Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 08, 1905, Image 8

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    I ,1 I
been made
low and will
prices are
Particular people are most exacting about
their hats. They make
our line. The New
reasonably priced here.
National Good Roads Association '
Tin' F.xumiiit'r is in receipt of the
otliicial call for tlie Fifth Amniiil ,
National Good Koads Convent ion.
to tie held In 1'ortlanil on .lime L'lst
toi'lili. iroin the secretary, l:. W.
Kichardson of Portland.
.Mr. Kichardson states that niueli
of the present sentineiit in favor of
tin' iiei'inanetit improvement of -the
public roads is due to the substan
tial support liiven the movement by
the press of the country, and he tiroes
a continuance of the support that j
has brought about the present sue-1
cess. j
The time is most attractive for a
visit to Portland, beiny at a time'
when the Lewis ami Clark fair is an ,
attraction itself, mid any one wish-1
ilm to visit the lair would do w ell to '
Absolutely NonPoisonous.
The name Laidiaw's has lon been synonym
ous will; sure Citiv. Their customers who have
jnit these dips to practical trials, say that you can
always be sure ol'tlie following:
They are certain in their effects in curing scab.
Their effects arc durable..
They do not stain the wool.
They can be used with all safety.
They are cheaper than other remedies.
They help the growth of the wool.
A clip cheaper than lime and sulphur, and
''Uperi;r in every wa v.
'No injury possible to the sheep by poisoning,
or to the woo! by burning or staining.
Specially prepared with the correct proportion
of sulphur in it, for the convenience of sheepmen to
whom the procuring; and handling ofsulphurisboth
jrcat expense and labor.
All mixed and ready for the bath.
One 50-11). bu is sufficient to dip 1,000 sheep
in short wool, price $8.
For Sale By
Comfortable, stylish suits for
boys of .'ill aires well tailored of
the best and most substantial
fabrics, serviceable lined, and have
with preat care. The
stand the most critical
the best customers for
Spring Styles arc very
make it a point to visit the fair lur-
ins the session of the (iood Koads i
convention. F.ach county is entitled !
to several delegates, and if tliere is
any person wlio wishes to goat that
time could make his visit of impor- .
tanee to the county as well an toj
himself bv jroiim' as a delegate to the '
- I
Good Koads convention. We would
be ulad to recommend any of our read
ers to County Jude Duly for ap
pointment as a delegate.
The National advisory Committee
of ( re(;on consists of I )r. It. Duly of
Lakeview, Senator John H. Micliell,
.John H. Scott of Salem, G. A. Hart-
miin of l'endletou and J. . I'.ooth
of Grunts 1'ass.
Bean the hie Kind You Have Always BoujM
So many of the defects in shoes,
such as breaking down of box
toes and heel counters, ripping
of stitching, etc., which prove n
constant source of annoyance, as
well as a detriment to the shoe,
result from lack of projer atten
tion to the details of construction.
is made with the most careful scru
tiny. Its uniform excellence of con
struction assures you of its perfection.
All styles to order made of
till kinds of leather, in any
size desired.
Lakeview And Vicinity
Dr. Stciner was called to Warner
Several mutton buyers are in
.lolm I.ofl'uis was over from War
ner last week.
W, V.. Scammoii was over from
Warner last week.
Lottie Ahlstrom has been iliite
sick for the past week.
(,'. C. Lofftus and wife were in town
last week from Crane Lake.
Jeff I'arrisli and .1. T. l'look came
over from Warner last week.
Knymoud Italian! was in town
.Monday to make linal proof on his
let your mowers ami hay rakes at
Lakeview .Mercantile Co, aent for
the Met orniiek.
Adam .Maripiurt of I'lush was in
town Monday and made tt mil proof
on his homestead.
J. I'.. Sackville, of SisHon, Calif.,
traveling for a medicine linn, was in
Lakeview last week.
.Mrs. ')'. J. Maiiton went to Klam
ath last week to visit her daughter,
Dr. Alice .Muifllton.
I), f. Cleland has the thunkM of
Tlie Kxnininer family for a mess of
line Honey creek lish.
Lest line of Knstern shoes ever in
Lake county just arrived at (Jeo.
Conn's store at 1'aisley.
Geo. I). Harrow of the Motel I nke
vievv went to I'orlland last week to
take in the Lewis and Chirk fair.
The report of the condition of the
First National liank of Lakeview
appears in this issue of The l'.xain
iner. W. K. .McCormnck and .Mm .Mc
Donald were down from the .McCor
mnck sheep camp in Lillle Chewail
cau, last week.
The 1 1 1 1 1 1 pusher of this sheet had
the fun of moving last week, from
the Ahlstrom residence to the lioyd
residence on Water street.
Dr. Daly went out to the Loveless
ranch .Monday to examine a couple
of applicants for !ifc Insurance pol
icies in the .Mutual Life Insurance
Co. of New York.
The Hheepshearers who played u
' practice name of ball with the I al.e.
c i'-uui a weeK n;;o last . ill lit lay , I
J say the name was llayrantly mimep
n denied by the 1 lei aid lahL week.
1 4)1111
Mort' ruin, more grass.
New Jewelry at Ahlstrom Itros.
ramlly liquors at I'ost & KIiik'h. If
Itljt crops this year; plenty of ruin.
Dorothy llielier Is visiting at the
McKee ranch.
LuniHii I'oskett was over from
Warner last week.
las. Turpln spent the fore part of
the week In town.
All kinds of new goods this wii'i
at Ahlstrom Itros.
Men's Khaki Suits $1.7.1 at Lake
view Mercantile Co.
It rallied like thunder Tuesday
afternoon, but no thunder.
here was a hall (of a) storm
down the valley Tuesday.
The new assessment of the A. ).
V. W. noes Into effect thlH mouth.
For Sai.k. ut a bargain, a llrst-class
sewing machine. It, F.
( rder your suit now or you will
he late for the 4th. Ahlstrom ISros.
Men's and Hoys Crash ami Straw
Mats all kinds at Lakeview Mercan
tile Co.
if you want a bracer, gel some
thing that Is a bracer. At I'ost &
Kind's. tf
I'ost & Kin; have the best grade
of liquors and cigars to he found In
Oregon, tf
Don't send away for a watch when
you can save money by purchasing
from us. Ahlstrom Itros.
Dr. Cowan, the optician spent the
fore part of the week iu Lakeview
and started today (or Shasta county.
Me expects to return here this fall.
While playing with some other
boys last Saturday, Carl Touidng-
seu was hit on the head wilhastoae,
which cut an uxly unsh on the back
of his head.
Ahlstrom I'.ros. have announced
that they will present the winner In
the contest for Goddess of Llbcrtjy,
with a handsome diamond brooch
valued at $1.1.
Karl, son of Win. Dalrymple, who
lives at L. A. Carricker's, met with a
painful accident one day last week.
A horse fell with him and his collar
bone was broken.
ieo. Storkinan returned from Sis-
son, Calif., Sunday morning. Iledid
not make the rounds he intended to,
on account of the smallpox south of
here. Me returned from I lie west.
On account of I he smallpox mwiic
down the valley it was thought
best to allow the Development
League meeting night, last Saturday
to pass over iu order to avoid a
public gathering.
The 1'rst National Hand of Lake
view was awarded the S0im bonds
for the Cedarville MUth school builil
liiK. The linuk's bid was is.l'i).
Tlie bonds are payable in ihm an
nual jiayments at l per
A. Storkinan, i he eiar man, in
formed ii t,iH week that his wile
Kreoj.cfl into it hulu iu Ull. h;il.Wjlj
near their residence on .Main street
one evening last week, and came
very near hreakln her lee,-. (. Hllyti
the sidewalk Is in very bad shape
down that way, and hinted that
somebody would break a limb and
the tow n would ha ve the expense to
Win. Harvey and family will stal l
for Ireland next Monday to npend
the summer around tin. .,f
.Mr. Harvey's boyhood (lays. They
will stop at San 1'rancUco about a
week before crossing ie continent
to New York, where they will sail,
after a few days rest, for Ireland.
.Mr. Harvey Intends t,. visit the rel
atives of the late John McLlhinney,
while In the old country, besides nil
the important places on the a,ild
Wo will
hv'cr yuu a load, id ,,
leimth, at any ii, J.aluivii.w, ui.y
day you want it. Uuum: .m, , Kl;y
Ilelow wo bIvo b report of the wather
hm recorded by the Coveriiinent Wmit,et
bureau BtHtion at Thn Kxumiimr 0l$
TIiIh report in changed Kach wiok, and if
our rimdem iviiih to keep yonrly record
of weather conditions for future refer,
mice, cut out the report along the black
lino and paHte it in ar.rap book odi
week after another. This reord will b,
taken on Tneada" to end each week nd
begin on Wednesday for the next week
Government Weather Bureau 8t.
lion at Lakeview, Oregon,
C. 0. Mktzkkr, (Cooperative 0biierr.
Wtfk ending Tm'Hday, May St, loos
ljr masjmlii, prnrlp nn'w ctirtM
1 11 ion (all d,y
wed. 7 Ji j 0.tai 00 pi. ci'J"
tliur, 70 j" :12 i"Q.iH) jMM '' '
frhl 'y lis j :i.'l I 0.00 I IK)
Mat'.v M j :ij 0.IK no j "
Him." ' iii :m "j 0..1.1 " (H) j i-ToTi7fy
inoii.l f" I j t m " "
tues. ii.i :w n.i'.i nu I
Report of the Condition of
No. 7,a44.
The First National Hank of Luke
view at Lakeview In the State o!
Oregon, at theclone of business, Mny
l!!)t.h, 1110.1.
im:moi ki'i:s
Loans and Discounts f T.'t.Sll 14
Overdrafts, secured and
unsecured .117 31)
1'. S. Itouds to Hecure cir
culation IL',.100 )
I'remlums on I'. S. Itouds 040 G?
Itouds, securities, etc 1111 In
ItuiikliiK house, furniture
and fixtures 1 J,.lM lu
Due from approved re
serve agents IM.Wi 31
Checks and other cash
Items 1,771 ."I
Notes of other Na'tioiial
Itaiiks I, "ill 1X1
I ruci hum! papcrcurrciiry
nickels, ami cents. (17 fxi
Law im i. Mo.vpv T.i:si:im i:
is I'.ANik.Ai.:
Spej;H' fS,.10.1 7.1
J-eual temh-r notes 1J0 III) S.l.lM 7.1
Kedemptioii fund with 1'.
S. Treasurer 1.1 per cent
of circulation ) Oil 00
Due from I'.S. Treasurer
other than .1 per cent
redemption fund tint) on
Total $1 17,777 31
Capital stock paid in .III.IHX) Hi
Surplus fund
l udivided prolits, less ex
pellees and taxes paid...
National Hank notes ot,
)siaiidiiiK- -.-rrrrrT
Pue to other National
:;ii N)
7'.i,!).Vi 3.1
j,:itni 4:'
Individual deposits sub
ject to idieek
Demand certilicates of de
posits. ...
Cashier's checks outstand
ing Total 1 17,777 3i
Stati: oi ( )i:i:oo.
. ss.
Coi vrv or Lam:
I, S. O, Cressler, Caslder of tlie
above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement Is
true to the best of my know lcilj,'''
and belief.
S. (., Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before im'
this , day of June, 11)0.1.
J. M. llATciii:i,iii:i(, Notary l'lihlli'.
for Oregon. Si:ai
CouitccT Attest:
W. II. Shuck )
Hi' K J. Wll.eox Directors.
J. M. Mol l IIKIss)
!ti run m Fob H
ro toil m
L'7 71
1 " inn ml
k for