Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 08, 1905, Image 4

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    $atf (bounty aca ninct
PuMuhut Evrv Thurtilny
,Muinu Hulldinn
S500 00 IN l'UKM;.
I At Lakcvicw, i'cl"i. cnmmei.eiiii:
! July LM-
There he fVM iirM8 to be li
iviclf.las follows: First money filX,
'i Second money 15H. Ihtrd money ftl.
I One Year, 20(!l.. ,
TEkMS: ' Six Months... 1 .00 r ree for all.
(Three Months, 50 j,kt,view l iiiariuitecH n bona title
resident ti'Hin.
Given under the Mtinpit- of the
Mo.intiii.i Athletic Club.
FnKrnt bi Hit' l'..t Offlc-Ht 1 Hkovn-w. Ore.
n Nvoinl-t'lnw MmliT.
A Far-sighted Editor.
In the t'edarvlllo Kecord last wk
was it write-up the smallpox sit in all tin- suiroiindiit;; towns,
n close to l.onu' us its editor is in
II. .Maiir'ii' I
l.eelleall Ihrectors.
.1. S. I.ane
The F.xniiiiner tiroes the people of
Lake county to not up u pititlon
ti... In. i, it f l.iiikinir for such tl'.ii.s. i ...... vinir i,,r the release of 1-akeV
I'.ro. Stanley seems to think the j Ht(iek ramie from reservation,
l.akeview papers are responsible fori - -
the spread of the .li-a-e at I'inej The howl that has been troll. up
(.'reek' and Mo.loc towns. Hut he j that the ranKe Is overstocked Is apt
savs one Ihin he docs not think, j to quiet down Into a peaceful smile
If these warm rams Keep up.
He says "it is presumed that it was
conveyed in some maimer from
Lnkeview." Now he knows this is
not so if he knows anything. The
health otlieer of Modoc county has
said that the disease was br -uifiht
to Alturas. ( edarville and Adin by a . ,.,..,,,,,, eof Surprise
drummer, who also stopped at I'ine . VaUi,v.K ,,ii;,,.s, ,.lt,. .,, lf ...nerves
Creek, rortuuately. however, ;,,;,.,,,,,. llmI1.
tlul lint leaven single case in i.iikc
v ie w .
Ami still the (edarville Itecord
man's oiane-bo point" hinders his
vision of conditions in his own "bal-iwick."
lf the Kiissiaa ll'-et had been a
That is tylish and New.
Now is the time to select your Summer clothing,
while our stock is complete.
You want a Summer hat we have them in straw and
Full stock of Ladies' and Childrens' Summer under
Inspect otr new line of neckwear before buying
Pioneer Store
Russians f . u -1 1 1 a runnini:
N.iil.inn now about that.
Kllssiu seems to he
in the corner."
piny inn "I'liss
It was not a tisniii", Ih-et this time
Mr. ' i.ntry. who came iron. Mis- jt te swifter it niinht el bo oa to
smiri. ami came ttiroiinh lieno. was ' .
taken sick at Mr. Keynol is' home j Tin
and did nut leave the house, so that i b.ittl"
the onlv cas'-s tnat have been in
l.akeview have been so thoroughly
ilarnntiued that it has been abso
lutely impossible for the disease to
spread l.akeview is not qunnin-
tiii-d. nor has not been, nor has j Harney a Great Place.
there lieen auv occasion for such a! No matter what kind oi'a curiosity
measure, because there was no I any other country rakes up, Harney
chance smallpox to out of j valley will scare up sou.ethiny; to
the house w here it was. match It, or beat it a little. Corvnl-
vv. i lis recently boasted of a four b
. -m. : 1 1
town lo ,,,.' va.iL-.K,
; St. Linn-, M
?rcc;;il Rates to Eastern Points
Via southern I'aedic t ' n.i an y.
Uouiiil iriii I. kots between Keno mid I
iioin'o hereii' mentioned will
suld Miiv -7ih. Ltli and -"ll
l'J'h to ITth, mill :'."th to ."lOth, incliMivr
.lnlv lib. ."uli. til it . lUlh ''."tli and l!l'itl..l.
'.'- w-' '-" 'r' .", '.!- w,r -'o --VTk,-' .?'?A'-.;?v'-V7-'Vft
.1 nee I ?v.-f.
l'.ro. Stai.lev savs the Kecord
posed" soniethhi. Well, maybe
did; bin there is one fact that every
body knows it did not expose.
i. chicken bom near thai town lo one
1 1
ill a well known farmers favorite
! liens. Harney people heard of the
chicken and went out aiuonji their
About the only tij;htiny tlw Kus- ! needless apple tiv-s looking for a
sianshaxe done on sea was when ' chicken nest that had not been root
they either net the Japanese He or ; ed up by the hi;; hos to see if they
were hemmed in some iiay and ; c.ailil not u chick least
couldn't yet out. The Vladivostok ! four leys. Tlie t i mes-lierii Id
Hoot hi men vere.l for several months : was tin- fust to iiuim the discovery
to yet away from I'ort. and the i mid now Hariny has a loiir-leyyed
Ualtie lle.'t mad" a bold d.ish for ; ehicken, but their chick is iiiounted
thai l'ort What Koje-tveaski i mnl on exhibi;. The extra, leys ol
Woliiil have ih II" il' le- hail safely thefleak are iastene.l to the body
reneie d 'i.'iiI:vomio: can oii'.v ii just bai.'k ol the i. a t ui'Ji I pair ami
It'iislii.iioii, 1 . ',
Halt. more, Md.
I'hiuiilel.l:ei. I'll.
New Yuri.', N. Y.
lloslon, .Mass.
New I ) leans, l.n.
Me.niihiH, Tciui.
St l'linl, Minn.
.Min.ieaool.H, Minn.
Cminci! Hluft's, la.
( hnal.a. Neb.
Kansas City, Mo.
St. Joseph, Mil,
I.eiivenwo. th, Kan.
Atchison, Kan.
Tickets are (oill f.
1 1
107 en
117. .".i I
117 50
117 .".o
On. no
mi. no
till on
no on
till tin
stopoVer t'll-il of
HliAI.I., I'r.iprletor
We liuve consluntly on huiul u Fine und Coniplote Stock
of Drugs, Cliemiculri, rerfunutneH, ToileV ArticleH, Fancy
NotiotiH, ('igurs, Ktc, Etc.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded
i'.-PvSAV-Wl'? W? !'.' i7'j!Ni'Niwsoi'Vf..vviiv..iisiiii(.fKr
Ktl-ss " '
11." -t ll ..I
r. ..
v. i!
!. '
a' by what the Vladivostok
while it was t li".e.
i i,i
ie' lo
"isevelt pf.
I star ied 1 a
e lii e-ry 1 ' i ;
v. is .'ind
i 1 the
..ills o,
. i . 1 : i y a le 1
.il-i. liii,
Souvenir er.nil,.
a pieee ,f ilie:
s iliveair 1 1, I lie
' n I e n ii i I .
are a trille shorter in;;iie so. pre
sun.alily. to scratch ui'li, for the y c. lichen ha w l ii sera ich for
theins' lw. and a Utile . inaher.
This r hie ken en in s . l:"n r I eiliu' I W ( i
chl.-l.i-ns ilia: ii ii i"d (. ir w.iiit of
Hid was inoui,t"d Ie 1 lie lei-
Nevada on uoinn inn with ten d.o- in
whi htorea h destination. St. po vein
are allo'Aed at nil point- on leturii dip
provided pas"'e'.-r ' e.iehes or ej l ;ei M hi:
point uillilli imo'ty ila.s Imiii dale
I iekel i' ll o h. i-v- I.
I or In i" her ml ii me.! ion m pply in
a. ll l: sim
etue' M. K. iV I' A , S I'.i". (' ...
S'l MO Kelio, Nev
We Wi5h to Announce to the
W n , hi- 1
in:; to do
..'.e i:oiiiiy peojj.e yo
a in nit retnonsl ra t iny
creation of the forest
i' 1 1 1 i - I . i'ei 11 We Ue-.. to I. 'I,
that t'lmrley .nid.-r of I .;i . evie w
; o v. ie- e soi re I jjohli II, ' years old hist
April, i ii(l taisesa coll e ei y y ear,
either in" Times Herald man or
some one else l:s ei(ultl W onto III
j lid ( olonel's" fat tier.
e,..n. rv
ioii t ;
... l-.. ny
1 1 ul e in - i 1 1 . l I. i-. claim Hint E
liilt - ml po.oi vv ll. lie 1 1. il. le Inline Ueej ..
reserve. A ny t liiny'.' W'e are no .v in
Civil Service Examinations.
a position lo keep slill and have thej Kxaiiituatioiis for the poHitiou of
reserve made permanent, and one-1 t,r,.Ht l:iu,yi:r in the Forest Service,
half the hto'k driven
count v.
i' i ii il l'n.i'
I. .Old I llle e ... l.akeview . ll
MllV l", I '. - .V..r,- I- ll lo
I I, .o 1 le . II'. v. I. . I :i 1 1 d -. t lei
I Mill e ot 111 llltenllon
1 I
no :n.i l.eeeive. I(i ,n, , ( Ireeon,
..i .lldv Ii, I VO.' i VIZ : li il.ei I M Kee,
1 1. 1. Kid i , No ,. n. i:;( n i:;,; r
I ', It ;., . It ' 1 . 1 A It Sec. f
. .l't S ,"U. LO I-.., '.'.'. A. I le en s
till! l.'llDAlhLI V, ! Ii.'. til Iiiiai. Ins I
"I1 1 1, .lell - I e-hlene.. ii I mi nnl till VH-
i 1 1 1 1 1. 1 .-anl ho i v:: ,1 . r i,
'Inoinas I'.e.'inod Nivtii.i'l., Ai'lo.r
I loreliee lllill I ie.,le 1. M-'t i I .It it , a ! 1 (ll
l.aKevie w , t i ejni. .
1'" .1. N. Il'atson, Kiyisier.
out of th -1 liepartmeiit ot Agriculture, under j
lhe Kind Yuu Ha AIahvs Bought
the Civil Servire rules, will lie held ill j
i Kaiieview from Aitytist lllst to Sep-1
leuib' r ill. t his year.
Postmaster Wilcox has been re.
We understand that the people of
Modoc count y who siyiieil a pitition
u year ayo to have a forest reserve I ,,,..,! lV t. Depart toM-eure
created in that county are ready to suitable rooms for holdiuy the ex
siyn anoiher pitition to have t he . ntainal ions, and The lxaiiiiuer has
reserve thrown open. i received noth e from the liepartmeiit
! that such examinations will lie held
and r. itiesiei to call attention of
the fact to our readers.
A f"v weeks ayo The Kxaininer
published the (ilialincat ions for all
throttyh I'rineville this week. Wn tch t;iv Service oIIIcIhIk under the For
out for their dust. estry rules for the benelit of those
- j who iniyhl think of applyiny for
With bly crops of wool, farm pro-j l""'l'""M-
Bean the I"' MHU IUU nal) IWHV?
That he can be as well 'icc()mtrodated
!.ake icw as he can at any sUble in the
Slate, it is our intention to always have
on hand a good supply of the best hay and
"jrain to be bought in the market. We
also keep a force of experienced hostlers
and careful drivers, who will always be
ready to wait on our customers.
The two automobiles that are'
rtiuuiny a race from New York to j
Portland are scheduled to pass
mutton, beef ami horscH at
yood prices, Lake county ouyht to
be t lie I i si county in t he stat
it I--.
The rain maker llatlield
Ill ve urue.l hi a t tell t loll to
mi:.: , of late.
A bad Scare.
I Koine day yon will get a had Hcare,
,11, d ; v loan you leel u pain la your hurt les,
i and fi ar uppendicitii-. Kufutv he-i III
; lr. Kin'H New Life I'ills, u surii cure,
for nil bowel und Hloinac'i iliseii.-es. I
must 1 , , , i . i
, such in lieaduelic. hlliniiHiiexs ; costive-
Lake nc.-n, etc. i.iaianlecd at ...(. I:, .all's
limy mine, only Hoc. Try them. '
STRONGEST IN THE WORLD'' lhe Equitable life Assurance
ONI' HL'NDKI'K policy iioldhrs in lakh county
ASSETS $381,000,000 x y i i SMITH.
SURPLUS $73,000000 . Special Agent
G""-'s strcngTli to men, women and c" ildrcT.& drul.'