-! I"wt 1,,w f"tcl by the last Ix'gis-
eral prosperity of the Encampment
is set forth. The Grand Secretary
reeoui mended that the per-capita
lax lie reduced from 40 to 25 cents.
f the grand : The Sheriff was present and snperin- h,,..s of m-i.... Th,. ...-... ..,,..
Increaseil to .5oil per an-; tended t he execution of the extreme ' should ha ve occurred on the J'laza,
the increase in penalty of the recently-enacted law , where the example might have
meat more to other wlfebeuters.
That is too much to hope for, but
as it is at present executed, it is an
improvement over a jail sentence. j
When it was over and McGlnty
had gotten a shirt on his lacerated
back, he slunk out of sight, a thing J
unhuiiicd. !
The latter sale was made Tuesday,
and caused a storm in the market.
Mr. West raised the price of sheep
from if 2. to $2. 50 for yearlings and
from .2.50 to $3 for 2-year-olds.
The best paid for any bunch before
was -2 and $2.50 Mr. West Is buy
ing for t lie Seattle Market, nnd It is
saiil that he can pay more than
those buying for the California
Market. Last year Mr. West went
'il.v Central Committee during the The Subordinate J..odge elected the
eJeclii jii ciiuipiiign. following ollieers:
Tiu . W. II. llotisoti. grand master,
ciiHoii of t he Simon hostility
to Wllliuiiii was a desire Incomplete
Slav I on; W. A. Carter, deputy grand
the ruin .f the Matthews-Carer inn- ulllHt,,r- juM
laturennd McGinty will not boast of
it. J u nil probability he will also re
frain from the gentle amusement of
blacking his wife's eyes iu the future.
The Sheriff and another niun
brought him out into the corridor.
He was handcuffed and his arms
were dra wu above his head until he
He faced one of
i kjt . W .ll 1111. ,11 -I ill ..I
Hill: Kichard Scott, " "l"
I flu, win.. I i-fl.ri.iu lllllt twill llttll. r.llllll
n, ci, ., ,i . i .1 'grand warden, Milwaukie: E. 1'.. j
J he Simon fact ion took the . . to 1 hrash himself Hliont
rieu- ii,,,. m... ii-mt . i- Sharon, grand secretary, I ortland; .
that Mayor Williams' Execu- ' I Then Sheriff Word handed a heavy
liv.. ii, ... i . ., , , , , ). A. lionne, grand treasurer, 1 he :
' bnnid contained members of " "blacksnuke" whin, a fine thimr
Italics; J. A. Mi'ls, grand representa
, ,,. , , .. with which to skin mules and wife-
live, Salem, ami locnaru neon,
Hully for the! We lnto the Sacramento Valley and
need more of it, and few flowers and I l,ouht :W'(K, 1,wul f 11 fiTt'ftt
brass bauds for murderers.
Not that 1 would Interfere with
the ancient and honorable custom of
wifebeating if practiced privately
and iu moderation. At the same
time I enjoyed seeing McGinty get
Eater McGinty left I'ortland for
parts unknown, without blddin
anyone good-by.
many of which had been taken from
here and shipped them back up to
H'. Miittuew s-Carey en nip. such lis
Wllillicy E. lloiNe I! I. ClUnn SI..-
Elands. I! Col,),. .....i tlin.t the ""''" "f
Wu.v to smash the machine for.
vwtt-iiH ,, Mimrr i i. ..(Grand Secretary E
..tin win, vi iv nun unit;
r,'li'st.itativ..s on the Hoard. In
,bllt iiy they ligured that an
mi(. Would be opened for them
Mvt'N td i.Iji.v Jltpubliean polities
H'l" nitist mysterious phenomena
' tlie flection was the small number
""hMil.licaiis who voted. Had Ke
I'"WImuih gone to the polls as they
er expected to do, WlllianiH would
Urn elected; this Is conceded
,Jr ''''iimcrats. Mayor Williams
rlUH this Itepubliean apathy as
puuhu of his defeat. ' Chairman
ulell. of the Kepublienn city com
l'"Uw. culled on Mis Honor yester
111 H'f City li.ui.
"IV .ii ..
U wind he, entering
u,'or' room, "we've met
"VaiMl we're theirs. "
"W'Wh that 5000 plurality you
Mr. Mills is the retiring grand master,
E. Sharon was
reelected to his 12th term.
The appointees of the grand mas
ternre: I1. A. limit., grand marsh
al, linker City; G. H. Kichcs, grand
conductor, Silverton; A. A. JAdtoy,
grand chaplain, I'ortland; G. W.
Welch, grand guardian, Clatskauie;
C. V. Moore, grand herald. Grass
Valley; Jtlchard Scott was chosen to
succeed himself as trustee of t he Odd
fellows' lloiut
i beaters, to Jailer Grafton, who step
! ped up to the frightened bully.
! Then Grafton did a weak tiling.
' He apologized to McGinty for laying
i on the guoiit.
.1 All. I) If MAKKS AI'OI.OOV.
j "This is going to hurt me almost
as much as it will you, Mc" sai j he,
! and "Mc" managed to whimper, "I
guess it will."
"1 can't understand why the jailor
said that. His was something of a
privilege and he should have a fuller
appreciation of it. To do him jus-
The Vote for Qcddess of Liberty.
As the time for the election of God
dess of Liberty draws nearer tho
contest becomes more spirited and
more enthusiasm is shown. The
people of Lake county realize the
honor that is to be bestowed upon
Fire Bell Rings. V 1,10 IUOHt popular young lany on
Monday evening a little after KixUhe4thof July and each one is work-
o'clock, the citizens of our city wereM"1" l,,lvo the one they think will
stampeded by tin sound of the fire ; 'r,u'tf tlle d,li'' " tlm occasion,
o . however, we will admit that no
At the Assembly of I Jm.ut mu llkwi to lutlict pain upon
following otlicers were elected. H LuuiUU u-lug. To my notion,
Mrs. Ella, presmem, no.
, i I,....'.
Clementine J'.ullock. ice-iicsm. ui,
Mrs. Emma. Galloway, grand ward-,
en; Mrs. Ora Casper, secretary, andj
Mrs. Ida. Hardnian, treasurer. -
asked the Mayor,
'"'His didn't get out to
W"H I llr resnonse
(i eM,(tl,,lt'" true. It's the fort u nes
mill the Mayor took It like
,, ''n'0L'''uU "ere celebrating all
A "" light, has begun to
fur it
",r them and they say that
i however, the cuse of Mdiinty was
I different, and 1 enjoyed seeing him
whipped iu the good old-fashioned
way thut they have In Delaware.
Jailer Grafton's first few swings of
the whip lacked vigor and those ol
us who watched feared uu attack
of "cold feet." After Sheriff Word
had counted live ho put energy into
Wool Sales at Shaniko.
The wool sales at Sluuiiko a few
dnysgo were the heaviest ever
1...1.IH nnd the nrlces tlie best in
5 vears. Some of the heaviest lots the work and before ho was through
James Small, James loiuc,
! ho was wielding tho "blacksuake"
Hamilton, Mcintosh & Sons, j lustily
who'recclvedfron,21; to 22 cents.' McGinty took his medicine sue
JJe was a coward
. ..... . nL I . I . 1 r m.-i.M
i,....i. I...1 wo sales days 2,U.'..,uuu prw.uK.jr .....
pounds of wool was sold, mostly to when ho walked Into the corridor
,., ,,., itis believed there! with his back bared for tho whip
t 500 000 pounds unsold in thut and was still a coward when ho was Considerable damage was done, but
i ' liberated with his back checked with I the bu'ldlng was saved,
country. 1 '
bell. The sound was familiar, al
though the old bell had been silent
for over a year.
Men, women and children rushed
to the streets to see where the lire
was. The hoso compauy ran to
ward the city hall, and instinct led
all others in that direction until it
was made known thut the residence
of Fred Spaugeuburg was on fire.
Mr. Sjiangenburg lives in tlie lower
part of town, and out of reach ofiNe
the city water works, so the hose
cart was abandoned and all hands
ran with buckets to the burning
In a few minutes a sullicient num
ber was on the scene with buckets
and tlie pump at the house was put
in play, und in less than ten minutes
tho blaze was safely under control.
A dense smoke rose above the
building aud it looked like the struc
ture was doomed. Heroic effort,
however, saved the house. Nearly
all tho household effects were carried
to the street, aud well it was, for it
would have beeu ruined by the de
luge of water used to extinguish the
The nre started from the stove
pipe between the celling and the roof.
Mr. Spangeuburg had recently
finished the upper story of his house.
elected. This certainly shows tho
proper spirit.
The vote for Goddess of Liberty
this week stands as follows:
Mabel Laird 405
Faunio Tounhigson 211
Maude Fine ID
Josie Harvey 8
Lulu Garrett 0
Elsie Thruston 0
Lottie Ahlstrom 13
Ethel McKee 11
Lydla Stanley
Mae Snider
Alice McGrath
Millie Vernon
Edna l'cnland
Gertie Schlugel
Lura Cloud.....
Ottle Field
Delila I! urns
liiu: ws
Ida Howard
Lora Small 7
Katie Messuer
Voting contest will close at
oclock June 25th.
It must be remembered that tho
wlnuer of this contest w 111 receive a
handsome diamond brooch, present
ed by Ahlstrom ISros.
it :
it i